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Year 37 No.

25 2nd Sunday of Advent (B) — Violet December 10, 2023

The Voice of
a Gracious God
“C omfort…” Isaiah echoes the
Lord God say, “Comfort!”
The Hebrew word used here often
ears ought to hear” (Mt 11:14-15).
Yes, we need to hear and see
John’s consoling message. John, in
comes with the feeling of “sorry”— his witness of lifestyle—he feeds
out of pity or to relent as in Ps on locusts and wild honey and
90:13-14, “Relent, O LORD! How is clothed in camel’s hair, with a
long? Have pity on your servants! leather belt around his waist—
Fill us at daybreak with your mercy, with his example of humility and
that all our days we may sing for in sheer simplicity, leads many to
joy.” No wonder, Isaiah is indicted repentance even if for some he has
to speak tenderly and to proclaim to deal with their unjust and corrupt
an end, a rest (the same root word ways (Lk 3:12-14). Above all, in a
for “comfort” in self-effacing demeanor, he shares
Hebrew). At a time a very important message: While “I
when they are have baptized with water,” Jesus is
exiled, scattered the anointed “who will baptize…
and helpless, with the Holy Spirit” (Mk 1:8). He is
overwhelmed by
the Lord who comes.
the loss of their
The other word for
land, their king, and
Messiah or Anointed
their temple, the
is Comforter. The
comfort brought by
compassionate God
the glory of the Lord
has decided to live
shall be revealed:
among us and later
“In his arms he
will send us another
gathers the lambs,
Comforter, the Holy
carrying them in his
bosom, and leading
the ewes with care” In this season of
(Is 40:11). waiting, as we daily live out our
As in the days of old, the comfort by Bro. Hansel Mapayo, SSP faith in the Lord’s coming, do people
John emphasizes is both urgent and find in us comfort or confusion
inevitable. Let this be the tone as the and forgiveness of sins. Mark says (restlessness)? Compassion is a
Second Sunday of Advent unfolds. John is preparing the way of the feeling; but comfort is action. What
That as the Lord God has shown Lord. Earlier, we heard the post kinds of actions are we engaged in
his kindness and saving action exilic prophet Malachi proclaim, during this season of inner journey?
(Responsorial Psalm) to the exiled “I am sending to you Elijah the Buying a lot of things for gift giving?
in Babylon: their guilt expiated after prophet, before the day of the Or buying essential food for the
receiving double for all her sins (Is Lord comes” (Mal 3:23 NABRE). needy? While it is time to rearrange
40:2), as well as in the time when And how is this true to John? The our priorities in life, we heed the
they are under the Roman rule, evangelist Mark shows how the call of the prophet who shares with
the awaited “new heavens and a Isaian text on the forerunner refers us God’s graciousness, that we,
new earth in which righteousness to John, and even Jesus himself in guided by the Spirit, may extend
dwells” (2Pt 3:13) unfolds. Here. Matthew affirms John’s role and our hand to our enemies, lend an
Now. message succinctly: “…if you are ear to crying neighbors, share the
We hear John’s voice in the willing to accept it, he is Elijah, the table with strangers, or accompany
wilderness, proclaiming repentance one who is to come. Whoever has people who cry for justice.
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES All—Lord, have mercy. Then the glory of the Lord shall
P—You came to call sinners: be revealed, and all people
Entrance Antiphon Christ, have mercy. shall see it together; for the
(Cf. Is 30:19, 30) All—Christ, have mercy. mouth of the Lord has spoken.
(Recited when there is no opening song.) Go up on to a high moun-
P — You are seated at the
tain, Zion, herald of glad
O people of Sion, behold, the right hand of the Father to
tidings; cry out at the top of
Lord will come to save the intercede for us: Lord, have
your voice, Jerusalem, herald
nations, and the Lord will make mercy.
of good news! Fear not to cry
the glory of his voice heard in All—Lord, have mercy. out and say to the cities of
the joy of your heart. P—May almighty God Judah: Here is your God! Here
have mercy on us, forgive
comes with power the Lord
Lighting of the Advent Candles us our sins, and bring us to
God, who rules by his strong
everlasting life.
(The lighting of the second candle of arm; here is his reward with
All—Amen. him, his recompense before
the Advent wreath may be made after
the entrance song, with the following (The Gloria is not said.) him. Like a shepherd he feeds
or any similar prayer:) his flock; in his arms he gathers
Collect the lambs, carrying them in his
P—Father, as we journey down
this Advent road, we relight the bosom, and leading the ewes
P—Let us pray. (Pause) with care.
candle of hope, and we light
the candle of peace. Grant us Almighty and merciful God, —The word of the Lord.
the courage to make peace: may no earthly undertaking All—Thanks be to God.
peace in our hearts, peace hinder those who set out in
in our homes, peace in our
Responsorial Psalm (Ps 85)
haste to meet your Son, but
communities. may our learning of heavenly R —Lord, let us see your
All—Amen. wisdom gain us admittance to kindness, and grant us your
his company. salvation.
(The sign of the cross is made here.) Who lives and reigns with R. Jacob
you in the unity of the Holy

