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tT et Pe thd ¥ieginia Evans - Jenny Dooley a aN . Sg ree i r ~ RAY Contents Rett cori) ‘Module 1 appearance | The Aho Vey *= present tenses People (pp. 5-20) personality (muttpe choco; © oeady, just you clothes & fashion | answer questo: (pievr, for since Language Knowiedge 1 s how to deal with mutiplo| state verbs (pp. 16-17) dail routine, freewime actives | choice reading tasks) Language Focus 1 (9.18) Bhrase verbs with fk | Progress Check 1p. 1920) _ | fexmng adectives from verbs Bours | Module 2 ournatural wor'é of animals | Unique Undeararer modal verbs must The Environment (pp. 21-36) |» envronmenta proatens & clutiens | Crectuss have to, should, ou Language Knowiedge 2 phrasal verbs wath ing | (multe choca; to, mustt don't hove (pp. 3233) forming nouns from | answer questions - to; needn't Language Focus 2 (9.34) | oet the main ideay dedictiors Progress Cheek 2 (pp. 35-36) past modal future terses =] S time clauses Module 3 Types of hoidays | The Thundering Smoke |» past tenses Travel & Holideys (op, 37-52)» meens of anspor (onssing sentences; sed (9 wowid Language Knowledge 3 accommodation: fcltievservices | anower questons — (6.4848) holiday sobiems read fox spectic Language Focus 3 (p. 50) phresal verbs with come information) Progress Check 3(pp. 51-52) _|+ forming inghedadectives | Module & Festivals & eeobrations The Tar Boo! relatives Festivals & Celebrations axtivives (evltioe choice; ning & non (op. 33-68) Feelings answer questions defining relative Language Knowledge 4 Phrasal verbs with mate | predict content) causes (op. 6465) foaming adecths ( Sei language Focus 4 (p. 56) superiaives Progress Check (pp. 67-68) Module 5 Breaking the aw The camere never Fes 2 passive Grime (pp. 09-84) crime & punshment (evttiole choice; causative form Language Knowledge S aw preakers answer questions - clauses of resuit (op.8081) * pasa vers with areok paragraph main eas Language Focus 5 (p.82) ‘refces to exoiess opposite meanings | matching headings to Progress Check 5 (pp. 8388) | oes patoaraphs) Module 6 technology gadgets The Toddler Robot condiionals Technology (pp. 85-100) _* the internet {rmutite chove clauses of purpose rasa verbs with Ge answer questions wishes Language Knowledge 6 verbs from ackectives using ( fead for specific question tags (9.9657) in‘crmasion) Language Focus 60.98) _Progress Check 6 (pp. $8-100) ds Module 7 paris & Fitness Aéentres infntiveg ‘Sports & Ftness (pp. 101-116) | « spers places & eoupment (utile matching:- | tenses of the infestive Language Knowledge 7 | phrasal verbs with put Janswer comprehension | «ing form (p. 112-113) compound ncuns ‘questions oud prefervou Language Focus 7 (9.18) t Progress Check? (pp. 115-116) | Module 8 natural deasters Disesies tepovted speech ‘Nature Attocks! (pp. 117-132) |« exterre weathee | (outiple matching: ‘atements Language Knowiedge 8 temperate answer questions) questions, commands, (op. 26-129) phrasal verbs with give ‘equests) Language Focus 8(p. 130) forming veres fem aojactves & nouns + 59/- tel eporing ves Progress Check 8 (pp. 131-132) + reporting modal vt ‘cuusCulture pp. 133 (Cn - 140 (cc8) Style p. 165,571) Writing Bank pp. 141 (8 a) - 189 (W8) ‘Word ist pp. 166 (W/L) - 181 (WL16) Grammar Reference pp. 150 (GRA) - 64 {GR15) Appendix ps 182 (RPP) * 2 fad interview (marching) + 2 TY show (mut = desctibe a pure express likesaisices © anintersiew (VF staiements) |» mace suggestions * alecture (multipe crovce) eldisaaree ons make decisons ing for information express dissatisfaction’ symoatrysurprica/disbeliet Scribe pictures ‘announcements (matching) * a story (TF note taking) + a rade show (muttioe race) won; how) invite @ accept or reluse aninvtation ‘make decisions a TV commentary ote taking) * a edio piogemme (irulyple choice) ineration in exclamations state a probem atk forgive advice xpress concern compare & contrast (multiple choice) ntonation in echo questons | radio tak (note taking) request dialogue (multiple choice imonation in question tay ate & contrast pres a complaint compare pictures ask for opinion ~ Give ‘pinion; ask for reesons describe photegraahs compate a dialogue (mult ple choice) ronuncaton: ue monologues imatching speakers ronundaton: homopnones | Pronunciation p. 183 (PR1) American English British English Guide p. 184 (AE-8EG1) Topescripts pp. 185(T1)- 195 (T11) 23 paragiaoh sugoe 2 pa'ea‘eph comparing yourself | © CLIL @iology) With the Aha tbe Witere did you get thor an inforral emai ~ describing | from? 3 person (informal style; word | _(ensivev questions) order; linking ideas Coiture spot uretuation! Foot Guards ing ways fo te protect sechorses ‘a say providing solutions to problems (toncisupporting sentences; planning an estoy) (TF statements) Culture sot Greenveece 8 descrotion of an experience |» CLIL (Geography) adesciption ofavisttoa — | Traficimatening) place (adjectivevecveits, mate | « Culture spot comments; use modfies; The Grand Canyon brainstown for ideas) CUL (Ar & Design) Wort of Wearable Art (Uf statements) Culture spot: Independence Day, USA ‘@ pereareph conaring & contesting celebrations ‘8 description ofa festival you attended (using adjectives collccations,ertor conection brainstorming) ‘8 description of a day in the ife | » Curneulum (Maths) of e Forensic photographer pe charts, bar charts, areport line grapns Culture spot: K.9 unas 8 patagtaph expressing your | + CUT) 1 towards the future of | How to save the battery robs | power of your Tobit PC a forand-agoinst essey (express | order of actions) contrast with athough, even | © Culture spot: though, despite, in spite of Tin Berners topic supporting sentences 28 paragraph giving reasons sadly, the Akha Way is slowly disappearing from many villages: % Me Laval p ee leprerr etn eo biaea bier cere ues peerless Reeinbeer rec ee baeabaishaeeee Genero RC Cg cari NCC nO things a step further: they are leaving ther villages Pras ea ad Su ees ‘Multiple choice ead the text quickly to get the gst Read the questions and possible answers and find the key Words, Read the text again and find the pert that contains the answer to each question. Try to find wwords/hrases synonymous to the key words in the questions. This will help you do the task. Tee ucrta Pee eens utd Of the text either in English or Rola choose the best answers according to the text. Give reasons for your answers. 1. The Akha people A live mainly on Tibetan farms. B are not used to sovere concitions. © have a short history as a tribe. @ 21 some of the least wealthy in the world. 2 Akha women aro used to dealing with hardships. 'B do not mind boing poor. © work harder than Akha men. D_ are more courageous than Akha men 4 The most characteristic part of tho Akh wwomon' clothing is et A ante, B site, © loggings. (G)hats 4 Tho Aura bul spit gates onthe edge oftheir villages to A welcome vistors to the vilago B give artstsa place to work Qrseine vis fom cre provide a play area fr thelr cilren The writer thinks that the Aka Way Jk is having an intuence on Wostern culture Pray not be around or men enget aoeerpow only noticeable in tho Akha poopie’s clitoe. D coud take a long timo to sproad to cites, ' Gp trewroresin the tort that means : « initially (para A) * skin colour (para A) + characteristic (para B) + to learn by heart (para 8) + importance (para ©) + to come together (para ©) + to bring in (para Q) + to Look for (para D) Ga Fill in: set, embroidered, attend, fairly, talented, ‘memorise, physical, honour, keep, thatched. 