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Construction Methodology of

Rock fill Dams

Dr R.Sathish Kumar

• Introduction
• Structure of a dam
• Explorations
• Construction Methodology
Rock fill Dam
Valley shapes for different types of dams
• The primary criterion for choice of dam type
at a given site is valley shape and
foundation geology
• A narrow V-shaped valley with abutments
strong enough to resist the arch thrust is
best suited for an arch dam
• A moderate wide valley with small depth of
overburden and strong foundations at the
base suited for gravity or buttress dam
Valley shapes for different types of dams

• A wide valley and deep overburden, an

embankment dam is usually the best

• In valleys with irregular cross-sections, or

for providing a concrete spillway, part of the
dam may be built as an embankment and
part in concrete
Valley shapes for different types of dams
Section of a Dam
Forces acting on a dam
• 1-Water pressure , 2- Uplift pressure ,3-
Earthquake pressure , 4- Silt pressure , 5 –Wave
pressure , 6- Ice pressure.

• Rockfill dams are appropriate for
construction at locations where suitable
rock can be quarried at or near the dam
• Where the foundations will not be
subjected to material settlement due to
loading or to erosion from any seepage
through or under the dam.
• A variety of rocks can be used with
modern methods of compaction; even
relatively weak rocks such as sandstones,
siltstones, schists and argillites have been
• It is usual to examine all possible sources
of locally available material to carry out
laboratory tests on samples
• Central earth core would be protected by
zones of transitional material between the
clay and the rockfill.

• Usually two or more layers of transitional

material are necessary grading through
from clayey sand against the corewall to a
crushed rock with fines against the rockfill.
• Where upstream facings are provided,
these are generally of either reinforced
concrete or asphalt.

• However, a more recent development has

been to place the rockfill against upstream
kerbs of roller compacted concrete as
construction proceeds.
• This produces a relatively impermeable
face, which is a useful safeguard against
construction floods
• Watertightness of a concrete face is
achieved by sealing vertical joints with
• Horizontal joints are not required,
construction joints being formed with
reinforcing steel passing through them.
• Foundations consisting of rock are
generally considered more competent than
soil foundations.
• Even foundations of weaker rock are
generally preferred over soil foundations.
• The preference for a rock foundation is
undoubtedly justified where the rock mass
is generally homogeneous and competent.
• For example, many sedimentary
foundations contain weak layers of clay
that may be only millimeters thick.
• If these layers are not carefully searched
for during exploration work, and located
and accounted for during design and
construction, they can lead to stability
• Probing or sounding methods:
– Drive a pipe or rod into the soil.
– Measure the resistance offered by the soil.
• Geophysical methods:
– Seismic refraction method
– Electrical resistivity method.
SPT (Standard Penetration Test)
• IS:2131 – 1981 Method for Standard
Penetration Test for Soils.
• Most important and most commonly used
field test
• Typical equipment: drill rig, split spoon
sampler, hammering equipment, casing
Standard penetration test
• The standard penetration test (SPT) is
an in-situ dynamic penetration test
designed to provide information on the
geotechnical engineering properties of
• The test uses a thick-walled sample tube, with
an outside diameter of 50 mm and an inside
diameter of 35 mm, and a length of around
650 mm.
• This is driven into the ground at the bottom of a
borehole by blows from a slide hammer with a
weight of 63.5 kg(140 lb) falling through a
distance of 760 mm (30 in).
• The sample tube is driven 150 mm into the
ground and then the number of blows needed
for the tube to penetrate each 150 mm (6 in) up
to a depth of 450 mm (18 in) is recorded.
Split spoon sampler IS:9640-1980
Section of split spoon sampler
Sampling tube
• The sum of the number of blows required
for the second and third 6 in. of
penetration is termed the "standard
penetration resistance" or the "N-value".
• The blow count provides an indication of
the density of the ground, and it is used in
many empirical geotechnical engineering
• In certain circumstances, it can be useful
to continue driving the sampler beyond the
distance specified, adding further drilling
rods as necessary.

