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By Nishant Kasibhatla
World Record Holder & Grand Master of Memory
Trainer. Speaker. Author of best-selling book


Introduction Page 2
About Memory Vision Page 2
Workshops Page 3
About Nishant Kasibhatla Page 4
5 Lessons Mini-Memory Course Page 5
Lesson 1 - The Main Culprit For Having Bad Memory Page 5
Lesson 2 - 3 Magic Qs to Improve Your Memory Page 7
Lesson 3 - Need some glue to fix your memory? Page 9
Lesson 4 - Your brain’s GB, Mhz, RAM statistics Page 11
Lesson 5 - Stretch Your Memory Now Page 13
Course Review Page 15
Bonus: Top 3 Memory Myths Page 18

Memory Vision Pte Ltd

14 Robinson Road #13-00

Far East Finance Building
Singapore 048545

Tel: +65-6402 2310 / +65-9147 1247



Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:

There is good news for everyone who wants to improve his or her memory.
New research has shown that your memory power can keep increasing - all
you have to do is to keep exercising it constantly. The more you jog it, the
better your memory functions.

It works like this: The brain has some 10,000,000,000 neurons and the more
connections you stimulate between neurons, the more efficiently they
recollect information. In the Information Age, you accumulate so much data
on academics, business, income tax, entertainment etc through newspapers,
magazines, Internet etc., that you find ourselves caught in an Information
Web. This ebook will give you valuable information to take control of your

About Memory Vision

Founded in 1996, Memory Vision is a pioneer in soft skills training that leans
toward efficiency and productivity. Birthed on the simple belief that everyone
should be able to experience a work-life balance, we learnt through and with
our clients how we can enable everyone to achieve peak efficiency and

Based on our research and understanding of the workings of the human

brain, we have developed winning ideas to increase effectiveness and
productivity in an individual.

Brilliant ideas can only take flight with a firm execution. In that light, our
modus operandi centers on employing a fun-filled and effective training
method, coupled with a life-long support infrastructure. Drawing from our
experience across multiple industries, we have developed a set of training
programs for all.

Our Clientele (partial list)

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:

Corporate Training
Half Day / 1-Day Training Programs

1. Achieve Peak Performance By Improving Your Memory

How To Improve Your Productivity Using Powerful Information & Memory Management Techniques

2. Enhance Your Productivity With Speed-reading

Powerful Techniques To Read Faster, Comprehend Better & Remember More

3. Turbo-Charge Your Brain Power

Boost Your Brain Power And Gain A Practical Edge In Your Work Life

4. Ride On The Momentum

Get Focused. Become Unstoppable. Achieve Sales Targets.

5. Power Presentation Skills

Deliver Powerful Presentations And Wow Your Audience. Everytime!

Full details:

Key Notes & Talks 60 - 90 min
[Corporate Events / Lunch Time Talks / Monthly Meetings / Conventions]
1. Achieve Greater Personal Effectiveness By Improving Your Memory
2. MIND GYM - Mental Fitness For Peak Mental Performance
3. Top Techniques To Boost Your Productivity
4. Program Your Mind For Success: Creating A Framework For Superior Sales Success
5. Double Your Memory. Double Your Sales & Productivity!
6. Secrets Of Delivering Powerful And Memorable Presentations
7. Proven Tips, Tools And Tactics To Think Positive And Be Positive
8. Developing Mental Resilience: How To Create Massive Momentum In Your Life
9. 3Ms for Success (Mindset + Momentum + Memory)

Full details:

Workshops For Students (age 10+ onwards)
1. Super Memory & Study Skills
2. Be A Smart Student
Full details
Educational Products
Book  Instant Memory Improvement
Book  Maximise Your Memory Power
Ebook  The Ultimate Memory Course
Audio CD  11 Easy Ways To Become A Top Student
Audio CD  11 Easy Ways To Develop A Positive Mindset, Manage Time
Effectively and Remember Things Easily

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:
Nishant Kasibhatla
Trainer. Speaker. Author
Grand Master of Memory & World Record Holder

Nishant Kasibhatla is a trainer, speaker and author of a best-selling book

and is the director of Memory Vision Training Company in Singapore. He is
a World Record Holder and the only Grandmaster of Memory and
International Master of Memory in Singapore.

