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Chemical Physics 527 (2019) 110499

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Tuning the electronic structure of 2D materials by strain and external T

electric field: Case of GeI2 monolayer
D.M. Hoata,b, , Tuan V. Vuc,d, Mohammed M. Obeide, Hamad R. Japporf

Computational Optics Research Group, Advanced Institute of Materials Science, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Division of Computational Physics, Institute for Computational Science, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Department of Ceramic, College of Materials Engineering, University of Babylon, 51002 Hilla, Iraq
Department of Physics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Babylon, Hilla, Iraq


Keywords: Strain and external electric field effect on electronic structure of GeI2 monolayer has been investigated using first
GeI2 monolayer principles calculations. The obtained results indicate that GeI2 monolayer is an indirect semiconductor with band
Strain engineering gap value of 2.188 eV. With biaxial strain, the band gap of considered material increases slightly with com-
External electric field pression up to −6% and then it decreases and shows abrupt drop for strain −9% to −12%, whereas it just
Electronic structure
shows decreasing trend with tensile strain. In case of uniaxial strain, the band gap value increases nearly linearly
under the effect of considered strain range. The weak external electric field has no significant effect on the band
gap of GeI2 monolayer, while with E = ± 0.6 (eV/Å/e), the band gap decreases considerably as I-6s state in
conduction band moves to the lower energy levels.

1. Introduction bulk layered-structure compounds have been widely employed to iso-

late two-dimensional materials. [13,14]. The layered semiconducting
Perhaps, one of the most memorable and important milestone of the GeI2 shows low cleavage energy (0.16 J/m2) which is lower than that of
science is the successful exfoliation of graphene, a two-dimensional the graphite, thus the isolation of monolayer GeI2 could be experi-
(2D) sheet of sp2 -hybridized carbon, in 2004 by Novoselov and colla- mentally feasible. The monolayer GeI2 can be appropriate for operation
borators [1]. Graphene possesses exceptional chemical and physical at high temperature due to its thermally stable at high temperature
properties but the unexpected zero-gap semiconductor nature has lim- (600 K). Furthermore, the light absorption of GeI2 monolayer in the
ited so much its technological applications [2,3]. Therefore, geat effort spectral range between 240 and 650 nm makes it potential candidate in
of scientific community has been devoted to the band gap opening of the future electronic and ultraviolet optoelectronic devices, that em-
graphene by different methods in order to make it more suitable for ployed under ultraviolet and blue light [15]. Recently, Chun-Sheng Liu
applications [4,5]. Parallelly, the discovery of graphene also has et al. [16] predicted theoretically the dynamic, electronic and optical
aroused interest in 2D materials which have received huge attention. So properties of GeI2 monolayer which could be exfoliated from its bulk
far, some wide band gap semiconductor 2D materials have been ex- counterpart. It was reported that this 2D material is dynamically stable,
tensively investigated, for examples, metal dichalcogenides and a semiconductor with band gap of 2.59 eV and can be promising can-
monodichalcogenides [6–10]. didate for application in optoelectronic devices. The authors also found
Germanium (II) iodide was experimentally synthezided by E. Urgiles that the semi-hydrogenation on the GeI2 surface motivate the trans-
et al. [11]. It was reported to crystallize in hexagonal layered-structure, formation from semiconductor (nonmagnetic) to ferromagnetic half-
space group P3m1 (No. 164). H. Ozisik et al. [12] studied the structural, metal, which makes it promising material for spintronic applications.
elastic, and lattice dynamical properties of GeI2, they found that this Based on both experimental and theoretical studies, it has been de-
compounds is mechanical and thermodynamically stable, and it has monstrated that the electronic properties of 2D materials can be con-
direct band gap of 1.72 eV. The mechanical and liquid exfoliation of siderably tuned by the strain and external electric field engineering

Corresponding author at: Computational Optics Research Group, Advanced Institute of Materials Science, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.

E-mail addresses: (D.M. Hoat), (T.V. Vu), (M.M. Obeid), (H.R. Jappor).
Received 29 April 2019; Received in revised form 9 June 2019; Accepted 15 August 2019
Available online 17 August 2019
0301-0104/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D.M. Hoat, et al. Chemical Physics 527 (2019) 110499

[17–21]. However, to the best of our knowledge, the effect of these two
factors on the electronic properties of GeI2 monolayer has not been
studied well, so far.
In this work, we systematically investigate the electronic properties
of GeI2 monolayer under applied strain and external electric field using
DFT calculations. The structure of the paper is as follow: In Section 2,
the employed method and computational parameters are briefly de-
scribed. In Section 3, the obtained results are presented and discussed in
details. Finally, remarkable results are summarized in Section 4.

