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Small Grant Application Form

1. Name of project
Rubbish Picking

2. Applicant details:

Name of organisation (If applicable)

The Explore Cambodia (TEC)

Applicant’s Name (If a Collective Action list names of all key Action Partners)
Mr. ROS Thyra

Title / Position
Project Manager and TEC former

# 149AE2Z , Kampuchea Krom Blvd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Mobile (855)92 753 306
Personal email
Org. email
Web site

3. Brief summary of Project: Maximum 500 words. Include evidence of the need for the project
and explain how community support has been or could be gained. Make clear the significance
of the project ie. The difference it will make.

WHAT: The Explore Cambodia (TEC) is a project which doing with biking around Cambodia. It
is not just for biking, it is for changing of Cambodia. Besides biking around Cambodia, we do
with the environment, social activities and sharing knowledge to each other. TEC is to make a
better of Cambodia. No what mater we do is from volunteer. For environment side, we do with
solid waste such as plastic materials.
WHY: On Water Festival, there are more and more people come to Phnom Penh to see the boat
race, firework, capital city as well as the new achievement of development. On the other hand,
people pollute Phnom Penh with solid waste mostly with plastic bag. Even there is CINTRE, a
company on investment of collecting rubbish around Phnom Penh, to clean sites near riverside;
but cleaners are a fewer the polluters so there must be more plastic on the streets, parks.
WHO: there will have 15 participants joining this event. Most of them will come from high
schools, universities and others.
WHERE: The project will be implemented in Phnom Penh during Water Festival ceremony
along riverside and some parks.
WHEN: The project will be four days from November 23, 2007 to November 26, 2007.
HOW: Through our experience and remarkable result of the first action last year, we found that
people were starting to think themselves for what we were doing. People questioning us how
come we do such a thing that people seldom do that.
4. Budget:

Needs: In order to implement the project we need to buy some materials for rubbish picking.

Item Unit Price Quantity Total Cost

Bag $ 0.4 45 $ 18.0
Glove $ 2.5 1 box $ 2.5
Bamboo hat $ 0.4 15 $ 5.0
T-shirt $ 2.5 20 $ 50.0
Snack $ 1.25 15*3 $ 56.25
Total $131.75

-Because this is a volunteerism event so no one get salary, but may contribute some if we do
not have enough fund. That’s why, what this event will provide is just a snack. It is cost $1.25 for each
of participants. If the snack cost less then that we will save the amount of money for other activities.

5. Target Audience:

-Participants will get more knowledge about the real situation of environment in Phnom Penh City
during Water Festival. Moreover, participants will get involved the social activities, learn to share,
learn to active the knowledge and meet new environment of different people during picking.
-Besides this, there will be a beautiful view of environment on water festival. Moreover, this will
create a new attitude of a way of thinking to rubbish pickers.

6. Collaboration with other groups / organizations:

We are trying to collaborate with CINTRE Company about this event. We want to work with clean
and learn to share with them as well.

7. Obstacles to implementation:

For Rubbish Picking Project, there are a few obstacle to achieve such as the easily of tire of
participants as it will walk for kilometers to pick rubbish so some who don’t experience with this
will get tire quickly. On the other hand, we committed ourselves to do our best even some
unfamiliar with this.

8. Sustainability:

We are delighted to declare that this program will last for goods as we all determined to do such
event every year. Because we are volunteer to do this so we just try our best to do it through our

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