Masonry Practice Knec - Nita

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107s 300 TASK B: BLOCK WORK (18 HRS) - Lay out the bonding details of the wall given, construct the wall up to five courses, plaster it, and lay screed, floor tiles, wall tiles and the basket wave decorative bond as shown in the drawing: +5 7 | L 1s0xé00 i manne ! j_—_L i T Front Elevation sx Tad Elevation Section, Plan ©2012 National Industrial Training Authority the Aguoyany BUIUIDLL JLassMpUy |OUOHON STOZ @ aqeosoxsousiSumeip se, <2 ‘uu ur uaa axe suoysuoun 1 SHLON MAGIA TVIXOLOId NOLLVAGTA ONG LAAT fz r or | } d/MI-GUD/SVIN/9 107 “ON 49de ORT | fee eee ee Geen wagrnt poder copa: sn pu ode aon ony Soc ini) SBens pen de sonszog voy oP PMSVL | SUNOH 9 }CaMOTTIV ANIL I AAVUD ~ ONISSAAA ANOLS ~ V LSAL > | ee 91s TEST B - BLOCK WALLING - GRADE I Paper No. 2016/MAS/GRD-I/P TIME ALLOWED: 12 HOURS TASK: Set out and build the wall to the given dimensions and specifications 150, 150 150 ‘ FRONT ELEVATION LEFT END ELEVATION i 25mm sereed [12mm plaster I NOTES: at 1. All dimensions are given in mm. =. 2. Horizontal joints and those at the arch are to aL on 5 ’be finished with recessed keys 2160 3. Vertical joints are to be finished flush PLAN FIRST COURSE. 4. This drawing is not to scale © 2016 National Industrial Training Authority LEFT END ELEVATION (15mm plaster SECTION A-A | 150m plaster onm ‘loer screed SECTION B-B .E.C- ARTISAN TRADE PRACTICE - 0304/211 K NEC -ARTISAN TRADE PRACTICE - 0304/21 EE 230 pe 15mm thick plaster }— 20mm thick floor screed } 930 930 os a re 225 t : + HT , t PLAN COURSE 1 BLOCKWORK : PLAN COURSE 3 BLOCKWORK PLAN COURSE 1 23 BRICKWORK ° LAN BRICK PANEL 15) 150 1 = } ] — 100mm thick cone. block ie 2 100mm thick cone. block ‘ L | a 1. ; es 450 : \ oe _ a Pipa: sas | is : 4 Se | Hyp ste yp nn PLAN COURSE 4 BLOCKWORK : \ Sf AS FTG | | PLAN COURSE 2 BLOCKWORK “4 ‘ PLAN BRICK PANEL 4 5 K.NE.C.- ARTISAN TRADE PRACTICE - 0304/211 K.N.E.C.-ARTISAN TRADE PRACTICE — 0304/21 | {Lshadine beg Yh Floor screed. F< ah 620 420 620 RSE 2,WALL( BLOCKWORK) PLAN COURSES tBaES, PIER (BRICKWORK) 1, 4% (— PIER=3 COURSES HIGH poe renee Tae] PLAN COURSE 2, PIER (BLOCKWORK) PLAN COURSES 2 &4, WALL (BLOCKWORK) {pas ~ = Sin plaster S : ' te | A, < | SECTION. A-A | “15mm plaster —— oan ‘loge screed LEFT END ELEVATION = 6 .E.C~ ARTISAN TRADE PRACTICE ~ 0304/ 211 PLAN COURSE 3 BLOCKWORK PLAN BRICK PANEL, PLAN COURSE 2 BLOI ‘ORI ~ ft PLAN BRICK PANEL \ i 2@B Laster ae Be Flemish bond © : Blockwork Rubble stone Ceremic wall tiles ] i. , KNEC Project No-1304/316 A June, 2001 re) A GENERAL INFORMATION This project is to be carried out entirely: under the supervision of ths institution The preiect consists of two sections in which Section A carries 40) ner cen ane! Section F of persent oF ti Trade project B PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project drawin shows the plan of a wall having the following feaures: | 3) a blociswall of size 450 x 225 x 225. 5 courses high, finished with e saddle back P.C. coping on top and joints given a keyed finish. (ii) A brick wall 15 courses high finished with brick-on-edge copi (iii) Rubble stone facing measuring 725 mm by 450 mm high, it (8) A soldier sting course protruding 50 mm, 925 mm ong with block backing of size 430 x 225 x 150 in the second course. | () A door opening ‘E’ ; 850 mm high bridged with a gauged camber arch. | (vi) Pier ‘F’. ' (vii) Ceramic tiles to cover an area of 450 mm by 1050 high measured from skirting, 100 mum x 1Ommthick | \ (viii) External and internal comers on plasterwork to be finished with angle tools. C TASKs | SECTION A (40 marks) | | From the project drawing and description given, the candidate should carry out the following: (i) Prepare detailed working drawings. Gi) Calculate the quantities of materials required for the wall. i | i (iii) Estimate the materials and labour cést for the wall. | \ (iv) Prepare the