Y4 PTK Exhibition Task 2024 (Antora & Yathu)

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Task (2024)
Antora Hasan (6), 4R

Yathushana Thayaparan (32), 4R


“What role does

imagination play in
● Historic novella "Girl with a Pearl
Earring'' was written by Tracy
● It is inspired by the famous
painting "Girl with a Pearl Earring"
○ One of artist Johannes
Vermeer’s most iconic works
created in 1665.
★ The book takes place in the 17th century
Netherlands, and tells the story of Griet, a
young woman who becomes a maid in the
Vermeer household and eventually the
subject of Vermeer's painting.

★ The novel explores themes of art, desire,

social class, and the dynamics of power
and creativity as the main character
explores the world around her (her
relationship with Vermeer and the ongoing
events in the novella).
How is imagination used in the novel?
● Known for its exquisite use of light and color and the
enigmatic expression of the girl depicted in the portrait,
the identity of the girl in the painting and situation is
ironically not definitively known, which has led to
speculation and various interpretations (shared knowledge
between the audiences contrary to the personal
knowledge of the knower).

● Caveller wrote this novel based on her imaginative

perspective of how the painting “Girl with a pearl earring”
was created and what meaning was possibly conveyed by
the artist.
● She imagines the life and circumstances of the girl in the
painting, whom she names Griet.
How is imagination used in the novel?
● The novel uses the painting as a central inspiration and weaves a
narrative around the creation of the artwork.
● The relationship between Griet and Vermeer, as well as the dynamics
within the Vermeer household, are imagined by the author to provide a
context for the iconic painting.

While the book draws inspiration from historical context and the painting
itself, it is ultimately a fictional interpretation and not a factual account of the
painting's origins.
How does the author’s imagination
become shared knowledge among the
★ The personal knowledge of the knower (the
author's thoughts and imaginative scenarios
as to what really happened in the painting's
context) included in the book becomes shared
knowledge among the audience (readers)

★ But each interprets the fabricated ideologies

differently based off their initial thoughts and
knowledge of the painting. It can become
shared knowledge if shared with others.
Chevalier's imaginative narrative fills in
the gaps left by history, creating a richer
context for the painting.

This kind of imaginative exploration

allows us to engage with the artwork on a
more personal and emotional level,
adding layers of meaning beyond the
Chevalier’s personal knowledge of her imagination of the events
in the book and the social themes explored are conveyed to the
general audience - it will become shared knowledge and be
incorporated into the fabric of common mindsets/opinions
based on what each individual interprets the connection of the
book’s storyline and the painting to be, and what opinion they
had on the painting in the first place or if the connections make
any sense.

★ Chevalier's personal opinions on topics like art, social class etc.
★ Chevalier’s fictional story of the girls’ background, and what really is
the plot behind the painting nobody knows
★ Reader’s own interpretations of the painting

★ The reader's fabricated ideologies of the topics shared in the book
★ Chevalier’s fictional storyline
★ Chevalier’s views


● Space-based observatory launched in

● Equipped with a variety of instruments,

○ cameras
○ spectrographs
○ photometers (that allow
astronomers to observe the
universe across a wide range of
wavelengths, from ultraviolet to
The Hubble Space Telescope has made numerous
groundbreaking discoveries and observations,

★ Determining the rate of expansion of the

universe Considered
○ Led to the discovery of dark energy.
★ Observing distant galaxies and quasars to be one of
○ Provided insights into the early universe and Science’s
the formation of galaxies.
★ Studying the atmospheres of planets in our most
solar system and exoplanets orbiting other stars. important
★ Observing the formation and evolution of stars
○ including the birth and death of stars. inventions!
★ Investigating the properties of black holes and
their influence on their surrounding
In science, imagination also plays a
crucial role in producing knowledge.



Making inferences
from first-hand data
What is a hypothesis?
★ A hypothesis is a proposition made before conducting a science
experiment as a basis for reasoning, without any assumption of its truth..

Importance of Hypothesis
★ It allows professionals to test their theories and assumptions before
putting them into action.
★ Essentially allowing an organization to verify its analysis is correct before
committing resources to implement a broader strategy.
Imagination in Hypothesis
★ Before the Hubble Space Telescope was launched, scientists had
to imagine what they might discover by placing a telescope in
space. They formulated hypotheses about the nature of distant
galaxies, the expansion of the universe, and the existence of
phenomena like dark matter and dark energy.

★ Imagination was essential in envisioning what the telescope might

reveal and in guiding the design of experiments.
Imagination in Experimental Design
★ Imagination is involved also in designing experiments and in scientific
observation, in the field. Through the results, they came up with solutions
to the problems they faced and improvements.

★ Scientists use their creative faculties to conceive novel ways of testing

hypotheses and gathering data.

★ In the case of the Hubble Space Telescope, scientists had to imagine the
specific observations and measurements that would provide insights into
cosmic phenomena, leading to the development of advanced instruments
and observation techniques.
Scientists often need to go beyond what is
directly measurable and use their imagination
to construct conceptual frameworks that make
sense of the data.