2. Methodology and computational parameters

First principles calculations based on the pseudopotential plane-

wave method [22], as implemented in the Cambridge Serial Total En-
ergy Package (CASTEP) [23], have been carried out for investigating
the electronic properties of GeI2 monolayer under different strains and (a) Top-view
external electric fields. To avoid the interation between layers, a va-
cumm of 15 (Å) was used. Generalized gradient approximation with
Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (GGA-PBE) scheme [24] was adopted for the
treatment of exchange-correlation potential. Moreover, the ion-electron
interaction was treated with the norm-conserving pseudopotential.
Weak van der Waals interactions were described with the empirical
(b) side-view
dispersion correction DFT-D method as proposed by Grimme et al. [25].
3d10 4s 2 4p2 and 4d105s 25p5 were treated as valence states for Ge and I Fig. 1. Top- and side-view of atomic structure of GeI2 monolayer (Gray balls:
atoms, respectively. Cut-off energy for the expansion of plane waves Ge; Blue balls: I).
was set to be 500 (eV). Tolerance for total energy was selected as
2 × 10 7 eV/atom.
Theoretically, it is well known that GGA-PBE functional under-
estimates the band gap of solids. In this work, we focus our study
mainly on the variation trend of electronic structure of GeI2 monolayer
under applied strain and external electric field. Therefore, the PBE
functional was employed for all calculations because it has been proven
that this functional describes very well the band structure profile of
crystalline solids.

3. Results and discussion

GeI2 monolayer has hexagonal symmetry belonging to the P3m1

space group (No. 164). Its structure consists of a stacking of three
atomic layers I-Ge-I. In Fig. 1, its atomic structure is displayed. The
optimized lattice parameters of studied material are a = b = 4.179 (Å)
and its thickness is d = 3.527 (Å) which agree well with the previously
obtained theoretical results [16]. At equilibrium, the interatomic dis-
tance Ge-I is 2.988 (Å). The phonon dispersion relations are used for Fig. 2. Phonon dispersion curve of GeI2 monolayer.
examining the dynamical stability of materials, those with soft phonons
modes possess the dynamical stability and vice verse. In Fig. 2, the
phonon dispersion spectrum of GeI2 monolayer is illustrated which known strain-dependence of bond length in 2D materials [30]. It seems
confirms that this material is dynamically stable as there are not ima- that the Ge-I bond length is more affected by the compressive biaxial
ginary phonon modes in the plot. The effect of biaxial xy and uniaxial z strain than by tensile biaxial and uniaxial strains.
strain was investigated by varying the lattice constant of the monolayer Fig. 3 shows the electronic band structure, total and partial density
a and its thickness d, respectively, which is definied as: of states (TDOS and PDOS) of the unstrained GeI2 monolayer. The band
structure is calculated in high symmetry direction M K of
a a0
xy = × 100 Brillouin zone (See Fig. 3). The profile of obtained band structure im-
a0 (1) plies that considered material is an indirect semiconductor as the
d d0 maximum of valence band is located at K -path, while the minimum of
z = × 100 conduction band is found at point. The calculated band gap is
d0 (2)
2.188 eV which is consistent with the previously estimated value [16].
Here subscript “0” indicates the parameters at equilibrium. The studied From the figure, it can be seen that in the energy range from −6.5 eV to
range is from −12% to 12% with step of 3%. Theoretical studies have 6.5 eV, the valence band is dominated mainly from I atom with a small
proven that the 2D monolayers can bear high strains [26]. Previous contribution from Ge atom, while both atoms contribute to the con-
studies have indicated that the maximum strains which iodides can take duction band. Specifically, the upper part of valence band is dominated
are ranging between −20% to 20% [27–29]. Our discussion is within mainly by the I-5p, while the lowest partition of conduction band is
this range. By measuring the interatomic distance Ge-I, we observe that generated mainly from the Ge-4p state. One can see that the higher
this parameter increases as increasing the strain value being partition is constructed from the unoccupied I-6s orbital. It seems that
2.760(2.869) (Å) and 3.227(3.118) (Å) at xy ( z ) = −12% and there is a slight hybridization between Ge-4p and I-5p orbitals as they
xy ( z ) = 12%, respectively. Our obtained results do obey the well

D.M. Hoat, et al. Chemical Physics 527 (2019) 110499

Fig. 3. Selected k-path in Brillouin zone; Band structure and density of states of GeI2 monolayer without strain and external electric field.

