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Training Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award
of the Degree of



Akash J
Reg. No. P18ET21M0001
Under the guidance of
Prof. Dhanush MR
Assistant Professor

NICT Computer Education

I hereby declare that “A Training Program on Advanced Excel” is the

result of the training undergone by me in partial fulfilment for the award
of Master’s Degree in Business Administration by Bengaluru Central
I also declare that this report is the outcome of my own efforts and that it
has not been submitted to any other University or Institute for the award
of any other Degree or Diploma or Certificate.

Place: Bengaluru Name: Akash J

Date: Register Number: P18ET21M0001

This is to certify that the Training Report “A Training Program on

Advanced Excel” Submitted by Akash J (Registration No.
P18ET21M0001) to Bengaluru City University, Bengaluru for the award
of Degree of Master of Business Administration is a record of work
carried out by him under my guidance.

Place: Bengaluru

Date: Signature

This is to certify that the Akash J (Registration No. P18ET21M0001)

has undergone training from me on Microsoft Excel- Expert Level from
03-01-2023 to 03-02-2023 as a part of training program from Bengaluru
City University, Bengaluru for the award of Degree of Master of Business

Place: Bengaluru

Date: Signature

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude towards all the

people who have contributed their precious time and effort to help in
completing my project. Without them it would have been a great
difficulty to understand and complete the project.
I would specially like to thank Prof. Dhanush M.R, my guide for his
guidance, support, motivation, and encouragement throughout the
project this work was done. His readiness for consultation at all the
times, his concern, and his assistance even with practical things have
been invaluable

Akash J


Race Course Road, Bengaluru-560001

Format for Training Program to be undertaken

Name of the Student Akash J

Register Number P18ET21M0001

College Name MP Birla Institute of Management

 Advanced Excel
 SAP in any specialized field
 Finance topics related training programs
Type of the Proposed Training
 Marketing topics related training programs
(Tick the appropriate box)
 Business Analytics Programs
 Building data analytics models or
 Others ________________________
If others, Specify.
 Online
Mode of Training  Offline
 Blended Mode
Duration of the Training One Month
Name of the Training Microsoft Excel - Expert Excel

Name of the Training Institute NICT Computer Education

Recognition of the Training Government of Karnataka

Website of the Training Institute

Prof. Dhanush MR Akash J



1.1 Background of MS Excel 1
1.2 Definition of MS Excel 2
1.3 Features of MS Excel 2-3
1.4 Basic Components of MS Excel 4-5
1.5 Scope of MS Excel 6-7
1.6 Benefits of learning Advanced Excel 9
2.1 Background of NICT, Vijayanagar 10
2.2 About NICT, Vijayanagar 10-12
2.3 Courses offered by NICT 13
2.4 Syllabus of Advanced Excel in NICT 14
3.1 Training work undertaken in NICT 15
3.2 Typical sequential learning steps in NICT 16
3.3 Teaching Methodology followed in NICT 16-17
4.1 Tools learned in MS Excel 18-27
4.2 Financial formulas used in MS Excel 28-32
4.3 Loan Repayment formulas used in MS Excel 32-34
4.4 Depreciation formulas in MS Excel 34
4.5 CAPM using MS Excel 35-38
5.1 Findings 39
5.2 Conclusions 40



1.1 Background of MS Excel:

Microsoft Excel was initially launched in 1985 as part of the Microsoft Office package.
The original version of Excel was designed for Macintosh and was later ported to Windows in
1987. Over the years, Excel has evolved into one of the world's most widely used spreadsheet
applications, with new features and capabilities added with each new release.

In the early years, Excel was primarily used for financial analysis and accounting, but as the
software has grown in capability and popularity, it has become a tool used for a wide range of
applications. Today, Excel is used by businesses, governments, and individuals for everything
from tracking budgets and expenses to analyzing data, creating charts and graphs, and automating
repetitive tasks.

Excel has remained one of the most widely used spreadsheet applications because of its
versatility, ease of use, and powerful data analysis capabilities. Its success has also led to the
development of a large and vibrant ecosystem of third-party tools and plugins that extend its
capabilities even further. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet that was developed by Microsoft for
Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. It features graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro
programming language called Visual Basic for Applications, in addition to the ability to calculate
and compute (VBA). The Microsoft Office suite of programs includes a number of products,
including Excel, one of the most popular products.

Microsoft Excel is a software suite designed by Microsoft. It is primarily used for organizing,
analyzing, and manipulating data in a tabular format. Excel is capable of handling large amounts
of data and provides a wide range of features and functions for data analysis, including functions
for mathematical operations, statistical analysis, and data visualization. It also supports macro
programming and other advanced features, making it a versatile tool for a variety of applications,
such as financial modelling, budgeting, and project management.

Microsoft Excel is one of the most commonly used applications in the Microsoft Office suite. A
spreadsheet program is a program that is used to save and analyze numerical data in a

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1.2 Definition of MS Excel

In Microsoft Excel, there is a spreadsheet program that is used to record data into tables
that are displayed on a spreadsheet. A spreadsheet in Excel can be used to analyze data in a very
easy way.

Excel can be applied to many business tasks, including statistics, finance, data management,
forecasting, analysis, tracking inventory and billing, and business intelligence.

Following are the few things which it can do for you:

1. Graphs and Charts

2. Store and Import data
3. Manipulating texts
4. Number Crunching
5. Automation of tasks
6. Templates/Dashboards and much more.

1.3 Features of MS Excel

Excel is a powerful data analysis, management, and visualization tool. It has many
distinguishing features that make it a popular choice among professionals from various fields.
Here are some examples of MS Excel's unique features:

1. Pivot tables: Pivot tables allow users to summarise large datasets and analyze data in a
variety of ways. A pivot table, for example, can be used to analyze sales by product, region,
or time period if you have a large dataset of sales data.
2. Conditional Formatting: This feature allows users to highlight cells that meet specific
criteria. For example, you can use conditional formatting to highlight cells with values that
are greater than or less than a certain threshold.
3. Solver: Solver is a tool that helps users find optimal solutions to complex problems. For
example, if you have a large dataset of sales data, you can use Solver to determine the best
product mix to maximize sales.
4. Macros: Users can use macros to automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows. A
macro, for example, can be used to automate the process of generating reports from a large
5. Data Validation: Data validation allows users to restrict the types of data that can be entered
into a cell. Data validation, for example, can be used to ensure that only numeric values are
entered into a cell.
Page 2
6. Goal Seek: Goal Seek is a tool that allows users to find the input value that will result in the
desired output value. For example, you can use Goal Seek to determine the sales volume
required to achieve a specific profit.
7. Power Query: With Power Query, users can connect, transform, and analyze data from
various sources. For example, you can use Power Query to connect to a database and
transform the data into an analysis-ready format.
8. Charts: To visualise data, MS Excel provides a variety of chart types, including bar charts,
line charts, pie charts, and more. If you have a dataset of sales data, for example, you can use
a bar chart to compare sales between products or a line chart to show the trend of sales over
9. Formulas and Functions: Excel has a wide range of built-in formulas and functions that
allow users to perform complex calculations and manipulate data. For example, the SUM
function can be used to add up a range of cells, the AVERAGE function can be used to
calculate the average of a range of cells, and the IF function can be used to perform logical
tests on data.
10. Data Tables: Data tables enable users to run multiple calculations at the same time and view
the results in a single table.
11. Scenario Manager: Scenario Manager allows users to create and compare different scenarios
to see how changes in variables affect the outcome. Scenario Manager, for example, can be
used to compare different scenarios based on different assumptions if you have a financial
12. Text to Columns: This feature allows users to divide data in a single cell into multiple
columns using a delimiter. For example, if you have a dataset with customer information,
you can split the name, address, and phone number into separate columns using Text to
13. Protect Workbook and Sheets: Excel allows users to protect workbooks and sheets in order
to prevent unauthorised access or modification. For example, if you have a confidential
dataset, you can use the Protect Workbook and Sheets feature to prevent unauthorised
changes or access to the data.