Nishant is a popular speaker with over 14 years’ experience in conducting

training in areas such as Peak Mental Performance, Learning to Learn,
Information and Memory Management, Speed-reading, Motivation and
Success. He has worked with many multi-national companies, schools,
students and individuals of all walks of life in 9 countries across 4 continents.
Some of his clients include: Singapore Police Force, Citibank, Shell, Coca Cola, NTUC
FairPrice, Philips, Petronas, Nestle, American Express, LG Electronics etc.

In his speeches and workshops, Nishant has empowered thousands of people, helping them
challenge their limiting beliefs and achieve greater heights of effectiveness.

Nishant is the author of one of the most comprehensive best-selling books on memory
techniques: Instant Memory Improvement. He has compiled 2 Audio CDs for students: 11
Easy Ways To Become A Top Student and 11 Easy Ways To Develop A Positive Mindset,
Manage Time Effectively and Remember Things Easily. He has also written a ‘memory-
improvement’ column for Singapore Press Holdings magazine ‘Shape’.

His newsest book “Maximise your memory power” (Marshall Cavendish Publishers) deals with
proven and powerful ‘information and memory management’ techniques to improve the
productivity of employees at all levels from executives to CEOs.

New book

Nishant has been featured on radio and television channels, as well as in magazines and
newspapers in many different countries: Singapore’s MediaCorp’s TV12 & 93.8 LIVE FM,
Singapore Press Holding’s Straits Times, The New Paper & Shinmin Daily, India’s Zee TV,
Hongkong’s South China Morning Post.

Some of his major achievements in the field of memory are:

(1) Memorising a 1944 digit number.
(2) Memorising a 1200 digit binary number.
(3) Memorising the sequence of 7 decks [364 cards] of shuffled playing cards.
(4) Memorising the sequence of a deck of playing cards in 1 min 50 seconds.
(5) Becoming the best Asian memoriser at the World Memory Championship 2003.

He is the President of Asia Professional Speakers, Singapore 2009-2010.

Watch Nishant Kasibhatla’s Video Interviews and read his press interviews at:

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:
Lesson #1
The Main Culprit For Having Bad Memory Is..

This is the first of a series of 5 lessons I will be sending you in the coming

In this lesson, I am going to tell you about the main culprit for having a bad
memory. Want to know what it is? Read on…

Few days back, I attended a birthday party of one of my friends. There, he

introduced me to a director of a large Multinational Company. After the initial
small talk, I told about my Memory training programmes and he got interested
in them.

He ran out of his business cards and asked me to “note down” his telephone
number. Please pay attention to the dialogue between us. This will give you a
clue to the “main culprit” for having a bad memory.

Director: Why don’t you note down my number.

Me: It’s ok. You tell me the number. I will memorise it.

Director: Are you sure, you can remember? Why do you take risk? Why don’t
you write it down?

Me: Hey, there’s no risk at all. I am a Grand Master of Memory. Remembering

a 10-digit number is too easy for me.

Director: oh is it? Congrats. But I want to play safe.



He badly needed my memory training, and later his company became one of
my clients.

Well, what surprised me is his firm belief that I can’t remember the number, in
spite of telling him that I am a memory expert. Why is this?

This guy is not even happy with the belief I have in my memory. Think about
his belief in his own memory. Isn’t it amazing?

The No. 1 culprit, which is a stumbling block for anyone’s memory

improvement is this:

Most people don’t believe in their existing memory capacity. There are many
reasons why this happens.

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:
1. You might have tried a variety of ways to learn new information, but
nothing worked.
2. Listening and believing in “anti-memory-power” statements like “Write it
down, otherwise you will never memorise it”
3. Feeling de-motivated and cursing your memory even for minor memory
4. Telling everyone “you have a bad memory” (and sometimes feeling
proud for saying that!)
5. etc

Was I exaggerating? You now that I was not. And if you did not fall into any of
the above categories, then the only thing I can say about you is:

Lucky You!

But for a majority of people, this is the reality. If you want to improve your
memory, you must first have a belief in your memory. How?

Treat your memory power as your good friend.

Will it be OK for you to belittle your good friend by talking bad about him/her?
Will it be OK for you if someone else talks bad about your good friend?
Would you say encouraging or discouraging words to your good friend?

Answer the above questions and you are on your way to a great start.

More info in my next lesson.

Wish you a great memory!

