Macas Detailed LessonPLAN Long Bondpaper

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Arellano University April 1 2024

A Detailed Lesson Plan in PE

John Henry P. Macas

At the of the lesson, students should be able • Value the importance of motivation in sports
• Explain the differences between intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation

• Demonstrate an understanding of how motivation

affects athletes while participating in sports

A. Topic Motivation in Sports
B. Learning Resources Sports Performance Bulletin - Coping with emotions -
Motivation in Sports Psychology
C. Materials Laptop, LCD Projector; PowerPoint Presentation

Teacher Activity Students Activity
A. Preliminary Activities

Good morning everyone! Goodmorning Sir!

Opening Prayer
Please all stand and let us pray.
Can someone volunteer in the class to lead (A student volunteered to lead the prayer.)
the opening prayer?

Checking of Attendance
Before we begin, may I ask who is absent None, Sir!
from today class?

B. Review

C. Motivation
(Each student happily participated in sharing their
Before we proceed into our lesson, I'd like own life motivations.)
each of you to share your daily sources of
Thank you class for sharing your motivations

D. Lesson Proper

Okay class, our lesson for today is all about (Student will raise their hands and give their
motivation in sports. But first, do you have answers)
any idea what the meaning of the word

Okay thankyou class.

Motivation :
The word motivation is derived from the Latin
term 'movere', which means 'to move'.

Motivation can be defined as stimulating,

inspiring, and inducing the employees to
perform to their best capacity.

Motivation is the desire to act in service of a

goal. It's the crucial element in setting and
attaining our objectives. Motivation is one of
the driving forces behind human behavior. It
fuels competition and sparks social

Do you understand class?

Yes Sir!
Now let's proceed on to what actually are the
effects of motivation in sports.

There are two types of motivation in sports:

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation comes from within, is

fully self-determined and characterised by
interest in, and enjoyment derived from, sports
participation. There are three types of intrinsic
motivation, namely intrinsic motivation to know,
intrinsic motivation to accomplish and intrinsic
motivation to experience stimulation. Intrinsic
motivation is considered to be the healthiest
type of motivation and reflects an athlete’s
motivation to perform an activity simply for the
reward inherent in their participation.

Extrinsic motivation is a motivation that is

driven by external rewards. These can be
tangible, such as money or grades, or
intangible, such as praise or fame. Unlike
intrinsic motivation, which arises from within
the individual, extrinsic motivation is focused
purely on outside rewards.

There are numerous approaches to the study

of motivation. Some are based on schedules of
positive and negative reinforcement.

High motivation is accepted by many as an

essential attribute in getting athletes to reach
their potential, but because it is actually
abstract, it is a force that is sometimes difficult
to fully utilise.

Motivational Techniques for Coaches and


Goal Setting:
Athletes should set ambitious yet achievable
long-term goals, empowering them to accept
challenges and pursue their objectives
enthusiastically. Medium-term goals should
complement long-term aspirations, while
short-term goals, mainly process-oriented,
maintain focus on achieving superior
performance. Flexibility in goal-setting is
crucial, allowing for regular monitoring and
revision by coaches and athletes themselves.

Using Extrinsic Rewards:

Extrinsic rewards should reinforce athletes'
sense of competence and self-worth without
controlling their motivation. Token rewards,
such as titles or special recognitions, with
relatively low monetary value, are effective in
maintaining intrinsic motivation. Emphasizing
the prestige associated with these rewards
enhances their impact, fostering a positive
motivational environment.

Motivational Music:
Music perceived as inspirational can
effectively motivate athletes during training
and competition preparation. Incorporating
fast-paced music during intense workouts and
soothing music during recovery periods
regulates work and recovery times. This
approach, supported by research, enhances
work output, reduces perceived exertion, and
improves in-task affect, contributing to overall
performance enhancement.

Positive Self-Talk:
Positive self-talk, utilizing an athlete's inner
voice, serves to enhance motivation across
various achievement domains. Task-relevant
self-talk focuses attention on the task at hand,
while mood-related self-talk influences
athletes' emotional states. Positive self-
affirmations reinforce athletes' beliefs and
self-esteem, fostering a resilient mindset
conducive to peak performance.

That’s the end of our topic , any questions

class? None Sir!

1. What are some examples of extrinsic

rewards in sports?
2. How do coaches and athletes utilize
motivational techniques to enhance (Students will share what they understood or
performance in sports? learned.)
3. How can intrinsic motivation benefit
athletes in their sports participation?

Very Good Class thankyou for your


Do you have any question or clarifications?

E. Activity

Read carefully and answer whether the

scenario provided describes intrinsic or Intrinsic motivation
extrinsic motivation.

1. A person joins a basketball team because

they actually enjoy playing the game of Extrinsic motivation

2. A student-athlete works hard to get a Intrinsic motivation

scholarship for college basketball.

3. An athlete spends hours to practicing

tennis because they enjoy improving their Extrinsic motivation
skills. What form of motivation is this?

4. A member of the team earns a bonus for

scoring the most goals during the soccer
season. Which type of motivation does this
Intrinsic motivation
5. A player runs an endurance race to benefit
a group that's significant its life.

F. Application

The entire class will be divided into 4 groups,

and they will create a creative role play to
demonstrate the effect of motivation on a
player's performance in sports.

Group 1 : Intrinsic motivation

Group 2 : Extrinsic motivation
Group 3 : Extrinsic motivation
Group 4: Intrinsic motivation

Is that clear class? Yes Sir!

G. Assignment

Think about what motivational strategies you

would use to maintain positive momentum
during crucial moments in a sports game.
Imagine yourself in a critical game situation
and list three motivating reasons or thoughts
you could think of to stay determined and
focused. Justify each strategy and consider
how they would affect your performance.
Please submit the assignments within the
specified deadline.

Submitted by: John Henry Macas BPED 2nd YEAR

Submitted to: Ma’am Meldred Reyes

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