These are the some of the MS Excel's unique characteristics make it a versatile and powerful
tool for data analysis and management. By understanding these features, users may evaluate data
more effectively, streamline workflows, and make more informed decisions.

Page 3
1.4 Basic Components of MS Excel

Microsoft Excel is a popular spreadsheet software that enables users to organize and
analyze data using various tools and functions. Here are some of the basic components of MS

1. Active Cell: The active cell in MS Excel is the currently selected cell where data or formulas
can be entered or edited. It is identified by a bold outline and is where the cursor is currently
located. It is also the cell where any actions, such as formatting or calculations, will be
2. Column: Columns in Excel refer to the vertical sequence of cells identified by letters from
A to Z, and then AA to ZZ, and so on. They are used to organize and display data in a tabular
format, allowing for efficient organization, analysis, and manipulation of data. Columns are
critical in Excel for creating and managing spreadsheets, performing calculations, and
visualizing data through charts and graphs.\
3. Row: Rows in Excel refer to the horizontal sequence of cells identified by numbers from 1
to 1,048,576. They are used to organize and display data in a tabular format, running from
left to right. Rows play a critical role in Excel for organizing and managing data, performing
calculations, and formatting.
4. Fill Handle: The Fill Handle in MS Excel is a powerful tool that allows users to quickly copy
or fill data across multiple cells in a spreadsheet. By dragging the fill handle, Excel
automatically fills in a series of values, dates, or formulas based on the pattern detected in
the initial selection.
5. Address Bar: The address bar in MS Excel is a text box located at the top left corner of the
Excel window that displays the reference or name of the currently selected cell or range of
cells. It allows users to quickly navigate to a specific cell or range by typing in the cell
reference or name directly in the address bar.
6. Formula Bar: The formula bar in Microsoft Excel is a designated area located above the
spreadsheet grid where users can enter, view, edit, and manipulate formulas and data within
cells. It typically displays the contents of the currently selected cell, including formulas,
functions, and data.
7. File Menu: The File menu in Microsoft Excel is a central location where users can access
various commands and options related to managing files and working with workbooks. It is
typically located at the top left corner of the Excel window and is represented by the File tab
or icon.

Page 4
8. Title Bar: The title bar in Microsoft Excel is a horizontal bar located at the top of the Excel
window that displays the name of the currently open workbook or spreadsheet file. It typically
contains the name of the file followed by the name of the application, "Microsoft Excel."
9. Quick Access Toolbar: The Quick Access Toolbar in Microsoft Excel is a customizable
toolbar that provides users with convenient access to frequently used commands and
functions. It is typically located at the top left corner of the Excel window, above the ribbon.
10. Ribbon Tab: The Ribbon Tab toolbar in Microsoft Excel is a collection of tabs that group
related commands and features together for easy access. It is located below the title bar in the
Excel window and consists of multiple tabs, each representing a different category of
commands and functions.
11. Worksheet Tab: The Worksheet tab in Microsoft Excel is a graphical representation of an
individual worksheet within a workbook. It is located at the bottom of the Excel window and
allows users to switch between different worksheets within a workbook.
12. Status Bar: The Status Bar in Microsoft Excel is a horizontal bar located at the bottom of
the Excel window that provides users with information about the current status of their
workbook and additional options for quick actions.

Fig 1.1 Pictorial representation of contents of MS Excel tools


Page 5
Excel Basics and Advanced: What makes them Different

Microsoft Excel (often referred to simply as Excel) is a spreadsheet software that provides basic
features for organizing, analyzing, and manipulating data. Advanced Microsoft Excel, on the
other hand, refers to the more advanced features and capabilities that are available in Excel
beyond the basic capabilities.

The main differences between basic Excel and Advanced Excel are:

1. Functions and Formulas: Basic Excel includes common functions and formulas for
mathematical operations and data analysis. Advanced Excel includes a wider range of
functions and formulas, as well as the ability to create custom functions and macros.
2. Data Analysis: Basic Excel includes basic data analysis tools such as sorting and filtering.
Advanced Excel includes more advanced data analysis tools such as pivot tables, advanced
filtering, and data consolidation.
3. Visualization: Basic Excel includes basic charting capabilities. Advanced Excel includes
more advanced visualization capabilities, such as conditional formatting, sparklines, and data
4. Automation: Basic Excel includes basic macro recording capabilities. Advanced Excel
includes more advanced automation capabilities, such as VBA programming, which allows
users to automate repetitive tasks and create custom solutions.
5. Collaboration: Basic Excel provides basic collaboration capabilities, such as sharing and co-
authoring workbooks. Advanced Excel provides more advanced collaboration capabilities,
such as version history and integration with other Microsoft products.

To Summarize, Basic Excel provides the fundamental features for working with data, while
advanced Excel provides more advanced features for more complex data analysis and
automation tasks.

1.5 Scope of Advanced Excel

Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet application that is widely used in a variety of

fields. It includes a number of tools and features that enable users to quickly and efficiently
organise, analyze, and visualise data. Excel's versatility has made it a popular choice for
businesses, finance, education, engineering, and a wide range of other industries. In this article,
we will look at the capabilities of Microsoft Excel in a variety of fields.