Nishant Kasibhatla
Grand Master of Memory

Do you want Nishant to speak at your Organization / Club / Association /

Group? Contact Nishant:
Call +65-91471247. Email:

Sign-up for Nishant’s free Monthly Ezine:

The ezine contains tips, techniques, reports, videos on many aspects of peak
mental performance.

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:
Lesson #2
3 Magic Questions to Improve Your Memory

Albert Einstein said a long time back “Imagination is more important than

Was he right? Of course he is right!

The point to note is the word “more” in his statement. That means knowledge
is important. But imagination is more important.

I will go a step ahead and say that “organized knowledge” is ESSENTIAL to

excel in any skill.

Here I am talking about knowledge of memory techniques.

Question: Did your schoolteachers give you the knowledge of “how to



Think about it. A majority of schools in the world do not teach any memory
techniques or strategies for children. As a result of which, the student has to
devise his own ways of memorising information and usually end up acquiring
one particular way of memorising information. And that is REPETITION.

Right from the student stage to the adult stage, many people slog to learn
information in the wrong ways.


Simple. Pay Attention!

That’s right. The easiest way to memorise information is to pay attention. This
appears so simple, but it is alarming to note that many people don’t even
have a slightest clue of how to pay attention.

The 3 easiest ways to pay attention:

1. Visualise: Try to convert the information you want to memorise into
pictures. This very process forces attention. Also, the time taken to
memorise will be reduced drastically.

2. Association: This is so important that I have created another section for

it and will explain about the power of association in my next lesson.

3. Fun: Try to search ways and means with the help of which you can
have fun while memorising. I know this sounds difficult. Most people
associate learning and memorising with stress. The more you do this,
the more stress you will continue to have while memorising. Think
different. Try to have fun.

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:

But as I have told you earlier, just the knowledge about this doesn’t help
much. You need to take action. From now on, answer the following 3
questions whenever you want to memorise any information.


1. How can I Visualise this information

2. How can I associate this information with something I already know?
3. How can I have fun while memorising?

What if you could not answer some of the above questions? It still works! By
just TRYING to answer the above 3 questions, you are thinking about the
information in a way you never did before. You literally force all of your
attention on the information. This is so simple and effective.

Try it today and you are bound to get the results.

Wishing you a great memory!

Yours memorably,
Nishant Kasibhatla
Grand Master of Memory

Do you want Nishant to speak at your Organization / Club / Association /

Group? Contact Nishant:
Call +65-91471247. Email:

Sign-up for Nishant’s free Monthly Ezine:

The ezine contains tips, techniques, reports, videos on many aspects of peak
mental performance.

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:
Lesson #3
Need some glue to fix your memory?

How many times you told this to yourself:

“This damn thing doesn’t stick to my memory”

Don’t get frustrated. Read this mail to find about the super-powerful glue,
which can help you stick anything to your memory. And, it’s free! I will tell you
about it in this lesson.

Before that, read this story……..

Some time back, I was dining with a friend in a restaurant. We were waiting
for the food we ordered. In the meantime, we were enjoying the music played
by the local band there.

Then came an announcement by the singer that they have hired a new guitar
player and he is going to showcase him.

Suddenly, my friend looked at his watch and said “Oh my God! I gotta go”.

I said “Why? What’s so urgent?”

My friend told me that he needs to pickup his daughter from the guitar class.
And he actually left the place without even eating the food.

My friend got “reminded” about her daughter’s guitar class after hearing about
the guitar player!

Isn’t it interesting? I am sure, you must also have had some similar
experiences in your life.

Well, what I am talking about is the “reminder principle” of memory. It simply

means one thing is reminded by another, just as in the case of my friend in
the restaurant.

If you use the reminder principle in a positive way, it can help you in an
amazing way to improve your memory phenomenally.

If you want to memorise information in an easy and fast way, you need some
“mental glue” with the help of which the information sticks in your brain. This
mental glue is………….

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:

Whether you believe it or not, whatever information you have memorised so

far, you have done so by associating one thing with another. Well, you might
not be aware of this process all the time, but you do associate all the time.