1 characteristics: 2 HOF; B ewes ot rules: 4 - crattsmen; 8 ens shirts; 610 sone NAMES; 7 10 school 8 100155 90 winnunnnnne SPS ‘out; 10 to ancestors Pee PSE ere eid eerie nt ei (enantio Rett cr ikaucacs ee |, Vocabulary [ae Vocabulary from the text EI Replace the words in bold with words from the list. + leadership + a stop further * attond * honour + gather + maintain * introduce + memorise 1 He tries to keep a youthful physical appearance. Thoy got togothor at Sam's house every Friday. ‘We have to learn the poom by heart for schoo! tomorrow. I ihink every child should go te kindergarten. Under the new manager's guidance, the company wont from strength to strongth, Every year, they have a ceremony to show thelr respect to their ancestors. | think the time has come for Us to take things forward. itwe bring in modern cultural practices to the triba, wolll destroy their traditional way of life. a: Choose the correct word. We have a code/law of behaviour hore, Please respect it. Everyone has a responsibility in sociotyiregion to oboy tho laws. We should all try to help ‘maintain our local communityisociety. ly ancestors/descondents all camo from Europe. Sadly, many of the tribe's: traditional practices aro disappearingiremoving. Ws important to remainihotel calm during an argument. Lam a lightiyftainy optimistic person. She has very individual distinctive eyes ~ the colour is unlike anything I've ever seen, fF ‘FL Topic vocabulary Clothes Ey croose the correct words. rh ‘Fl “A ‘stove is wearing 1) formaticasual clothas. He's woaring a 8 brown 2) acket/coat, abiue and ed 3) cottoniplestic cap, a yellow woollen 4)jumperiwaistcoat and an orange 5) scarfibelt. Hes also wearing grey 6) Daggy/ floral tracksuit botoms and brown 7) trainersiboots. He looks quite 8) conservatire/trendy and sporty. in tl ‘tl Mary is woaring a white dose with black 9} poke dots/stripes, and a red 10) leather! Cotton belt She's also wearing red 11) high- hoeleplatform shoes. Sno locks 412) fashionablelstoppy. 5 Describe what the people in the = pletures are wearing. Use words from o Ex. 3.08 well as your own ideas. if 5) in: try on, match, as fit, suits, éo up. = 1 These jeans don't mo. They are the wrong size, wenibeme ce ween a 3. Fmlooking fora pair of shoes to tnis dress. 4 Do you think this ¢010UFvennnen ME? a 5 your cost. It's very cold outside. 7 Phrasal verbs: LOOK down on forward choose the correct particle. f Checkin the word tise. what ae “P\ SS sores these phrasal verbs in Polish? up te 1 I'm looking my litle » after ry cousin this weekend (take care of) = 2 We cant wait to meet your parents. We'e looking tot (anticipate) = 3 You shouldn't look people who have less 3 monoy than you. (have a bad opinion of) fe 4 Ifyou dontt know his phone number, just look it = in the yellow pages. (find In a book/list) & wy wo ath Personality @° }) Match the adjectives in A with their opposites in B, Era tT (Joministc (BL Jamey A dul pessimistic [ZT] medest honest 8 rude +H. impatient [BL Jnaroworking [ST_]heortul arrogant 1 aggrossive [4]_Jinteresting [%_Joente tary J indifferent (ELJowerised [Joho eisnonost/ K cisorganiaed [Bi_Jearng (12[_Joenerusceceitel L_ setts (7[_Joaien F moody b) Choose words from Ex. 7a to complete the sentences. 1 _ poopie alvays sce the postive aide of things. 2 conmennnnnnnnm BRODIE Ont Ike talking about thir aehiavattonts _ people ate kind and calm, people tela lt of lies. people thnk they are more important or talonted than others. 6 people aten bacome sad or angry for no partievar reason 7 people alnays want to start fonts 0 ) Which adjec people are helpful and sympathetic to others. ie people only care about themsolvas and not others. 5 people get easily annoyed when thay hhave to wait for something, /es best describe you/your friends? 1m quite organised and polite. Jobs A \dd a suffix ‘ant -ian -er -0F to the verbs in the list to make names of jobs. Match the jobs to the descriptions (1-10). How do you form names of jobs in Polish? 1 Seavousan electric + beauty + bake * clean * translate * mine farm * music + account » act | change writton words trom one language into another, translator I work underground to remove coal, {play roles in films. keep and check the financial rocords of people. | grow crops and keep animals. I fix problems with electrical wires, | use mako-up to improve people's appearances. | make broad and cakes and soll thom in a shop. | tidy other people's houses. {play the piano vory wall. Prepositions Choose the correct item. Check in the Word List. 1 She's attached inito hi family, 2 Hois jealous offabout his brother for being good at sports, Ho is intorested inlat nature. 4 | dont really care offabout designer clothes, 5 Dont be rude tofwith your teachers, ° Word formation (adjectives from verbs & nouns) Read the theory, then complete the sentences (1-8) with the adjectives derived from the words in bold. We can form adjectives from verbs and nouns by using the following endings: ful care-corefu), ie (drama Je (decidedecsvel, | us (Supeistition superstitious). tess (elfsetiess)) V dobn is very oo He never remembers where his things are, (FORGET) 2 Luke is think hell become @ painter, (CREATE) 3 Ho's vory -He wants to become rich and famous. (AMBITION) 4 Annis She's always taking about the same things. (BORE) 5 Dont be Think of others first. (SELEY 6 Ho's vory.. He tells the best jokes. (FUN) 7 Suc's quite She's very good at drawing (ann) 84088 1 ceecamrnnen 0nd often effends people. (TACT) Grammar in use Look at me! \'m standing here today, a handsome young man ~ but 'm J dies and gentlemen ey BS really over 200 years cld! this special potion comes from the Amazon. It makes ‘you look younger and live longer! is secret is simple - he drinks a bottle of this Tronestly don’t know. | think he’s growing old slowly. H've only been with him for 150 years [Esee pp 150 (GAN) - 151 (GRa) a) Read the cartoon. What is the man selling? Read the example. Which tense do we use What is special about it? for: timetables? future arrongements? Use the b) Look at the verb forms in bold in the notes to act out short exchanges. cartoon. Find examples of: 6] | | RP [=a habit + an action heppening at or around the time nee ‘ttt of speaking * @ fact + a fixed future arrangement i erarrure + an action which started in the past and continues to Tour sts the present + gradually developing situations 6:00-7:00) veswcror LEAAESTS |) sierort 00 What tense is used in each case? Is it the same in Pol a a) Fill in: do, go or have. Beem OH JOE 8 IRE 2) oosons the A ate coes en a? NESnOS A) on 8 SMONETA oa atin at Da, oe ore meeting a 299 seiiok Snes Pout re ec neti aia a Foam complete sentonos. Pat the vrbsin Bh sceseus romeworks. 