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1. Business: Excel is a widely used data analysis and financial modelling tool in the business
world. Excel is used by business analysts, accountants, and financial planners to create
financial models, budgets, and forecasts. Excel also includes tools for creating charts and
graphs that can be used to visualise financial data. Advanced Excel is a powerful data
processing and analysis tool that has quite a large reach in India. Here are some of the ways
in which Advanced Excel is being used in various industries and sectors in India.
2. Marketing: Excel is used in marketing to track and analyze data such as website traffic,
customer data, and social media metrics. Marketers use Excel to create charts and graphs to
present data to stakeholders and identify trends. In sales and marketing, Advanced Excel is
used for customer analysis, sales forecasting, and creating marketing strategies based on data
3. Human Resources: HR professionals use Excel to manage employee data such as schedules,
attendance, and payroll. Excel also includes tools for creating training schedules, employee
performance evaluations, and tracking employee benefits.
4. Engineering: Excel is widely used in engineering to analyze data, model complex systems,
and perform calculations. Engineers use Excel to create graphs and charts to visualise data
and identify trends.
5. Education: Excel is used in education to teach students data analysis and financial modelling
skills. Excel is used by teachers to create gradebooks, schedules, and lesson plans. Excel also
includes tools for creating charts and graphs that can be used to visualise data and make it
easier for students to understand.
6. Finance: Excel is a must-have tool for finance professionals for financial analysis, budgeting,
and forecasting. Excel is used by financial analysts to create complex financial models,
perform data analysis, and create charts and graphs to present financial data to stakeholders.
Advanced Excel is widely used in finance and accounting for budgeting, forecasting,
financial modelling, and data analysis.
7. Data Science: Excel is used in data science to perform data analysis and visualisation. Excel
includes tools for creating pivot tables, charts, and graphs that can be used to identify patterns
and trends in data.
8. Research: Excel is used in research for data analysis, data management, and statistical
analysis. Excel is used by researchers to create data tables, graphs, and charts for use in
research papers and presentations.
9. Healthcare: In healthcare, Advanced Excel is used for patient records, data analysis, and
research reporting. Excel is used in healthcare to manage patient data, track patient outcomes,
and analyze clinical data. Excel is used by healthcare professionals to create patient lists,
Page 7
manage patient schedules, and track patient progress. Excel can also be used to analyze
clinical data, generate charts and graphs, and generate medical research reports.
10. Project Management: Excel is widely used in project management to track progress, create
schedules, and analyze data. Gantt charts, which are used to visualise project schedules and
identify task dependencies, are created in Excel by project managers. Excel also includes
tools for creating budgets, resource allocation plans, and project dashboards that can be used
to track project performance.
11. Supply Chain Management: Excel is used in supply chain management to track inventory,
manage shipping schedules, and analyze logistics data. Excel is used by supply chain
professionals to forecast demand, monitor inventory levels, and track supplier performance.
Excel can also be used to create shipping schedules and manage logistics data to ensure that
goods are delivered on time.
12. Sports: In sports, Excel is used to analyze game data, create schedules, and manage team
data. Excel is used by sports analysts to create player statistics, analyze game data, and create
performance reports. Excel is also useful for creating schedules, tracking team performance,
and managing player data.
13. Education: In education, Advanced Excel is used for data analysis, creating student records,
and generating reports for administration purposes. MS Excel is a strong tool for grading,
attendance monitoring, budgeting, data analysis, lesson preparation, and student tracking in
education. It can assist educators in increasing efficiency and improving student learning.
14. Non-Profit: Non-profit organisations use Excel to manage donor data, analyze financials,
and create reports. Excel is used by non-profit professionals to track donations, create
fundraising reports, and manage donor information. Excel can also be used to create budgets,
track expenses, and analyze financial data to ensure the financial sustainability of non-profit
15. Government: Excel is used in government for managing data, creating reports, and analysing
budgets. Government professionals use Excel to create budgets, track expenses, and analyze
financial data. Excel can also be used to manage data related to social programs, public health,
and environmental initiatives.
16. Science: Excel is used in science for analysing data, creating graphs, and managing
laboratory data. Scientists use Excel to create tables, graphs, and charts that are used to
present data in research papers and presentations. Excel can also be used to manage
laboratory data, track experiment results, and analyze data from scientific experiments.

It is clear that, the scope of MS Excel is vast and diverse, with applications in almost every
industry. Its ease of use and flexibility have made it a popular tool for data analysis, visualisation,
Page 8
and management. Finally, Excel is a versatile tool that is used in a variety of industries such as
business, finance, education, engineering, and research. Its ability to analyze, visualise, and
manage data makes it an indispensable tool for professionals across a wide range of industries.
Excel's popularity has resulted in the creation of numerous third-party add-ins that extend its
capabilities even further, making it a valuable tool for almost any profession requiring data
analysis or management.

1.6 Benefits of learning Advanced Excel:

Learning more complex Excel can have a lot of advantages in both personal and professional
contexts. The following are some major advantages of learning advanced Excel:

1. Enhanced productivity: You may work more productively and finish jobs more rapidly with
advanced Excel skills. You may utilize sophisticated formulas and functions to do
calculations, automate repetitive operations, and employ data analysis tools to glean insights
from big data sets.
2. Advancement in the workplace: Companies frequently prize strong Excel abilities,
particularly in positions requiring data analysis, financial modelling, or reporting. You could
be able to take on more difficult duties and responsibilities by mastering advanced Excel,
which could result in job advancement and higher earning potential.
3. Improved decision-making: You can evaluate data more efficiently and come to more
intelligent conclusions if you have strong Excel skills. With data visualization tools, you can
build charts and graphs that simplify the understanding of large data sets, and you can carry
out more sophisticated studies to find insights that might not be immediately obvious.
4. Better financial management: Financial management and analysis can benefit greatly from
advanced Excel skills. Excel may be used to construct predictions, financial models, and
budgets. It can also be used to conduct in-depth financial analysis to aid in business decision-
5. Personal growth: Acquiring advanced Excel skills can be a satisfying personal
accomplishment. You may challenge yourself to master difficult topics, gain new skills and
information, and hone your problem-solving capabilities.

Learning advanced Excel may have a variety of advantages in both personal and professional
contexts. It can aid in decision-making, productivity gains, and professional advancement.

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2.1 Background of the NICT, Vijayanagar

NICT (National Institute of Computer Technology) is an Indian training institute that

offers a variety of courses in computer science and information technology. The institute was
founded in 1992 and is based in New Delhi, India.

NICT India is one of India's premier training institutes, providing quality education and
training to students, professionals, and corporations. NICT India operates a large network of
training locations throughout the country and provides both online and offline training program.

NICT India provides courses in computer science and information technology such as
software development, web development, graphic design, digital marketing, and more. The
courses are meant to give students practical skills and knowledge that they can use in real-world

NICT India's training programs are designed and delivered by industry experts with
substantial experience in the field. The institute has a team of highly educated educators that are
committed to providing students with quality education and training.

After completing their training programs, students can receive placement aid from NICT India.
The institute has partnerships with a variety of corporations and organizations in a variety of
areas, and it assists students in finding acceptable work prospects.

Thus, NICT India has established itself as a premier training institute in India, providing
high-quality education and training in computer science and information technology. The
institute has assisted thousands of students and professionals in establishing successful careers
in the IT industry through its extensive network of training locations and expert teachers.

2.1 About NICT, Vijayanagar

NICT Computer Education India was established in 1991 and has since then grown to become
one of the leading computer education institutes in India. It is registered under the Ministry of

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Corporate Affairs, Government of India, and is also an ISO 9001:2015 certified institute. NICT
Computer Education Pvt Ltd. was founded by Kiran Kumar who is also the CEO of the training
institute registered under the Department of Collegiate Education of the government. NICT
provides high-quality computer and IT education at very affordable prices. NICT has a mission
to create a pool of high-quality professionals in the areas of software, IT, networking,
multimedia, accounting, human resources, and marketing who can provide the excellent level of
services that multinational organizations require in order to meet the demanding needs of

Fig 2.1 Logo of NICT Computer Education


India-based private computer education institution NICT Computer Education India Individuals,
students, and professionals who are interested in enhancing their computer skills and knowledge
can take one of its many computer courses and training programs.

Page 11
Courses in software development, web design and development, computer hardware and
networking, multimedia and animation, digital marketing, and other areas are offered by NICT
Computer Education India. The courses are intended to give commonsense preparation to
understudies and experts to assist them with acquiring active experience and capability in the
field of their advantage.

Over the years, NICT Computer Education India has provided instruction to thousands
of students and professionals through its numerous centers spread across India. Students at the
institute receive high-quality instruction from a team of qualified and experienced instructors.
After students have completed their courses, NICT Computer Education India also provides them
with placement assistance.

The training methods used at NICT are geared towards enhancing a student's ability to
"learn" rather than "teach" and are composed of a combination of theoretical and practical
sessions in well-equipped classrooms and computer labs all designed to maximize learning.

