Group 8 Assignment

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The digital club management system is an online web platform that designed to enhance to
communication and management of university clubs. This system serves to facilitate
coordination, collaboration among club members, leaders, and university administrators. It allow
students to be able to get various information about the club he/she is associated, enable
communications between members and access to various club events.

The digital club management system is expected to have various features, mainly club
management include membership fee management and payment, event planning, communication
channels among club members, resource sharing as well as membership management. Various
club features such as user authentication and profile as well as security enforcement are

The digital club management system is made to broadcast the different clubs available in the
university which are known by few. Being a web platform, real time messages, announcements
and updates will foster quick and effective communication among members. It improves
organization and transparency as all the club activities are available for checking by both club
members and leaders and university administrators and supervisors. Furthermore, recruitment
becomes easy, adaptability and scalability increases as well as community building becomes a
dream come true. Last but not least, being web based, any one can have access to the platform to
view the activities undergoing which may attract sponsors and various organizations to support
the clubs as well as activities in the university.


Project Sponsors Dr. Salome Maro

Business Requirements Using the DCMS, university students who are

customers will be able to search for the clubs
description, requirements and objective as
well as joining the clubs. The specific
requirements that the system is expected to
hold includes;
 Display list of clubs a university student

can join.
 Search for clubs.
 Registration for a new member and
membership tracking status.
 Schedule for club events and activities.
 Membership fee tracking and data
 Club registration.
Business Value Through DCMS we aim to increase club
membership by enabling existing members to
easily pay membership fees, receive payment
receipt, and have a well organized schedule of
club events. This will enhance attendance and
participation. Also DCMS will minimize the
risk of errors in financial transaction as well
as generating accurate financial reports for
better decision making. Its visibility via web
platform will assure acquiring of external
sponsors and opportunities for students.

A caution approximation of measurable

 Reduce administrative overload could
lead to conservative estimate of 15-20%
time saving.
 Automating fee collection and financial
processes might result in a 10-155
reduction in financial error.
 Improve the ease of membership of a 10-
15% increase in overall
 Operational cost reduction
Special Issues or Constraints Ø Marketing department has gained
support from stakeholders and want to
buy in the early stages of planning. As a
result the department view this a benefit

to our company and showing loyalty to
stake holder
Ø Also the club member has proposed this
project for the purpose to facilitate
seamless communication among club
members, and get a centralized platform
for announcement and updates



Familiarity with the System:

It's like this, people at UDSM don't really know much about clubs. We've been here for two
years, and we can't say I've heard about many clubs, except for a few in CoICT college whereby
various clubs register their members’ information through online documents like spreadsheets,
but there is no proper management for these students who enroll themselves into these rare clubs.
The Digital Club Management System (DCMS) wants to change that. We need a system that
people can easily understand and use. The project's success depends on making it simple and
easy for everyone, even if they're not used to fancy computer stuff.

Familiarity with Technology:

The good news is, we're using technology that people already know about. We're not trying to
reinvent the wheel. The tools we're using for the DCMS are common and familiar to folks here.
They include common web development tools, databases, and programming languages aligning
with existing knowledge within the university community. This familiarity is a significant
advantage, reducing the risk associated with adopting entirely new systems. So, we don't have to
spend a lot of time learning new things. We can focus on making the system easy for everyone to
use, keeping it simple and straightforward.

Project Size:

The DCMS is a big project, no doubt about it as it comprises of various features like club
registration, membership management, event planning, and communication channels. But we're
not trying to do everything at once. We're starting small, looking at the clubs we already know
exist. This way, we can learn as we go and make things better based on what people need. It's
like building with LEGO blocks – one piece at a time. This approach helps us manage the
project's size and make sure we're not missing anything important as we will also keep on
performing iterative improvements based on user feedback.

Compatibility with Existing Systems:

Our university already has some systems in place, like Aris3 and the Learning Management
System (LMS). We want the DCMS to work with these systems in the future, but for now, it's
going to stand on its own two feet. This gives us the freedom to make it the best it can be before
we connect it to other things. We'll work closely with tech folks from different parts of the
university to make sure everything fits together smoothly when the time comes.