40) isahioe bold in the present simple or the present Ty ann ends) ora condouous. Shin 3) te stepg: a 1. do/cho/at the momantiner homework She is doing ner homework at tne moment. usually/go/by bus!he/io work dinneritonight!with Pau/hava! eat outlyowinow often? not workitonight/late/Peter tho kids/now/wateh TV? (on Mondaysito the gym/Johninot go to tho cinoma; 1) to dod b) Use the question words in the box to find out about your partner's daily routine and free-time activities. > How oftan..? © Whon..? + Where? js What time ...? + How...? A: How often do you go out for a meal? B: Onve @ week /Twice a moth 10 AAA AA AMA EL ‘Stative verbs Stative verbs describe a state rather than an ‘action (e.g. like, love, hate, want, need, forget, ‘remember, know, suppose). They do not usually have continuous forms. Some stative verbs do hhave continuous forms but there is a difference in meaning, (like wearing costa clothes [cop or] Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or continuous. Explain the meaning of both sentences in each pair. Toa Linda nn .. unhappy. look) b Linda tor ner necklace. (look) 2 a Tina. unwell today. (feel) b Tina's silk scart very soft. (feel) 38 TOM sonnei bis own fiat, (have) b Tom a shower now. (have) aat conn Of Buying a bike. (think) DT vansemennenss it’ fantastic. (think) 5 a This cake delicious. (taste) b She vu the soup to see if it's spicy. taste) ve already had lunch. [haven't done my homework yet. ve just had a coffee. ‘A; Have you ever played the trumpet? B: No, I haven't /Yes, Ihave. I've never travelled abroad, ve been here since last May/for two months. a Choose the correct word. 4 Sho's never/already flown in a plane. 2. They've justiyet lett. 3. He hasn't finished his homework yeover. 4 Hove you neverfover riddon a camel? 5. We have yewalready met Claire, 6 She hasnt soon Paul sineesfor last Friday. SF] Think of your day. what have you already/ Justénot yet done? Tell your partner, I’ve already done my homework. I've just had ‘nor. J haven't tidied my room yet. Present perfect continuous) She has been working for him for a long time. She has been working for him since 1992. Read the examples in the grammar box. How do we form the present perfect continuous? Do you use these tenses in Polish? How? Use the verbs in the present perfect continuous to write true sentences about yourself and your family, Use since or for + study © work ¢ play * live ve boon studying French tor two yoarsisince 2009. ut the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense. 1 A: (youlsee) Mary recently? B: No! vo (A1otitalk) to her since last month 2 A: {welmeet) Detare? Bl. sonesnee (HOLM) SO. 3. A: Where nn (yousgoy? 8: Shopping, ae saat {youkwant) anything? Ce ee (Tonyitivey? B: In London — but at the moment he (tay) in Bahrain, BA ; «= (youlcome) to Acris party tonight? B: I ove to, but |... (ly) to London, The plane... (eave) at 10:30, Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Is ita formal or informal email? Give reasons. OS) Dear Charlote, Hi! How aro you? 1) the summor broak? |)... (have) an amazing time herein London. My host family 3) (be) really fencly and the summer English couse 1 4) (G0), Is 2 lt of un. 15) -eesnnansos(alteadylmake) some good frends hore. My bestfriend is Laura. Shes fom ta. She 6). : (look) abit Fke you actually. She's tal, with beauttul long dark hair ana big brown eyes Lite me, she 7) i {be) in London since July. 8) (like) her because she's funny and cheerful. She's aso very generous. 9) (youimeet) anyono nico so fa? Wit back soon! Ace || (youtenjoy) 2 a) Complete the pairs. 4 Listen and check, 1 grandéad — 5 son— grandma 6 cousin .. 2 father nee | 7 brother =. 3 uncle = 8 brother in-law — 4 nephew - . b) Use words from Ex. ta to present your | family to the class. There ave four members in my tammy. My dad, tor, my mum, Laura, my sister, Sue and mo My dad is. 2 a) You are going to listen to pert of a radio interview about a young ballerina. Before you listen check these words in the Word List. + hometown + troasure the time sxtended family + delighted + support * inspiration * afford * lead role + venue b) (Listen and write how the people below are related to Jane Ivory. Sandra pete? Jenny — Bertit Bi: Listen again and decide if each sentence is True or False. 1 Jane inary hasbeen prtering a6 2 balesna for 24 yeas T.. 2 Jane's brother still lives in his tome: hometonn, i. 2. Janse aunt naw runs nar oun sence 4 Janes granapa gave her thercal | 5. Jano nas peoxmesin Sven Lake botora \ 6 Jane seems to be worried about her role. Work in pairs. Write down the names of three people you know. Exchange papers and find out about each person, Who's James? He's my cousin. Wat dows he look like? Ho's short and slim, with short fair hair and blue eyes. What is he like? e's honest and polite Dr De pe Listening skills Predicting content Before you listen, read the rubric, the statements and possible answers. This will help you familiarise yourself with what the recording will be about. B a) Read the rubric, statements and answers. ‘What do you think the dialogue is about? Taten toa part Of a TW show For questions: 4-6 choose the correct answer A, 8 oF C 1 The TV show is about A British chat shows. Gy life and times of a TY personality. the history of British TV. 2. James first met Anna London. © ata rugby match, B in Paris. WDsomeone with a positive view of tie (]yameos was boginning a new career. Bras not startod working yor has chosen the same career as her father. b) Check these words in the Word List. * chal-show host « incredible * bright + demanding + resign + degroe + confident ©) 2 Do the listening task in Ex. 5a. Intonation: Stressed syllables B (@) Listen and say. Which syllables are stressed? ‘talented * generous + optimistic + modest + undarstanding + contident * energetic Speaking skills a Se Introduce ourselves/others ~ Work in groups of three. You and your Ask for/Give personal information - cousin are at a party. Introduce yourself and Ask about/Express likes/dislikes your cousin to 2 person there, then ask a 2) Complete the conversation with words questions to get to know the person better, from the table below. Use the phrases in the table below to act outa dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 12, * favourite band + stand * love + name's + prefer » pleasure ‘+ like you * met before » you from (ecten Renner) + Hello. I'm... /My name's... + 1 don't think we've met betora. 'm + I'd like you to moot .. This is... + Nice to meet you + Its.a pleasure to moot you. ii reser * Treally enjoy! like/lovesnoun (Asking abour likes/disiikes ‘+ What kind of musiesfiims do you like? + Do you lke... + What do you think of ..? + What's your favourite subject/band, etc? Lorre Tor (icles) eeorens + Where are you from? + Tim from. + Which school do you go to?_|+ 19010... Social expressions + Leantt stand + I don't ming + I preter Hello. | dont think we've 1) Match the exchanges. Vm Juliet. (Listen and check. In pairs rep HE OD. MY 2) en Dan. ¢. 189.23) soownnnen t9 Mee YO0.089. || FAT Have a nico @ Fine, thanks, ‘Nice to meet you, too. Where are weatend Teste Cara Sep ” a Come on - we you lato G) Dar ti tom Giasgew, So. ato you onivirg ta HAH raT— isseare things?” @ dust ear, party? Jot: Wel, to be honest, Lear). || Ey cootnons Near Yoni the music. | con't ike dance music at all. [5_} Sony 1m iate : Dan: | know what you Mean. 16) sane [81] Bye.t'mottto the 1 Thanks, you too, tock music. Sr suliet” Really? Whats your 7) zi ; Dan: | really love Radiohead. They're great! Describing a picture Juliet Oh, Can, 10 8). tomeot Sasha. GB ® Look at tne picture in Ex. ta ana Dan: Hi Sasha, Do you and Juliet work together? coniplataltisertences: ‘Sasha: No, we play on the same football team, Dan: Really? | 9) football! u 1 The picture shows some peopio . - Juliet: You should play with us some time then! 2 They are at .. na aaa SESE 2 Tho girls in tho foroground are ... They are b) Listen and check your answers. Listen Wearing ... .Thoy are talking to a man, again. Is the dialogue forma! or informal? 