• Standard penetration test may at least

give an indication as to whether the
deposit is really as loose as the standard
test may indicate.
• The usefulness of SPT results depends on
the soil type, with fine-grained sands
giving the most useful results, with coarser
sands and silty sands giving reasonably
useful results, and clayee soils yielding
results which may be very poorly
representative of the true soil conditions.
Geo physical method
• Appropriate when large areas have to be
investigated for civil engineering works e.g
locating bedrock, tunnels or a water table.
• Based on the measurement of some
physical property of substratum like
resistivity or wave velocity which gives an
indication of the location and thickness of
the various layers of substratum.
• The methods are used along with the
geotechnical records of the site.
Seismic refraction method

• Based on the principle that the velocity of

seismic waves depends on the density of
• If the deeper layer is denser then at some
distance from the source the refracted
wave will be received earlier.
Seismic refraction method

• Shock waves are created in the soil at the ground.

• The radiating shock waves are picked by a vibration
detector known as geophone where the time of travel
gets recorded.
• If the underlying layer is denser the refracted waves
travel much faster
• If the underlying layer consists of loose strata then the
refracted rays take more time to reach the geophone.
• So this method is the fastest one in establishing the
properties of different strata.
• It is possible to evaluate the nature, thickness and
location of various subsoil layers.
Seismic refraction method
Time distance graph

• Z
Range of wave velocities in various
soils and rocks
Soil m/sec

Sand and dry silt 200 -1000

Compacted clays and gravel 1000 -2500

Sandstone 1500 - 5000

Granite 4000 -6000

Limestone 5000 -10000

Water 1400 – 1600

Seismic refraction method
• Seismic refraction method is fast and
reliable in establishing profiles of different

• Different kinds of materials like gravel, clay

or rock have characteristic seismic
velocities and hence they can be identified
Coring of rocks
• When a rock layer is encountered during a
drilling operation ,rock coring may be necessary.
• To core rock a core barrel is attached to the
drilling rod.
• A coring bit is attached to the bottom of the
• The cutting elements may be diamond ,tungsten
carbide etc.
• The coring is advanced by rotary drilling.
• Water is circulated through the drilling rod during
coring and the cutting is washed out.
Coring of rocks
• Two types of core barrels are available
• Single tube core barrel
• Double tube core barrel.

• Single tube core barrels can be highly

disturbed and fractured because of
Rock core barrel
Rock core barrel
• When the core samples are recovered ,the
depth of recovery ratio should be properly
recorded for further evaluation in the lab.
• Based on the length of the rock core
recovered from each run, for general
evaluation the following quantities are
Rock quality designation = Length of the
core recovered/Theoretical length of the
rock cored.
Rock Quality Designation
Rock Mass Rating
• Rock mass rating – Geo Mechanical
classification of rocks
RMR Rock quality
0 - 20 Very Poor
21 - 40 Poor
41 - 60 Fair
61 - 80 Good
81 - 100 Very good
Rock foundations
• In addition, rock foundations containing
faults, fractures, or soluble zones (such as
gypsum) can cause serious seepage or
leakage problems.
• Potential paths of excessive seepage or
leakage must be located and adequately
treated to control seepage that could lead
to internal erosion at the interface between
the foundation/embankment contact, to
prevent uneconomical loss of water
Cross-section of typical Rock-fill dams
Select Compacted Rock

1 1

Reinforced Concrete Coarse

Membrane Dumped Rock

Cutoff wall (a) Impermeable face

Graded transition
Dumped or Rolled rock
Rolled rock (0.2m) (1.5m)

Grout curtain
(b) Impermeable earth-core
Rock fill dam with face membrane
Foundation treatments
Foundation Surface Treatment:
• Foundation rock surfaces, against which fill will be
placed, must be properly treated to ensure that fractures,
fault zones, steep faces, rough areas, weathered zones,
etc., do not lead to seepage and internal erosion at the
foundation/ embankment contact.

