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Warlord Defining Reptus



Faction Doctrines

A Reptus player may choose one, and only one, of the Doctrines below. You gain all of the benefits of the choosen Doctrine.

Jade Doctrine
Aura of Jade Thorns
When any model performs a Focus Action, it also gains +1 DV for its second Action.

Jade Strike
Any non-soldier Model may reroll one missed Defensive Strike per activation

Outcast Doctrine
Slithering Strike
All Snake Models gain Deflect/1 and Rush Attack.

Troll and Turtle models gain Tough/1

Venomous Blood
All models gain the Immunity(Poison) SA.

Warlord Benefits
Warlords bring a certain presence with them to the battlefield. When fielding a Warlord, the following benefits are gained:

Warlord: Benefit: Notes:

Once per game the Broodmaster may use a free action to invoke the power of Payanak. All
Payanak's Dragon models in The Broodmaster's troop gain SA Flyer (Mov 8) and immediately take flight.
Flight Models in btb with enemy models must pass the normal disengage requirements first. The
affects of this last til the end of the next turn, or until the model lands.
Draconic When Khong-to, or any Dragon Model in his troop, suffers enough damage to be slain, it gains
Presence an additional Defensive Strike that is made at Damage Track 0.
Venomous Any successful attacks by models in Po Wi-Set's troop that result in poison tokens, those poison
Po Wi-Set
Recoil rolls are carried out at the end of the activation instead of the end of the game turn

Equipment for Leaders, Elites, & Solitaires

Name: Type: Cost: Notes:

Troll Hide Armor 20 Model becomes Nauseating and gains SA Regeneration/3
Dragon Claw Weapon 25 Each activation, the possessor's first swing gets the benefit of Swing Thru.
UNIQUE: Once per activation, if the bearer kills an enemy with either offensive or
Sword of Feeding Weapon 20
defensive strikes, he immediately makes a Regeneration/2 check

Any Reptus Spellcasters with access to the appropriate Tomes may chose from these spells as well


Name: Acid Venom

Cost: 5
Type: Attack
Range: 0"

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Warlord Defining Reptus

AoE: Special
# Affected: All
Affect: 1 damage + poison
Caster spews up Acidic Toxin that covers all in a straight line for 6 inches directly out from the caster. Treat the same as a
blowthru, but is still Magic in nature for dice rolling purposes.


Name: Feed the Young

Cost: 3
Type: Non-Attack
Range: N/A
AoE: N/A
# Affected: Caster's troop
Affect: Gain Vicious
If cast successfully, all models in the caster's troop gain the Vicious SA for all Close Combat attacks until the end of the
current activation.


Name: Crimson Embrace

Cost: 3
Type: Non-Attack
Range: N/A
AoE: N/A
# Affected: Caster's troop
Affect: Gain Flame attack
If cast successfully, all models in the caster's troop gain the Flame Attack SA for all Close Combat attacks until the end of
the current activation.

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