Orthopaedic MCQ

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Fracture in which part of the scaphoid is prone to develop avascular necrosis?

A. Waist
B. Distal tubercle
C. Distal pole
D. Proximal third
E. Distal third

Which of the following fracture is a component of Maisonneuve fracture?

A. Talus
B. Lateral malleolus
C. Upper third of fibula
D. Lower third of fibula
E. Calcaneus

Which of the following muscle makes it difficult to maintain reduction of Bennett’s

A. Flexor pollicis longus
B. Flexor pollicis brevis
C. Extensor pollicis longus
D. Opponens pollicis
E. Abductor pollicis longus

Which of the following femoral fracture is ideally fixed with an interlocking nail?
A. Fracture mid-shaft
B. Fracture of condyles
C. Supracondylar fracture
D. Fracture of the neck
E. Intra-articular fracture

A 70 years old male present with a fracture neck of left femur of 4 weeks duration. His
left hip is otherwise normal. Which of the following options would be the ideal
A. Internal fixation with cannulated screws
B. Internal fixation with muscle pedicle graft
C. Internal fixation with osteotomy
D. Hemi-replacement arthroplasty
E. Total joint replacement

In taking X-ray to view the neck of the femur, which of the following position of the limb
would show the entire neck of the femur?
A. Limb in internal rotation
B. Limb in external rotation
C. Pelvis tilted inwards
D. Pelvis tilted outwards
E. Hip in flexion

What is the earliest indication of Volkamann’s ischemia

A. Increased pain
B. Pulselessness
C. Paraesthesia
D. Contracture of fingers
E. Gangrene of tips of fingers
Which of the following condition would present with multiple fractures in a child?
A. Scurvy
B. Rickets
C. Osteogenesis imperfect
D. Syphilis
E. Haemophilia

In the treatment to damage of which of the following nerve would a cock-up splint be
A. Anterior interosseous
B. Radial
C. Ulnar
D. Axillary
E. Musculocutaneous

Compartment syndrome is treated by fasciotomy within period of

A. 24 hours
B. 36 hours
C. 12 hours
D. 6 hours
E. 48 hours
Swan neck deformity is
A. Flexion of metacarpophalageal joint and flexion of interphalangeal joint
B. Hyperextension of PIP joint and flexion of DIP joint
C. Flexion of PIP joint and Extension of DIP joint
D. Extension of MCP joint and Flexion of IP joints
E. Flexion of MCP joints and Extension IP joints

Boutonniere deformity is
A. Flexion of MCP joints and Extension of IP joints
B. Flexion of PIP joints and hyperextension of DIP joint
C. Extension MCP joints and IP joints
D. Hyperextension of DIP joint and flexion of PIP joints
E. Same as claw hand

Which of the following muscle is responsible for the posterior tilt of the distal fragment
in a supracondylar fracture of femur?
A. Hamstring
B. Quadriceps
C. Patellar tendon
D. Gastronemius
E. Adductors

Which of the following is the expected degree of flexion of the knee in the presence of a
tense horse-shoe shaped swelling of the knee?
A. 20 to 30
B. 45
C. 60
D. 70
E. 90
In a 60 years old patient which of the following option would be ideal in the treatment of
a fracture of the surgical neck of humerus?
A. Immobilise with a U-slab/physiotherapy
B. Open reduction and fixation with a humeral nail
C. Open reduction and fixation with Dynamic Compression Plate
D. Closed manipulation and immobilization with spica cast
E. Immobilise with a hanging cast

Which of the following is the commonest ligament involved in an ankle sprain?

A. Tibio-talar
B. Deltoid
C. Posterior talofibular
D. Calcaneo-fibular
E. Anterior talo-fibular

Which of the following injury is called as an ‘Aviator’s fracture’?

A. Bimalleolar fracture
B. Fracture of neck of talus
C. Ankle dislocation
D. Calcaneal fracture
E. Subtalar dislocation

A 68 years old man present with pain and swelling of the right knee for one year. There
is no other joint involved and there is no history of previous pain or trauma to the joint.
On examination, there is warmth over the joint, joint line tenderness on the medial
aspect and the patella tap test is positive. What is the most propable diagnosis?
A. Gouty arthritis
B. Tuberculous arthritis
C. Rhematoid arthritis
D. Primary osteoarthritis
E. Secondary osteoarthritis

A patient was using inappropriate sized crutches in ambulation for last 3 months. He
now present with right wrist drop. Weakness of which of the following muscle would
you additionally look for in this patient to diagnose ‘very high’ radial nerve palsy?
A. Triceps
B. Biceps brachii
C. Extensor pollicis longus
D. Pronater teres
E. Extensor carpi radialis

Which one of the following displacement at the fracture site fails to remodel?
A. Anterior shift
B. Rotation
C. Anterior angulation
D. Posterior shift
E. Posterior angulation

