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BASIC GAGES TACOMP ‘STUBS Angle of Taper (roe) ‘Shoulder to Conterine External Gage Taper (Male) DOW-GAGES DOW.GAGES and TACOMP STUBS, when equipped wth proper tooling, are comparators used for comparing dimensions on manu factured parts to a Master or approved part. The Dow-Sysiom of simplified dimensional conto is built around these two standard comparator bases and provides an established method of accurate ly comparing dimensions of almost any part featur to "mean zero’ These comparators are basicin that both accept the same staging platens and setting masters. This tooling can be changed from one to the other in a matter of minutes. The DOW-GAGE is a bench comparator and is used when itis prao- tical to take the part to the gage or when the dimension is checked after the part is removed from the machine or fixture. The DOW- GAGE consists of a die-cast aluminum base supporting an ad- justable indicator post. It contains a one to one ratio, hardened and {ground lever assembly, which accurately transfers the movement Of the pin in the staging platen (mounted in the threaded opening of the gage base) tothe dial indicator. The special tooling (staging platen) is designed to receive the particular part being inspected, Apart-simulating setting master is used to set the DOW-GAGE mean zero! The TACOMP STUB is used when it is practical to take the gage to the part, when it is desirable to check the part before removal from the machine or fixture, or when the partis too large or heavy be checked on the DOW-GAGE or other bench type comparator. ‘The TACOMP STUB consists of a polished aluminum forging machined to receive AGD Group 2 Federal (Type F) or Standard Gage/Brown & Sharpe (Type S) indicators. Another model (Type MS) is available for Federal Maxum? Digital Electronic indicators. All three models utilize the same internal components and receive the same 1"-14NF threaded special tooling used on DOW-GAGES. ified Dimensional Control TACOMP STUBS ‘While the DOW-GAGE 's limited to staging platens of not more than five inches in diameter, special tooling for the TACOMP STUB is limited in size by only what is practical to lit. Dimensions of length, depth, diameter, position of holes, position of slots, shoulders and ‘grooves, angle of taper (both male and female), position of taper, ‘Squareness of face, flatness and many other characteristics can be accurately controlled through the use of either of these two gages. “The accompanying photographs illustrate some of the possibilities. Dow Mechanical Corporation otters complete in-house design and ‘ build capablities to customize a DOW-GAGE or TACOMP STUB iu +o specific customer requirements. A fully dimensioned drawing of the special tooling is furnished with each finished gage. In addition to providing customized special tooling for these two basic gages, ‘we also stock a complete line of accessories wich can be altered in your shop or toolroom for simpler applications, Standard platens. are available from 1-3/8” diameter up to five inches with standard {gage pins in 1/16" increments from 1/4" to 1/2" diameter. Also availabe is a soft stage blank, a unique Flush Pin Adapter and a ‘complet line of Flush Pin Blanks. See the enclosed flyers for in- formation pertaining to these items. Dial indicators are installed at manufacturer's list prices. ‘The Dow-System of simplified dimensional control offers significant Cost savings to the user, in that only the special platen and setting master need be dedicated to the particular job and part. The basic: unit, OOW-GAGE or TACOMP STUB, can remain in use by equip- ping it with dedicated spacial tooling for another job. ‘We invite you to explore the possibilities of the Dow-System in your particular operation. For a prompt free quotation, FAX or mail a part print or sketch and circle the dimension to be checked. Depth to an Internal Gage Diameter Length ana Center Oisance DOW MECHANICAL offers complete in- house design and build capabilities to customize a DOW.GAGE to specific customer requirements, For a prompt quotation, send us a part print or sketch with the particular dimension circled. Postion of Taper (Mato) DOW GAGE, LLC 169 White Oak Drive Berlin, CT 06037 Phone: 860-828-2450 Fax: 860-828-2451 Email: High Speed Gaging with today’s SPC Quality Control Technology. DOW-GAGES, long an industry standard for comparative measurement, now interface with Federal Products’ Maxum® Electronic Indicator, allowing the user to produce hard measurement copy as well as SAC information, The Maxpm® Indicator is compatible with major SQC Data Collection Systems, in- cluding Gage Talker™, Data Myte® , Concert QE100, Genesis-QA200™ DATA-BANK & DATA STAT™ and Verax SPC Qualifier™ Maxum? Electronic Indicator on OOW-GAGE tooled to check the female angle of taper on 2 hydraulic fitting. Additional snap-in flush pin tooling in foreground ‘checks other dimensions in the same hydraulic fitting. DOW-GAGE's interchangeable, quick- change flush-pin tooling allows up to 1000 dimensional checks per hour on depths, lengths, diameters, position of holes, slots and grooves, shoulders, angle and position of tapers, and many more characteristics, in most instances without the need for setting masters. DOW-GAGES are idea! for inspection of screw Machine parts, fittings, stampings, castings, forgings and molded parts. Here are two examples of DOW-GAGES interfaced for Statistical Analysis By equipping your DOW-GAGE with a Maxum? Indicator with digital output and Federal Products’ Model EAS-2330 Statistical Analyzer, the system is capable of generating a hard copy record of measurement data, histo- grams, minimum and maximum mea- sured values, average, range, standard deviation, 3 sigma limits, and out-of- tolerance conditions. A DOW.GAGE with a digital output Maxym® Indicator is also compatible with DataMyte® Statistical Process Control devices. The System lets you store up to 4000 measurement readings in computer readable form, ready for instant retrieval whenever you need them. And, it calcu- lates X/R and X/S charts or histograms. Utilized on line with an 80 column video monitor, the system provides control chart displays to monitor the process at the work station, CUSTOM-BUILT GAGES. . . DOW GAGE, LLe 169 White Oak Drive Berlin, CT 06037 3 Phone: 860-828-2450 Fax: 860-828-2451 Email: For Today’s DOW-GAGE Ideal for inspection of Screw Machine Parts Take the guess work out of flush pin gages without adding greatly 10 your gaging costs. A OOW-GAGE or TACOMP STUB equipped with a flush pin ADAPTER and suitable DIAL INDICATOR can be used as the brains for hundreds of dif ferent FLUSH PIN GAGES, MASTERS ARE NOT REQUIRED except as a check against ‘wear of the flush pin in very high production use, or where

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