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Review Questions Building Technology Part 3

51. The Filipino term for top chord is

a. tahilan
b. baytang
c. sinturon

52. The capacity of a wall to hold moisture is important in the design of dwelling units. Select the best material which
will reduce moisture in a wall when used
a. CHB S-cut joint finish
b. 1” thick V-cut wood boards
c. Synthetic adobe finish on R.C. wall

53. Plaster or plywood ceiling on nailers or joists below a ventilated roof space may show “pattern staining” on the
ceiling. This can be prevented by
a. cleaning
b. adequate insulation
c. re-painting

54. Heat gain through the walls in buildings exposed to afternoon sun intensifies discomfort of inhabitants because of
conductivity. However, this can be minimized by the use of
a. combination of wood boards and plywood with cavity between
b. thick reinforced concrete wall
c. steel sheets

55. Sound or noise between bedrooms may be reduced by using less expensive materials with the application of
construction techniques
a. double wall plywood on horizontal and vertical studs with absorbents
b. solid 6” R.C. wall
c. sawali on 2” x 2” studs
56. The staircase of a house has a total run of 3 meters and a total rise of 2.16 meters, the tread width is 11 inches and
riser is 7 7/8”, therefore, the stringer length is
a. 3.20 meters
b. 3.69 meters
c. 3.75 meters

57. Dry walls are customarily finished with

a. lath and plaster
b. mortar and hollow blocks
c. reinforced concrete

58. The riser of a stair is 6 ½ inches. What is the run using formula R/T = tan (R-3) x 8 degrees
a. 12.2247 inches
b. 12.1000 inches
c. 11.8975 inches

59. One method of leveling batterboards without the transit is the use of
a. ¼ Ø plastic hose filled with water
b. eyesight
c. plumb bob

60. A manual method of squaring the corners of a building lines in building layout, is the use of
a. 2-3-4 multiples with the use of transit
b. 3-4-5 multiples with the use of steel tape measure
c. 4-5-4 multiples and strings

61. When dry conditions are demanded of asphalt tile floor finishes on concrete over earth, apply the waterproofing
(WP) steps
a. felt paper below sub-slab then WP on top of the sub-slab
b. felt paper below the top slab then WP the earth
c. WP the earth under slab
62. Due to temperature effects in materials, concrete walls, slabs of long buildings, new buildings adjoining existing
buildings should be provided with
a. flashing
b. welded joints
c. expansion joints

63. A typical block or panel type insulating material used in flat roof of commercial or industrial building
a. corkboard
b. acacia lumber
c. washed pebbles

64. What is the height of the RC curtain wall surrounding a water tank located at the penthouse whose capacity is 5000
U.S. gallons. The diameter of the tank is 2.5 meters (I.D.) and freeboard of 0.30 meters. The wall shall be as high as
the water tank.
a. 4.00 meters
b. 4.19 meters
c. 4.16 meters

65. Select the grouping one subject of which is a criterion used by architects in planning and design of buildings
a. columns, splices, materials, lot
b. roofing sheets, function, elevation
c. concrete, lumber, steel, cement

66. Select the grouping one subject of which is a criterion used by architects in planning and design of buildings
a. columns, splices, materials, lot
b. roofing sheets, function, elevation
c. concrete, lumber, steel, cement
67. Narrow, high ceiling spaces where ceiling area is small compared to wall area, will normally require acoustical
treatment of the
a. wall or part of several walls
b. floor and ceiling
c. ceiling only

68. A ferrous metal that offers great resistance to abrassion and finds important use in the cutting edges of heavy
digging tools is a
a. alloy steel
b. nickel steel
c. manganese steel

69. A building stone of igneous origin and composed of quartz, hornblende and mica is a
a. travertine
b. serpentine
c. granite

70. A form of brick bond in which the course consists of alternate stretchers and headers in known as
a. flemish bond
b. english bond
c. common bond

71. A system of framing a building on which floor joist of each storey rests on the top plates of the storey below and the
bearing walls and partitions rest on the subfloor of each storey is known as
a. western framing
b. balloon framing
c. flank framing

72. The Filipino term for rabbet

a. palitada
b. asintada
c. vaciada

73. The Filipino term for projection is

a. alahado
b. bolada
c. asinta

74. Given a riser equals six inches and using the stair tread-riser proportion formula 2R + T = 25, how many risers will
there be between two levels having a vertical distance of 9’-0”
a. 18 risers
b. 16 risers
c. 17 risers

75. A geological or ground condition considered in determining the size and type of foundation of the building
a. soil chemistry
b. soil bearing pressure
c. particle size distribution

