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1. Which of the following is NOT a component of an Electronic Health Record (EHR)?

a) Patient demographics and medical history

b) Order entry for medications and tests

c) Scheduling appointments and billing

d) All of the above are components of an EHR

2. An advantage of EHRs is:

a) Increased medication errors

b) Decreased use of care and improved efficiency

c) Difficulty in communication between healthcare providers

d) Less accurate patient data due to reliance on memory

3. Risky behavior in the context of EHR safety refers to:

a) Unintentional mistakes when entering data

b) Deliberately disregarding policies or procedures

c) Using a computer outside of work for personal reasons

d) Difficulty using the EHR system

4. The Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (PIDSR) is MOST concerned

a) Providing individual patient care

b) Monitoring disease outbreaks and trends

c) Developing treatment plans for specific illnesses

d) Managing appointments and billing

5. A key principle of evidence-based nursing practice involves:

a) Relying solely on a nurse's experience for patient care

b) Integrating research findings into clinical practice decisions

c) Ignoring established guidelines and protocols

d) Following outdated textbooks for patient care

6. Electronic communication tools in EHRs allow for communication between patients and
healthcare providers. (True/False)

7. Clinical pathways are designed to standardize care processes for specific patient groups.

8. E-journals are a reliable source of evidence for research and practice. (True/False)

9. EHRs can improve medication safety by providing:

a) Drug interaction alerts

b) Dosage calculation support

c) Both a & b

d) Neither a nor b

10. Which of the following is NOT a type of interaction in a web-based course?

a) Learner to Learner

b) Learner to Content

c) Learner to Instructor

d) Instructor to Interface
11. Decision support systems in EHRs are used for:

a) Scheduling appointments

b) Documenting patient care

c) Providing clinical practice recommendations

d) Managing billing and insurance

12. The primary function of electronic communication in EHRs is to facilitate communication


a) Patients and their families

b) Nurses and physicians

c) All of the above

d) None of the above

13. Patient education modules within EHRs are an example of which component?

a) Health information and data

b) Results management

c) Order entry management

d) Patient support

14. Interoperability in a digital learning environment refers to the ability to:

a) Track student progress

b) Offer personalized learning experiences

c) Allow seamless transfer of learning materials between platforms

d) Provide secure access to online resources

15. Which of the following delivery modalities involves a combination of in-person and online
learning components?

a) Face-to-Face Delivery

b) Online Delivery

c) Distance Learning

d) Hybrid/Blended Learning

16. A digital learning environment that allows instructors to tailor content and assessments
based on individual student needs is considered:

a) Interoperable

b) Personalized

c) Collaborative

d) Analytical

17. Learner to learner interaction in a web-based course can be facilitated through features like:

a) Discussion forums

b) Video lectures

c) Online quizzes

d) Instructor feedback

18. E-journals are typically available through:

a) Subscription databases

b) Social media platforms

c) Printed publications

d) Online textbooks only

19. Which of the following is NOT a challenge nurses might face when implementing evidence-
based practice?

a) Difficulty accessing current research findings

b) Lack of time to critically appraise research

c) Resistance from colleagues to change practice patterns

d) Inability to apply research findings to specific patient situations

20. Clinical guidelines in evidence-based practice are developed using:

a) Expert opinion alone

b) Rigorous research methodology

c) Patient preferences only

d) Combination of a & c

21. A nurse suspects a medication error may have occurred due to EHR input. The MOST
appropriate initial action is to:

a) Inform the patient immediately

b) Document the suspected error in the patient's EHR

c) Report the error to the appropriate authorities within the healthcare facility

d) Ignore the error and hope it doesn't cause any problems

22. Evidence-based practice emphasizes the importance of:

a) Following outdated nursing traditions blindly

b) Integrating research findings with clinical expertise and patient preferences

c) Relying solely on a nurse's intuition for decision-making

d) Implementing interventions based on the latest social media trends

23. Which of the following statements about web-based course analytics is MOST accurate?

a) It provides no benefit to nurses taking online courses.

b) It allows instructors to track student progress and identify areas needing improvement

c) It eliminates the need for traditional assessments like exams and quizzes.

d) It can only be used in face-to-face learning environments.

