Candidate Credibility Score Popup - v2

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Candidate Credibility Score Popup

Candidates shall be able to click on the Credibility Score balloon on their profile page. Clicking on the
balloon shall bring the Candidate Credibility Score popup window. Its title shall be “Credibility Score

The popup shall contain 4 tabs:

1) Overview

2) Verified Skills

3) Your Endorsements

4) Endorsed Skills

Initially only the first tab shall be presented. All other tabs shall be lazy loaded.

The first tab “Overview” shall present the credibility score of the candidate in two formats: qualified and
quantified as well as some system wide credibility statistics.

Before we present that statistics below we will have the following text “Your FYnderFY Professional
Credibility Score (FPCS) is constantly monitored and updated based on your activity on FYnderFY. Similar
to your FICO score, which portrays your financial credibility, your FPCS could be reduced if you advertise
some knowledge/skills that cannot be verified through the open and transparent means offered by

Your FPCS is comprised of three main factors: “Your Verified Skills” <link to the second tab> (which you
earn when you pass exams), “Your Course Endorsements” <link to the third tab> (which you provide
when you endorse courses that you took) and “Your Skills Endorsements” <link to the fourth tab> (which
Recruiters can endorse if you have applied to some job).

You can review your overall score below, or take a look at the individual tabs for some options on how
you can improve your FPCS.

In the first following line we shall present the label “Your Score:” and the numerical value after the label.
User four (4) decimal points for score presentation.

In the second line show the credibility score qualifying balloon as well as the credibility score progress
bar (min, max, average and value).

In the third line show the label “Minimum Score:” and the system wide minimum candidate credibility
score numeric value after the label.

In the fourth line show the label “Average Score:” and the system wide average candidate credibility
score numeric value after the label.

In the fifth line show the label “Maximum Score:” and the system wide maximum candidate credibility
score numeric value after the label.
The text in all labels shall be right aligned.

Bellow the scores put the statistics help used in the system elsewhere. The help content shall be
expanded and visible from the very beginning. This is not accordion and it is not content that becomes
visible on click. It is visible all the time.
Verified Skills Tab

The verified skills tab shall present the negative impact of each advertised skill on candidate’s credibility
score compared with the rest of the advertised skills in the context of system verified skills. It shall
contain table like structure (not HTML table) with three (3) logical columns that will support responsive
wrap for low screen resolutions:

1. Skill Name

2. Percentage bar (the impact)

3. Actions column with “Remove” link and “Find Course” link. The “Remove” link is visible only if the
advertised skill is not system verified too. If the candidate clicks on the Remove link we shall execute
service side Ajax call that will remove advertised skill from the database. The user interface shall be
refreshed after that by removing that particular row. Note that the impact percentage shall not be re-
calculated. If the candidate clicks on the “Find Courses” link it shall be redirected to the Advanced
Search for Courses screen accompanied with search by that skill.

Above the table we shall present the sentence: “Your credibility score may be reduced if your profile
advertises skills, which you have not verified by taking exams that validate your advertised skills. You can
try to improve your credibility by removing skills that are not verified, or take courses that will verify
those skills.”

ALL advertised skills shall be included in the table.

At the top we shall present the advertised skill with the maximum negative impact on the credibility
score and so one.

At the bottom we shall place advertised skills that have minimum negative impact on the candidate
credibility score. The percentage bar shall be RED.

Let’s assume X is the system verified skill value. If particular advertised skill is not system verified skill
than X=0.

Let S1, S2, S3, S4… Sn are n advertised skills. Calculate the sum:

TOTAL=(1-X1)^2+(1-X2)^2+(1-X3)^2+ . . . + (1-Xn)^2

Let Impc_1, Impc_2 ,….. are the calculated negative impacts for each advertised skill. Each impact is
calculated this way:


Each negative impact is number between 0 and 1 and can be represented as percentage bar with red
background color(the same bar used when searching for courses or candidates). Instead of showing the
real value of the negative impact show the relative negative impact value of:


If Impc_max=Impc_min then the value shall be 100%.