At NICT maximum emphasis is given to a hands-on approach to maximum practical

learning through stimulating projects and portfolios designed to meet the needs of industry.
"Practice makes perfect", a belief shared by everyone at NICT. This is quite evident from the fact
that Diploma, master's Diploma, and Individual Certificate courses offer more practical time than
theory, a popular concept in modern education.

Some Propound considerations offered by NICT:

1. Case Studies / Assignments: Getting access to curated case studies that give us insight into
real-world Scenarios and help us grasp ideas better. Development of a deeper understanding
of what happening in the industry and be prepared for what comes next to us from the industry

2. Build the Resume/ Portfolio: Work on projects to showcase our skills. Projects that we
opportunities can work on during the course can be used to kickstart our portfolio/ Resume
building, take advantage of the Internship offered by NICT at various SMEs and MNCs

3. Internship/Job Assistance: Students will get access to relevant openings in our network,
with real-world internships and jobs, to apply whatever we have learned during the course,
NICT mobile app will deliver all the relevant Placement/Internship opportunities

4. Money-back guarantee from NICT: in case, after enrolling, we are not satisfied with the
training provided at NICT Centre, we can reach out to the center head for a refund, within
the first two classes, and the fee is nonrefundable if it is after two classes

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5. Masterclasses from Experts: if we are eligible for masterclasses then we can get a chance
to learn from industry leaders. Ask questions, interact and get feedback from those who have
been there, master classes are provided only on online, and every month one class will be

6. Dedicated Q&A sessions: in addition to live interactive sessions provided at each class, we
will also get a chance to get answers to all our questions and get greater clarity with special,
sessions at NICT Centre

These are some of the considerations offered by NICT in order to lead students to higher
standards and have the next level of motivation in learning for the betterment of both personal
and professional life.

2.2 Courses offered by NICT:

1. Computer Basics, DOS, Windows, Internet

2. MS Office Suite
3. Basic and Expert MS Excel
4. MS Access
5. MS Word and PowerPoint
6. Tally Prime Level 1, 2 and 3
7. Microsoft Power BI
8. Tableau
9. VBA
10. SAP FiCo, MM, SD, PP
11. C++
12. Python
13. R Language
14. CompTIA A+, N+
15. Diploma in Ace Code Programming
16. Master in Web Development
17. Master in Android App Development
18. CorelDRAW
19. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
20. Autodesk 3DS MAX and much more.

Page 13
These are some of the courses that NICT Vijayanagar offers to students who want to
study professionally about the subject and the ideas that are important to company success and
make a learner valuable in a business environment.

2.3 Syllabus of Advanced Excel in NICT:

A typical syllabus for an Advanced Excel course includes a broad range of Microsoft Excel-
related topics and skills, with a focus on advanced methods and features. The following topics
are covered in the Advanced Excel syllabus:

1. Introduction: Introduction, Uses, Feature, version, create a workbook, Copy and move a
worksheet, Currency Format, Formatting Dates, Formatting Cells with Number formats,
Advanced Conditional formatting, Protecting Excel
2. Logical Function: if function, if error, nested if, complex if, and or function.
3. Data Validation: Text and List, number, date, Time, Custom Validation.
4. Lookup function: VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP index, and match Reverse lookup using the
function, VLOOKUP with helper column.
5. Pivot Table: Creating sample pivot table, Filtering Pivot table, modifying pivot table, Classic
Pivot table, Grouping based on numbers and Dates, Array functions, a Basic example of
arrays, array with if, Len and mid functions, Array with lookup functions.
6. Charts and Slicers: Various charts: Bar charts, Pie charts, Line charts, create advanced
charts using slicers filter data to slicer, manage primary and secondary axis, Advanced
conditional formatting and filtering.
7. Excel dashboard: Introduction, uses, planning, adding tables and charts, adding dynamic

In general, an Advanced Excel syllabus is created to expand upon Excel's fundamental

abilities and give students the abilities and information required to master advanced Excel
features and approaches.

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3.1 Training work undertaken in NICT

As a student of NICT and being completed an advanced Excel course at NICT as part of
my ongoing initiatives to improve my professional abilities and knowledge. This extensive
instruction program covered a wide range of advanced Excel data management topics and
approaches. Throughout the course, I understood how to employ advanced formulae and
functions to perform complex computations and data analysis. In addition, I learned how to create
dynamic charts and graphs that graphically represent data.

The ability to work on practical exercises and projects that allowed me to apply my new
abilities to real-world circumstances was one of the most beneficial components of the course.
These hands-on experiences assisted me in developing a better comprehension of the content as
well as my expertise in advanced Excel methods.

The training included subjects including data validation, conditional formatting, and pivot
tables, in addition to advanced formulae and functions. I learned how to utilize these tools to
organize and analyze massive datasets, which made identifying trends and patterns in the data
easier. The training also discussed ways for utilizing macros to automate repetitive operations,
which may save time and enhance efficiency.

MS Excel Advanced contains a number of powerful tools and functions that allow users
to organize, analyze, and display data in complex ways. Pivot Tables, which allow users to
quickly summarise and analyze large datasets; Conditional Formatting, which allows users to
highlight cells based on specific criteria; and Data Validation, which helps ensure that data
entered into a spreadsheet meets certain requirements, are examples of these tools. Complex
computations and data analysis may also be performed using advanced Excel functions such as
XLOOKUP, SUMPRODUCT, and FILTER. Excel is a powerful tool for creating complicated
reports and graphics because of these enhanced capabilities, advancing learning for anyone who
deals with data or frequently utilizes spreadsheets, Excel may be immensely helpful. Excel can
assist you in effectively organizing, analyzing, and visualizing data thanks to its wide range of
features and capabilities.

Page 15
3.2 Typical sequential learning steps in NICT:

1. Needs assessment: The first step in the training process involves identifying the learners'
specific needs. The needs assessment will aid in the development of learning objectives and
content for the training.
2. Design: In this step, you will create the training program, including the content, materials,
and activities that will be used. The learning objectives identified during the needs assessment
should serve as the foundation for the design.
3. Development: During the development phase, the training materials and resources that will
be used during the training are created. Presentations, handouts, videos, and other materials
may also be created.
4. Delivery: The delivery phase includes delivering the training to the learners. This can be
done in a classroom or via an online platform.
5. Evaluation: The evaluation phase involves determining the effectiveness of the training. This
can be accomplished through learner feedback or formal evaluations.
6. Follow-up: The follow-up process encompasses ensuring that the learners retained the
knowledge and skills they learned during the training. This could include ongoing assistance,
such as additional training or coaching.

To make sure that the training is efficient and satisfies the needs of the learners, these
sequential learning processes may be repeated and modified as necessary.