4 The man is ... .He is wearing .. Cheek on p. 165, 5. Everyone seems to. ©) Take roles and read the dialogue aloud. b) 2 Listen and check, 13 ae Writing an email describing a person = a 14 Dp] writing Bank 1p. 147 (wate) Rubric analysis Oo Read the rubric and look at the underlined words, Answer the questions, (‘uo ust tated anand ‘new school. Write an email to Yur Engishe-nend, Penny, n which you describe your | favourite classmate, including | | ther appearance and pesonaity (120-180 words), al} 1 What are you going to write? 2 Who are you? 3. Viho is going to read your Piece of writing? 4 Winat topics should you include In your piece of writing? 5 What style should you use? 6 How long should your piece of writing be? Opening/Closing remarks @ 8) Which of the sentences are: opening remarks? closing remarks? How's it going? 1 2 Got 10 go now. 3 Hope you're Ox. 4 Have to go now, 5 labetter get going. 6 How are you doing? 7 Email me soon. 8 Thanks for your ema b) Replace the opening/closing remarks in Anna's letter with sentences from Ex. 2a, Model analysis a a) Read the model. Wh paragraph the witor’s feelings about the person? name of person, how the writer met him? persorrs personality? Person's appearance? EB A A ‘Doar Penny, How are you? Just dropping you a line to | you how I'm goting on at my new schoo, ve made friends with one of my classmates. His name's Charfe and he's great fun, Charlies tall and sli > Charlie is a very kind person who's ahvays ready to help ers, Hols also extremely funny. 'm always laughing at his iokes. Outside class. he’s very socatle. Ho's taking me to a party tomorrow! He can be a bit arrogant at times though, and doesnt always ison to what | say im realy glad Ive mot Charlie. He's made all the rence fo being at a new school. Wrie back soon Love. Anna ) List all the words Anna uses to describe Charlie’s appearance and personality. informal style a ‘Which of the sentences are True? Provide examples from the email. Anna's emails informal because it contains: 1 everyday language 2 short verb forms 3. long sentences Word order a Read the examples. Complete the rules, Use before or after. 4 omission of persona pronouns 5 simple linking words § Vaiono s Maee Sv Bane Chatlie is very tall, He often goes to the gym. Ho is never lato for class. He plays football very well the verb. the vorb. an auxiliary verb 1 Tho sudject always goes... 2 The object normally goes 3 Adverds of frequency go but... snes MAI VEFD, 4 Aavords go adjectives/acverbs a Put the words in the correct order. 1 person/Pererikindisivory/a 2 hairhe/longihas got 3. helgoes jogging/OtEM wisn oaennn visisinesnis erandparentsisometimos heipeople/artogant/aoasn’ tke hasfboon!Petor/never/abroad aoe a . a eee aa we Linking ideas study the examples. scree + John is tal, ite is ‘John is tall and skinny with sh ‘han is clever. She is polite. She can be stubbora at times, ‘Ani's clover and polite. However, she can be stubborn at times. Ann’s clever. She's also polite, but sho can bo siubborn at times. Mary is a swe0t 9) Mary is @ sweet girl who iri. Sho has got a pats complexion. has got @ pale complexion. Complete the paragraphs with the words from the lists. + however + also * and = who + and * with Henry is very inetigent 1) Lisa is a prety git! 4 Ht eed ars In a Ns | wil con be feureon year ci | foots HE IS 2) sono oF02tW2 AMG | She is quite tall for her ag. oir Bore | hate lr | 3) ne can be rude and | bis green eyes, 6).. 3c emerge P weeceuiyaae "| paople. Ce ene = also * both + but ‘generous and kind. She always gives me pocket money ang she 8)... Cooks my favourte areal when | visit her on Sundays. She is a bit hot-tempered sometimes, 9) ens. She never stays angry for long, es Punctuation ‘My grandmother is 7) 2) When do we use a comma (), a full stop (), a question mark (2),an exclamation mark (1), an apostrophe (?, and ‘capital letters? Check in the Grammar Reference section. 1b) Punctuate the sentences below. 4. im ust great how are you 2 alex and i are going to a party tomorrow 3. cant wait to hear trom you 14 he's clever but he can be rude at times what can i do Your turn a) Read the rubric and find the key words. Make notos under the headi ge - oppearance = character. (rite ‘gn emall to your Eagish e-iend describing your neighbour Include detals of wat he/she looks ike and is ike (120-180 words, ) Use your notes and phrases fram the Useful Language bbox to make sentences about the person. 1 frst mot Stove in ho park two yoars 290. Check the theory in the Writing Bank. Then write your ‘email, Use your notes in Ex. 102, the plan and the Useful Language. Join your sentences with appropriate linkers. 19s: nome ~ Cemeueas ‘Opening rernarks # Mirst met.» «has been my fiend for Physical Appearance/Clathes «is quite (Goodslooking, attractive, eta is (tal ond sim) wath (oroven eyes) and (far hon. + drasses casvallyfortnally Personality is very (outgoing/eheerfu) "is elways (friendly) and loves! hhatesfenjoys ~~ + oc has a great sense of humo tout can be (aggresive, lazy, boss etc) at times. ‘a very Gnteresting/fiendly) person. Feolings/Comments + hts great fun to be with «fm glad to have .. amy fiend, Dear + {your e-tiond’ ses name) | Introduction (Para!) Greet youre-Hend Say no you are going to describe & : whan fete yOu me Main Body (Para2) Desoto the person pnysical appearance /iothes. (Parad) Desenbe the persons perscnaliy giving svopeting detais /exarotes. Conetusion (Para 4) Whie your ieatngs/comments about the parson, Tel your e- ‘tend 1 kee i touoh A Checklist ‘nen you finish your piece of writing check it for spelling/grammar mistakes. correct word order appropriate style (formed, informe appropriate beginningiending, ell-structured paragraphs. inclusion ofall points in the rubric. word length P] cuuicalture 1p. 15300) 5: fT} — Language Knowledge For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, 8, C, D) best fits ‘each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). What style is the text written in? Give reasons. Check on p. 165. the Role ot he Teacher nanan Be OSU ee ence OA TROUT 6) TEE aes le fee Hr loc an Pdisdereee Ublip tr tnar assoc ouitda e Tiedemann MES coud awaee efereg Tend WUE) iace auiRe ee tr farsid: pase precls) eure) GeOPE Te) Mine ayy abichins weir aaly foe chien a) uate pong te sass larsvett ira tncnds ts somveniig aioe sett os ulbeg Teta Whee ue: potion manj be tes Bn is as OF be dE ainrce THCY So cence iss Is om lseea Chee Cy ae ae ‘lasstoom. By putting this theory into 6) inspire students to view learning as an enjoyable process, Therefore, goad teachers do not simply focus fon testing or examinations, but 7) ..... use ofall available resources, in the B) ann. of maintaining student interest and ultimately 4 preparing them for their future. 