Think about it this way ----- Your brain has some trillions of data. Each bit of
data is a potential hook onto which you can “hang” new data. Here are some
tips to use the power of association to your advantage:

1. Recall your school days where some of your teachers taught you some
concepts by “relating” them to real life examples. This way you learnt
faster, right? If you did it in your school days, there is no reason why
you can’t do it now.
2. From today onwards, make it a point to associate the new information
with something that you already know.
3. Try to think of some information that is similar or compares to the
information you are learning?
4. If you could not do the above, then “teach” the information you are
learning to someone else! This helps in a great way to “fix the
information” in your brain.

Remember this, if you don’t use glue, you can’t make things stick. Similarly, if
you don’t use “association”, the information doesn’t stick to your brain.

More interesting things about memory in the next lesson.

Wishing you a fabulous memory.

Yours memorably,
Nishant Kasibhatla
Grand Master of Memory Vision

Do you want Nishant to speak at your Organization / Club / Association /

Group? Contact Nishant:
Call +65-91471247. Email:

Sign-up for Nishant’s free Monthly Ezine:

The ezine contains tips, techniques, reports, videos on many aspects of peak
mental performance.

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:
Lesson #4
Your brain’s GB, Mhz, RAM statistics

What are the things you look for when you are buying a new Computer.
Usually these:

1. What is the processing speed (in Mhz or Ghz)

2. Data storage (in GB)
3. What is the RAM

If I say your brain is like a computer, would you agree? I am sure, you will.

But I do not!

Your brain is like a computer----------WRONG

Your computer is like a brain----------RIGHT

There’s a lot of difference between the two.

Imagine a newbie chess player telling a chess champion “You play chess like
me”. How does that sound? Funny, right?

The computer is the newbie chess player.

And your brain is the chess champion!

If that is the case, let us now see the results of Brain v/s Computer

Fact 1
Each brain has 1 million million neurons (brain cells)
Each neuron is equivalent to one personal computer in capacity

Fact 2
The CRAY Super Computer operates at 400 million calculations per second
The CRAY Super Computer would have to run non-stop for 100 years if it has
to achieve what your brain can do in 1 minute

Fact 3
Start telling 10 words per second to a just born baby
Continue to do this till he reaches the age of 100 years
Now, if he can remember all the words that he listened throughout his lifetime,
he would have used not more than 50 % of his memory power

Amazing stuff. Isn’t it?

In short, your brain has the potential to outsmart any computer that will ever
get created in the future!

The million dollar question is this:

How To Unleash The Amazing Potential Of The Brain?

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:

Some guidelines:

1. Use your brain! I mean use it more! The more work you give your
brain, the sharper it becomes.
2. Learn some thing or the other everyday. Be a life-long learner.
3. Ask your brain for help! That’s right. Want solutions to any problem?
Write your problem on an A4 sheet. Lock yourself in a room and make
sure you don’t get disturbed. Spend 30 minutes. Think coolly. You will
be amazed by what you can brain can do for you. Try it to believe it!
4. Last, but definitely the best, order “The Ultimate Memory Course”!
( This course
contains great workouts for your brain. And you will have great fun
doing them.

It’s time to make the most of your brain. Take a commitment to give equal (if
not more) importance to mental exercise as much as you give to physical

Wishing you a great memory and super brainpower.

Yours memorably,
Nishant Kasibhatla
Grand Master of Memory

Do you want Nishant to speak at your Organization / Club / Association /

Group? Contact Nishant:
Call +65-91471247. Email:

Sign-up for Nishant’s free Monthly Ezine:

The ezine contains tips, techniques, reports, videos on many aspects of peak
mental performance.

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:
Lesson #5
Stretch Your Memory Now

A few years ago, one of my friends invited me to a local club for an evening
get together. After some time, my friend introduced me to the guests saying
that I am a memory expert and that they can “test” my memory power.

Well, I was ready for the challenge. One of the audience members came to
me and whispered:

“Get ready to stretch your memory, buddy”.

His looks suggested me that he is going to try his best to make me fail.

I love such challenges. I was sort of anxious to see what kind of memory test
it’s going to be. After few minutes, they prepared a test. The details are here:

I had to

1. Memorise a 50 digit number in 2 minutes

2. Memorise the names of all 34 people there
3. Memorise the 12 rules of that club in 5 minutes.

You know what, I was totally relieved after knowing the tests. It was peanuts
for my memory.

I stretched my memory enough to be able to do such mental feats and more. I

feel proud that I can boast of a fabulous memory. It feels great.

Why I am telling you this?

Because, you too can do it.

