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Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

All of the trigonometric functions are periodic, hence are not one-to-one.
In order to define an inverse for each function, we restrict the domain
to an interval or intervals where the function is one-to-one
and where the function achieves all the values in its range:
f (x) = sin x: domain [− π2 , π2 ], range [−1, 1].
f −1 (x) = sin−1 x = arcsin x: domain [−1, 1], range [− π2 , π2 ].
f (x) = cos x: domain [0, π], range [−1, 1].
f −1 (x) = cos−1 x = arccos x: domain [−1, 1], range [0, π].
f (x) = tan x: domain (− π2 , π2 ), range (−∞, ∞).
f −1 (x) = tan−1 x = arctan x: domain (−∞, ∞), range (− π2 , π2 ).
f (x) = sec x: domain [0, π2 ) ∪ [π, 3π
2 ), range (−∞, −1] ∪ [1, ∞).
f −1 (x) = sec−1 x = arcsec x:
domain (−∞, −1] ∪ [1, ∞), range [0, π2 ) ∪ [π, 3π 2 ).
We will not use cot−1 x or csc−1 x.

Both the “inverse” (sin−1 x) and “arc” (arcsin x) notations are
standard and are used interchangeably.
The −1 in the inverse notation is not an exponent.
For n 6= −1, we have sinn x = (sin x)n ; i.e., n is an exponent.
However, sin−1 x = arcsin x is the inverse of sin x, and
(sin x)−1 = sin1 x = csc x, hence sin−1 x 6= (sin x)−1 .
The “cancellation property” for inverse functions holds for these, but
only for numbers in the correct domain:

sin(sin−1 x) = x for all x in [−1, 1]

sin−1 (sin x) = x for all x in [− π2 , π2 ].

Note that sin x is defined for any real number x,
but the range of sin−1 x is [− π2 , π2 ].
So if x is outside of [− π2 , π2 ], then sin−1 (sin x) 6= x.
By definition of inverse functions, we have, for example,
sin−1 x is the number y in [− π2 , π2 ] such that sin y = x,
cos−1 x is the number y in [0, π] such that cos y = x.

1 Evaluate sin−1 √1 .

There are infinitely many numbers whose sine is √1 . For example,


π 3π 9π 11π −5π −7π

4, 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 ,

and so on. But only one of these ( π4 ) is in [− π2 , π2 ]. Hence

1 π
sin−1 √ = .
2 4

For the values of the trigonometric functions at the “special angles”
(multiples of π2 , π3 , π4 , π6 ) you need to be able to compute the exact values
of the inverse trigonometric functions.
So, for example, sin−1 √12 = π4 and not 0.785398.
These values can be determined using the triangles in the figure below:
2 6 √3
2 1

π π
4 3
1 1

2 Evaluate cos−1 (− 3
2 ).

We need to find the number in [0, π] whose cosine is − 23 .
From the second triangle, we see that the “reference angle” is 6,
and since the cosine is negative,
√ our “angle” is in the second
−1 3
quadrant. Hence cos (− 2 ) = 5π 6 .

3 Evaluate sin−1 (sin 11π

6 ).

Note first that since the range of sin−1 x is [− π2 , π2 ],

the answer cannot be 11π 6 .

We want the number in [− π2 , π2 ] whose sine is sin 11π 1

6 = −2.

11π π
The “reference angle” for 6 isand 11π
6,6 is in the fourth quadrant.
−1 11π π
sin sin =− .
6 6


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