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Gasket Care: A Guide to

Storage and Handling

Flange Gaskets and Sealing Gaskets play a
crucial role in ensuring the integrity and
reliability of fluid systems in various industries,
including oil and gas, chemical processing, and
manufacturing. These gaskets are designed to
prevent leaks and maintain a tight seal between
connected components.

And having some


how to do the
proper storage
and handling
Gasket Condition:
Ensure that the gaskets are clean and dry before storage.

Visual inspection to ensure there is no damage or

deformation to the gaskets.

Storage Environment:
Avoid direct exposure to sunlight and extreme temperatures,
as it may affect the elasticity of the gasket.

Store gaskets in a cool, dry place away from moisture to

prevent corrosion.
Airtight Packaging and Storage:
Use airtight packaging or airtight
containers to protect gaskets
from contamination and
environmental damage.

Avoid storage with chemicals

that can damage or seep into the

Handling During Storage:

Do not over-stack gaskets to
prevent deformation.
Store gaskets in a flat position to
retain their original shape.

Inventory Rotation:
Perform regular inventory
rotation to ensure the use of
older gaskets stored earlier.
Mark the production date on
each gasket to make tracking

Labeling and Identification:

Clearly label each gasket to
identify its type, size, and
Keep technical information
related to the gasket along with
its storage.

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