Bridge Course Stage 4

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Lesson Plan

Subject –Science.
Date Topic Objective Resources Classroom activity Home Learning Assessment
work outcome
Our Living World

Flowering and Learners Video Teacher’s activity: Learners will Asked

Day -1 non-flowering will : from 7 min: Introduction to living world -including plants be able to: learners
plants. Know internet, 5 min: Flowering plants. 1. Define about
Time:35min about the white 5min: Non-flowering plants. flowering favourite
board, 3 min: Video on flowering and non-flowering plants. and non- flower and
marker, flowering why do they
duster, : Group discussion between 2 groups between plants. like it.
specimen flowering and non- flowering plants. -----------
of some 2.
flowers (if Differentiate
available). between
and non-
DAY -2 Flowering and Learners Flower Teacher’s activity: Work Learners will Asked
Time:35min non-flowering can: specimens 5min: Distribution of KWL chart. sheet be able to: learners to
plants. Group the chart 30min: Ask learners to group flowers according to their Classify the name the
flowers paper, size, colour, sent, and check how many groups they can flowers based flowers they
according glue/tape. make. Make a collage of it. on size, have bought
to size, colour and for activity.
colour and scent.

Healthy Eating

Day -3 Balanced diet. Learners Sensor Teacher’s activity: Learners will Evaluation
Time:35min can: board, 5 min: Distribution of KWL chart. be able to: based on
Find out white 4 min: Discussion of worksheet given earlier. Define worksheet
what a board, 5 min: Introduction to diet. balanced diet solved.
balanced marker, 10 min: Balanced diet along with the examples. _____ along with its
diet is and duster, 6 min: Video on balanced diet components.
why do we video.
need 5 min: Class notes.

Day -4 Balanced diet. Learners Different Teacher’s activity: Learners will Ask learners
Time:35min can: food items 5min: Distribution of KLW chart. Worksheet be able to: to name
Classify picture/ 30 min: Ask learners to look at each food item and Classify each some foods
the real ones, Classify them as foods rich in carbohydrates, fats, food item rich in
different Chart proteins, vitamins and minerals, paste them on chart under its proteins.
food items paper, and write their characteristic. respective
into their glue/tape. category.
respective Small zip
category. bags.
Day -5 Dissolving and Learners Sensor Teacher’s activity: Learners will Evaluation
Time:35min solutions. can: board, 5 min: Distribution of KWL chart. be able to: based on
Define White 3 min: Discussion of worksheet Define worksheet
Solute, board, 10 min: Introduction to dissolving. dissolving, solved.
solvent and Duster, 0.5 min: Solute solvent and solution ______ solute solvent
solution. Marker, and solution.
video 3.5 min: Song on dissolving
10min: Solute, Solvent and solution.
3.5 min: video on solute solvent and solution.

Day -6 Dissolving and Learners Beakers, Teacher’s activity: Learners will

Time:35min solutions. can: water, 5 min: Distribution of KWL chart. be able to : Evaluation
Investigate sand ,oats, 30 min: Teacher will divide students into groups and based on
dissolving. oil, sugar, will facilitate each group with required material to Worksheet Point out the their
Decide salt, carry out an experiment on dissolving. substances participation
whether a Stirring which in activity
solid is rod. dissolve in and their
soluble or water and observations.
not? which do not.


Day -7 Different Learners Sensor Teacher’s activity: Learners will

Time:35min forces can: board, 5 min: Distribution of KWL chart. be able to: Evaluation
Define white 3 min: Discussion of work sheet based on
force. board, 5 min: Induction of force. _____ Define force their
Different duster, 10 mints: Different types of forces: Gravitational force, and its types. worksheet
types of marker, normal forces and applied forces. solved.
forces. video. 6.5 min: Video on force and its types
Day -8 Experimenting Learners
Time:35min With force can :
Effect of
distance on

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