5 Alin al, the way a teacher treats a student can have a huge 9) ...... on their character and future achievements. Encouraging students to set goals and 10) ..nne to them is exwemely important and it is such encouragement that ultimately builds a 11) nn felationship between teacher and student which will help them get 12) well with each other. — a = 0 Ablay Bake Cmake D get 1 Aalone Basco Cony D too 2 A tins B parts C pieces D portions 3 A encounter B receive C deal seo 4 Aoxend BwanderC stray D range 5 Aattend Benol Center D apply 6 Acelfect — B work C exorcise D practice 7 Ado Bmake Chavo 0 take 8 Adesia Bneed Chope OD wish 9 Alimpress B impact © result D issue 40 Astick B attach C connect 0 settle 11 Afied = B slit Csolid D set 42 Athrough Bin Cup Don 16 A complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do ot change the word given. You must use two to five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0), © Do you think could borrow your car? WONDERING | was wondering it | could borrow your car? | was really surprised when | saw Jenny at the school dance. EXPECT 1 Jenny at the school dence, Thad not expected Mary to be such a good singer. TURNED Mary a really good singer. Kate was rude to me and | got angry. MADE Kate was so rude to me she .. i ‘my temper. You shouldnt take any notice of gossip. LISTEN It were you... ‘ gossip. Iimnot going to mevo to London. INTENTION 1 a to London. ICL were you, | wouldn't wear jeans to work. ouGHT In my opinion, «. jeans 10 work. Fiona told me to arrive on time for the competition, LATE Fiona advised si . {or tho compotition John does not want to go out. FEEL John going out. EW Complete the gaps with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1 Alice is trom America, but nas been living in England for years. ORIGIN 2. Dorit believe everything Sonia tells you: sho's got a reputation for being HONEST 3 Ellen is very and is always trying to draw attontion to herselt. DRANA 4 Mark isa businessman. SUCCESS 5 Look at Penny's clothes. They are so FASHION Grammar a Choose the correct item. 1. “Do we have to hand in the assignment by Friday?” ''m afraid we've got .... choice” A no any other © not another 8 noother D not any other 2 Im determined to travel to China ..... much it costs. A considering how Bmore over © no mattor how D whatever 3. “I'm so disorganised! “How about changing tho erder Ain which B which 1». you do things?" © within that D whore 4 "it's not very polite to laugh .. classmate who gets an answer wrong” “Lam sorry, it wont happen again” A with Bat C10 5. My brothers are A equally B unequal a fellow D tor ‘good at Maths. © equality D equal 6 “Basketball practice star's at 6 o'clock, .. i?" "Yes, that's right” A doesnt B wont © hasnt D isn't 7... Of Mis suiteases was large enough to fit all his clothes. A Both 8 Neither C Every D All 8 “Look at thoso graphical” “That picture must have been taken .... a professional camora” Aby Bwih from Dot 9 Itis only the second time |... Tim raise his hand inclass, A saw © see B have soon D had seen 10 Fortunately, |... find the USB stick rd misplaceo tho other day. A could © was able to B_ managed in D succeeded to 11 The charity event attracted many celebrities, some of ....! knew by sight. A whom 8 them — which D who 12 According to a study, three .... ten people find ‘maths too challenging A trom B of cin D for Vocabulary a Choose the correct item. 1 10 " 12 Sam has always loved paragliding and other outdoor A actions © practices B activities D strategies What was Tanya's ..... when you announced her promotion? A reaction © action B reflection D eception When no one came to the door, she .... through the window to see if anyone was home. A gazed 8 glanced C stared D pecred Tho art musoum .... an entrance fee, A prices. © calculates B values D charges The students ..... their goal of improving their graces by the end of the term, A handled © accomplished B controlled 1D succooded The art gallery is running an art competition in -.. with the local council, A influence B association © direction D guidance Do wa have to advance? ‘A engage B conserve © reserve D retain tickets for the concert in Wee all working evertime as our department hes avery... deadline, A tense B tight C stiff —D close How id the thioves gain .... into the museum? A entry © entrance B access D admission Please take a seat in the waiting room and Ii be with you . A generally © shorty B recently D quicky It's totally .... 10 chew gum in class, A unimpressive © harmiut B useless D unaccoptable Bon tried desperatoly to Griving too fast for him, A catch up with B take up with Jil, but she was © live upto D join in'witn 17 @ | =Language : have, go, do. 1 Do you have time 10... the shopping for me this afternoon? 2. Why don’t We... Out for dinner tonight? 2 What time do you usually ..... breaklast? 4 | plan to ....... shopping this afternoon, Fill in the words in their correct form. ‘value + honour » respect 1 Many cultures... their dead with annual festivals, 2 Most people san. 3 Itis important to freedom of speach, your elders. maintain ‘continue Bras 4 The Akha poopie try hard to their culture and traditions. 5 Sho tries hard to appearance. 6 Some villagars say they dont want 10 with the old way of life. a youthtul con gathor + assomblo 7 Every Sunday, the village elders. to discuss the week's events. 8 She told the children to tneir toys and come inside, 9 Citizens were told to... inthe Town Hall for tho mooting, Choose the odd word out. 1. optimistic ~ cheerful ~ generous — lazy 2. shoulder-lengih — wavy — pointed ~ curly 3 trainers ~ boots ~ sandals ~ jacket 4 nose ~ moustache ~ beard fringe 5 skinny ~ ovorwoight ~ obose ~ bald 5 arrogant - dacelttul -indiferent ~ gentle Look at the picture and complete the missing words. This couplo are wearing 1) Sportswear. They are both wearing 2 swoon J@@nS. The woman is wearing 2 bright-coloured, orange 3). while the man is wearing @ blue ono, They've both go! 4).......... on their hands and are wearing brown 8) vsensinn . TREY are also holding | skis. Thay look happy. 18 errr : Phrasal verbs & Prepositions a Choose the correct item. 4. Are you in control withfof tho situation? 2 I you dontt know the meaning of the word, took it downlup in the dictionary 3 | think Alex is taking advantage over/ot ‘Natnan, 4 I'm looking after/over my neighbour's cate unite they're on holiday. 5 | om interested infwith foarning more about the subject. Word formation Complete the gaps with the correct form of the words in bold. Australia is many people's dream travel destination. It has picturesque terrain, exotic wildlife, ane » (excite) cities. Australians believe in living Ife to the full. this this 2) {motivate) that makes them so fun-loving, 3) (courage), and 4) ssn (adventure). Visitors to Australia soon discover that ‘Australians are very ©A8y-G01N9, 8) ronnie (riend), and nave a ‘give it @ go" etitude, They also discover Australians are very generous, but can be Sa PMc meri Put the verbs in brackets into the correct, tense, Then complete the gaps. i) (watch) many ‘great films in my Ife and seen a lot of talented actors, 2)... the actor that 1 3) neu (like) the mast is Russell Crone. Many of my friends aes (noviagree), but in my opinion, ho is the most talented actor working today. 