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Conditionals are sentences that say something must happen so that something else can also happen.

The most common

type of conditional sentences are if-clause sentences:

Conditional type 0
If - clause Main clause
If / When + Present Simple Present Simple
We use Type 0 conditional to express a general truth or a scientific fact.  When it rains, plants grow.

Conditional type 1 (Real Conditional) Conditional type 2 (Unreal Conditional)

If-clause main clause If - clause Main clause
If /When + Past Simple* Would + infinitive
If / When + Present Simple Future Simple
could / might + infinitive
If / When + Present Perfect Modal *+ infinitive
when we want to express an action imperative We use Type 2 conditional to express a situation that
that has already finished is unreal or imaginary in the present or future
We use Type 1 conditional to express a situation that We also use Type 2 conditional to give advice
can possibly happen in the future.  If I knew the truth, I would tell you.
 If he calls, I’ll speak to him.  If he had money he could travel around the world.
 When you see him, tell him to call me!  If I were you I might consider his proposal.
 If you open that, you may get hurt.
 When you have finished you may go out and play. * When using the verb “be” in the Past Simple you
* can / may / should may use “were” for all persons

Conditional type 3 If - clause Main clause

(Unreal Past Conditional) If /When + Past Perfect Would have+ past participle
Could / might +have + past participle
We use Type 3 conditional to express a situation that could have happened but didn’t happen. It is impossible
now and it refers to unreal situations.
We use Type 3 conditional to express regret about a situation in the past or to criticize someone else’s past
 If we had studied harder for the test, we would have had better results.
 If he had been there he might have helped.

The if clause can come at the beginning or end of a sentence. When it is placed first, it is
. often separated by a comma

Match the columns to make type 0 or 1 conditionals Match the columns to make type 2 or 3 conditionals
1. If he invites me a) it pours. 1. If she had asked a) if I were sure I knew.
2. I’ll see him b) he’ll have a snack. 2. If she were older b) I told her the truth
3. When it rains c) I won’t water the plants. 3. I would’ve gone with you c) I would’ve told her.
4. If it rains d)I’ll attend the meeting. 4. I would tell her d) if I hadn’t been busy.
5. If he’s hungry e) when he gets here. 5. When she asked e)she would know better.

Complete the blanks with the correct tense of the verbs in parenthesis to form 1st type Conditional
1. He _________________________ (not take) his work seriously so he will be fired.
2. Mr. Banks will be very sad if his students _________________________ (not pass) the final exam.
3. If you post this birthday card today, she _________________________ (receive) it tomorrow.
4. If you agree to do the laundry, I _________________________ (do) the cooking this week.
5. If Jenny _________________________(find) your English book, she’ll return it to you tomorrow.
6. I’ll fall asleep if I _________________________ (not have) anything interesting to do!
7. If you _________________________ (not feel), you should see a doctor.
8. If you buy that new car we can _________________________(drive) around Austria this summer.
9. If you do that, I _________________________ (punish) you!
10. If Mr. Browns leaves the school, the pupils _________________________ (be) really sad.
Complete the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to form 2ndt type Conditional
1. Henry would_________________________ (succeed) if he only tried a little harder.
2. If it _________________________ (stop) raining, we could go for a walk.
3. If Jessica _________________________ (go) to the right shops, she would find great clothes.
4. Connor would be very upset if he ____________________( loss ) his job.
5. If you were a better driver, I would _________________________
6. If I _________________________ (be) more religious, I would attend church more frequently.
7. John would _________________________ (help) a lot of people if he had more money.
8. If Demetra _________________________ (be) really on a diet, she wouldn’t eat all that junk food.
9. If you _________________________ (not like) that shirt, you shouldn’t have bought it!
10. If Jonathan _________________________ (want) to attend medical school, he could become a doctor.

Complete the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to form 3rd type Conditional
1. If I _________________________ (take) that course, I would have improved my English.
2. If Sheila had told her parents, they might _________________________ (be able to) to help.
3. If you _________________________ (cook) the supper, I would have washed the dishes.
4. Peter would have done the shopping if he _________________________ (have) the time.
5. We would _________________________ (fly) to London, if we had found cheaper rates.
6. I wouldn’t _________________________ (wait) for you if I had known you’d be this late!
7. If they _________________________ (not sell) out all the tickets, we would have gone to see the play.
8. If Marcia had visited Buckingham Palace, she would _________________________ (see) the Queen’s guards.
9. If Tiffany had had enough money, she would _________________________ (buy) that ruby necklace.
10.If Linda _________________________ (enjoy) herself at the fair, she would have gone back again.