Club Visibility and Integration:

Let's talk about why we're doing all this – to let everyone know about clubs and get them
working together. Right now, not many people know about clubs outside their own college. We
want to change that. The DCMS is going to show off each club, saying, "Hey, look what we're
doing!" We also want clubs from different colleges to be friends, to share ideas and do cool stuff
together. Imagine it like a big party where everyone's invited, and everyone brings something
awesome to share.

Our plan is to make the DCMS a place where clubs can shine and everyone can see what's going
on. We want students to explore clubs from all over, not just their own area. It's like opening a
door to a whole new world of fun and interesting things to do. This way, UDSM becomes a place
where people from different clubs become buddies, learn from each other, and make the
university a livelier, happier place.

In conclusion, the DCMS is more than just a fancy system – it's about making things better for
everyone. By keeping it simple, using what we already know, and taking it step by step, we're
making a system that will show off our clubs, bring people together, and make UDSM an even
cooler place to be. Let's make it happen!


Cost and benefits

The following are the cost and benefits of digital club and Management system system


-Software Development: Includes expenses for coding, testing, and deploying the digital CMS.

-Integration Costs: If the CMS needs to integrate with other systems or platforms.

-Training: Expenses related to training staff and members on using the new system


-Maintenance: Ongoing expenses for updates, bug fixes, and system improvements.

-Hosting and Infrastructure: Costs associated with hosting the system, server maintenance, and
data storage.

-Support: Expenses for providing customer support and resolving user issues.


-Efficiency: Streamlined club operations, reducing manual efforts and paperwork.

-Cost Savings: Long-term savings through improved efficiency and reduced administrative tasks.

-Data Accuracy: Enhanced accuracy in tracking memberships, payments, and other club-related


-Brand Image: A modern, digital presence can enhance the club's reputation and attractiveness.

-Member Satisfaction: Enhanced user experience can lead to increased member satisfaction.

-Data Insights: Better data collection and analysis for informed decision-making.

Assigning value to the above costs and benefits


 Software Development: [$2000]
 Integration Costs: [$1000]
 Training: $1500]


 Maintenance: [$2500]
 Hosting and Infrastructure: [$1500]
 Support: [$2000]


 Efficiency: [$1000]
 Cost Savings: [$3000]
 Data Accuracy: [$1700]
 Member Engagement: [$3100]


 Brand Image: $2500]

 Member Satisfaction: [$4000]
 Data Insights: [$3700]
 Adaptability: [$2100]

Assessment measures
Cash flow analysis: Cash flow analysis involves examining the inflows and outflows of cash
within a business.

Net Cash Flow=Total Inflows−Total Outflows



Return on investment (ROI): ROI is a measure of the profitability of an investment.

ROI= (Net profit/Initial investment) x100

= ($10,000/$50,000) x100


Break-even point: The break-even point is where total revenue equals total costs.
Break-Even Point = (Fixed Costs/ Revenue per Unit−Variable Costs per Unit)

=$30,000/ ($20- $10)


Discount cash flow: Is a method used to estimate the value of an investment based on its
expected future cash flows.

DCF= future Cash Flow /(1+Discount Rate) n

Where n is the number of years into the future



This will determine how well ultimately our DCMS will be accepted by its users and
incorporated in the ongoing operations of the organization. It analyses attempts to answer the
question “If we build, will they come?”

To assess the organizational feasibility of this project, we are going to consider the following

Administrative willingness

The digital club management system is at hand in process because the administration has its full
support in making digital transformation of the older systems to the new ones. This is do because
of the university’s openness to change, collaboration and recognition of the potential benefits the
digital club management system could bring to the university.

Availability of the existing resources

There are plenty of all the necessary technological infrastructure such as computer labs with all
its components and a full-time access of the internet. Moreover, availability of human resources
such as the lecturers and students as well who will help in the accomplishment of this project
through close supervision, discussion, and research to make this system the best.

Adaptability of this system in the organization

the digital club management system will be made in a way that the users will be able to cope
with and easily make use of it. This is done by analyzing potential challenges faced in different
clubs in the university hence adjusting and enhancement in the areas needed.

Alignment with the goals and values of the university

The university’s main goals are typically intensifying research relevant to community, focus to
problem solving and knowledge creation becoming a leading research university. The Digital
Club Management system complies to all these organizational goals. To accomplish these goals,
we conduct various research programs to improve the system to solve the problem facing the
club activities in the organization. Moreover, its values such as respect and equality are well

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