Endorsed Skills Tab

The endorsed skills tab shall present the negative impact of each advertised skill on candidate’s
credibility score compared with the rest of the advertised skills in the context of the recruiter skill
endorsements. It shall contain table like structure (not HTML table) with three (3) logical columns:

1. Skill Name

2. Percentage bar (the impact)

3. Actions column with “Remove” link and “Find Course” link. The “Remove” link is always visible
because currently we allow candidates to delete advertised skills that were endorsed by the recruiters. If
the candidate clicks on the Remove link we shall execute service side Ajax call that will remove
advertised skill from the database. The user interface shall be refreshed after that by removing that
particular row. Note that the impact percentage shall not be re-calculated. If the candidate clicks on the
“Find Courses” link it shall be redirected to the Advanced Search for Courses screen accompanied with
search by that skill.

Above the table we shall present the sentence: “Your credibility score may be reduced if your profile
advertises skills, but only some of those skills have been endorsed by recruiters. You can try to improve
your credibility by removing some of them, or you can take courses that will verify those skills.”

NOT ALL advertised skills shall be included in the table. The table shall contain only advertised skills that
are NOT system verified. This is in line with the candidate credibility calculation logic.

At the top we shall present the advertised skill with the maximum negative impact on the credibility
score and so one. At the bottom we shall place advertised skills that have minimum negative impact on
the candidate credibility score. The percentage bar shall be RED.

Let’s assume X is the aggregated recruiter skill endorsement value. If particular advertised skill was not
endorsed by recruiters than X=0.

Let S1, S2, S3, S4… Sn are n advertised skills. Calculate the sum:

TOTAL=(1-X1)^2+(1-X2)^2+(1-X3)^2+ . . . + (1-Xn)^2

Let Impc_1, Impc_2 ,….. are the calculated negative impacts for each advertised skill. Each impact is
calculated this way:


Each negative impact is number between 0 and 1 and can be represented as percentage bar with red
background color (the same bar used when searching for courses or candidates). Instead of showing the
real value of the negative impact show the relative negative impact value of:


If Impc_max=Impc_min then the value shall be 100%.

Your Endorsements Tab

At the top of the tab present the following sentence: “Your credibility score may be reduced when your
skill endorsements for courses, which you have taken and endorsed, differ from the average
endorsements provided by everyone else who has taken and endorsed those same course’s skills.”

Below this sentence show sorted list of accordions. The list shall contain all candidate courses (the same
courses included when calculating the third component of the candidate credibility score, i.e. PUBLIC
and PARTIAL LOCKED candidate courses) where candidate has provided at least one course topic
endorsement. For each course in the list on the server side calculate the Euclidian Distance between
candidate topic endorsements and the system aggregated values for particular course. The formula is
the same one used when calculating candidate credibility score.



In the formula above, CANDIDATE_ENDORSEMENT is 0 or 1, i.e. if the Candidate has endorsed the topic
the value is 1, otherwise the value is 0.

The course list shall be sorted based on the IMPACT in descending order, i.e. the course with maximum
negative impact shall be placed at the top of the list.

The accordion shall contain:

1. The Course Name

2. Red progress bar. The value of the progress bar shall relative value:


When some course is expanded we shall present topic analytics, i.e. per course topic endorsement
details. The accordion content shall be logical table with the following 2 logical columns:

1. Topic Name

2. Topic Impact (red progress bar)

The topics shall be sorted by their negative impact, i.e. the most negative impact shall be on the top and
so one.

Let T1, T2, T3, … Tn are n course topics. The CE1, CE2, CE3,…, CEn are the candidate topic endorsement
values. The SE1, SE2, SE3,…, SEn are the system aggregated topic endorsement values.

TOTAL=(CE1-SE1)^2+(CE2-SE2)^2+(CE3-SE3)^2+ . . . + (CEn-SEn)^2

Let Impc_1, Impc_2 ,….. are the calculated negative impacts for each topic. Each impact is calculated this


The topic impacts shall be presented with red progress bar based on relative values:

Implementation Note: All course and topic information shall be returned in a single JSON structure.

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