1 5) suns (follow) Pussells career ever 6)... he was an unknown actor in Australia, Now, he is a Holywood celebrity and he even n. (have) a star on the Holywood Wak of Fame! His roles in fms 8) ..... a8 Gladiator ‘and Robin Hood 9) (make) him a household name and he 10) nnn (win) many avards 10 dale. RUSSEL 11) wansmenmeven (notjustfact) ia Holywood tims; ne 1S 12)... musician and he 19) am (roloase) a number of albums so far! | 14). (notimeet) him in person, but he 15) person off-screen 100. lke a nice 1 TT Tn 1 TT nT Th. and decide if the statements are True Peek momo eo) eit gu ure esi tg today. When playing tennis, Rafa is flere, fearless and confident. Sports journalists describe him as looking like an angry bull on court ~ eyebrows raised, lips curled, eyes burning a hole in his ‘opponent. Yet, off court, Rafa Is shy, sensitive and uncertain. He Is. afraid of dogs, spiders, and thunder and lightning. He is even Perec It seems strange that a 6it tin, 85kg muscular athlete who is so confident on cour, could be so unsure in rea life, Rafa, the tennis SO Ca ace ae eer cee ue aggressive playing style. His opponents know he will fight for every single point. His fans love the fact that he never gives up. However, the off-court Rafa is gentle and modest. Everyone who meets him says the same thing: he is “educado', as they say in Spanish. Not so renee nn ee recency Cie he caw ct nie enc Rafa is polite and respectful to everyone he meets. Indeed, even Corset inca ein rca Pos ene eee eg cee Rafa's fans also love his distinctive style. When Rafa first started RICA ome occ on ‘were always in very vivid colours), three-quarter length trousers and bandanas. Sports Journalists said he looked like a pirate! No other et ae et or ets style. He wears a polo shirt and shorts cut above the knee - just like Poe aac on een) almost alwvays tight-fitting, He also wears tennis shoes that have his Rare on ee EY aCe Mes Yet, even during the early days of his career when he dressed so distinctively on court, Rafa has always dressed normally - even conservatively - off court. Rafa’s everyday clothes are shirts and V- Rca rane Caen cal at enon one) reser ») Answer the questions in your own words. 1 How has Rafa's dress sense changed over the years? 2 What's the difference between Listening Rate’s on and off court behaviour? (tx2=14) iendship and decide if statements 1-B are True or False, The lecture is taking place in tho univorsity whore Dr Arkon works. Dr Arken has recently roleasod a book about friendship. Dr Arken statas that animals havo frionds, too. Dr Arken bolioves that having Intornot friends does not mean they are true friends. Dr Arkon bolioves that a tive friend is somoono y (ou $p0 face to face. Dr Arkon bolioves that ‘most people have a small number of true friends. Dr Arkon has a Twitter account, Dr Arkon thinks that it's impossible to make true friends over the Internet Speaking (ex1=8) a Choose the correct response. 1 A 8: @> P> o> a> What is sho 1ko? She is jealous of me. She's gontio and polite. This is my cousin, Sandra, : a Nico to moot you. b I'm fram London, «im sorry I'm late. a Imott now. B Never mina, Hello! I'm Tony. : a Hi, Tony. I'm Becky. b I know what you mean : What does he 100k like? a Ho's tall and slim. b He's patient. (5x2=10) 19} Vocabulary Fill in with: complexion, originaly, deceitful, harsh, behaviour, remarkably, conservative, seek, rich, provide, 1 London is a city 2 You have to follow a code of workplace. 3. Don't trust him; he’s a... 4 Alax has a high-paying job so he can his family with everything they need, 5 Hols going to his fortune in tho city. 6 The locals aro friendly and welcoming to tourists, in history. in the sn PRISON 7 He's gota pale ... 8 Life in tho desont is 9 He looks very tio and black trousers, 10 Historians believe Native Americans ‘came to the American continent from Asia. and blue eyes. it’s not easy at all In his white shirt, black (10x2=20) Grammar a Choose the correct word. ‘Nathan hasfis having a bad day today. ‘Sam, have you fixed your watch justyet? Ihave everinever been to Rome. Mum, this apricot pie you made tastesiis tasting delicious! "vo been learning lallan sincefer a long time. I have been trying/have tried to find something nice to wear for hours. haven't done the cishes yet/alroady. He has/is having an amazing apartment in the city. 9 Thoy've been watching TV since/trom the morning, 10 Thoy have yetfjust got back from the movies, (10x1=10) a Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense, 1 What Otclock this morning? 2 Katie. every Thursday. (yourdo) since 10 (play) basketball with her friends a1 (go) to a party tonight. ATHY caer {alroadyleat) dinnor. 5 How often .. er (yourread) 2 newspaper? 6 (she/surt) the Intermet now? 7 They (talk) to each other for hours. 8 He looks tired because he (novsteep) wel! 9 When ssnasun (ShelMove) to France? In May. 10 1 « (have) this hair colour for five years. (10x1=10) Choose the correct item. 1 Can you took atterfout my cat whilo Im anay this weekend? 2 Lam very attaches tofin my tamiy. 3. 1 look forward tofabout ‘meeting him when he arsives. 4 Wty are you jealous offin her? 5. Can you lock up/out the ‘number in the yollow pages, please? (x Read the rubric, then write your email, (You are in New York attending a 4A-neek intensive English language course. Write an email (120-180 words) to your English pen-friend describing your new teacher. Include detais of their appearence and personaly | (18 marks) eG (Total=100) ST se talk about people's appearance & character + talk about clothes *+ talk about jobs + talk about family members, + introduce yourself & others + ask atouvgive personal information *+ ask aboutlexpress lkes/dislikes describe a person ‘write an email describing a person iad (FEL hr Re Rt rt |Module 2 Our natural world Which picture shows: wild animals? mountains? birds? o river? the ocean? a fake? a forest? a desert? a waterfall? ‘we Listen and check, then say. here] oe ans @ Fill in: provide, cover, home, lack, shelter, areas, drop, insects. p [IR] They are one of nature’ treasures. They are 1). with alot of trees and 2) about 30% of the Earth’s land ee surface. They provide food end 3) to people and animals. [B] They take up 70% of the Earth’s surface. They are 4) to some of the most amazing creatures on Earth. They 5) a 50% of the Earth’s oxygen. [E] they occupy 1/5 of the Earth’s land surface. it rarely rains there, © Reptiles, 6) birds and mammals lve there. They are hot and there isa 7) . sone f water and plants. However, es temperatures 8) at night fi b) Which of the pictures 1-9 does each text refer to? Translate the texts into Polish. EE) wien of the things in the pictures exist/don't exist in your country? Name some. Write a few sentences. Tell the class. y thore are rivers. The longest one is the Some aro ... coast, othars are in Live in .. «fo my county Aver. Thero aro aleo for There aren't any ...,though. gf Why sit important to take care of the environment? In three BMS. minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class. 