3.3 Teaching Methodology followed in NICT

NICT (National Institute of Computer Technology) India is a computer training

institution that offers various courses in computer science and information technology. The
teaching methodology followed in NICT India includes the following:

1. Classroom-based Lectures: NICT India conducts classroom-based lectures where

instructors explain the concepts and theories of computer science and information technology
to the students.
2. Hands-on Training: NICT India places a strong emphasis on hands-on training to provide
practical experience to the students. They conduct practical sessions in computer labs, where
students can work on computers and practice programming exercises to develop their skills.
3. Industry-Oriented Curriculum: NICT India designs its curriculum to meet the
requirements of the industry. They regularly update their course content to keep up with the
changing trends in the industry.
Page 16
4. Online Learning: NICT India also provides online learning options for students who cannot
attend classroom lectures. The online learning platform provides access to course materials
and lectures, and students can interact with their instructors and peers through virtual
communication channels.
5. Assessments and Tests: NICT India conducts regular assessments and tests to evaluate the
student’s understanding of the course material. This helps the instructors identify the areas
where students may need more help and support.
6. Project-Based Learning: NICT India also focuses on project-based learning, where students
work on group projects to solve real-world problems. This helps them develop problem-
solving, teamwork, and communication skills.

To Conclude, NICT India's teaching methodology is a combination of classroom-based

lectures, hands-on training, industry-oriented curriculum, online learning, assessments and tests,
and project-based learning to provide a comprehensive learning experience to its students.

Page 17



4.1 Tools learned in MS Excel

1. Currency formatting: A built-in numeric format for MS Excel called "Currency format" is
used specifically for currencies like pricing. Before the entered values in the prepared cells,
a currency sign is added. The currency format is most frequently used in Excel cells to
represent all-purpose monetary amounts.
Table 4.1 Formatting Currency
Names Amount (Dollar) Amount (Rupees) Amount (Yen)
Sandhya $41,51,667.00 ₹ 41,51,667.00 ¥41,51,667.00
Deepa $65,56,226.00 ₹ 65,56,226.00 ¥65,56,226.00
Vivek $22,56,161.00 ₹ 22,56,161.00 ¥22,56,161.00
Anand $88,92,661.00 ₹ 88,92,661.00 ¥88,92,661.00
Vijay $21,21,111.00 ₹ 21,21,111.00 ¥21,21,111.00
Vishnu $35,59,471.00 ₹ 35,59,471.00 ¥35,59,471.00
Krupa $65,67,415.00 ₹ 65,67,415.00 ¥65,67,415.00

Source: Computed using MS Excel

2. Date formatting: The spreadsheet understands that you are entering specific calendar dates
when you use the date format. By helping the spreadsheet comprehend your data, you can
help ensure that it is consistent and that your calculations are appropriately calculated.

Table 4.2 Date formatting

Date DD/MM/YYYY Custom Format DD/Month/YY YYYY
12-04-2012 12/04/2012 12-04-12 12 April 2012 12, Thu, 04, April, 2012
13-04-2012 13/04/2012 13-04-12 13 April 2012 13, Fri, 04, April, 2012
14-04-2012 14/04/2012 14-04-12 14 April 2012 14, Sat, 04, April, 2012
15-04-2012 15/04/2012 15-04-12 15 April 2012 15, Sun, 04, April, 2012
16-04-2012 16/04/2012 16-04-12 16 April 2012 16, Mon, 04, April, 2012
17-04-2012 17/04/2012 17-04-12 17 April 2012 17, Tue, 04, April, 2012

Source: Computed using MS Excel

Page 18
3. Formatting numbers with number formats: The visual representation, or how a value is
shown in a cell, is the sole aspect of an Excel number format that may be customized. A cell's
underlying value is kept the same. A duplicate of the default Excel format is created when
you customize it. The original format of the numbers cannot be altered or removed.

The number can be formatted by using the following steps:

In the Toolbar > more number formats > custom > input the required format

Table 4.3 Formatting Numbers with Number Formats

Thousand using 'K' Millions Add Space and aligns Colour
1.50K 0.0015M 1500.0 1500
1500K 1.5M 1500000.0 1500000
-15000K -15M (15000000.0) (15000000.0)

Source: Computed using MS Excel

4. Conditional Formatting: Conditional formatting is a powerful tool in advanced Excel that

enables users to format cells based on certain criteria or rules Conditional formatting can be
used to highlight cells that contain specific text, numbers, or dates, or cells that meet certain
conditions, such as being above or below a certain value, or within a certain range. We can
format cells in Excel using the feature known as conditional formatting if specific criteria are
met. You may, for instance, highlight cells that contain a particular value, have a particular
data type or satisfy a particular set of requirements. The steps are:
Toolbar > Conditional Formatting > New Rule > Use the formula required

Table 4.4 Conditional Formatting

Product Item ID Quantity Price Per Unit Amount
Laptop 88-98 7 79999 559993

Phone 99-56 8 55000 440000

Radio 66-55 4 7000 28000

Television 75-52 5 85000 425000

Speakers 66-45 9 20000 180000

Camera 88-52 2 72000 144000

Product Television

Source: Computed using MS Excel

Page 19
5. Match Function: The MATCH function works by comparing a specified value to each cell
in a range and returning the position of the first cell that matches the value. Users can specify
whether they want the MATCH function to perform an exact match or an approximate match,
and they can also specify whether they want the function to return the position of the value
in the range, or the position of the nearest value that is less than or equal to the specified

Fig 4.1 Screenshot showing MATCH Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

6. VLOOKUP: Using Excel's VLOOKUP (Vertical Lookup) function, you may look up a
certain value in the first column of a table or range and have the function return a similar
value in the same row from a given column.

Fig 4.2 Screenshot showing VLOOKUP Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

Page 20
7. VLOOKUP with Match Function: VLOOKUP is an Excel function that allows you to find
a value in one column of data and return a value from another. Within the VLOOKUP
function, the MATCH function may be used to dynamically define the column number
containing the value to return. Instead of using a static integer to define the column number,
we will utilize the MATCH function instead.

Fig 4.3 Screenshot showing VLOOKUP with MATCH Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

8. HLOOKUP: HLOOKUP is an abbreviation for Horizontal Lookup. It is an Excel function

that may be used to obtain information from a table by searching a row for matching data and
then displaying the results from the associated column. Whereas VLOOKUP looks for a
value in a column, HLOOKUP looks for a value in a row.

Fig 4.4 Screenshot showing HLOOKUP Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

9. HLOOKUP with Match Function: You may utilize the MATCH function within the
HLOOKUP function to dynamically provide the row number that contains the value to return,
just like you can with VLOOKUP. Instead of using a static integer to define the row number,
Page 21
we will utilize the MATCH function instead. Because MATCH returns a number, it is a great
match for the row index number input of HLOOKUP.

Fig 4.5 Screenshot showing HLOOKUP with MATCH Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

10. Multi VLOOKUP: The term "Multi VLOOKUP" can refer to employing VLOOKUP with
various criteria or combining numerous VLOOKUP procedures. To use VLOOKUP with
multiple criteria, create a helper column that concatenates the values of the columns you wish
to use as criteria. Next, in the VLOOKUP formula, utilize this assist column as the first
column in your table array. You can concatenate the same values in the same sequence for
the lookup value to match values in the helper column.

Fig 4.6 Screenshot showing MULTIVOOKUP

Source: Computed using MS Excel

To use Multi VLOOKUP, we need to specify the lookup value as a combination of the
criteria that uniquely identify the record.
Page 22
11. XLOOKUP: XLOOKUP is an Excel function that allows you to search for a value in one
range or array and return a value from another range or array. It can do precise matches,
approximations, and wildcard matching. It is a more versatile and powerful alternative to
VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP operations.

Fig 4.7 Screenshot showing XLOOKUP Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

12. EDATE Function: In Excel, the EDATE function returns a date that is a specified number
of months before or after a specified start date. EDATE can be used to determine expiry dates,
maturity dates, and other due dates. To obtain a future date, enter a positive number for
months and a negative value for dates in the past.

