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Nama : Nur Aji Wibowo

NIM : 22812144097
Kelas : B22

Review Jurnal Internasional

“The Ethics of Using Digital Trace Data in Education: A Thematic Review of the
Research Landscape”

Judul : The Ethics of Using Digital Trace Data in Education: A Thematic Review
of the Research Landscape
Nama Penulis : Laura Hakimi, Rebecca Eynon, and Victoria A. Murphy
Tanggal Terbit : October 2021
Volume : Volume 91
Link :

Kelebihan dalam Jurnal

The strengths of this journal article include:
1. Qualitative Systematic Analysis: The journal presents findings from a systematic qualitative
analysis of research on the ethics of using digital trace data in learning and education. This
approach provides a deep understanding of the complex ethical issues surrounding the use
of digital trace data.
2. Ethical Focus: The journal specifically focuses on the ethical aspects of using digital trace
data in education. This helps initiate important discussions on how the data is used, stored,
and analyzed while considering relevant ethical principles.
3. Interdisciplinary Approach: The journal involves contributions from various disciplines such
as education, information technology, and ethics. This interdisciplinary approach enriches
the understanding of the complex and diverse issues related to the use of digital trace data in
educational contexts.
4. Practical Relevance: The journal not only discusses theoretical issues but also provides
practical insights into how the use of digital trace data can impact educational policies,
teaching practices, and student learning experiences.
5. Knowledge Base: The journal provides a strong knowledge base for researchers,
practitioners, and decision-makers in the field of education to understand the ethical
implications of using digital trace data and develop practical guidelines to ensure the ethical
use of such data.
Therefore, this journal article makes a valuable contribution to deepening the understanding of the
ethical challenges associated with the use of digital trace data in educational contexts and provides
guidance for more ethical practices in utilizing such data.

Kekurangan dalam Jurnal

Some limitations of this journal article may include:
1. Limited Scope: The study may have a limited scope in terms of the number of peer-reviewed
studies analyzed or the specific focus within the broader field of ethics and digital trace data
in education.
2. Lack of Evaluation: The article mentions that there was no attempt to evaluate the quality of
the selected articles. This lack of evaluation could potentially impact the robustness of the
findings and conclusions drawn from the analysis.
3. Fast-Moving Nature: The fast-moving nature of the topic, as acknowledged by the authors,
may lead to the risk of the information becoming quickly outdated. This could affect the
relevance of the findings over time.
4. Potential Bias: Since the review was restricted to peer-reviewed papers, there is a possibility
of bias towards published research, potentially excluding valuable insights from non-peer-
reviewed sources or grey literature.
5. Need for Further Engagement: The article highlights the need for deeper engagement with
ethical concerns, frameworks, and implications in the educational literature related to digital
trace data. This suggests that there may be areas requiring more in-depth exploration and
While the journal article provides valuable insights into the ethical considerations surrounding
digital trace data in education, these limitations should be considered when interpreting and
applying the findings in practice or further research.

Metode Penelitian yang Digunakan

The research method used in this journal is thematic qualitative analysis. The study did not employ
a systematic meta-analysis approach due to the new and evolving nature of the research field under
investigation. Instead, it adopted a thematic qualitative analysis approach to compile findings from
diverse research evidence presented in various forms.
The thematic qualitative analysis process involved steps such as qualitative coding, category
creation, open thematic analysis, and the creation of brief memos to develop and refine the
synthesis of findings. This approach allowed researchers to identify key ethical issues emerging
from research on the use of digital trace data in education and present corresponding responses to
these issues.
Therefore, through the thematic qualitative analysis method, this research was able to provide an
in-depth understanding of research characteristics, key ethical issues, and research gaps in the
domain of using digital trace data in education.

The conclusion of this journal article includes several key points:
1. Importance of Ethics in Using Digital Trace Data: The journal highlights the importance of
considering ethical aspects in the use of digital trace data in the educational context. Issues
such as privacy, informed consent, data ownership and transparency, data and algorithm
validity, governance, and accountability are the main focus of this ethical discussion.
2. Research Gaps: The article identifies gaps in the literature related to the use of digital trace
data in education. There is a need for further research to work towards a more cohesive
community of thought, with explicit engagement with ethical theory, and consideration of
mid- to long-term issues alongside immediate concerns.
3. Collaborative and Transparent Approach: The journal advocates for a more collaborative,
iterative, and transparent approach to ethical decision-making related to the use of digital
trace data. Involving stakeholders from various backgrounds and institutional settings is
considered crucial to building a proactive and forward-looking ethical agenda.
4. Importance of Theoretical Foundations: The article highlights the need to make explicit the
theoretical/epistemological underpinnings of researchers studying the ethical issues related
to digital trace data and education. This is aimed at providing a strong foundation for future
research in this domain.
Thus, the journal provides valuable insights into the ethical challenges associated with the use of
digital trace data in education, identifies research gaps that need to be addressed, and promotes a
collaborative, transparent, and theoretically grounded approach to addressing these ethical issues.

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