programine of activities for the wall. | i SECTION B (60 marks) ; Proposed wall Jn accordance with the drawing and specifications in Section A, set out and construct ‘ D PRESENTATION ! i | fe Mer] Project should be made All notes, calculations, working drawings and sketches for Section A of on Ad size papers numbered in a sequence and fastened together in a fold. name, Index number, project number with course name, ogeth ler' beating! candidate's Project title and name of the institution, ' Credit will be given for clarity, j ‘accuracy and neatness in the assessment of Section A project. is The folder'Will be handed to the examiner wh te en he comes to mark the model for part B of this 1304/316 A ar -150mm Block backing [as «s_[ me | ee TET wos 52H T 61s {240 | a" PLAN BRICKWORK COURSES 1,3,7 & 9 PLAN BRICKWORK COURSES 10 8.12 . PLAN BLOCKWORK COURSE 4 é le PLAN BLOCKWORK COURSE 1 10mm Plaster 490% 490mm Brictvork Basket weave pane! 1170 | \ 390 | lisse Lew ie 17 as e50_,| 300 fant ——-+| PLAN BRICKWORI PLAN BRICKWORK COURSES 288 ee PLAN BLOCKWORK COURSE 1 PLAN BLOCKWORK COURSE. K COURSES 4,6 108 12 2 340 “NW AUNOS WW 4 api.avad 30VeL “RINOSVA €002 Atne/annr SLE/40E I-30. vad 30VEL} 2 er o0e AIne/3Nne aS, ss PLAN BRICKWORK COURSES 729 PLAN BLOCKWORK COURSE 3 SLE /10EH 1304315 130415 5 PREAMBLE “The attached drawings show a composite wall in femish bond, stretcher facing bonded onto ‘lockwall with block bonded end, and a window opening bridged witha fa arch. Part ofthe end Clevation isto be fitted with a recessed basket weave patter, The back of the wal isto be plastered ‘Shown inthe deawing, andthe face joints for both the brickwork and blockwork are tobe key pointed TASK: ‘Set out and build the wall as shown on the drawing. ‘Note: Any cutting of the wall units to be done during the examination time. “Templates may be used where necessary. REQUIREMENTS (@ MATERIALS: 118 No, clay bricks size 230 x 11075 mm 15 No concrete blocks size 450 x 225 x 225 mm = 114 No. conerete blocks size 450 x 225 x 150 mm 2No. timber props size 50x 50 x 500 mm long 1 No. timber pieoe size 150% 25 x 615 mm long 1 No. timber batten size 40 x 40x 1000 mm long tobe marked durin the examination and used a a gauge rod. 7. Sufficient lime! sand mortar. (@) TOOLS: Masonry hand tools (© WORKING AREA 2.5m x2:mper candidate (ASSISTANCE: One assistant per FOUR candies ob allowed for 2029198 materials and remove waste as require. 1304315 Plaster Weave panel 1304s xa aie t 0 { LEFT END ELEVATION RIGHT END ELEVATION Ae? iY — 490% 490 mm Basket rumor yr Five 1304/318 MRS on MASONRY CRAFT PRACTICE June/July 2003 Time: 6 hours ‘THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL MASONRY CRAFT CERTIFICATE MASONRY CRAFT PRACTICE hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES ‘You should have sufficient materials for this examination as specified. ; This paper is tobe issued tothe candidates TWO HOURS before the start of the examination. Daring this time the candidates will study the drawings ofthe workpiece, slest the tools and ensure that all materials specified are ready for the examination. Each candidate is allowed SIX HOURS for this examination plu a rest interval of ONE HOUR which is to be fixed by the examiner. ‘This paper consists of S printed pages © 2003, The Kenya National Examinations Council ‘Turn over BATHROOM 100 K.N.E.C. Project No, 1305/316 A June, 2002 Demet ke Bag MF (1) GENERAL INFORMATION this projet i tobe cared out entirely under the supervision of the institution, I Pea eenet inauhach section A carries 40 per cent and section *B” 60 per cent of the Jroject Each candidate is expected to complete the project within 40 hours, @ erjon “1 (60 els) sxion “AE drawings designe im ston A ay on and carry out te following for ‘eypical situation ihe drawing e with in accordance pei sda is required (94 sami ing walls shove" OP and one w.c. SUE ax hand i PROJECT DESCRIPTION @ stat one