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Keeping a journal.

One of the first, of many suggestions would be when first starting out on how t o read tarot cards, is keeping a journal. One can keep a journal in any form they wish. One can use a regular binder, usin g holed paper with lines. One can use their notepad or wordpad on their computer , or you can buy journals from stores. It is up to you on how to keep your journ al. After you have had your cards and had a chance to go through the deck. Your firs t thoughts should be written down on what you see or don't see at a first glance , with your deck as a whole. Then start from The Fool to the last card in the de ck, one by one writing about each card, What you see in the card and what do the se symbols mean to you. After you log your own interpretation, go to the resours e of which you are using for getting the basic tarot meanings or the book that c ame with your deck, log their suggestive meanings below your own, then see whic h differences their meanings may be from your own first thoughts. Then log what you see now for that card. A journel will be your guid for your thoughts, what the cards mean to you, a log for your readings, spreads used and any other thoughts or suggegtive learning f or later. You tarot journal should be dated for every reading. The deck of which you used should be loged. The spread you used and the question of which you asked. After shuffling and laying out the cards. You should write out t their position is. As thoughts come to your mind on anything you should write that down for each card you see, then go into ually. Writing down anything that comes to mind. Then what you n a whole. each card and wha that sticks out, each card individ may see them as i

This may sound repetattive, but everything that comes to your mind, you should l og. No matter what you see or feel about the card. It will all be useful for you later on in your learnings. When journaling, you may want to leave pages blank inbetween each entry or card you are studying. Leaving enough room for any thoughts that come up during the t ime or after which, you may want to write down. The suggestion for my first tarot journal entry was to answer a question first. "What is your purpose for learning tarot"? You can and should ask your own question, but the general of it is to ask why yo u want to learn how to read the cards. What are you expecting to get out of stud ying to read tarot cards? Write this down. You'll return to it over and over aga in as you notice the reasons change the further you go into your studies. What you will realize soon after keeping this journal. Is that your journal can be written in any way you want it to. You will add you own touch so to say, the further you go along. What worked for me. My first journal had 2 sections. Front was used for each of the cards individual ly. The back on the book was used for logging down each of my self readings. I n ow use my computer for keeping my tarot journaling in order. One of the first things I would do after waking up was shuffling my deck and pul

ling a daily card. Then would log my daily card. I would start with the date, th e time and season of which it was. Write down the card, the cards number, what t hat number means, then would start with the colors on the card, then the symbols I knew of, then ones I wanted to know more about. The whole time adding my own thoughts to what all of it ment to me personally, along side of using a tarot bo ok for their suggestive meanings. I did this for months. By using a journal then it has become a great resource for me now. It was very h elpful in learning the cards number methods, keeping logs on what cards came up more often then others. Taking notes on what card is connected to which Astrolog ical sign and is still a great way today of keeping track of readings I do for m yself as well as others.

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