Future Simple

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Complete the sentences using Future Simple:

1. I have to go to the office for a second. ....................................WAIT for me?

2. Look at the clouds! I'm sure it ..............................RAIN soon.

3. ..........................................HELP me with my luggage? It's very heavy.

4. I ........................................LEND you some money next week if you really need it.

5. She's just invited me to her party but I think I ...............................NOT/COME .

6. It's Nick's birthday next week. He .................................... BE twenty.

7. It's hot in here. ..............................................OPEN the window, please?

8. I promise I ...............................................NOT/REPEAT what you told me to anyone.

9. I don't think Mike ................................HAVE a good time in Warsaw because he hates big
10. We ............................................................. PROBABLY/GO to the opera
tonight. ........................... JOIN us?

11. I prefer to stay at home tonight but I'm afraid my husband ..............................................

12. She thinks her brother ............................................ FORGIVE her for lying to him.

13. I'm sorry that I hurt you. It ..........................................NOT/HAPPEN again.

14. ....................................... YOUR SISTER/BRING me my book tomorrow? I'd like to read

it at last.

15. Why ................................................NOT/TELL her about his feelings and ask her to marry

16. I haven't got any time to go to the post office so .......................................... SEND this
letter for me, please?

17. I'm sure that Jane ....................................GET this job and

she ............................................... START it next week.

18. What would you like to eat? I .............................................. HAVE fish and chips, please.

19. Don't call me tonight because I .........................................NOT/BE home.

20. I .......................................................NOT/PRETEND that I don't mind her silly remarks

and I .......................................SPEAK to her about it.
Make a negative.

1. My cousin will paint his house pink because he likes this colour very much.

2. I will go to Greece by bus next month.

3. Her boyfriend will take part in the Olympic Games.

4. The children will play in the yard.

5. My grandmother will cook tomato soup today.

6. The Prime Minister will visit a new factory soon.

7. Our teacher will explain the rules of English grammar on Wednesday.

8. The Italians will vote in an election next year.

9. I think I will read 'Romeo and Juliet' once again.

10. Richard will probably move out in a few days.

11. The boss will sign the contracts in a moment.

12. Winter will come here in November.

13. We will run out of milk and bread tomorrow.

14. Jennifer will attend a drama course in summer.

15. His uncle will buy it on his way home.

16. I'm sure the story will end well.

17. It will take me five minutes to water the flowers.

18. I'm hungry. I will prepare some salad.

19. My family will probably sell this house and rent a smaller one.

20. The principal will call the meeting of teachers in a week.

Create a question.

1. She will sing in an opera one day.

2. My brothers will start taking private lessons in English next Saturday.

3. Their grandchildren will study law in the USA.

4. My aunt will make a speech at the conference in California.

5. I will take a nap.

6. He will give his sister a lift to work.

7. We will take a photograph of you and Mark!

8. My neighbours will make noise at the party.

9. Gina will have breakfast in 5 minutes.

10. The company will take action soon.

11. Your father will have an operation in 2005.

12. My colleagues will give me a present for my birthday.

13. Tina will not make the same mistake again.

14. My daughter will be famous all over the world.

15. The mother will feed the baby in a second.

16. Her close friends will prepare a hen party for her.

17. Anna will surely accept this offer.

18. The secretary will fix the price tomorrow.

19. The match will start at 5 o'clock sharp.

20. The train will leave the platform in a moment.

Put the verb in the correct form.

1. I - - -will give/gave/giving a party next week.

2. I'm sure my students - - -won/will win/winning the first prize.

3. Eva and Gio - - -marrying/got married/will get marry next June.

4. The cake - - -will be/was/been ready in 20 minutes.

5. When I am old I - - -travelling/travelled/will travel around the world.

6. The clerk - - -provided/will provide/providing you with the information.

7. This magazine - - -will sell/sold/selling like hot cakes when we release it.

8. The dog - - -played/playing/will play with you whenever you show it a ball.

9. Our team - - -taking/will take/took part in the Olympic Games in Turin.

10. My son - - -will start/started/starting running his own business in a few years.

11. Their parents - - -preparing/prepared/will prepare a surprise party next Friday.

12. Kathy and Sarah - - -will become/became/bacoming doctors when they grow up.

13. I hope I - - -met/will meet/meeting somebody famous one day.

14. The flowers - - -will die/died/dying if you don't water them regularly.

15. The fax machine - - -broke/breaking/will break down soon because too many people use

16. The manager of the insurance company - - -will visit/visiting/visited the bank accountant
next Monday.

17. Edward - - -had/will have/having difficulty in speaking German when he moves to


18. The specialist - - -did/doing/will do a translation of this document in a few weeks.

19. I think I - - -will make/made/making a guess. Is it a frog?

20. Dave - - -took/will take/taking a bath as soon as Agnes gets back home.
Put the verb into the correct form.

1. I promise I ..................................RING you tomorrow morning.

2. She is in Warsaw now but tomorrow she .............................. BE in Berlin.

3. I think it .......................... RAIN in the evening so we'd better take our umbrellas.

4. Kate is sure she ................................... FAIL her geography exam.

5. Take that book. You .................................. READ it sooner than me.

6. Would you like tea or coffee? I .......................... HAVE coffee, please.

7. I'm very tired. I .................................CATCH a taxi.

8. We ...............................GIVE you the money back next week, ok?

9. It's cold here. I ..............................CLOSE the window.

10. I don't think he .......................................... COMPLETE that course next month.

11. Call me tonight. I ..............................................BE home for sure.

12. You look tired. Tom ...................................HELP you with the luggage.

13. Go to bed now and you ............................... FEEL better tomorrow.

14. I think I........................................ BUY a new bicycle next month.

15. Don't leave any food on the table. The dog .......................... EAT it.

16. No problem. I ............................................ PICK you up at the station next Monday.

17. He still hopes that he.................................. FIND his true love.

18. We don't have any milk so Jane ......................................GO to the shop and get some.

19. Don't wait for me tonight. I ................................................. COME BACK late.

20. Which scarf do you want? I .................................................. TAKE the green one.
Make a question.

1. She'll help me with my homework.

2. You'll pass all your exams.

3. John will call my boss tomorrow.

4. They'll try to find me a job.

5. Julie will answer the phone in a moment.

6. He'll be back in the morning.

7. I'll stay in Dublin for a while.

8. You'll win the match tomorrow.

9. He'll lend me his car next week.

10. Mark will come to your place with us.

11. They'll take part in the show next week.

12. You'll be disappointed many times in your life.

13. She will bring you cold drinks.

14. Susan will start her new job soon.

15. He'll finish his work in a minute.

16. The children will have a Coke.

17. Helen will go to bed early tonight.

18. I'll tell her about your behaviour.

19. Jim will try not to argue with him.

20. You'll do well at school tomorrow.

Make a negative.

1. Mary will be in Manchester next week.

2. All right, we will go out tonight.

3. He will be angry at me.

4. Sue will like her new cat.

5. I'll be tired after work tomorrow.

6. Jack will fall in love with her soon.

7. I'll be home all day tomorrow.

8. I'm sure we will lose the game.

9. They'll look after our baby next week.

10. You'll sleep well tonight.

11. Jane will enjoy the movie.

12. I'll go to his shop and talk to him.

13. Next month Kevin will be in China.

14. You'll find my family at home in the evening.

15. I'll visit my aunt next Monday.

16. They'll get married soon.

17. My son will go to Amsterdam next month.

18. I'll get you a present next year.

19. Mark will be very upset I'm afraid.

20. My parents will be very surprised tomorrow.

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