21 CZ Cas PS B> seahorses ore beautiful and unusual fish that have captured the Imagination of writers and artists for millennia, and which feature in the anctent mythology, legends Ce ea ea ee ie een ect tr ita ect iced ee Oke ey survived from ancient times with only very small changes in their body structure and function. Seahorses have a peculiar appearance. They have a head lke ahorse, a pouch eee a eel Pee tena eee fc Ce tc eg eT as PE RCC uae mr net en eer i ear terat IP Scahorses live mostly in shallow, warm waters. They are not strong swimmers, Sa ee he eet Roce Gee here err Se eke een ees helps them to avoid being swopt away by strong currents. While they hang from sea Oa Rn en eter ae St ee eee Le ey eet Se emir tn eee P> Another unique characteristic of seahorses is that they (along with their cousins, the pipefis) are the only creatures in the animal kingdom where the male, not the CO er eon me A cic eset eeu ee UL RT cee nasty Ce uc a eed tr ee ne rer ts Ce a eee eek on ares cetera ae ee CS pee de a ay Ce eum it ot ts Moe Li oer a eet Sau et ct er ees ant) Cee a en oe ety cea these estuaries are conserved, South Arca wil lose its only seahorse species for goo. Check these words 2) Look at the photograph, + capture imagination * millennia » feature + folkiore » evolve | Whatis this fish? What do you | survive + Body tructure « function + peculiar « pouch « scales know about it? |s resemble » chameleon + shalish « gts » shatow waters , attached (to) + seaweed + wrap + stom + swcop (avay) * curent ) Cheek the words below in * Suck (op) « pipefish + pregnant « frtize * mate » grave danger the Word List. Use them to ‘ exceptionally limited + dsribution range + estuary + conserve describe the fish's peculiar — —— appearance. + horse-like head * tiay eyes * Jong pointed nose * pouch * sharp spikes + no limbs + bony plates * no scales + gills» tong curved tail + swim bladder + fins Getting the main idea Every paragraph contains a main idea. Finding the main idea of each paragraph helps us understand what the texts about. Read the text quickly. What is the main idea in each paragraph? 22 Choose the best answer according to the text, Give reasons for your answers. What style is the text written in: formol or informal? Give reasons. Check on p. 165. 1 Some people are convinced that seahorses A are too small and timid to survive, B are imaginary creatures. © should featuro in more children's stories. D have the ability to perform magic. 2. Scientists baliove modern-day seahorses A 100k vary similar to prehistoric seahorses, Bare able to chango their body structure, C may be related to the chameleon, D have poor eyesight. 3. Seahorses attach themsolves to seaweed and sea grass A in ordor to cat it B using thelr mouths and tails. © to stay safe in rough waters, D when they want to travel long distances, 4, Eating for seahorses A is difficult as they don't have teeth B takes up a lot of their time. involves storing plankton in their bedios D ‘requires them to chew continuously. 5 When it comes to reproduction, seahorses A like to mate with as many different seahorses as possible. Bare the only fish where the malos give birth. © aro pregnant more o” less continuously. D ive birth to very small numbers of young. 6 Tho Knysna seahorse 1A is the rarest of South Africa's three seashores species. B is usad as medicine in some cultures. © is found throughout South Africa, D is in more danger than any other seahorse specios a |.) Listen and read the text. Answer the questions in your own words. 1 What characteristics make seahorses fish? 2 How do seahorses roprocuca? 3. Why is the Knysna seahorse an endangered species? you lear from the text? Write sentences o tll Prt rater aka uies Pe [OU esate rae ee yc! Find words fF phrases in the text that mean the opposite of: + ordinary (para A) + deep (para C) * common (para D) a Find words in the text that mean: + fragile (para A) + strange (para B) + non-stop (para C) * pair off (para D) ‘+ most serious (para E) FR complete the summary. Use these words: curved, mate, bony, currents, gives, shallow, store, catch. peculiar, lost, ‘attach, places, grave. Seahorses are fh with 3 By New appearance. They have a 2) tail end 3) They five in.) anne warm waters. They can't sri vel so they 5) themselves to seaweed SO ‘ong 6) : tha og em aay Tye os of the time becsuse they Nave ro siovaech to Tig catemnetstones We trae seahorse 8) ais, The female 9) jin the male's pouch, Seano'ses To . for life. “Unfortunately, Mi). a ie in danger Decause peop! a \ ‘hem for pets or SoUvENITS: plates. egg seahorse i519 12) oon ey we don't protect it, this species for good. (9) Did you Know?) Less than 1% of young seahorses make it to adulthood. } {GT Collect information about another Pee cd pee kerk nd Atm likes? Vocabulary from the text Replace the underlined words words in the list in their Ter cs) correct form: evolve, resemble, Selene ia grave, capture, hang on, peculiar. 1. These beautiul animals have Chectahs, the fastest animals on Earth, are 1) endangered! caught the imagination of threatened by habitst 2) loss/waste because people cut down writers. tuees, People also hunt them for theie spotted pelt. Farmers kill 2 They changed form and them in order to 3) proteetipreserve their livestock. Cee The blue whale, the 4) biggest/ Db S anp Uns ea largest of all whales, is now 3. Their appearance is vary icgally 5) swporiedis stipportediprotected strange, against hunting and killing. i 4. Thoir eyes look like ‘There are only 2,500 left a chameleons. : 5. They usually Noid on to sea grass. ‘The Mediterranean monk WAS cpeonc eerie j skin and because they get Fill in: refrain, destroy, prevent, 7) trapped/grabbed in tishing damage, avoid. Nowadays, a lot of 1 Please . ceonnee om fu Countries protect t eating to0 much enocolate. i's faq by 8) daw/rale. - bad for the teeth. The Thailand giant catfish 2 When hiking, wear boots if is 9) meeting/facing you want to . ‘ . 10) extinetion/disappearance being bitten by a snake Gog ve 10 overishing and habits 8 We humans will completely BF loss. the Amazon ‘ rainforest if we are not careful. 4 Acid rain can cause a lot of B a) Read the definitions, . 1 forests. ! 5 Wearing sunscreen will ‘marninats: warm-bioaded animals pp *Ptiles: cold-blooded animals you from getting sunburnt. that give birth to ive babies and | which have scaly skin and lay ox i feed their young on milk Fill in: in, at, without, to. fish: cold-blooded creatures t 1 binosaushave been art for apis anime tat ve thet vein water and veal ‘ee least 65 million years, both on land and in water aN SUS a a doubt, Eston was : 2 animals i fone of the greatest scionists birds ereatures| sets: sma : meni ‘oer smth manna wt feather | hehe sks ad sharp font j ‘mast of them have wings 3 In numans, skeletal muscles “th sharpfiont tet’ and wings i ate attached wn... bones. 4 Cats usualy gve oinn 3) Which type of animal are each ofthe animals below? = Betwaen one and eight kitens. Decide in pairs. g 5 Malo seahorses are tho only (0) Listen and check. creatures the animal kingdom that give birth . + mouse + fly * monkey + whale + bootie + frog babies. ‘ «dolphin « soal * eagle * squirrel » buttorily + parrot 6 eyes + crocodile + toad + lune + jeguar * iguana + seimon 248 ran Bangor of oxtinetion + kangaroo » chemoleon + bear 24 eee Environmental problems Match the environmental problems (A-H) to the pictures (1-8). A) |deforestation |(E| endongered species ‘8 | forest fire F |_| Jandfitis full of rubbish [_Jairportaion | (6 oi spin [D|_ melting ice cops | [H) | water pollution FA Metch the environmental problems (1-7) to the solutions (a-g). Then discuss in pairs, as in the example. “Turn off lights when we don't noed them use taps carotuly use public ransport 2 ‘endangered animals 3 polluted beaches: [) energy wasto Pe iearsertnen feny'e rubbish 51] global watershortage | ° Cleanup the coasting 7] larotits tultot rubbish | ' S!P hunting ther 9 Plant trees A: How can we solve the problem of disappearing forests? ‘8: We can plant trees. fi} choose the correct Prepositional phrases Choose the correct preposition in bold. ‘Check in the Word List. Make sentences using the prepositional phrases. 