Circle the correct answer

1. He could probably fix the machine all by himself if he --- the proper tools for it.
a) has b) had c) has had
2. If you --- him for it politely, he will most probably give you the money.
a) ask b) will ask c) had asked
3. We would have had a picnic in the park yesterday afternoon, if it --- .
a)doesn’t rain b)didn’t rained c) hadn’t rained
4. If I --- the lottery, I would have given some money to charities.
a) win b) won c) had won
5. If Kimberly --- Tom, she will be miserable all of her life.
a) marries b) married c) had married

Write the verbs in the appropriate tense

1. If Helen _________________________(know) I was ill, she would visit me.
2. When her boss gives her some time off, she ______________________(go) on holidays.
3. When I learn how to drive, I ___________________________(buy) a car.
4. When the shy darkens, it usually _________________________(mean) rain.
5. If you __________________(be) in my shoes, what would you have done?
6. If I ____________________(notice) that the traffic lights were red, I would have stopped the car.
7. If ______________________________( not park) his car in a garage, the thieves would have stolen it.
8. If you read the lesson a bit more carefully, you would _______________________(understand) it.
9. You ____________________(be) late for class if you don’t hurry up.
10. When Jane gets here, she ____________________________(tell) us what happened.
11. If he had stayed under the sun umbrella, he wouldn’t _________________________(get) sunstroke.
12. If Sheila ________________________( not study) for the mathematics exam, she would have failed it.
13. When ice heats up, it ___________________________(melt).
14. If Alisha had known your address, she would _____________________________(visited) you.
15. If I _________________________ (like) the advice you gave me I would take it.
16. If you _________________________(not wear) a coat, you’ll catch a cold.
17. If you ________________________ (drive) you would be able to pick up the children from school.
18. If Frank ___________________________(not drink) so much, he wouldn’t get into so many fights.
19. If you ________________________________ (not dye) your green, your classmates wouldn’t have made
fun of you.
20. If you had remembered to charge the batteries, your camera wouldn’t _______________________(shut)
down on you.
Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the parentheses to make sentences in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd type conditional:

Andrew: Hi Honey, I’m home. What’s all night noise?

Shelley: Hi . That’s the baby. She is crying again.
Andrew: If you picked her up, she (1) ___________________________________ (not cry) that much.
Shelley: I(2) _________________________ ( pick) her up if I could. Unfortunately, I can’t. I’m busy making
dinner. Everything would be fine if Mrs. Dibbs, the new babysitter (3) _______________________
(stay) on a bit later. She always leaves the minute I arrive home.
Andrew: If you (4) ___________________________(ask) her maybe she’ll agree to stay on a bit.
Shelley: I have asked but she says she can’t. If we (5)___________________________(hire) the other
babysitter we wouldn’t have had any problems but you didn’t like her.
Andrew: It wasn’t a matter of liking. I’d have agreed to hire her if she (6)_______________________(have)
more experience. Maybe you should take some time off work.
Shelley: If you want, you (7) ______________________________(take) time off. I like my job and if I ask for
more time off, I (8) _______________________________ (lose) it. Don’t forget, I was off for six
months after the baby.
Andrew: I know sweetheart but you’re always so tired and cranky. If I (9) _______________________(ask)
my mother, she would be willing to come and help us. Would you like that?
Shelley: Are you kidding? If your mother (10) _________________________ (come) to live with us we’d be
divorced within six months! We’ll manage if not I (11)________________________ (tell) my mum to
come for a while.
Andrew: What can I say? Do whatever you like

Look at the pictures and using the prompts, write conditional sentences. The type of conditional you need to write is in the
parentheses . Number 1 is one as an example for you:

1. not snow/ Mrs Burns/ go / shopping / (3rd conditional)

If it hadn’t snowed, Mrs Burns would have gone shopping

2. the policeman / not catch/ the thief/he/ escape/through the window. (3rd)

3. Jack / look / where/ he’s going/ he not fall/ flat on his face. (1st)

4. Mr Williams / not sleepwalk / he not have/so many accidents. (2nd)


5. Mary / not buy/ so many presents/ she/ not spend/ all of her money. (3rd)

6. Bill / not rob/ banks/ he/ not have/ that much money (2nd)
Exercise 1 1- d, 2 –e, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b

Exercise 2 1-c, 2-e, 3-d, 4-a, 5-b

Exercise 3
1. doesn’t (does not) take 5. finds 9. will punish
2. do not pass 6. don’t have 10. will be
3. will receive 7. don’t feel
4. will do 8. drive
Exercise 4
1. succeed 5. ride 9. didn’t like
2. stopped 6. were 10. wanted
3. went 7. help
4. lost 8. were

Exercise 5
1. had taken 5. have flown 9. have bought
2. have been able to 6. have waited 10. had enjoyed
3. had cooked 7. had not sold
4. had had 8. have seen

Exercise 6 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-c, 5-a

Exercise 7
1. knew 8. understand 15. liked
2. will go 9. will be 16. don’t wear
3. will buy 10. will tell 17. drove
4. means 11. have got (gotten) 18. didn’t drink
5. had been 12. hadn’t studied 19. hadn’t dyed
6. had noticed 13. melts 20. have shut
7. hadn’t parked 14. have visited

Exercise 8
1. wouldn’t cry 5. had hired 9. asked
2. would pick 6. had had 10. came
3. stayed 7. take 11. will tell
4. ask 8. will lose

Exercise 9
2. If the policeman hadn’t caught the thief, he would have escaped through the window.
3. If Jack looks where he’s going, he won’t fall flat on his face.
4. If Mr. Williams didn’t sleepwalk, he wouldn’t have so many accidents.
5. If Mary hadn’t brought so many presents, she wouldn’t have spent all of her money .
6. If bill didn’t rob banks, he wouldn’t have so much money.

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