baud ne was ine above appliances and cst for ater distribution pipes to the al The project drawing shows part ofa 1" loor plan of a flat in which the Se 10 be installed. ar plan ofa Mat in which the Following appliances OO sakaees zor ee oA" ot tis project sould PE PRESEN awings and sketches (OF beset A rina Tolder bearing (NE 1 notes, atetaions WOrKINE Sod ing sequence am SGN es sh and Ase fen ay Candkate’s name eee wey tins mm (Tote @ Ree SW, {2 Project number i —— eee ae pe assenament of seion A’ OF Ws Gee gracy and neaness i me ae model OF PAL ye snc me ny ceait will be given For catty 2 ay a cr see NE COTES He the roxtel £0" De sae Crate er wb mands 2 fp of this project SECTION ‘A’ (40 marks) Des he systems. {he systems forthe cold and hot water disuibution and e ee and carry out the following: Wg scale 1:20 prepare working drawings forthe plan and. : io cold and hot water installations fa i) disinage pipework to singe stack = PPUaNEES (0) To scale 1:20 prepa repare isometric drawings fv © cold and hot 2, goldand ho water suply system Arana system yp wo the ftst manhole (©) Estimae late the auanites of materials and app sed dane teria and appliances required for the cold and hot water (1) Using the current market rat bah imate the Cos OF the following ti, Maer nd pprances : «) Prepare a working King programme of activities tor th forthe prj. 64 3 J eiet6s key: —— COLD WATER —--- NOT WATER ‘eur DiamereR | 1 19mm 2 13mm 4 HOT AND COLD WATER ISOMETRIC ° Coo? ot June, 2002 y “K:NLELC, Project No.1305/316 A June, 2002 TESTB BRICKWORK AND BLOCKWORK You are advised to spend not more than six hours‘on this test. The attached drawings show a block wall with a brick facing panel. You are required to: (i) Set out and build the wall; (ii) Plaster ii) Finish blockwork joints flush and brickwork joints to be keyed. MATERIALS REQUIRED # [Item No. [Description | _ Size (mm) _ [1 [Facing bricks | 230x115x75 | 14 450 x225x295 | 12 450x225 x150 | _10 1,500 x 40 x40 — TEST A: STONE DRESSING AND MOULDING Jo wo. ae > PICTORIAL VIEW | Ke 320 p22 s | [so 90 180) 90 } | PLAN ot po S FRONT ELEVATION END ELEVATION 3 Turn over I1z/Poeo. coz Synrjaunp iY s} gOvd GALNRId LSYT HL SI STH fel ee ia ina ETI OTe 225 450 PLAN COURSE 1 BLOCKWORK PLAN COURSE 1 BRICK FACING LE erick facing 5 530 ee “SECTION Ana 4 é ‘TEST B - BLOCK WALLING * GRADE I : TIME ALLOWED: 12 HOURS ~ on TASK: e Paper No. 2016/MAS/GRD-II/P Set out and build the wall to the given dimensions and specifications 150, i FRONT ELEVATION ? LEFT END ELEVATION [——— 25mm screed }<—12mm plaster ¥ NOTES: | 1. All dimensions are given in mm. - 2. Horizontal joints and those at the arch are to 315 £00, 2160 be finished with recessed keys 3. Vertical joints are to be finished flush PLAN FIRST COURSE 4. This drawing is not to seale © 2016 National Industrial Training Authority TEST A- STONE DRESSING - GRADE II Paper No. 2016/MAS/GRD-I/P TIME ALLOWED: 6 HOURS TASK: ~Select the correct size and shape of stone -Dress the stone to shape and size -Provide a smooth surface finish 150 FRONT ELEVATION LEFT END ELEVATION 15 20 al fe 15 20 PICTORIAL VIEW 250 ($$ PLAN NOTES 1. All dimensions are given in mm 2. This drawing is not to scale mm © 2016 National Industrial Training Adeoritv 4 a 1298 URSE 1, BLOCKWORK Bp -ACING. simi re Oe 2 BRICKWORK ANI ‘ou are advised to spend not more thaut six hours Set out and build the walls Gi) Plaster ) Finish blockwork jolt ‘Timber for gauge tod ‘Lime/sand mortai We RRS a es BRICKWORK wt BLOCKWORS ‘You are advised to spend not more thaut six hoinrs on ‘The attached drawings show a block wall (Set out and build the wall: Gi) Plaster Gi) Finish blockwork j MATERIALS REQUIRED Item No. Description Size (wim) | Facing bricks 230.x 115)x 75° Concrete blocks 450 x 2254 225 Concrete-blocks: 450 x:225'x.150°| ‘Timber for gauge rod J; Lime/sand mortar 1500 x 46x 40, Sufficient 03 1 ea 2020 TASK B: BLOCK WORK (6 HOURS) a) Layout the bonding details of the given wall ») Construct the wall up to five courses, plaster it and build on the coping as shown in the drawing — a5 End Elevation 15 mm plaster 730 TEST A-STONE DRESSING - GRADE IT TIME ALLOWED: 7 HOURS TASKS Paper No.2017/MAS/GRD-IYP | ~Sclect the correct size and quality of stone Dress the stone to shape and size +180 _] -Provide a smooth surface finish £0 20 FRONT ELEVATION 30, LEFT END ELEVATION 60. 