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F B♭m F
P—The Lord be with you. Spirit, God, for ever and ever.      
All—And with your spirit. All—Amen. Lord, let us see your kind ness,
Introduction THE LITURGY
(These [or similar words] may be
used to address the assembly.) OF THE WORD 
B♭ Cm

   

First Reading    
P—John the Baptist appears
(Is 40:1–5, 9–11) (Sit) and grant us your sal
in the desert proclaiming a
baptism of repentance for From Isaiah’s Book of Consolation,


we hear God’s words of comfort for
the forgiveness of sins. The
 
prophet’s voice should awaken his people exiled in Babylon. God 
us from spiritual lukewarmness. has forgiven their sins and will bring va tion.

Like the people who listen to them back to their homeland. The 1. I will hear what God
him, we should get up on our call to prepare the way of the Lord proclaims;/ the Lord—for he
feet and go to meet the Lord. in the desert is echoed in today’s proclaims peace to his people./
But first we have to look deep Gospel. Near indeed is his salvation
within us and realize that we to those who fear him,/ glory
A reading from the Book of dwelling in our land. (R)
are unprepared to meet him. the Prophet Isaiah
The mountains of our pride 2. Kindness and truth shall
and our sinfulness, the valleys COMFORT, give comfort to meet;/ justice and peace shall
of our preoccupation with the my people, says your God. kiss./ Truth shall spring out of
things of this world, make for Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, the earth,/ and justice shall
an uneven path. We have to and proclaim to her that her look down from heaven. (R)
make ready a straight path service is at an end, her guilt 3. The Lord himself will give
for the Lord by renewal and is expiated; indeed, she has his benefits;/ our land shall
conversion. received from the hand of the yield its increase./ Justice shall
Lord double for all her sins. walk before him,/ and prepare
Penitential Act A voice cries out: In the the way of his steps. (R)
P —Brethren (brothers and desert prepare the way of the
sisters), let us acknowledge L ord ! Make straight in the Second Reading (2 Pt 3:8–14)
our sins, and so prepare wasteland a highway for our
ourselves to celebrate the God! Every valley shall be filled Peter pictures the coming of the
sacred mysteries. (Pause) in, every mountain and hill “day of the Lord” and instructs
P—You were sent to heal the shall be made low; the rugged us to prepare for this day by our
contrite of heart: Lord, have land shall be made a plain, the repentance and by our holy and
mercy. rough country, a broad valley. devout conduct.
A reading from the second repentance for the forgiveness I believe in one, holy, catholic,
Letter of Saint Peter of sins. People of the whole and apostolic Church. I confess
Judean countryside and all one Baptism for the forgiveness
DO NOT IGNORE this one of sins and I look forward to the
fact, beloved, that with the the inhabitants of Jerusalem
were going out to him and resurrection of the dead and the
Lord one day is like a thousand life of the world to come. Amen.
years and a thousand years were being baptized by him
like one day. The Lord does in the Jordan River as they Prayer of the Faithful
not delay his promise, as some acknowledged their sins. John
regard “delay,” but he is patient was clothed in camel’s hair, P—The Lord is faithful and does
with you, not wishing that not delay in keeping his promise
with a leather belt around his of salvation. With confidence,
any should perish but that all waist. He fed on locusts and
should come to repentance. let us pray to the Father:
wild honey. And this is what
But the day of the Lord will he proclaimed: “One mightier
R—Father, hear our prayer.
come like a thief, and then the C —For the Church: Like
heavens will pass away with a than I is coming after me. I am
not worthy to stoop and loosen John the Baptist who pointed
mighty roar and the elements to Christ, may the Church
will be dissolved by fire, and the thongs of his sandals. I
have baptized you with water; proclaim with renewed vigor
the earth and everything done to the men and women of
on it will be found out. he will baptize you with the
today that Jesus Christ is the
Since everything is to be Holy Spirit.” Redeemer of humanity and the
dissolved in this way, what —The Gospel of the Lord. Lord of history. We pray: (R)
sort of persons ought you to All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus
be, conducting yourselves in C—For government and civil
Christ. leaders: Like John the Baptist
holiness and devotion, waiting
for and hastening the coming who professed his unworthiness
Homily (Sit)
of the day of God, because to stoop and loosen the thongs
of which the heavens will be Profession of Faith (Stand) of the Messiah’s sandals, may
dissolved in flames and the they recognize their own
elements melted by fire. But All—I believe in one God, the sinfulness and unworthiness
according to his promise we Father almighty, maker of heaven and experience God’s gift of
await new heavens and a new and earth, of all things visible conversion. We pray: (R)
earth in which righteousness and invisible. C—For consecrated men and
dwells. Therefore, beloved, I believe in one Lord Jesus women: Like John the Baptist,
since you await these things, Christ, the Only Begotten Son of may they prepare the way of
be eager to be found without God, born of the Father before the Lord through their acts
spot or blemish before him, all ages. God from God, Light of service to the least of our