Fig 4.8 Screenshot showing EDATE Function Source:

Computed using MS Excel

Page 23
13. SUMIF Function: SUMIF function in Excel adds all numbers in a range of cells depending
on a single condition. A number, phrase, cell reference, or text string can be used as the
criteria. The function returns the sum of the values in the provided range that satisfy the given

Fig 4.9 Screenshot showing SUMIF Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

14. SUMIFS Function: SUMIFS is an Excel function that sums all numbers in a range of cells
using a variety of criteria. The function returns the sum of the values in the given range that
satisfy all of the criteria.

Fig 4.10 Screenshot showing SUMIFS Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

Page 24
15. SUMPRODUCT Function: SUMPRODUCT is an Excel function that multiplies matching
array items and returns the total of the results. The function may work with several arrays
and conduct conditional summing or counting.

Fig 4.11 Screenshot showing SUMPRODUCT Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

16. XOR Function: The XOR function in Excel is a logical function that produces a logical
Exclusive Or of all parameters. It returns TRUE if an odd number of its arguments are TRUE
and FALSE if an even number of its arguments are TRUE or if all of its arguments are

Fig 4.12 Screenshot showing XOR Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel
Page 25
17. Database Functions: Excel has various database functions for performing computations on
data contained in a table or database. DCOUNT, DCOUNTA, DMAX, DMIN, and DSUM
are among these functions. Each of these functions accepts a range of database cells and a set
of criteria to choose which records to include in the computation.

Fig 4.13 Screenshot showing DATABASE Functions

Source: Computed using MS Excel

18. COUNTIFS: COUNTIFS is an Excel function that calculates the number of cells in a range
that satisfy several criteria. The function returns the number of cells that satisfy all of the
specified conditions.

Fig 4.14 Screenshot showing COUNTIFS Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

Page 26
19. Pivot Table: A Pivot Table is a versatile Excel tool for calculating, summarising, and
analyzing data. It allows you to view data comparisons, patterns, and trends1. For example,
if you have data from a real estate project that includes fields such as flat type, block name,
area of individual apartments, and cost per various services, you can use a PivotTable to
summarise this data by performing operations such as sum or average on the final product
value to extract the value of different blocks.

Fig 4.15 Screenshot showing Pivot Interface

Source: Computed using MS Excel

We can customize the PivotTable's appearance by adding and rearranging its fields1.
Fields and Areas are included in the Field List. Fields are check boxes that reflect the columns
in our data range or Excel table.

We can also add fields to your PivotTable using the Field List by clicking the box next to
field names to place those fields in the default section of the Field List. We may also rearrange
fields in the Field List's areas section (at the bottom) by dragging them between the four sections:
Filters, Columns, Rows, and Values.

To conclude, pivot fields are a crucial component of establishing and modifying an Excel
Pivot Table. They enable you to choose and arrange the data that will be analyzed in your Pivot

Page 27
4.2 Financial formulas used in MS Excel

Excel offers a variety of financial formulas commonly used for financial analysis, accounting,
and investment management Here are some commonly used financial formulas in Excel with

1. Future Value (FV): The future value (FV) of an investment is determined using a stable
interest rate, consistent contributions, and a predetermined time frame.

Vinay has saved 1000 and is evaluating 2 options for the bank deposits for a period of 5 years

Bank A - Bank A is offering 6% per annum simple interest

Bank B - Bank B is offering 5.5 % per annum compound interest

Can you help Vinay to identify which of the two options is more beneficial for him?

Fig 4.16 Screenshot showing FV Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

Given this illustration, we may conclude that Bank B is advantageous since its Future Value
is producing more returns than Bank A's. While the interest rate of Bank B is 5.5% compared to
Bank A's 6%, compound interest is preferable in the scenario above since it benefits the investor.

Page 28
2. Present Value (PV): PV uses a stable interest rate, consistent contributions, and a
predetermined time period to determine the present value of an investment.

Kishore is evaluating two investment opportunities for investing 10,000

Option A - Buy a car worth 10000, it will give 2000 for 5 years and he can sell it for 4000 at the
end of the 5th year

Option B - loan 10,000 to his trustworthy friend, for which he will get 500 for the first 2 years,
2000 for the next 2 years, and 3000 for the next 3 years

Can you help Kishore to identify which of the two options is more beneficial for him? The risk-
free interest rate in a bank saving account is 6 %

Fig 4.17 Screenshot showing PV Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

By the end of the fifth year, Option A is more profitable than Option B since it only needs 5
years to provide ₹11413.76 in returns as a comparison to Option B's 7 years to produce
₹10531.95. As a conclusion, we may draw the conclusion that Kishore should choose Option A
since it would maximize his return on investment.

3. Internal Rate of Return (IRR): Using an investment's anticipated future cash flows, IRR
determines the rate of return on the investment.

Deepa has taken advice and is now considering investing in a car, but he has come across a new

Option A - Buy a car worth ₹10000, it will give ₹2000 for 5 years and he can sell it for ₹4000 at
the end of the 5th year

Page 29
Option B - The government is offering a special scheme in which you will get double the money
if you invest ₹8000 for 6 years

Can you help Deepa to identify which of the two options is more beneficial for her? The risk-
free interest rate in a bank saving account is 6 %

Fig 4.18 Screenshot showing IRR Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

While Deepa may get a 10% return on her investment in 5 years by selecting Option A,
Comparing the two IRRs, we can conclude that the investment with an IRR of 12% has a higher
potential for return than the investment with an IRR of 10%. However, it is important to consider
other factors such as the risks associated with each investment, the liquidity of the investment,
and the investment horizon before making a final decision.

4. XNPV and XIRR: Net present value of a sequence of cash flows is referred to as XNPV. It
determines the net present value of a string of cash flows, which are not always periodic and
may occur at random times. The internal rate of return of a series of cash flows is referred to
as XIRR. It figures out the internal rate of return for a string of cash flows that could happen
at random intervals.

Bank X is offering a special scheme in which you will get the payment according to the following
payment schedule. Help Ramesh find the NPV and IRR for this investment opportunity. How
can we use advanced Excel to calculate the NPV and IRR for an investment opportunity offered
by Bank X, which involves an initial investment of ₹ 10,000 and subsequent payouts of ₹ 2,000,
Page 30
₹ 3,000, ₹ 4,000, and ₹ 5,000 on random dates? Given a risk-free interest rate of 6%, what is the
net present value of this investment, and what is its internal rate of return?

Fig 4.19 Screenshot showing XNPV & XIRR Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

Financial functions like XNPV and XIRR are helpful for assessing the profitability of
investments, particularly those with irregular cash flows.

5. Horizontal and Vertical analysis: Horizontal analysis is a technique used to examine

changes in financial data over time. Several financial statements, such as the income
statement, balance sheet, or cash flow statement, might be the subject of the study. On the
other hand, a technique called vertical analysis is used to examine the connections between
the various elements on a financial statement.

Fig 4.20 Screenshot showing Vertical Analysis of Income Statement

Source: Computed using MS Excel

Page 31
Fig 4.21 Screenshot showing Horizontal Analysis of Income Statement
Source: Computed using MS Excel

4.3 Loan Repayment formulas used in MS Excel

In advanced Excel, loan repayment is the computation of the regular payments necessary
to repay a loan in its entirety, including principal and interest, over a predetermined amount of

1. PMT and PPMT: The monthly payment necessary to fully repay a loan over a certain term,
including principal and interest, is calculated using the PMT function. Together with the
optional inputs for the future value and the schedule of payments, the function considers the
interest rate, the number of payments, and the loan amount.