• Treatment of deficient foundation zones is especially

critical for impervious core foundations, and often critical
in the filter and drainage zones immediately downstream
of the impervious zone.
Foundation treatments
• If the bedrock is a shale that slakes in air, it may be
necessary to excavate several feet into bedrock to
remove the surface disintegration just before placement
of the embankmen.
• Iin more durable rock types, little excavation into the
bedrock is usually necessary. Fractured rock should be
treated by slush grouting.

• Slush grouting -The distribution of portland cement

slurry, with or without fine aggregate, over a rock or
concrete surface that is to be covered subsequently with
concrete, usually by brooming it in place to fill surface
voids and fissures.
Foundation Grouting
• Foundation grouting is a process of injecting
cementitious slurries under pressure into the underlying
formations through specially drilled holes for the purpose
of filling joints, fractures, fissures, bedding planes,
cavities, or other openings.

• Grouting is generally used to reduce erosive leakage,

excessive uplift pressure, and high water losses through
the foundation rock. This use generally applies to the
design of new dams
Body of the Dam
Curtain grouting
• A grout curtain usually consists of a row of
vertically drilled holes filled with
pressurized grout, a process commonly
known as pressure grouting.

• The holes are drilled in intervals and in

such a way that they cross each other,
creating a curtain.
Curtain grouting

Curtain Grouting
• Curtain grouting is probably the most
common method of foundation seepage
reduction used beneath dams.
• This method consists of drilling holes into
the foundation bedrock at some regular
spacing along a line or lines parallel to the
dam axis and normal to the seepage flow
• Cement grout is then pressure injected
into the drilled hole to fill joints, fractures,
fissures, bedding planes, cavities, or other
openings within the bedrock
• General practice for grout curtains is to
grout the foundation to a depth below the
surface of the rock equal to 0.5 to 1.0 time
the reservoir head which lies above the
surface of the rock
Consolidation grouting
• It is also used on filling the rock mass
discontinuities or voids.
• The objective of consolidation grouting is
to fill the fractures or discontinuities in a
rock mass with grout.
• The discontinuities in a rock mass control
fundamental rock mass properties such as
permeability, strength, and deformability
Blanket Grouting
• Blanket grouting is generally used in
combination with curtain grouting and is
typically performed prior to curtain
• Blanket grouting holes are generally 20 to
30 feet deep and are arranged on a grid
pattern with primary holes spaced at 20
Blanket Grouting
• Spacing of additional grout holes between
the primary holes is reduced as necessary
by a split spacing method to achieve
closure between the primary holes.

• Split spacing is the procedure of locating

an additional grout hole midway between
two previously drilled and grouted holes
Cut off trench
• To provide a sufficient thickness (width) of
impermeable material and an adequate contact
with the rock or other impervious foundation
• The bottom width of the cutoff trench should
increase with an increase in reservoir head.
• An adequate width for the cutoff trench at a small
dam may be determined by the formula :w = h – d
where: w = bottom width of cutoff trench h =
reservoir head above ground surface d = depth of
cutoff trench excavation below ground surface
Cut off trench
Cut off trench
• Most of the embankment dams can benefit
from the construction of a cutoff in the
foundation. A cutoff serves the following
• It reduces the seepage loss of stored
water through foundations and abutments
• It prevents subsurface erosion by piping
• It improves the stability of the dam
Rock fill dams

Rock-fill Components
• Rock-fill dams are made of two main parts,
the main rock-fill or transition zone and the
impervious zone.

• The embankment consists of zones: the

core, filters and shell.
Rock-fill Components

• The core is the internal zone. It consists of

impervious material and provides the
water retention capability of the dam.

• The core is relatively thin and must

function as an impermeable barrier to the
passage of water.
Rock-fill Components

• The transition zones or filters are located

on both sides of the core.
• They are designed as graded filters,
composed of rock materials changing
gradually from fine on the side of core to
coarse on the side of shell.
• Their function is to retain the core material
and to provide internal drainage control.
Rock-fill Components

• The shells are the exterior zones adjacent

to the filters.