(a) xy-strained

(b) z-strained

(c) Electric field

Fig. 4. Band structure of GeI2 monolayer under strain and applied electric field.

D.M. Hoat, et al. Chemical Physics 527 (2019) 110499

appear at almost same energies in both valence and conduction bands. under strains are displayed. In general, the contribution of each state
Fig. 4a and b show the band structure of GeI2 monolayer under the aforementioned is similar as compared with case of unstrained studied
effect of different bi- and uniaxial strains −12%, −6%, 6%, 12%. It is material. But we can observe three clear strain-dependent behaviors: (i)
important to note that in all cases, the maximum of valence band is the spreading energy range of valence band increases according rising
located at K -path, while the minimum of conduction band occurs at the strain values, for example, from −6.5(-4.75) eV to 0 eV in case of
point similar to that of the unstrained one, with only one exception xy ( z ) = −12%, and from −2.5(-3.8) eV to 0 eV if xy ( z ) = 12%, it
when the biaxial strain equal to −12%, the bottom of conduction band seems that the biaxial strain shows more significant role on spreading
is situated at K -path. The band gap values Eg are strongly varied by range of valence band than uniaxial; (ii) the density of states of each
the applied strains. Fig. 6 shows the strain dependence of this para- constituent state increases with increasing the strain value and (iii) the
meter as function of both biaxial and uniaxial. One can see that Eg in- upper part of conduction band, which is formed mainly from I-6s state,
creases for compressive biaxial strains up to −6% where its maximum moves to the lower energy range as strain is varied from −12% to 12%,
value reaches 2.260 eV, from this strain it shows a decreasing trend, this result shows the increasing trend of hybridization between I-6s and
and an abrupt drop is observed from xy = −9% (Eg = 2.225 eV) to Ge-4p states if the bond length Ge-I is reduced.
xy = −12% (Eg = 1.802 eV).Theses results show very similar trend to Now, we study the effect of external electric field E on electronic
those of PbI2 monolayer, which can be attributed to the elastic and structure of unstrained GeI2 monolayer. The applying dirrection is
mechanical unstability of the monolayer at compressive strains higher perpendicular to the xy-plane (parallel to z-axis). Positive value of E
than −10% [27]. However, our results show that the electronic band indicate that electric field direction is along z-axis and negative value
gap of GeI2 still can be effectively modulated with the biaxial strain implies the opposite orientation. The obtained band structures of GeI2
from −10% to 10%. With biaxial strain range between [−6% – 12%], monolayer under external electric field are given in Fig. 4c. Their
Eg decreases almost linearly and under applied xy = 12%, Eg value is profile shows that there are no decisive change on the position of the
2.041 eV. A similar trend has been found for PbI2 monolayer [31]. On valence band maxima and the conduction band minima as compared to
the other hand, the band gap of GeI2 monolayer increases linearly that of pristine GeI2 monolayer in the absence of the electric field, that
under uniaxial strain from −12% (Eg = 1.762 eV) to 12% is, they occur at K -path and point, respectively. In Fig. 6, the band
(Eg = 2.523 eV), which presents change of −19.47% and 15.31% as gap values Eg are plotted as a function of E. It can be noted that Eg
compared to the unstrained GeI2 sheet. It seems that band gap of GeI2 varies trivially for E range between −0.5 (eV/Å/e) (Eg = 2.177 eV) and
mono-sheet shows higher dependence on uniaxial strain than on biaxial 0.5 (eV/Å/e) (Eg = 2.177 eV). On the other hand, Eg decreases con-
one. In Fig. 5a and Fig. 5b, the TDOS and PDOS of GeI2 monolayer siderably down to 2.110 eV and 2.020 eV under the effect of E = −0.6

(a) xy-strained

(b) z-strained

(c) Electric field

Fig. 5. Total and partial density of states of GeI2 monolayer under strain and applied electric field.

D.M. Hoat, et al. Chemical Physics 527 (2019) 110499

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