Performance Test Report

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System ID : Sucofindo Cibitung Performance test report System X-ray Diffractomerter Model Name - MiniFlex I Catalog Number 2005H303 Serial No. : GD238815 X-ray tube Cat.Ni: 9407F202 Installation , performance tests have been completed and operation, performance are within criterion and accuracy have been confirmed Date January 19, 2023 Performer RIGAKU Corporation M Luthfi Ardila vers 1. Measured results of specification Tam Wathod appiied Gilera Resuls ——Eieron i(220)=47.25220.1° 47.260 * Diffraction angle Measured Measurements of} ~ a sam Ps angle | Standard sample 4008 ee eae ‘soouracy | (220). (511). — — (620) syezoj=t27.ssae0.1 | 127.495 * 2. Measuring conditior them Measurement condition 4 ie een ‘Angle correction : Check at “not executed” -system property 2) Xray source Cu, ine source '3| Tube voltage 30K [4] Tube current 15mA 5[ sit 8) 125" e| sit Ss) 125° 7|_sit RS) Oem | Sample holder ‘Standard ype | NeKbiter with ‘| Scanning axes 294 ‘| Counting method FT (Fixed time) method #] Count unit counts # ‘Si powder standard sample (Note: Fil into 0.5mm depth glass sample holder ) Start angie) Stop angle) Step width “Counting timd #| (220) 46.7400 48.0000 0.0100 09 61) 94.2000 96.0000 0.0200 30 (620) 426.0000 129.7000_—_—0.0200 20 Note 1; Used Si standard powder sample by RIGAKU , RSRP-43275G which angle is corrected by use of NIST standard sample for X-ray diffraction SRMG40M . ( Refer to instruction manual for RSRP- Raw data 4104 Method = FT Counter Name:MiniFlex2 counter Peak search method : Peak-op Count time : 1.0 sec Peak search range : 500.0 -> 900.0 V Step width : 5.0 V PHAmode bit Peak position 2 7235 Ve Scan axis: High-voltage PHABaseLine : 0 division Peak intensity 2 1494 counts Scan range : 500.0 -> 900.0 V PHAWindow : 0 division Peak FWHM 2 1044 V Intensity(counts) | 2000, | | 1500 Eez 500.0 600.0 700.0 High-vottage(V) 00.0 900.0 ‘January-16-2023 13:59:20 Page-1 Mv Ge adys veel Raw data ‘ethod > Continuous Counter Name:MiniFiex? counter Peak search method + Peaktop Scan speed > 4.000 degJ/min. Peak search range: -0.500 > 0,500 dog ‘Sampling width : 0.010 deg. PHAmode Diff Peak position : 0.007 deg. % Scan aris 2ihetartheta PHABaseLine : 0 division Peak intensity: 7016.8 cps | Scan range: -0.500 > 0.500 deg PHAWindow : 0 division Peak FWHM 0.258 deg. | | onset + 0,000 deg. ! i j | Intensity(cps) 100000, j / 80006 | ' \ 0 | i | ; | a | 0.400 0.200 0.000 0200 0.400 2Theta(deg.) January-19-2023 10:54:57 Page-t Integral Int. Calculation ‘Sample Name: Si 640d File + Si 640d 3 peakra Date: January-19-23 11:10:11 Operator“ MinPro Comment: Si (220) Memo Peak calc. method: Peak-top hk | Start Stop Peak value FWHM Max. Int. Gross int. Integ.w Integ. int. 0 0 0 46.740 deg. 48.000 47.260 deg. 1.922 0.145 deg. 797 cps 8820.39 0.166 132.31 | Intensity (cps) | 1000 T + 7 T T T T T T 800|- 4 600; 4 400} 4 200; 4 -L— L L L L 1 46.800 ‘47.000 47,200 ‘47.400 ‘47.600 47.800 2Theta (deg.) January-19-2023 14:15:59 Page-t 7 | Integral Int. Calculation |" Sample Name: S* 6403 Fie” FS) 640d 3 peakre Date > January 19-23 T1145 Operator > MinPro 1 Comment Si (511) Memo 1 Peak cale. method: Peak-iop | nk 1 Start Stop Peak évae FWHM Max. Int Gross int. Intogw——Intog. int 0 0 0 96200 deg, 96.000 dog. 94908 deg, 1048 0.207 deg. 99 cps_——540.91 o2re 2702 | Intensity (cps) | 100 : | 80} | | | | | | | | | | | | 60} | | 40} 20] a 1 1 1 34.500 35.000 35.500 96.000 Theta (do9.) ‘January-19-2023 11:15:59 Page-2 | Integral Int. Calculation | eo a T T Fe T T a | | crn

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