76. These are materials excellent as vapor barrier in the roofing system of residential buildings
a. particle board
b. lawanit boards
c. aluminum foil sheets

77. The chief structural materials, used for tall buildings are
a. built-up beams, girders, foundations
b. cement, deformed wrought iron, gravel and sand
c. reinforced concrete and high grade steel

78. These are classified as good and less expensive insulating materials used in buildings
a. glass blocks, 5000 psi concrete
b. porous concrete, glass fibers, guilt materials
c. steel plates, marble slabs, granite

79. This is a material that holds less moisture, is very light, less water absorptive capacity and is very good in sidings of
dwelling units
a. vinyl shingles
b. asbestos-cement shingles
c. wood boards

80. The toilet bathroom floor finish is designed to be at least one inch below the bedroom floor finish. What should be
the vertical distance between the bedroom floor finish and the top line of the 2” x 6” yacal floor joists which carry the
toilet bath floor system assuming that ¼” thick mosaic vitrified tiles will be used in the toilet bathroom on 4” RC slab
with membrane waterproofing, using standard acceptable measurement of materials for residential houses
a. 3 ½ inches
b. 3 ¼ inches
c. 6 ¼ inches

81. A Howe Truss is being considered to support the roofing system of a residential building. The pitch of the truss is 1
vertical 3 horizontal. What is the total length of the top chord, if the span of truss is 12 meters and the eave is 1.5
meters horizontally?
a. 7.555 meters
b. 7.906 meters
c. 7.567 meters

82. The finished frame surrounding a door is a

a. door frame
b. door jamb
c. door casing

83. A door lock with a spring bolt controlled by one or both knobs and dead bolt controlled by a key is a
a. knob bolt
b. knob latch
c. knob lock

84. A door consisting of two separate leaves, one above the other, this leaves may operate independently or together
is a
a. dwarf door
b. dutch door
c. window door

85. A joint formed by overlapping the edges of metal sheet or plated and joining them by riveting, soldering or brazing
is a
a. lap joint
b. lap seam
c. lap splice

86. A joint formed by overlapping the edges of metal sheet or plated and joining them by riveting, soldering or brazing
is a
a. lap joint
b. lap seam
c. lap splice

87. A clay roofing tile approximately semi cylindrical in shape laid in courses with units having their convex side
alternately up and down is a
a. pantile
b. mission tile
c. roman tile

88. The part of a foundation system which supports the exterior wall of the super structure and bears directly on the
column footing is a
a. grade beam
b. foundation wall
c. foundation course

89. The wall of Intramuros is

a. an aqueduct
b. a fortification
c. a moat

90. The Filipino term for rafter is

a. guililan
b. sepo
c. kilo

91. The Filipino term for baseboard is

a. rodapis
b. perdano
c. batidora

92. A climatic factor that is considered in the structural and architectural design of tall buildings
a. thunderstorm
b. gusts
c. lightning

93. This is a ground condition that determines the size, type and shape of the building footing/foundation
a. soil bearing pressure
b. loam and clay formation
c. adobe underlay

94. What is the height of a curtain wall for a downfeed water tank at the deck roof with 60,000 gallons capacity and
diameter of 3 meters, freeboard of 0.30 meters, shall be as high as the water tank
a. 3.513 meters
b. 3.550 meters
c. 3.625 meters

95. Select the grouping one subject of which is a general criterion used by architects in planning and design of
a. colored roofing sheets, esthetics, symmetry of windows
b. columns, doors, windows, split type
c. concrete, steel and wood, type of floor finish

96. The most common materials used for roofing of urban residential houses
a. R.C. slabs
b. wood shingles
c. G.I. sheets

97. For very large roof spans (for auditoria, transport buildings, exhibition halls) of over 150 ft these structures are
suggested economical solutions
a. pre-stressed concrete
b. reinforced concrete
c. space frames, light steel skeleton structures

98. Rise is the vertical distance between the upper surface of two consecutive steps. The horizontal distance between
the nosing of two consecutive steps is the
a. “going”
b. “string”
c. “newel”

99. Noise inside the building is o two kinds, namely, airborne noise and impact noise . Insulation must be provided
against both of these by internal walls and floors. Examples of better sound insulation are
a. concrete hollow block walls
b. ¼” double wall on 2” x 4” studs
c. asbestos board walls on wooden studs
100. When the soil beneath the building is not exceptionally well drained and it is necessary to exclude dampness, the
best material to be used which is installed beneath the concrete slab is
a. pitch or bituminous felt
b. gravel coarse
c. aluminum foil

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