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Classroom - and School-Based

Action Research

Submitted by:
Navalta, Hanah Examining Background Information &
Sarceno, Frances
Related Literature

Describe your overall topic, why it is important, and why you are interested in it:
Among the 4 macro skills in English, the speaking is mostly used in communicating and expressing our thoughts
with other people. Unfortunately, students still struggle with this skill even if they are in the secondary or tertiary
level. Due to this, it is important for us to look into the speaking problems of college students and determine what
are the factors that lead them with these. We are truly interested in this topic because it would greatly help our
students bring back their confidence in speaking and we may further support with any possible exposure that we
can provide for them.

List any major themes, subtopics, or trends research questions, methodologies, results and/or
MAJOR THEMES: Speaking as a skill; Aspects of speaking; Second Language Acquisition; Language Anxiety and
Speaking Skills; Teaching/Classroom Practices

TRENDS: English language education focusing on speaking in tertiary level lacks engaging classroom activities
and teaching practices that will motivate students to further develop speaking abilities regardless of their chosen

Theme #1:
Speaking as a skill

Characteristics of this theme:

Speaking as one of the macro skills is one way of expressing one's thoughts and
feelings through words, gesture, or tone just to convey a message. Speech must flow
to create mutual understanding among students and teachers.

Supporting literature:
Fani, F. (2022). An analysis of students' difficulties in speaking skill at the fifth
semester of University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi academic year 2021/2022. Griya
Cendikia, 7(2):289-299. doi: 10.47637/griya-cendikia.v7i2.300
Theme #2:
The Aspects of Speaking

Characteristics of this theme:

Mastering speaking skills means that a speaker must know that there are three
aspects that will help in speaking fluently and accurately. These include grammar,
vocabulary, and pronunciation.

Supporting literature:
Saragih, S. M., & Listyani, L. (2021). English language education program
second-year students' speaking difficulties in an academic speaking class. SAGA:
Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 2(2), 73–88.

Theme #3:
Second Language Acquisition

Characteristics of this theme:

In the Philippines, English is a second language that most students use as a
non-native English speakers. Due to this, students face difficulties especially when the
language is learned already late in their critical period.

Supporting literature:
Meng, L. (2023). English language learning students second language acquisition:
cognitive factors and supporting strategies. Lecture Notes in Education Psychology
and Public Media, 3(1):817-827. doi: 10.54254/2753-7048/3/2022359

Theme #4:
Language Anxiety and Speaking Skills

Characteristics of this theme:

Most of the college students face this challenge when speaking in English. Several
factors that contribute to this are fear of mistakes, classroom environment such as
peers' reactions and teacher's negative comments.

Supporting literature:
Alghorbany, A., & Hamzah, H. (2020). The interplay between emotional intelligence, oral
communication skills and second language speaking anxiety: A structural equation modeling approach.
3L, Language, Linguistics, Literature, 26(1) doi:
Theme #5:
Teaching/clasroom Practices

Characteristics of this theme:

Student's engagement in the classroom has a significant impact towards the development of speaking abilities. This
may only be effectively acheived thru outcome-based classroom activities that will motivate them to speak
confidently. Teacher's feedback during speaking activities must also be analyzed so it can give students proper

Supporting literature:

Razi, F., Muslem, A., & Fitrisia, D. (2021). Teachers’ strategies in teaching speaking
skill to junior high school students. English Education Journal, 12(3), 399–415.

Other supporting background information (from personal experiences, etc.):

Characteristics of this theme:

Supporting evidence:



© 2015 by Craig A. Mertler, Ph.D.

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