Imagine the kind of feeling you will have if you can honestly tell yourself “I
have a great memory!”

I don’t have to over-emphasize the important of having a good memory.

Today let’s have a look at some action steps that will guide you to start taking
control of your memory. This is going to be a summary of my previous
lessons and of course some new tips too!

1. Try to visualise the information you want to remember. You have to

use scientific memory techniques to be able to do so.
2. Challenge your brain. Don’t be a slave to electronic memory aids. Give
work to your memory muscles on a daily basis.
3. When meeting new people, pay attention to their names, instead of
thinking about questions like “How am I looking?”, “What would she be
thinking about me”, “why did he wear a green tie? Etc.
4. When remembering new information, answer the question, “how can I
associate this something which I already know”.

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:
5. Use the knowledge you have memorised in your day-to-day life.
6. Want to learn information fast? Teach it to some one else.
7. Give your brain its due exercise everyday.

It’s no exaggeration, if I say, the least used part of the body (in terms of the
potential versus utilization level), is often the brain. Research indicates that
the average human being uses less than 5 percent of his brainpower. Ok, you
might have heard somewhere that we use less than 1%.

What is important is to think about using the unutilized potential of the brain.

I wish you an amazing memory!

By the way, I passed all the 3 tests at the club. And that skeptic guy who
warned me “to stretch my memory” actually has invited me to his home for a

Yours memorably,
Nishant Kasibhatla
Grand Master of Memory

Do you want Nishant to speak at your Organization / Club / Association /

Group? Contact Nishant:
Call +65-91471247. Email:

Sign-up for Nishant’s free Monthly Ezine:

The ezine contains tips, techniques, reports, videos on many aspects of peak
mental performance.

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:
Course Review
Here’s The Recap of The Mini Memory Course

I hope you have liked and benefited a lot from my 5 lessons of the Mini
Memory Course. The information given in the 5 lessons is very valuable as far
as memory improvement is concerned.

In case, you have not finished reading any of the 5 lessons, I strongly
recommend you to do read those lessons immediately.

By the way, I am summarizing the information of the entire 5 lessons Mini

Memory Course below:

Lesson #1- The Main Culprit For Having Bad Memory Is..

The No. 1 culprit, which is a stumbling block for anyone’s memory

improvement is this: LACK OF BELIEF.

Follow this simple tip:

Treat your memory power as your good friend.

Will it be OK for you to belittle your good friend by talking bad about him/her?
Will it be OK for you if someone else talks bad about your good friend?
Would you say encouraging or discouraging words to your good friend?

Answer the above questions and you are on your way to a great start.

Lesson #2-The 3 Magic Questions to Improve Your Memory
From now on, answer the following 3 questions whenever you want to
memorise any information.


1. How can I Visualise this information

2. How can I associate this information with something I already know?
3. How can I have fun while memorising?

What if you could not answer some of the above questions? It still works! By
just TRYING to answer the above 3 questions, you are thinking about the
information in a way you never did before. You literally force all of your
attention on the information. This is so simple and effective.

Try it today and you are bound to get the results.


Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:
Lesson #3 - Need some glue to fix your memory?

If you want to memorise information in an easy and fast way, you need some
“mental glue” with the help of which the information sticks in your brain. This
mental glue is………….


Think about it this way ----- Your brain has some trillions of data. Each bit of
data is a potential hook onto which you can “hang” new data. Here are some
tips to use the power of association to your advantage:

1. Recall your school days where some of your teachers taught you some
concepts by “relating” them to real life examples. This way you learnt
faster, right? If you did it in your school days, there is no reason why
you can’t do it now.
2. From today onwards, make it a point to associate the new information
with something that you already know.
3. Try to think of some information that is similar or compares to the
information you are learning?
4. If you could not do the above, then “teach” the information you are
learning to someone else! This helps in a great way to “fix the
information” in your brain.

Lesson #4 - Your brain’s GB, Mhz, RAM statistics
Fact 1: Each brain has 1 million million neurons (brain cells)
Fact 2: The CRAY Super Computer would have to run non-stop for 100 years
if it has to achieve what your brain can do in 1 minute

Some guidelines on How To Unleash The Amazing Potential Of The Brain:

1. Use your brain! I mean use it more! The more work you give your
brain, the sharper it becomes.
2. Learn some thing or the other everyday. Be a life-long learner.
3. Ask your brain for help! That’s right. Want solutions to any problem?
Write your problem on an A4 sheet. Lock yourself in a room and make
sure you don’t get disturbed. Spend 30 minutes. Think coolly. You will
be amazed by what you can brain can do for you. Try it to believe it!
4. Last, but definitely the best, order “The Ultimate Memory Course”! This
course contains great workouts for your brain. And you will have great
fun doing them.