Fig 4.22 Screenshot showing PPMT Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

Page 32
The yearly payment of ₹ 39505.48 is to be made at the end of each 3 years for the
replacement of the loan and ₹ 30505.48 is the principal being used in a given pay period.

2. RATE: The RATE function in advanced Excel may be used to compute the annual
percentage rate of an investment or loan. When you have the present value, future value, and
the number of periods and want to know the interest rate necessary to reach the future value,
this function might be helpful.

Fig 4.23 Screenshot showing RATE Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

The principal amount of 1,50,000 is being paid back in 5 equal installments of 41,000
each. Using the Excel formula, we get the rate of interest applied by the bank as 11.41%. This
means that the borrower is paying an interest of 11.41% per annum on the loan.

3. NPER: With a set payment amount and period-specific interest rate, the financial function
NPER in advanced Excel may determine the total number of payments necessary to pay off
a loan or investment. You may estimate how long it will take to pay off a debt or save enough
money with the NPER tool.

Fig 4.24 Screenshot showing NPER Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel
Page 33
We can conclude that the principal amount of 220000 is being paid back in 5 equal
installments of 60000 each. The rate of interest applied by the bank is 0.14 (or 14% per annum).
Using the Excel formula, we get the time period for which the payments will be made to repay
the loan as 5.50. This means that it will take 5.5 periods to completely repay the loan. And by
calculating the loan repayment amount, borrowers and lenders may assess the risk level of the
loan and make sure it is repaid on time. Borrowers can then decide if they can afford the loan
instalments. Calculating loan repayments can help financial analysts assess various loan choices
or forecast future cash flows.

4.4 Depreciation formulas in MS Excel

Depreciation in Advanced Excel is the term used to describe a drop in an asset's value
over time. There are various ways to compute depreciation, including straight-line, falling
balance, and sum-of-years'-digits.

Fig 4.25 Screenshot showing SLN, DDB & SYD Function

Source: Computed using MS Excel

The SLN, DB, and SYD functions are only a handful of the built-in depreciation
calculation tools in Advanced Excel. By automating the process based on user inputs including
the asset's cost, useful life, and depreciation method, these tools can make calculating
depreciation simple.

Page 34
4.5 Capital Asset Pricing Model using MS Excel

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a popular financial framework for
calculating the expected return on investment depending on its level of risk. Since its debut in
the 1960s, it has been the focus of intensive academic research and practical implementation as
a fundamental tool for portfolio management and asset pricing.

Capital Asset Pricing Model determines an investment's expected return by taking three
essential variables into account: the risk-free rate of return, the expected market return, and the
asset's beta (systematic risk). The risk-free rate is the return that investors can get on a risk-free
investment, such as a government bond. The expected market return is the average return that
investors might expect from a diverse portfolio of all market investments. Finally, beta gauges
how responsive an asset's returns are to fluctuations in the market as a whole.

Here is the illustration showing how CAPM can be used in MS Excel to calculate expected return:

Firstly, to calculate the average return, the monthly adjusted closing prices of 5 years of data
were taken from, here the table below shows he same.

The monthly return is calculated by using the LN formula is used to calculate the
logarithm of a number. In finance, the natural logarithm (LN) function is commonly used to
calculate the continuously compounded rate of return on investment.

Table 4.5 Table showing Adjusted Closing Prices of NIFTY and HDFC Bank
Adj Close Adj Close
Date Monthly return Nifty Monthly return HDFC
01-03-2018 10113.7 =LN(B3/B2) 914.57 =LN(E3/E2)
01-04-2018 10739.35 6.00% 942.79 3.04%
01-05-2018 10736.15 -0.03% 1037.42 9.56%
01-06-2018 10714.3 -0.20% 1028.92 -0.82%
01-07-2018 11356.5 5.82% 1063.59 3.31%
01-08-2018 11680.5 2.81% 1005.86 -5.58%
01-09-2018 10930.45 -6.64% 978.95 -2.71%
01-10-2018 10386.6 -5.10% 932.93 -4.82%
01-11-2018 10876.75 4.61% 1038.68 10.74%
01-12-2018 10862.55 -0.13% 1035.38 -0.32%
01-01-2019 10830.95 -0.29% 1015.01 -1.99%
01-02-2019 10792.5 -0.36% 1013.84 -0.12%
01-03-2019 11623.9 7.42% 1131.62 10.99%
01-04-2019 11748.15 1.06% 1130.91 -0.06%

Page 35
01-05-2019 11922.8 1.48% 1183.56 4.55%
01-06-2019 11788.85 -1.13% 1192.54 0.76%
01-07-2019 11118 -5.86% 1105.63 -7.57%
01-08-2019 11023.25 -0.86% 1093.99 -1.06%
01-09-2019 11474.45 4.01% 1208.11 9.92%
01-10-2019 11877.45 3.45% 1210.97 0.24%
01-11-2019 12056.05 1.49% 1254.87 3.56%
01-12-2019 12168.45 0.93% 1252.06 -0.22%
01-01-2020 11962.1 -1.71% 1206.98 -3.67%
01-02-2020 11201.75 -6.57% 1159.1 -4.05%
01-03-2020 8597.75 -26.46% 848.32 -31.21%
01-04-2020 9859.9 13.70% 986.02 15.04%
01-05-2020 9580.3 -2.88% 936.66 -5.14%
01-06-2020 10302.1 7.26% 1049.06 11.33%
01-07-2020 11073.45 7.22% 1016.53 -3.15%
01-08-2020 11387.5 2.80% 1098.27 7.73%
01-09-2020 11247.55 -1.24% 1061.61 -3.39%
01-10-2020 11642.4 3.45% 1164.91 9.29%
01-11-2020 12968.95 10.79% 1418.15 19.67%
01-12-2020 13981.75 7.52% 1413.67 -0.32%
01-01-2021 13634.6 -2.51% 1368.6 -3.24%
01-02-2021 14529.15 6.35% 1510.23 9.85%
01-03-2021 14690.7 1.11% 1470.12 -2.69%
01-04-2021 14631.1 -0.41% 1390.05 -5.60%
01-05-2021 15582.8 6.30% 1491.97 7.08%
01-06-2021 15721.5 0.89% 1474.3 -1.19%
01-07-2021 15763.05 0.26% 1410.06 -4.46%
01-08-2021 17132.2 8.33% 1563.22 10.31%
01-09-2021 17618.15 2.80% 1576.62 0.85%
01-10-2021 17671.65 0.30% 1564.66 -0.76%
01-11-2021 16983.2 -3.97% 1476.38 -5.81%
01-12-2021 17354.05 2.16% 1462.4 -0.95%
01-01-2022 17339.85 -0.08% 1468.62 0.42%
01-02-2022 16793.9 -3.20% 1409.86 -4.08%
01-03-2022 17464.75 3.92% 1453.45 3.04%

Page 36
01-04-2022 17102.55 -2.10% 1368.69 -6.01%
01-05-2022 16584.55 -3.08% 1372.99 0.31%
01-06-2022 15780.25 -4.97% 1348 -1.84%
01-07-2022 17158.25 8.37% 1434.2 6.20%
01-08-2022 17759.3 3.44% 1486.1 3.55%
01-09-2022 17094.35 -3.82% 1421.35 -4.45%
01-10-2022 18012.2 5.23% 1496.7 5.17%
01-11-2022 18758.35 4.06% 1608.45 7.20%
01-12-2022 18105.3 -3.54% 1628.15 1.22%
01-01-2023 17662.15 -2.48% 1603.5 -1.53%
01-02-2023 17303.95 -2.05% 1599.6 -0.24%
01-03-2023 17080.7 -1.30% 1580.2 -1.22%

Source: Computed using MS Excel

In above table appears to be showing the monthly returns of the Nifty index and HDFC
stock. And also calculated the natural logarithm of the ratio of these assets adjusted closing
prices. And have also estimated HDFC's beta and used the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
to predict HDFC's projected return.

