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Yunita Antasari


Road Map (Proposal 1)

Need to measure students ability in adjective

Theory 1 Study 1 Study 2 Study 3

Syarif (2011) Abadi (2013) Novitasari (2015)
Langan (2003) Student’s error in uisng Student’s ability in The cause of error in
The definition Adjective Clause at MAN identifying independent using Relative pronoun
of clause Cijeruk (West Java) clause and dependent clause at fourth semester EDSA
- Average of form test type in the complex sentence at (UNIB) Bengkulu
52,26% SMK salatiga (Center Java ) - 32,86% in whose
- Average of function test - students’ ability in - 20,86% in which
type 44,52% identifying independent - 20,57 in whom
- Whom 82,80% clause and dependent - 14,86%in who
- Who 30,11% clause was 50.17%.
Theory 2
Richards et al,
Definition of
relative clause

Students ability in using adjective clause at senior
high school students (SMA) in Bengkulu

Proposed study (antasari, 2016)

Students ability in using adjective clause of the second grade
social class and science class at SMA N 6 Kota Bengkulu

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