March-5 Moral Issues Continuation

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Daily Lesson Plan

Time: 8:40-11:40 AM & 2:00-3:00

Grade & Section: Grade 8
DAILY Mangatarem National
School Learning Area ENGLISH
Quarter 3rd
Teacher Justine Jane Pallan
Semester 3rd
Grade 8

The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her
understanding of Afro¬-Asian Literature and other texts types for a deeper
A. Grade 8 level Standards
appreciations of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

Determine various social, moral, and economic issues discussed in the text
B. Learning
Competencies/Objectives listened to

Continuation of Social, Moral, and Economic Issues
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials MELCS Quarter 3-Module 4: Determining various Social, Moral and
Pages Economical Issues Discussed in Text listened to; EN8LC-IIIh-7.4

B. Other Learning
PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, Television

 Greetings
 Routine Activities
a. Checking of Attendance
b. Setting pleasant classroom atmosphere
The teacher will collect the assignments.

A. Reviewing previous The students will make a poster of their chosen issue in a short coupon bound
lesson or presenting the (social, moral, or economic issue).
new lesson (ELICIT)

B. Establishing a
purpose for the Lesson The teacher will let the students read the paragraph.
(ENGAGE) Lack of sex education, peer pressure, and early sexual engagement
are just three of the many causes of teenage pregnancy. In the Philippines,
teenage pregnancy has become a social problem.
Peer pressure and lack of education result in early sexual engagement
that leads to early pregnancy. With very little knowledge about sex and
pregnancy, many adolescent girls find themselves in a dilemma about the
situation oftentimes without the knowledge of their parents. These
teenagers, however, do not know that such pregnancy can be a huge health
Teenage pregnancy is associated with high risk of health problems to
the mother and the baby. Infections from sexually transmitted disease,
premature birth, abortion, postpartum depression are just four of the many
health problems. Therefore, teenage pregnancy is not just a social issue, but
it is also a health issue.


1. What specific societal problem is discussed in the text?

2. What type of issue is the problem discussed in the text?
3. What do you think is the possible solution to solve this problem?

The teacher will give an activity.

The students will write about an issue, and they will state the cause and effect.

Cause Effect
C. Presenting
examples/instances for the
new lesson (ENGAGE)

Continuation of the lesson about social, moral and economic issues.

Differentiate social, moral, and economic issues by giving their definitions.

What is Social Issue? - Social issues are problems that influence many citizens
within a society. It is often the consequence of factors extending beyond an
individual's control.
Moreover, social issues are the source of a conflicting opinions on what is
D. Discussing new concept perceived as morally correct or incorrect personal life or interpersonal social life
and practicing new skills #1 decisions. In other words, social issues are issues affecting the human
(EXPLORE) relationship.
An issue becomes a social issue under the following circumstances:
• The issue involves people in the society.
• The public, as a whole, recognizes the situation as a problem.
• A large segment of the population sees the situation as a valid concern.
• The situation can be alleviated through the joint actions of the citizens.
Example: poverty, discrimination, drug abuse.

What is Moral Issue? -Moral issues are situations or actions that do not conform
E. Discussing new concept to the shared norms and values, culture, and beliefs distinguished by a certain
and practicing new skills #2 community or social setting. In other words, moral issues are issues relating to
(EXPLORE) principles of right and wrong.
An issue becomes a moral issue under the following circumstances:
• It is against the values, beliefs, and preferences of the people in the
• It involves behavior patterns that bring the individual repeatedly into
conflict with society.
• It involves actions that have the potential to harm others or the persons.
Example: abortion, marriage, corruption.

What is Economic Issue? - The economic issues assert that there is a scarcity or
that the finite resources available are insufficient to satisfy all human wants and
needs. This problem arises mainly due to the fact that human wants are unlimited
means to satisfy human wants are scarce. In other words, economic issues are
issues involving the country's economic resources.
An issue becomes an economic issue under the following circumstances:
• It involves inflation or the increase of the price of basic commodities and
services affecting a large number of people.
• It involves an increase in unemployment or not having a job to earn ones
• It involves poverty caused by underlying factors such as lack of education,
cultural and religious discrimination, overpopulation, unemployment, and
Example: environmental and health issues, overpopulation.

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative The teacher will ask a question about what they have learned in the lesson.
assessment 3)

G. Finding practical The teacher will ask three questions.

application of concepts of 1. What is social, moral, and economic issue?
skills in daily living 2. How do you differentiate social, moral, and economic issue?
(ELABORATION) 3.Give the importance of understanding and knowing the social,
moral, and economic issues that can affect our daily lives.

H. Making generalization
and abstractions about the
lesson (ELABORATION) .Choose if it is TRUE or
1. Moral issue
involves the issue of people
in the society.
2. Racism is an
example of economic issues.
3. Unemployment is
under economic issue.
4. An issue becomes
a social issue if it is against
the values,
beliefs, and preferences of the
people in the society.
5. No freedom of
expression is under social
.Choose if it is TRUE or
1. Moral issue
involves the issue of people
in the society.
2. Racism is an
example of economic issues.
3. Unemployment is
under economic issue.
4. An issue becomes
a social issue if it is against
the values,
beliefs, and preferences of the
people in the society.
5. No freedom of
expression is under social
The student will choose if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
1. Moral issue involves the issue of people in the society.
2. Racism is an example of economic issues.
3. Unemployment is under economic issue.
4. An issue becomes a social issue if it is against the values,
beliefs, and preferences of the people in the society.
5. No freedom of expression is under social issue.

I. Evaluating learning The teacher will give a quiz.

(EVALUATE) The students will write the letter of the correct answer.

1.Which of the following best describes a social issue?

a. It causes an increase in unemployment.
b. The people recognize the situation as a huge problem.
c. Only overseas workers consider the issue as a problem.
d. It involves a difference in beliefs and preferences of people.

2.Which of the following can be categorized as a social issue?

a. increasing population
b. cheating during exam
c. high prices of commodities
d. low agricultural production

3.What issue reflects the scarcity of resources which are deemed insufficient to
satisfy human wants and needs?
a. social issue
b. moral issue
c. economic issue
d. public issue

4.Which of the following is a primary indicator of an economic issue?

a. increased crime rate
b. rising dropout cases
c. differences in beliefs
d. high unemployment rate

5.Which of these factors is NOT part of a moral issue?

a. difference in beliefs or preferences
b. poor regard of the common good
c. lack of compassion for others
d. price increase in basic commodities

6.Which of the following can be considered as a moral issue?

a. abortion
b. hunger
c. pollution
d. unemployment

7.Children die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth because the
families cannot afford medical services.
a. social issue
b. moral issue
c. economic issue
8.High fuel costs and soaring commodity prices, together with fears of global
recession, are worries of all countries.
a. social issue
b. moral issue
c. economic issue

9.Which of the following situations shows a moral issue?

a. A job seeker finds it difficult to land a job.
b. A family experiences financial crisis due to the pandemic.
c. A father resorts to stealing to support his family.
d. A community sees a surge in drug addiction cases.

10.Which of the following situations presents a social issue?

a. A school conducts symposium about bullying.
b. A community works together for a clean-up drive.
c. A group of students cheats in an examination.
d. A group of people is having a hunger strike on the street.

J. Additional activities for

Give examples of social, moral, and economic issue and write it in a 1\4 sheet of
application and
remediation (EXTEND)


A No. of students who
earned 80% in the
B No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson
D No. of learners who
continue to require
E Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did this work?
F What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
and supervisor can
help me solve?
G What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other
Prepared by:
Student Teacher

Noted by:
Cooperating Teacher

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