The CAPM is a popular finance approach for estimating the expected return on an asset
by taking into account the risk-free rate, the expected market return, and the asset's beta. With
HDFC's beta of 1.08 and a risk-free rate of 6.47%, you calculated an expected monthly return of
0.91% and an expected yearly return of 11.50% for HDFC.

Table 4.6 Table showing monthly Returns of NIFTY and HDFC

Beta of HDFC 1.08 =COVARIANCE.P(C3:C62,F3:F62)/VAR.P(C3:C62)
Slope (To verify) 1.08 =SLOPE(F3:F62,C3:C62)

MARKET 0.87%

Expected return yearly(M) 11.00%


Expected return monthly(i) 0.91%
Expected return yearly(i) 11.50%

Risk Free Rate 6.47%

Page 37
CAPM 11.36% =J16+J5*(J10-J16)
Source: Computed using MS Excel
The table above illustrates the monthly returns of NIFTY and HDFC stocks, as well as
their corresponding adjusted closing prices, from March 2018 to March 2021. With this
information, we can compute the predicted monthly and yearly returns for the market and HDFC
stock, as well as the beta for HDFC and the risk-free rate.

RFR (Risk-Free Rate) was taken from a 5-year monthly average of the maturity bond of India
from the website

Using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), we can utilize the beta value to compute
the expected return for HDFC stock based on the market's expected return and the risk-free rate.
The CAPM also estimates the market's projected return depending on its beta and the risk-free

We can conclude from the data that:

1. The beta of HDFC stock is 1.08, indicating that it is slightly more volatile than the market.
2. Based on historical data, the market's predicted monthly return is 0.87% and its expected
yearly return is 11.00%.
3. Based on its beta and the market's predicted return, HDFC stock has a monthly return of
0.91% and a yearly return of 11.50%.
4. During this time, the risk-free rate was 6.47%.
5. The CAPM assumes a needed rate of return of 11.36% for HDFC stock, which is the
minimum return investors should anticipate earning to compensate for the level of risk
associated with HDFC stock.

The basic goal of using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) in Excel is to predict
an asset's expected return based on its amount of systematic risk, as indicated by its beta
coefficient, and the expected market return.

Excel is a strong tool for financial analysis and modelling, and it can be used to compute
CAPM-based expected returns for individual assets or a portfolio as a whole. Investors and
analysts may quickly and simply estimate the expected return on an investment by using Excel
to do CAPM calculations, and utilize this information to make educated decisions regarding asset
allocation, risk management, and portfolio management.

Page 38



5.1 Findings

The implication which may be derived from advanced Excel learning is that it can
increase one's financial modelling talents. Financial modelling is the process of using historical
data, assumptions, and projections to create mathematical representations of financial events or
scenarios. Advanced Excel features such as formulas, functions (particularly financial functions),
charts, pivot tables, data tables, scenarios, goal seek, solver, and macros can assist users in
creating a wide range of financial models such as budgets, forecasts, cash flow statements,
income statements, balance sheets, valuation models, and sensitivity analysis models. Users can
compute and visualize financial parameters such as sales, expenses, profit, cash flow, net present
value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, return on investment (ROI), and risk
by utilizing these capabilities. Financial modelling skills are important for many professions and
sectors such as accounting, finance, banking, investment, consulting, and entrepreneurship.

Learning advanced Excel is an essential skill for students. Excel is a powerful tool that
enables students to analyze complex data sets, build financial models, and create presentations.
With advanced Excel skills, students can enhance their problem-solving capabilities and make
data-driven decisions in their careers. Excel proficiency is also highly valued by employers, as it
is a skill that is applicable to various industries and job roles. However, it is important for students
to keep in mind that Excel is just one of many tools available for data analysis and decision-
making, and it should be used in conjunction with other tools and qualitative analysis to make
informed decisions. Overall, learning advanced Excel is a valuable investment for students, as it
can provide them with a competitive edge in the job market and enhance their overall career

5.2 Conclusion

Advanced Excel is a term that refers to the usage of numerous features and functionalities
of Microsoft Excel that go beyond the fundamental level of data entering, formatting, and
calculation. Users with advanced Excel skills may perform complicated data analysis, produce
dynamic reports and dashboards, automate activities, and improve their financial modelling

Page 39
abilities. Mastering advanced Excel can help users draw meaningful inferences from their data
and make better decisions, which can be beneficial for both personal and professional

One of the most important conclusions that can be derived from advanced Excel training
is that it can increase one's data analysis skills. The process of collecting, organizing, interpreting,
and presenting data in order to answer questions, solve issues, or develop insights is known as
data analysis. Pivot tables, filters, slicers, formulae, functions, charts, and conditional formatting
are advanced Excel capabilities that can help users execute data analysis activities such as
summarising, aggregating, filtering, sorting, grouping, calculating, visualizing, and highlighting
data. Users can use these capabilities to study their data from various perspectives, detect patterns
and trends, compare and contrast data sets, and identify outliers and errors. Many areas and
businesses require data analysis skills, including business, finance, marketing, research,
education, and health care.

Another conclusion that can be derived from advanced Excel training is that it can
improve one's decision-making ability. The process of selecting the optimal course of action
among numerous possibilities based on available information and criteria is known as decision-
making. Advanced Excel capabilities including what-if analysis tools, data tables, solver, and
forecasting can assist users in performing various decision-making tasks like testing hypotheses,
evaluating outcomes, optimizing solutions, and anticipating future trends. Users can utilize these
capabilities to model multiple scenarios, compare various options, determine optimal values for
variables, and estimate future results. Several tasks and duties require decision-making abilities,
such as managers, analysts, consultants, planners, and strategists. The inference that can be
derived from advanced Excel training is that it can improve one's problem-solving abilities. The
process of finding answers to obstacles or issues that develop in a various scenario.

Page 40


Page 41
Introduction to MS Excel, Working with
Cells, Formatting Currency and Dates,
1 07-01-2023 Formatting Cells with Numbers,
Conditional Formatting.

Logical Formulas: IF Functions, Nested IF,

IF and OR Function, SUM IF, SUM
2 14-01-2023 Product, Count IF, Data Validation: Text
and List, Custom Validation.

Lookup Functions: VLOOKUP Function,

HLOOKUP Function, Index and Match
3 21-01-2023 Function, Multi VLOOKUP, XLOOKUP

Pivot Table, Charts and Slicers, Excel

Dashboards, Financial Formulas, Loan
4 28-01-2023
Repayment Formulas, Depreciation

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