at peace. from Light, true God from brothers and sisters. We pray:
—The word of the Lord. true God, begotten, not made, (R)
All—Thanks be to God. consubstantial with the Father; C—For those who, for a long
through him all things were time, have stayed away from the
Alleluia (Lk 3:4, 6) (Stand) made. For us men and for our sacrament of Reconciliation:
salvation he came down from May they experience the season
All—Alleluia, alleluia. Prepare heaven, (At the words that follow of Advent as a time of renewing
the way of the Lord, make up to and including and became their relationship with you,
straight his paths: all flesh man, all bow.) and by the Holy Father, and continuing Christ’s
shall see the salvation of God. Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin mission of love and service.
Alleluia, alleluia. Mary, and became man. We pray: (R)
Gospel (Mk 1:1–8) For our sake he was crucified
under Pontius Pilate, he suffered C—May our family members,
death and was buried, and relatives, and friends who have
P—A reading from the holy died experience everlasting
Gospel according to Mark rose again on the third day in
accordance with the Scriptures. joy in the company of our
All—Glory to you, O Lord. Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
He ascended into heaven and
is seated at the right hand of We pray: (R)
THE BEGINNING of the gospel
of Jesus Christ the Son of God. the Father. He will come again C —Let us pray for the urgent
in glory to judge the living and concerns of our community and
As it is written in Isaiah the
the dead and his kingdom will our personal intentions (pause).
prophet: Behold, I am sending We pray: (R)
my messenger ahead of you; he have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, P—Father, without you we can
will prepare your way. A voice the Lord, the giver of life, who do nothing for our salvation.
of one crying out in the desert: proceeds from the Father and Warm our hearts and strengthen
“Prepare the way of the Lord, the Son, who with the Father and our resolve that we may live for
make straight his paths.” John the Son is adored and glorified, you and for one another.
the Baptist appeared in the who has spoken through the Through Christ our Lord.
desert proclaiming a baptism of prophets. All—Amen.
Presentation of the Gifts
P—Pray, brethren…
All—May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of
all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
P—Be pleased, O Lord, with
our humble prayers and
offerings, and, since we have
no merits to plead our cause,
come, we pray, to our rescue
with the protection of your
Through Christ our Lord.
All—Amen. Through Christ our Lord
Advent I: The two comings of Christ The Lord’s Prayer THE CONCLUDING RITES
P—The Lord be with you. All—Our Father… P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit. P—Deliver us, Lord… All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts. All—For the kingdom, the
All—We lift them up to the Lord. power and the glory are yours Solemn Blessing
P—Let us give thanks to the now and for ever.
Lord our God. P—Bow down for the blessing.
All—It is right and just. Invitation to Peace (Pause)
Invitation to Communion May the almighty and
P—It is truly right and just, merciful God, by whose grace
our duty and our salvation, (Kneel)
you have placed your faith in
always and everywhere to P—Behold the Lamb of God, the First Coming of his Only
give you thanks, Lord, holy behold him who takes away
Father, almighty and eternal Begotten Son and yearn for his
the sins of the world. Blessed coming again, sanctify you by
God, through Christ our Lord. are those called to the supper
For he assumed at his the radiance of Christ’s Advent
of the Lamb.
first coming the lowliness of and enrich you with his blessing.
human flesh, and so fulfilled All—Lord, I am not worthy All—Amen.
the design you formed long that you should enter under P—As you run the race of this
ago, and opened for us the my roof, but only say the present life, may he make you
way to eternal salvation, that, word and my soul shall be firm in faith, joyful in hope,
when he comes again in glory healed. and active in charity.
and majesty and all is at last All—Amen.
made manifest, we who watch Communion Antiphon
for that day may inherit the (Bar 5:5; 4:36) P—So that, rejoicing now with
great promise in which now devotion at the Redeemer’s
Jerusalem, arise and stand coming in the flesh, you may be
we dare to hope. upon the heights, and behold
And so, with Angels and endowed with the rich reward
the joy which comes to you
Archangels, with Thrones from God. of eternal life when he comes
and Dominions, and with again in majesty.
all the hosts and Powers of Prayer after Communion All—Amen.
heaven, we sing the hymn (Stand) P—And may the blessing of
of your glory, as without end almighty God, the Father, and
we acclaim: P—Let us pray. (Pause)
Replenished by the food the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
All—Holy, Holy, Holy... (Kneel) of spiritual nourishment, we come down on you and remain
humbly beseech you, O Lord, with you for ever.
Acclamation (Stand) All—Amen.
that, through our partaking in
All—When we eat this Bread this mystery, you may teach Dismissal
and drink this Cup, we us to judge wisely the things
proclaim your Death, O Lord, of earth and hold firm to the P—Go forth, the Mass is ended.
until you come again. things of heaven. All—Thanks be to God.

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