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Dear Ma’am/Sir,

I am writing to provide a detailed explanation for my absence from JPIA Week Day 3, which
took place on February 11,2024, due to my commitment to attending church services on
As an active member of JPIA, I understand the significance of participating in JPIA Week events
and the importance of contributing to the success of such initiatives. However, I hope you can
appreciate that my commitment to attending church on Sundays is deeply rooted in my religious
beliefs and personal values.
Growing up in a household where faith played a central role, attending church services on
Sundays has been a longstanding tradition in my life. It is a time for spiritual growth, reflection,
and communal worship, which I hold in the highest regard. As such, I prioritize this weekly ritual
as a fundamental aspect of my identity and faith journey.
While I recognize the importance of JPIA Week and the opportunities it provides for networking,
learning, and engagement within our community, I found myself facing a conflict between my
religious obligations and my desire to participate fully in the event. Despite my enthusiasm for
contributing to JPIA Week and supporting our organization’s objectives, attending church on
Sunday took precedence for me.
I understand that my absence may have caused inconvenience or disappointment, and for that, I
sincerely apologize. It was not a decision I made lightly, and I assure you that I weighed the
options carefully before arriving at this conclusion. In anticipation of the conflict, I took
proactive steps to inform [supervisor/event organizer] well in advance of my inability to attend
JPIA Week Day 3 and to discuss alternative ways in which I could contribute remotely.
Moreover, I have been diligent in staying informed about the proceedings of JPIA Week Day 3
through regular communication with my peers and accessing any available resources or materials
remotely. I am committed to fulfilling any responsibilities or tasks assigned to me during my
absence and ensuring that my contributions align with the objectives and expectations of the
I believe that accommodating diverse perspectives and recognizing the importance of religious
observance is essential in fostering an inclusive and supportive environment within our
organization. I am grateful for your understanding and support in honoring my commitment to
attending church on Sundays, and I hope that we can work together to find mutually beneficial
solutions in the future.
In conclusion, I want to reaffirm my dedication to [organization/club] and my enthusiasm for
contributing to its mission and activities. I am committed to remaining actively involved in
future events and initiatives and to exploring ways in which we can address potential conflicts
more effectively.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you require
any further clarification or information.


Daisy D. Bañares

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