24. A nurse is documenting a patient's assessment findings in the EHR. To ensure real-time data
capture and minimize errors, the nurse should document observations:

a) After the end of the shift, relying on memory

b) Immediately following each assessment using the EHR at the bedside

c) During handover to another nurse, summarizing key points

d) Only when prompted by the EHR system

25. Clinical decision support systems within EHRs can help to prevent:

a) Unintentional medication errors

b) Scheduling conflicts for appointments

c) Equipment malfunctions within the hospital

d) Data breaches of patient information

26. Which of the following is NOT a function of the Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance
and Response (PIDSR)?

a) Identifying potential disease outbreaks

b) Developing and maintaining national disease case definitions

c) Providing direct patient care services

d) Facilitating communication between healthcare agencies

27. E-learning platforms that allow learners to interact with each other and collaborate on
assignments promote:

a) Learner isolation and disengagement

b) Enhanced communication and critical thinking skills

c) Increased technical support needs for

28. Which of the following is the BEST way to ensure accurate medication orders in an EHR

a) Relying solely on memory for drug dosages

b) Double-checking orders with another nurse before submitting (This is a good practice, but not the
BEST answer)

c) Using standardized order sets whenever possible

d) Disabling drug interaction alerts

29. What is the primary benefit of using computer-generated nursing care plans?

a) Reduced workload for nurses in documenting patient care

b) Improved quality and consistency of care plans

c) Elimination of the need for nurses to assess patients

d) Increased cost savings for healthcare institutions

30. Clinical pathways typically include all of the following EXCEPT:

a) Standardized interventions for specific patient conditions

b) Expected timelines for patient progress

c) Individualized goals and outcomes for each patient

d) Specific criteria for patient discharge

31. Nurses can utilize e-journals to stay updated on evidence-based practice by:

a) Skimming article titles and abstracts

b) Critically appraising research studies for methodological quality and relevance

c) Relying solely on the conclusions of research articles

d) Sharing e-journals with patients for self-directed learning

32. A key component of a well-designed digital learning environment for nurses is:

a) Limited access to course materials

b) Frequent technical difficulties

c) Interactive learning activities and resources

d) Difficulty navigating the learning platform

33. Which of the following delivery modalities for nursing education offers the least flexibility for

a) Face-to-Face Delivery

b) Online Delivery

c) Distance Learning

d) Hybrid/Blended Learning

34. Interoperability in a digital learning environment allows a nurse to:

a) Access learning materials completed in previous online courses

b) Download course content for offline use

c) Print certificates of completion for all online courses

d) Share personal information with other learners

35. A characteristic of a reliable e-journal for evidence-based practice is:

a) Primarily focused on personal opinions and anecdotes

b) Peer-reviewed and published by a reputable source

c) Freely available on social media platforms

d) Limited access requiring individual purchase

36. Which of the following is an advantage of using computer-generated nursing care plans with
standardized interventions?

a) Increased documentation time for nurses

b) Reduced need for critical thinking in patient care

c) Improved consistency and efficiency in care delivery

d) Decreased opportunity for nurse-patient interaction

37. When implementing evidence-based practice, nurses should consider all of the following

a) The strength and quality of research evidence

b) The applicability of research findings to the specific patient population

c) The cost-effectiveness of interventions

d) The nurse's clinical expertise and experience

38. A nurse is designing a course for online delivery. To ensure accessibility for all learners, the
nurse should consider incorporating features like:

a) Complex multimedia elements requiring specific software

b) Closed captioning for video lectures and audio recordings

c) Limited compatibility with different web browsers

d) Text-only content without visual aids

39. Which of the following best describes the concept of "interprofessional collaboration" in

a) Nurses working independently to deliver patient care

b) Communication and coordination of care among different healthcare professionals

c) Patients taking an active role in their own health management

d) Strict adherence to hierarchical structures within healthcare teams

40. EHR security measures are designed to protect patient privacy by:

a) Granting unrestricted access to all healthcare personnel

b) Implementing user authentication and access controls

c) Allowing patients to share their medical records freely on social media

d) Disabling audit log functionality within the EHR system

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