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GENDER & SOCIETY-MIDTERM can feel devalued especially in formal environments

(e.g. workplace).
GENDER FAIR LANGUAGE ➡This notion also works for men who enter
traditionally female jobs such as:
Language-“ Potent tool for how humans understand male nurses, male nannies, male secretaries.
and participate in the world.
What is its relation to gender? Language that lacks parallelism man and wife men
➡Gendered assumptions are present in language. and girls.
➡Common Adjectives associated with a specific GENDER POLARIZATION OF WORDS IN USE
gender. OF ADJECTIVES-Ex: When men talk together, it is
Ex:Women (emotional, pretty, chaste, sensitive called convention. But when women talk together, it
Man (handsome, Stern, dominant, loud) is called gossip.
➡Gender Stereotyping. HIDDEN ASSUMPTIONS
-A form of microaggression.The father is babysitting
his children.

Philippine Culture and Language

SEXISM IN LANGUAGE-the use of language which
devalues members of one sex, almost invariably ➡Filipino or Tagalog is mainly gender neutral.
women, thus fosters gender inequality. ➡Gendered words came from another culture, which
were adopted after 400 years of colonization.
SEXIST LANGUAGE-Is a tool that reinforces ➡Values and shaping of the education system were
unequal gender relations through sex-role influenced by Western powers and ideals.
stereotypes, microaggressions, and sexual ➡Filipinos portray a mix of identities, an infusion of
harassment. Ex: Men cannot take care of children; both native and foreign perspectives and
Women cannot be engineers. values.identities and naming things.

INVISIBILIZATION OF WOMEN-rooted in the LANGUAGE-Defines feminine, masculine, and

assumption that men are dominant and that women outside feminine or masculine.A tool for
do not exist. understanding the world.Gives a person the power to
➡The generic use of masculine pronouns or the use define oneself and the external world and one’s place
of a masculine general-mankind, guys. in it.Provides a definition of others as well, and one’s
➡The assumption that certain functions or jobs are relationship with them.People can reflect on their
performed by men instead of both genders-“the own gendered identities, and battle the definitions
farmers and their wives tilled the land”,“politicians society imposes on them.
and their wives lobbied for change”.
➡The use of male job titles or terms ending in man LANGUAGE EX:
to refer to functions that may be given to both
genders-Businessman, chairman. SEXUAL HARASSMENT-was never seen as an
issue as it was never given a name.It is an unwanted
Trivialization of Women-Bringing attention to the behavior in the workplace.Seen as something that
gender of a person rather than the job or function. could not be contended with.It was ignored by those
(girl athlete, woman doctor ,lady guard,working in power as if it did not exist.Recognizing harassment
wives.)Perception of women as immature.Labeled as for what it is helped women around the world put
“darling” or “baby”; making them appear childlike or mechanisms that would address workplace
juvenile.Objectification; likening to objects of harassment.
women.Women called as “honey”, “sweets”, “chick” DATE RAPE-women who experienced this had no
term to describe what occurred to them, but naming
their experience helped them come to terms with
their issue.

Sexist Language and Culture

➡Language-that admonishes certain acts depending
on one’s gender is a form of externalized social
control.Both a symptom and a perpetrator of
sexism.The very telling of how a society sees a
certain gender.
➡Common themes of a sexist language are the
commercialization and the trivialization of women.
➡Normalization of sexism = violence against women
and children will be viewed as acceptable and
➡Using language for gender stereotyping can
contribute to sexism by reinforcing the idea that
certain words and traits should only be associated
with specific genders.
➡Being sexist depends on a specific culture.
➡The attitude of a culture towards a certain gender
may influence the words used, creating sexist

These sexist portrayals of women extend to the:



➡The use of gender-fair language in educational
institutions and the removal of sexist language as
imperative to gender responsiveness is currently
being advocated.

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