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Read this text carefully and answer the question!

Hello! I am Nino. I and my friends are in the school yard. We are doing our projects. I am using glass
bottle to make an oil bottle lamp. I am going to use it if power outage. Raka is using a cardboard. He is
making a cardboard truck for his little brother. He is making a photo frame too, and put our photo on it.
Dinda is using a plastic bottle. She is going to make a water sprinkler from it. She is going to use the
water sprinkler for watering the school garden. Meanwhile, Roy is making a drip-watering bottles from it.
He is using them to water the plants in the garden. Malika is making a pencil holder using a can.

1. Who are they based on the text?

2. What is the writer’s name?
3. Where are they?
4. What are the writer and his friends doing?
5. Is the writer using plastic bottle to make an oil bottle lamp?
6. What is Raka doing with the cardboard?
7. What is Dinda using to make a water sprinkler?
8. Is Raya using a plastic bottle to make a drip-watreing bottles?
9. What is Malika doing?....
10. Is Raka making a toy truck using a plastic bottle for his little brother?

Choose signs with the correct sentences!

a b c d e f

11. We must keep the area clean….

12. We must not litter…..
13. We must recycle…..
14. We must not using plastic bag…..
15. We must not throw trash overboard…..
16. We must save water…….

II. Choose the one as the best answer.

17. That is …………. Oil candle lamp.

a. It
b. A
c. And
d. Are

18. I can…....a toy car from a plastic bottle.

a. Makes
b. make
c. making
d. maked

19. What is that?.....

A. That is an oil bottle lamp

B. That is a bottle plastic lamp
C. That is a pencil holder
D. That is a pencil case

20. From banana skin we can make......

a. compass
b. bottle lamp
c. plastic bottle
d. compost

21. Does the sign mean we must cut the trees?

a. No, it does not
b. Yes, it is.
c. Yes, it does
d. No, it is not.

22. Are pizza, bananas, and apples non-organic trash?

a. Yes, they are.
b. Yes, it is.
c. No, they are not.
d. No, it is not.

23. Are cardboard, plastic cup, and foam food container non-organic trash?
a. Yes, they are.
b. Yes, it is.
c. No, they are not.
d. No, it is not.
24. Are you making a photo frame from the bottle?....
a. Yes, I am.
b. No, I am not
c. Yes, you are.
d. No, you are not.

25. We ……….. ....... the lights when not in use.

a. Must not switch off
b. Must switch off
c. switch off
d. switch on

26. The correct sentence is......

a. The students uses cardboard to make a toy car.
b. The students using cardboard to make a toy car.
c. The students use cardboard to make a toy car.
d. The students making a toy car using cardboard.

27. Reuse is...

a. We must not cut trees.
b. to make something less or smaller in size, quantity, price, etc
c. to treat things that have already been used so that they can be used again.
d. To use something again

III. Answer these questions!

28. "to treat things that have already been used so that they can be used again."
The sentence that means we must.....

29. Hani: What are they?

Danni: …….. ……. ……………………………………. and ……………...

30. What is Andrew making? ……… …….. ………. ……. …….. ……..

31. "Are you throwing the left-over food?". The correct sentence in negative (-) form is ……
32. “Seta does not pick up the trashes.” The correct sentence in introgative (?) form is ….

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