• The shells retain the interior zones and

give the dam bulk and stability
Filters and drains
• Filters and Drains: Filters and drains are
the primary features for collecting and
controlling seepage that passes through
and under dams on rock foundations.
• Even though a rock foundation may be
grouted and cutoffs provided, appropriate
filters and drainage are necessary to
collect seepage and reduce uplift and
seepage pressures
Embankment Design for Rockfill Dams

Impervious Clay (Zone 1)

• The impervious material consists of clay. It is assumed
that no processing or treatment will be required beyond
selective borrowing.

• Materials shall be laid in layers of 15 cm and shall be

compacted to an average Proctor’s density of 98% and
in no case less than 96%.
Filter (Zone 2) and transition Zone (Zone 2A)
• The gradation of the filter layers shall be chosen so as to
meet with respect to the gradations of the adjacent

• The Zone 2 shall have a horizontal permeability of about

10.5 m/s.
• The transition material (Zone 2A) shall consist of sound
or slightly weathered rock from the required excavation
with boulders and fines removed to confirm to the limits
as per IS Code Specification.
• A properly designed filter consists of a
granular porous media with pore size
openings small enough to prevent
migration of the base soil through which
water is flowing into the filter.
• At the same time, a properly designed
filter will be sufficiently pervious to offer
little resistance to water flow.
Compacted Rockfill (Zone 3)
• The Zone 3 consist of slightly weathered
rock or better, obtained from the required
excavation areas.
• Rock of unsatisfactory characteristics or
containing organic material, soil, fines or
other unsuitable material will not be
accepted for placing in the embankment.
• Rock fill material shall be well graded
within the specified gradation limits.
• They must contain a good distribution of
all sizes of particles from the coarsest to
the finest being placed at any given time
without there being a significant deficiency
in any size or group of sizes between the
coarsest and finest articles.
Asphaltic Concrete
• The second most widely used facing for
rockfill dams is asphaltic concrete.
• Asphaltic concrete provides more flexibility
and, thus, can tolerate larger settlements
than reinforced concrete facings.
• It offers an economical alternative to
concrete and has proven to be
dependable when correctly constructed.
Asphaltic Concrete

• Asphaltic concrete has a higher percentage of

asphalt, and a lower voids content than roadway
paving asphalt.
• The upstream slope for asphalt-faced rockfill
dams is recommended to be 1.6:1

• A base course should be provided beneath the

asphalt to provide a leveling course, working
surface, and smooth base surface for asphalt
Asphaltic Concrete
• Two layer membranes have also been
used and can feature a second asphalt
mix that has a much higher hydraulic
conductivity and is installed beneath the
primary liner.
• This second layer acts as a draining layer
in conjunction with granular material
beneath the lining system.
Asphaltic Concrete
• Asphalt is applied by a paving machine in
one to two approximately equal lifts,
depending on the total thickness

• Paving machines, as well as milling and

other equipment, are held on the upstream
face using winches.
Asphaltic Concrete
• A seal coat is desirable on the finished surface
of the membrane. The seal coat protects the
facing from ultraviolet light and oxidation

• Each layer is placed in strips approximately 10

to 12 feet wide, depending on the equipment
used, and constructed at right angles to the axis
of the dam, except in areas such as adjacent to
the plinth, where hand placement and special
compaction methods are often required
Asphaltic Concrete
• Rolling operations should closely follow the
placing operation to ensure that the compaction
occurs while the hydraulic asphalt is at a suitable

• Smooth wheel rollers, either of the vibratory or

standard tandem type, can be used for layer
Asphaltic Concrete
• Layers should be compacted to a
minimum of 97 percent of Marshall
• Quality control can be achieved by taking
cored samples of placed asphalt at
random locations from the face and
performing asphalt content, density,
stability, and permeability tests, as well as
any tests required by the specifications.
Thank you

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