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:
Lesson #5 - Stretch Your Memory Now
Let’s have a look at some action steps that will guide you to start taking
control of your memory:

1. Try to visualise the information you want to remember. You have to

use scientific memory techniques to be able to do so.
2. Challenge your brain. Don’t be a slave to electronic memory aids. Give
work to your memory muscles on a daily basis.
3. When meeting new people, pay attention to their names, instead of
thinking about questions like “How am I looking?”, “What would she be
thinking about me”, “why did he wear a green tie? Etc.
4. When remembering new information, answer the question, “how can I
associate this something which I already know”.
5. Use the knowledge you have memorised in your day-to-day life.
6. Want to learn information fast? Teach it to some one else.
7. Give your brain its due exercise everyday.

Wish you an awesome memory.

Yours memorably,
Nishant Kasibhatla
Grand Master of Memory

Do you want Nishant to speak at your Organization / Club / Association /

Group? Contact Nishant:
Call +65-91471247. Email:

Sign-up for Nishant’s free Monthly Ezine:

The ezine contains tips, techniques, reports, videos on many aspects of peak
mental performance.

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:

BONUS Lesson:Top 3 Memory Myths

Myth 1: Consuming memory pills and tonics is the easiest way to
improve your memory.

Fact: Most pills that are marketed as memory improvement pills are really not
effective. These pills are definitely good for the well-being of your brain.
These pills help you have a “healthy brain”.

Please understand that healthy brain does not necessarily mean sharper
brain. And if your brain is healthy, there is no guarantee that you will have a
great memory.

I will give you a good analogy to explain this concept. You can take some
medicines/pills etc to have healthy and strong hands. Does that mean you will
be able to play a piano? If you want to play a piano, you need to train your
hands to be able to do that. This requires effort and patience. Just having
healthy hands will not suffice.

Similarly just having a “healthy brain” will not suffice to have a great memory,
though it definitely helps. If you want to have a great memory, you need to
train your brain for that. The easiest way to improve you memory is to use
memory techniques. These techniques give a really good workout to your
brain and build your “memory muscles”.

Myth 2: If I cross the age of 40, it is certain that my memory power will

Fact: Age is never a deterrent to learn any skill. And memorising is a skill. At
any age, anyone can learn any skill. The only thing which is required is the
“willingness to try’.

Have you not heard of people who went to ballroom dancing classes at the
age of 50? And you must be seeing several 60 yr old people jogging on the
streets every morning.

Now, these people chose the option to learn new skills. If a person can
choose to be physically fit the age of 60, there is nothing that can stop him to
be mentally fit. The most important word here is “ACTION”. If you are willing
to put in action, you can improve your memory irrespective of your age.

Myth 3: By using more of my memory, I am doing a disservice to myself,

as I am using up the precious space in my brain.

Fact: This is probably the “biggest” myth. You already have learnt about the
storage capacity of the brain in the section “Capacity of the brain”. You can
never use up the entire capacity of the brain. It is just impossible.

What you must know, here, is an amazing secret of your brain.

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:

The more you remember, the more you can remember.

That’s right. The more exercise you give to your brain, the sharper it
becomes. You learn new information by “hooking” it to the existing information
in your brain. So, the more you learn, the more hooks you create in your
brain. The more “hooks” you have in your brain, the more information you can
“hang” on to your brain.

Do you want Nishant to speak at your Organization /

Club / Association / Group?

At your next monthly meeting or Lunch Time Talks,

do you want a speaker who can challenge your
audience? Or do you want mind-blowing
entertainment? Or both?

Nishant can deliver both. He is a popular speaker &

trainer with 14 years of experience. Contact him to
have an electrifying and educational talk!

Call +65-91471247. Email:

Memory Vision Pte Ltd 14 Robinson Road #13-00, Far East Finance Building Singapore 048545
Tel: +65-6402 2310 / 9147 1247 email: Website:

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