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“Who has been running my life - my true self or some other subselves?”

When I was a kid, I was a quiet, shy and reserved type of person. My
classmates do not want that type of personality. When my mother enrolled me in
Nursery School, I was scared because I just wanted to stay at home, read a book and
watch television all day. Also, I was bullied in school for being just a quiet kid. I
know that I need to make friends and socialize with others too. So, I changed for the
better. As time goes by, I am not that quiet kid anymore however, the world and
society still say a lot about how I look, how I dress, and how I talk. There are
numerous expectations. So I became the person that they wanted. But now, I see it as
constructive criticism, and I do not see the words they throw at me as a bad thing. I
know society wants a perfect version of me, but what would I do? I am just an
average person that makes mistakes. My other subselves were friendly, cheerful, and
kind-hearted. But, I also do not forget who I am. Although my subselves continue to
rule my life, the ones closest to my heart know my true self of mine.

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