When analyzing the data obtained from

scientific instruments like the Hubble Space
Telescope, imagination is necessary to
formulate theories and models that explain
the observed phenomena.
Imagination becoming Knowledge
among us
Imagination drives conceptual advances in science.
★ The Hubble Space Telescope, for example, has contributed to our understanding of
the age and expansion of the universe, the formation of galaxies, and the nature of
dark matter and dark energy.
★ These breakthroughs required scientists to imagine new theories and revise
existing ones, leading to paradigm shifts in our assumptions of space.

Imagination is a driving force behind scientific discovery, pushing the boundaries

of what is known and inspiring new questions and investigations -
★ The audience - citizens of the world and other scientists are able to establish new
developments in society because of these preceding knowledge being shared with
★ The Scientist’s hypothesis and reasoning for a methodology they
conduct for an experiment with the telescope and the design of the
★ The data & inferences the scientists make from

★ The data they had collected and the inferences they had made
based on it

MEDIUM OF COMMUNICATION: Through scientific journals, shared

data from space research or NASA .
What does it do?

★ Tool designed to reveal an individual's

underlying thoughts, attitudes,
motivations, and personality

★ It typically consists of a series of

ambiguous pictures or images, often
depicting people in various situations
or settings.
Imagination in the TAT
★ During the administration of the TAT, the participant is asked to create a
story about each picture, including details such as the characters'
thoughts, feelings, intentions, and the events leading up to and following
the depicted scene.
★ The participant's responses are then analyzed by a trained examiner, who
interprets the content, themes, and narrative structures of the stories to
gain insights into the individual's psychological processes.

The participant first creates a story from their imagination, while the trained
examiner’s inferences from the test results also have a degree of imagination in
them which will be explained in the slides.
The TAT operates on the principle that individuals will project their own concerns,
conflicts, and experiences onto the ambiguous stimuli, revealing aspects of their
personality and unconscious dynamics through the stories they construct. By
analyzing the patterns and themes that emerge across the stories, psychologists
can assess various aspects of the individual's personality, emotional functioning,
interpersonal relationships, and underlying psychological conflicts.
How is imagination used in the
creation of the TAT Apprentice?

Ambiguous Stimuli

Developing Clinical

Interpretation of
Patient’s Responses
Imagination in Designing Ambiguous
❖ The psychologist and his wife took inspiration from images that they had
seen in magazines. Their imagination helped them to work on different sets
of images that will reveal how patients look at the world. They were able to
use their creativity to continue to improve on the images to be used by
❖ The creators had to use their imagination to explore different cultural
backgrounds and personality traits to best develop the images for a wide
variety of patients from all walks of life.
How does the knowledge produced
become Shared Knowledge?
❖ When the images were shared with the rest of the world by the creators, the
personal knowledge that they had gained while designing the images
became shared knowledge.
❖ The creators had also put in a lot of research into what kind of scenarios
are best to understand someone’s mind and their research will benefit the
psychologists as they do further research.

Thus the personal knowledge of the creators becomes shared knowledge.

Medium of communication: Through
research papers and studies
Imagination in Developing Clinical
Applications of the TAT
❖ Imagination was used when coming up with the best patients to test the TAT on
to determine of it was effective. They would have to come up with who fits the
mindframe properly and will allow the psychologists the gain insight into their
behaviour and thinking.
❖ Depending on how the patients react to TAT and the effectiveness, the
psychologists and scientists can also use their imagination to identify the flaws
in the test and come up with solutions for to fix those problems. This can help
improve the TAT test and its effectiveness.

Thus, imagination plays an important role in allowing the psychologists and

scientists to come up with the best ways to effectively use TAT.
How does the Knowledge Produced
become Shared Knowledge?
❖ The responses from the patients of how they view the cards will allow the
psychologists to gain insights on how society and the environment they
had grown up in had shaped the way they think. When they share these
findings with others, the personal knowledge they had gained from the
patients can become shared knowledge.
❖ Based on the findings, scientists and psychologists can do further
research and studies on the effectiveness of the TAT and share it with the
rest of the world. Thus, the flaws and solutions of TAT will be known to a
wider community, allowing more uses for the TAT.

Medium of communication: Through research papers and

Imagination in interpreting the
Patients’ Responses
❖ When the patients share what they think is going on in the images, the
psychologists would have to use their imagination and make educated guesses
on why they think the way they do.
❖ Imagination is crucial in the process of learning how one’s mind work as each
patient is different and are complex. The psychologists would have to use their
creativity to find out what their personality is like and the emotions that they are

Thus, to understand the patients’ minds they would need imagination to come up
with reasons why they said what they had said.
How does the knowledge produced
become Shared Knowledge?
❖ The patients share their personal knowledge of what they think is going on in
the images that is drawn with the psychologists, making it shared knowledge.
Their personal knowledge is also drawn from shared knowledge on societal
expectations and rules.
❖ When the psychologists share what their patients’ response was or what they
had interpreted from it, the personal knowledge will also become shared
knowledge that can be used by others to further understand the patients’

Medium of communication: Through research papers and studies

Imagination can
contribute to
personal knowledge
becoming shared
among us!
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by
Slidesgo, and includes icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik

Please keep this slide for attribution

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