90 80 80 NOTES a 1. All dimensions are in mm | __ 2. This drawing is not to scale PLAN PICTORIAL VIEW © 2017 National Industrial Training Authority TEST B - BLOCK WALLING - GRADETT TIME ALLOWED: 12 HOURS ge arene a NOTES: Al dimensions ae 7 given inmm ! Horizontal joins are to be finished with recessed keys Vertical joints are to be finished flush Wall thickness is 150mm This drawing is TASK: Set out and build the wall to the given dimensions and specifications Rendered Surface 1100 640 : : 7 ‘not to scale ). Us hic tile : seers i be es FRONT ELEVATION SECTIONAL END ELEVATION X-X x x 12mm plaster 12mm plaster 25mm screed 25mm screed 7 4No. Ceramic Tiles—> 965 4 No. Ceramic B15 Tiles_y 200 TEST A- STONE DRESSING -GRADE III TIME; GHOURS 300 TASK ‘ : rs a Be set the correct size and Guality. - ss the stone to shape and size 150 150_4_ 150 3 Provide a smooth surface finish. 2 2 2 2 ss + FRONT ELEVATION END ELEVATION - NOTES measurements (4 grein milimetres. =| . Drawing not to scale. v PICTORIAL VIEW bf 1 960. 4 TEST B- BLOCKWALLING GRADE Ill TIME: 6GHOURS TASK Layout and build the wall with toothing as shown 2. Finish the horizontal joint with key potting 150 T I L ! | T 1 ! fn FRONT END ELEVATION 1.090 RIGHT END ELEVATION JOTES 4. All units are in millimetres. 2: Drawing not to scale. eis | | SECTION. A-A | —| asim plaster fp 2 floor screed ie LKNE C-ARTISAN TRADE PRI TICE = 0304/21 PPI RRR e 93 AN COURSE: 3 BLOCK AN BRICK PANEL : SEE, PLAN COURSE 2 BLOCKWORK PLAN BRICK PANEL ~~ f| 4 C= ARTISAN TRADE PRACTICE= 0304/21) eeer— a” TESTA- Masonry: Preamble ‘Bi aiched diving how pl and scion the front hearth formed usin, i 2 heath constucted in bock work and ost? 078888 Block werk jus ni lok oxk Sek workistobe ated tah: Bosk wo joao peo 2 ask E @ ), o Fayout and construct couse 1 bicek work Complete the bonding for course 2 block work (Fort font Hearth in bricks on edge (© Plaster the replace with a wood float fish (© Screed the hearth witha steel float finish (8). Block work joints to be keyed (B) Brick work joints to be finished lush, HARTI CONSTRUCTION Construct 3 No, courses of block work 720 min high Boe losis < item No: [Desription Sie om) [Sanat] I [Concrete Wodks [4505705 15096 2 [Coneetetay bogie — [250 1575] i 3 [Morir : Sei 4 [Timber baton ora 4... Tools and equ Spe race acim 0s sO aie 704208 ars ons atte in block work and MP0 be keyed while «20 oncrte: Soe wa fe Lrg] Sona fools a equipement 704/205 met ee | 3500 ‘PLAN COURSE 1= BLOCKWORK eee [tee ne set pun HEARTH raster _ 10s Tore (©) “Layout and corsinvt Course 1 block work ©), ‘Complete the bonding for, ‘fourse 2 block work. ©) Construct 3 No. courses, ‘of block work 720, ‘mm high. (O, P04 ont ean rik on edge, (©) Plast the fireplace witha wood foe is (0). Sereed the hearth with ste fot fis ©). Block work joints 0 be keyes 9) Brick work joints tobe finshed fush Materials Concrete beck [450x225 x 150) 2 [Coneieiefclay blosks [23011595 Morar Salient 1500845545 Timber batten ‘Tools and equipment. _ ‘Base masonty tots ahd equipment ‘208 psn fay L630 }_& 1ST B - BLOCKWALLING - GRADE MAS/GRD-U/P TIME ALLOWED: 16 HOURS TASK: y Set out the wall and build it to the given'dimensions and specifications «FRONT ELEVATION ide hice ae 300 ee ee 25mm thick sreed NOTES: 1. All dimensions are in mm 2, Al horizontalijoints and on the arch to be keyed 3. Vertical. ‘pings oy finished flush : | nid | le PLAN FIRST COURSE 750 ta © 2016 National

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