Which of the following fracture is the common cause for Volkmann’s ischemia?
A. Supracondylar humerus
B. Mid shaft of humerus
C. Fracture both bones forearm
D. Lateral condyle of humerus
E. Galleazi fracture dislocation
Cubitus Valgus can lead to stretching of
A. Median nerve
B. Ulnar nerve
C. Radial nerve
D. Posterior interosseous nerve
E. Axillary nerve

Tennis elbow means pain and tenderness over

A. Biceps tendon
B. Olecranon
C. Medial epicondyle
D. Lateral epicondyle
E. Radial head

20 years old man was involved in a road traffic accident and sustained fracture shaft of
left femur. 48 hours later, he becomes drowsy, tachypnic. On examination petechial skin
rashes are seen. The most possible diagnosis
A. Pneumonia
B. Head injury
C. Fat embolism syndrome
D. Hypovolemic shock
E. Cervical spine injury

50 years old lady presenting with swelling, pain, and loss of sensation over fingers
following POP cast for Colles’s fracture. Immediate management will be
A. Admit, elevate and watch
B. Reassure send home that she will be ok
C. Immediate slit open cast till the skin and admit, observe
D. Give paracetamol and send home to see next day in clinic
E. Open reduction and K wire fixation

A patient is involve in a major road traffic accident and present with pain and swelling in
mid third of right thigh with a bleeding wound. He has low blood pressure and
tachycardia with cold peripheries. Which of the following would be the initial treatment
in the A/E?
A. Splint thigh
B. Arrest bleeding
C. Analgesics
D. Primary survey
E. IV fluids

27 years old is brought to ED with complaints of severe pain in his right hip and inability
to stand following a high velocity motor vehicle accident. On examination his right hip is
in an attitude of flexion, internal rotation and adduction and he is noted to have a foot
drop. What is the most probable clinical diagnosis?
A. Fracture neck of femur
B. Pelvic fracture
C. Posterior dislocation of hip
D. Tronchanteric fracture femur
E. Sub-trochanteric fracture femur
40 years old man presented with fracture of proximal tibia with compartment
syndrome. Management will be one of the following
A. Wait and watch, back slab and elevate
B. Above knee cast
C. Urgent intervention of Decompression by Fasciotomy
D. Buttress Plating of Tibia
E. Calcaneal pin traction

Commonest joint involved in dislocation is

A. Shoulder
B. Elbow
C. Hip
D. Knee
E. Ankle

Most common nerve involved in Volkmann’s Ischemic contracture of forearm is

A. Radial
B. Median
C. Ulnar
D. Posterior Interosseous nerve
E. Axillary

Fat embolism syndrome is commonly seen in

A. Fracture shaft of Femur
B. Forearm fractures
C. Fracture calcaneus
D. Crush injury foot
E. Compartment syndrome

Treatment of Gartland’s type 3 supracondylar fracture in children is

A. Closed reduction and plaster application
B. Arm sling
C. Closed reduction and K wire fixation
D. Skin traction
E. Open reduction and POP application

15 years old boy, present with painful swelling in distal femur of one month duration.
The boy is anaemic and cachexic. The most possible diagnosis is
A. TB knee
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Ewing’s Sarcoma
D. Giant cell tumour
E. Acute osteomyelitis

8 years old boy present with pain and swelling of right thigh. X-ray reveals onion peel
appearance of femur. Most possible diagnosis is
A. Osteosarcoma
B. Acute Osteomyelitis
C. Healing Fracture of femur
D. Ewing’s sarcoma
E. Bone metastasis
40 years old man present with a gradually increasing swelling over right knee, last few
days has become painful. X-rays shows osteolytic lesion, with soap bubble appearance in
proximal tibia. The most possible diagnosis is
A. Osteosarcoma
B. Solitary Myeloma
C. Brodie’s abscess
D. Giant cell tumour (Osteoclastoma)
E. Aneurysmal bone cyst

70 years lady present with severe pain in the thoracic region of sudden onset. She also
gives history of Ca-breast treated with surgery and chemotherapy 5 years back. The
most probable cause is
A. Osteoporotic fractures
B. Multiple myeloma
C. Disc prolapse
D. Done metastasis
E. TB spine

Carrying angels is increase in

A. Cubitus varus
B. Cubitus valgus
C. Cubitus revurvatum
D. Genu varus
E. Genu valgus

Phalen’s test is positive in

A. Carpal tunnel syndrome
B. Tarsal tunnel syndrome
C. Tennis elbow
D. Medial epicondylitis
E. Frozen shoulder

Which of the following movements are restricted in Frozen-shoulder

A. Adduction and internal rotation
B. Adduction and internal rotation
C. Abduction and External rotation
D. Adduction and internal rotation
E. Flexion and adduction

Trendelenburg test is positive in weakness of one of the following muscles

A. Gluteus maximus
B. Gluteus medius
C. Quadriceps
D. Hamstring
E. Illio-psoas

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