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SUBMITTERS : Islamic Republic of Iran, Russian Federation, Republic of Iraq, People’s

Republic of China

The United Nations Security Council,

Alarmed by the military, political and humanitarian situation in Afghanistan,

Calls for the immediate cessation of hostilities and the formation of a transitional

Noting with deep concern the political divide and adverse change in policy implicated by the
Taliban’s takeover of Kabul,

Noting with regret the absence of the President of Afghanistan,

Condemning the violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

Having examined the various doctrines and policies discussed in the 8834th Meeting of the
United Nations Security Council,

The United Nations Security Council:

1. Recommends the formation of a sub-committee of the United Nations Security

Council consisting of the Representatives of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and
the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Here on referred to as the Taliban), the
neighbouring nations of Afghanistan, the 5 Permanent Members of the Security
Council and other nations that may be deemed necessary to have representation in
the sub-committee, at the discretion of the Secretary General of the United Nations,
with no interference from the member states;
i) This committee is to also have representatives nominated by the Secretary
General, belonging to the First, Second and Third Committees of the United Nations
General Assembly , who are to function as observers;
ii) The Secretary General is recommended to spearhead the efforts to neutralize the
situation in Afghanistan with the help of reports prepared by the various committees
and use it to prepare a comprehensive analysis of the situation from every aspect
which is to be presented to the aforementioned sub-committee in order to deliberate
upon the situation;
2. Calls upon the First Vice President of The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to occupy
the office of The President of The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan adherent to Article
67 of The Constitution of The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan;
3. Expresses hope that the member states currently in support of the Taliban withdraw
economic and political support and drop any and all endeavours to recognize the
Taliban as the legitimate rulers of Afghanistan, until public opinion and a plebiscite
confirm it;
4. Reaffirms objection to the interference of North Atlantic Treaty organization in the
sovereign territory of Afghanistan and commend their withdrawal for Afghanistan for
purposes of peace;
5. Deplores the lack of consideration for human rights and humanitarian principles in
the nation of Afghanistan and encourages the evacuation of people at risk within
Afghan soil in accordance with the 14th Article of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights regarding the recognition and treatment of refugees;
6. Further proclaims support for attempts to place sanctions on nations in public support
and sponsorship of the Taliban;
7. Decides to impose a comprehensive arms embargo on the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan, and decides that all Member States will immediately take the necessary
steps to prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer to, or for the benefit of
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and related material of all types, including weapons
and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, dual-use
goods and technologies (as defined in the Wassenaar Arrangement), and spare parts
for the same, and technical assistance, training, financial or other assistance, related
to military activities;
8. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

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