1 A lotol animals are atvia risk of extinction. 2 Wo must protect habitats of/from disoppeoring. 3 Youcan help save animals of/from extinction, 4 Seahorses rely on/with camoutlage to hide offfrom predators. 5 ‘Wildife! means animals living at/in the vita Word formation {forming nouns from verbs) Complete each sentence with the nouns derived from the words in bold. We form nouns from verbs using the folowing suffixes: ion (prevent-prevention), -ation | (converse-conversation), -sion (explode explosion), -tion (suggest suggestion) 1. Recycling helps control environmental (POLLUTE) 2 In , both people and animals will benefit if laws are made to abolish illegal animal trading. (CONCLUDE) 3. The animal shelter has announced that there will be a in staff because of financial dificulties, (REDUCE) 4 There's a great nu saxo documentaries about endangered species 0 watch. (COLLECT) 5 There is a meeting on whale next Monday. (CONSERVE) Phrasal verbs: BRING YP round particle. Check in the about Word List. 1 His now book about endangered == agut species will bo brought abouVout this May. (be published) 2. Environmontalists holped to bring about! round a change in the law. (caused to happen) 2 She managed to bring ouvup her three chiléren on her own. (ratse) 4 He brought uplabout tho issue of saving tho whales during the seminar. (mentioned) 5 Ho fainted, but the doctor brought him about round. (regained consciousness) 25 —_|2- Grammar in use * prohibition (i's wrong! | against the lawit’s forbidden)? + adveo/suggeston (is “the right thing to doftt’s | agocdidea)? + oblgation/cutyinecessity me ea anit os ‘obliged toy? + Jack of nocossiy (i's not a. muste’t hunt endangered species. ‘ought to respect the environment, You must/ have to use public transport in order to SP codlice pollution "You don't have to/needn’t pay for a ticket to enter he 200 > SNE) EB iwatch the modals in bold to thelr uses. are SS there similar structures in Polish? a prediction based on what we think/believe, @ future plan/intention, a prediction based on | }} Read the sentences and choose the correct what we see. Check in the Grammar words. ',,| Listen and check, Reference Section. Are there similar 1 We mustn'vshould all do what we can to structures in Polish? protect the environmant. 2 You mustn'vdon't have to duy products tit ttt tnt Fill in: will or amv/s/are going to. made from endangered species. 1. A; What are you doing this aternoon, Bob? 3 More people ought tofmustn’t recycle BI cloan up tho park. 4 People musta'tidon't have to use their cars Come with me for short distances when they can walk 2 A: Have you taken the reeycing fo the contre? We needn'vmusta’t camage coral reels B: Sony. | do it ater Making your house environmentally trienaly 3A: I'm helping at the animal shelter today. eedn'mustn't cos! alo! of money. Bee ‘bie ves 7 We ought to/mustn't put our liter in a bin a: ascomnare wana gaiia? and not throw it on the street. . > B: To the beach. She 8 It's @ good idea to adopt an animal: more eope ancuiahmuatitaek meet Peter and help pick up liter : Where are all these people going? Rewrite the sentences using appropriate To the park. Thoy modal verbs. plant some now trees. p> 1 It's against the law to hunt blue whales, We mustn't hunt blue whales, 2 It's a good idea to join an onvironmontal Future continuous/Future Perfect. group. sewn 1 This time next week, I'l be travelling to Spain 3. Its against ho law to hunt chootahs 2 This time next week, I have finished my project = ce BBB Milbe seeing Ann tonight. 4 It's the right thing to protect endangered [cron aes ey species, = 5 It's wrong to hunt animals for their fur a a) Read the examples 1-3. Which verb form expresses: a previously orronged action? Will/Going to {an action in progress ct o certain time in the | Lookat those dark clouds! Wts going to rain future? an action finished before o certain 2 I'm going to join Greenpeace this year. future time? Check in the Grammar Reference 3. I think he will succeed. section, Are there similar structures in [Sees pp. 152 (GAs) 150 (GR*) Polish? ADL 0h tt Akt ti a ca cay ad b) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1. A: How long have you been a member of this environmental group? B: By the end of June, | (bo) with thom fora year. Aren't you meeting Bob at the animal shelter? Bly hate aig arn he senso nose (10V0), This time tomorrow, 1 (walk) to work, B: Oh, yos. I's 'No Car Day’ 4 A: We park by tonight. B: That's great (clean up) tne FA) what will you be doing: at 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon? at 8:30 Sunday evening? What will you have done by the time you ore 302 She must be tired. ('™m sure she is.) She can’t stil be working, ('m sure she isn’t) She may move to London. (it’s possible.) She must have known he wasn't coming, (tm sure she didn't) She can’t have lost the keys. ('m sure she didn't) She may/might not have reached home yet, (t's possible she didn’t.) [iseep. 154 (Gh5) Study the table. Which sentences refer to the: present? past? Which express: positive/negative deduction? uncertainty? Which modals are used for each type? Look at the picture and make sentences using the phrases. Use must, may or can’t. be friends + rain botore Work since mornin be summer + look happy do this before + feel cold collect clothes + be on holiday belong to an environmental group « start early He'll come as soon as he finishes work. [Leave when she gets here. (time word) [Ssco p53 ana) Q a) Read the examples. What tense do we use after time words (hen, until, before, as scon as, ofter, ete) to refer to the future? b) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or future. Compare with your partner. 1 We should help the environment before it (be) 109 late, 2 We (wait) until we have enough volunteers. 3 Sho . (start) a cloan-up campaign betore she goes to college 4 What will he do after he {inish) schoo!? 5 She wants to be an environmentalist when sho (grow up) Choose the correct item. chee. hdc enddedcertadi We can all do a number of simple things that | Awillshould meke 2 big difference to the} environment and we 2)don‘t have to/mustn’t change our lifestyles very much either. For example, if you insulate your home, you help the environment and save on your eneray bills. Also, you 3) should/need check the settings on your central heating and your fridge. If you 4) turn/ are going to turn the temperature down just afew | degrees, you 5) willémust save money and enera} 6) before/when you know it. You 7) should/ ‘ought also switch all the light bulbs in your house to energy-efficient ones and by this time next year | you'll 8) be paying/have paid a lot less. Sentence transformations: Complete the second sentence so that it ‘means the same as the first. Use appropriate ‘modal verbs. 1. Its the right thing to holp protect, endangered species. We : 2 It’s not necessary to wator tho plants. You 3k a'good idea to tur of hte whan you don't need thom. You 4 It’s against the law to sep litter in tho stroot, You 5 You are obliged to keep your dog on a short ead near farm animals, You . 27

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