Public Speaking Script Final Product

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It’s the year 2023 and schools all over Malaysia have been facing

problems related to discipline in this generation’s students.

Nowadays, kids, teenagers or even adults take discipline for granted.
Mostly because they think being a menacing bad boy trouble maker
is cooler than being a nerdy goody two shoes am I right? What if I
told you that being a goody two shoes, is more important than we
think it is. But before we proceed to explore the wonders of this
topic, we need to ask ourselves, what is discipline?
That is why today, I stand before you to talk about a quality that
has been revered and valued throughout history, discipline.
Discipline is not just a word, it is a virtue that can shape our lives and
lead us to success and fulfilment. It is the cornerstone of personal
and professional growth, and its significance cannot be overstated.
So, without further ado, let us on 3 reasons why discipline is
First and foremost, discipline is the foundation of self-
improvement. It is the ability to set clear goals and work diligently
towards achieving them. Discipline enables us to stay focused and
dedicated, even when faced with challenges and distractions along
the way. It compels us to make sacrifices and persevere through
difficult times, knowing that the rewards will be worth the effort.
Discipline also plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy
lifestyle. Whether it's adhering to a regular exercise routine, eating
nutritious food, or getting enough rest, discipline is the guiding force
that keeps us on track. It helps us resist temptations and make
choices that contribute to our overall well-being. By practicing
discipline in our daily habits, we build a strong foundation for a
healthier and happier life.
Moreover, discipline extends beyond our personal lives and into
the realm of relationships and teamwork. It is the glue that holds
teams together, fostering cooperation and collaboration. When each
member of a team commits to discipline, they bring their best selves
to the table. They show up on time, meet their obligations, and
contribute their skills and expertise to achieve collective goals.
Discipline creates an environment of trust, reliability, and mutual
respect, essential ingredients for successful collaborations.
In conclusion, discipline is the compass that guides us towards
personal and professional success. It empowers us to set meaningful
goals, make wise choices, and persevere through challenges.
Discipline is the driving force behind self-improvement, a key
ingredient in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and the cornerstone of a
strong work ethic. It fosters cooperation and teamwork, while also
promoting adaptability and resilience.
So, let us embrace discipline as a fundamental principle in our
lives. Let us strive to cultivate this virtue within ourselves and inspire
others to do the same. Remember, discipline is not a destination but
a lifelong journey. As we embark on this journey, let us stay
committed, stay focused, and stay disciplined.

Thank you for your time

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