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British Journal of Management, Vol.

17, S1–S5 (2006)

DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2006.00475.x

Thirty Years of Mergers and Acquisitions

Research: Recent Advances and Future
Susan Cartwright and Richard Schoenberg*
Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, Booth Street West, Manchester M15 6PB
and *Cranfield University School of Management, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0AL, UK
Email: [Cartwright]; [Schoenberg]

The complex phenomenon that mergers and acquisitions (M&As) represent has
attracted substantial interest from a variety of management disciplines over the past
30 years. Three primary streams of enquiry can be identified within the strategic and
behavioural literature, which focus on the issues of strategic fit, organizational fit and
the acquisition process itself. The recent achievements within each of these research
streams are briefly reviewed. However, in parallel to these research advances, the
failure rates of mergers and acquisitions have remained consistently high. Possible
reasons for this dichotomy are discussed, which in turn highlight the significant
opportunities that remain for future M&A research.

Introduction acculturative stress and, on average, almost

70% depart in the five years following comple-
Mergers and acquisitions1 continue to be a highly tion (Krug and Aguilera, 2005).
popular form of corporate development. In 2004, The complex phenomenon that mergers and
30,000 acquisitions were completed globally, equiva- acquisitions represent has attracted the interest
lent to one transaction every 18 minutes. The total and research attention of a broad range of
value of these acquisitions was $1,900 billion, management disciplines encompassing the finan-
exceeding the GDP of several large countries. cial, strategic, behavioural, operational and
However, in a paradox to their popularity, cross-cultural aspects of this challenging and
acquisitions appear to provide at best a mixed high risk activity. While in recent years research
performance to the broad range of stakeholders into the human and psychological aspects of
involved. While target-firm shareholders gener- M&A have increased in prominence, the M&A
ally enjoy positive short-term returns, investors in literature continues to be dominated by financial
bidding firms frequently experience share price and market studies, with a high concentration of
underperformance in the months following ac- interest in the USA and UK (Cartwright, 2005).
quisition, with negligible overall wealth gains for Our initial aim in compiling this Special Issue
portfolio holders (Agrawal and Jaffe, 2000). was to reflect the multidisciplinary nature of
Internally managers of acquiring firms report M&A, consistent with the scope of the British
that only 56% of their acquisitions can be con- Journal of Management, and to bring together a
sidered successful against the original objectives collection of high-quality papers that captured a
set for them (Schoenberg, in press). Meanwhile, range of different perspectives and modes of
target-firm executives experience considerable inquiry. As we discuss below, M&A research has
tended to develop along discipline-based lines
The terms merger and acquisition are used interchange- and this has brought detailed insights into a
ably in this article. number of important aspects. However, it is

r 2006 British Academy of Management

S2 S. Cartwright and R. Schoenberg

arguable that this specialization has been at the acquiring firms in the years following an acquisi-
cost of developing a more holistic understanding tion are negative or, at best, not statistically
of what determines their performance and what different from zero. Importantly, these studies also
consequences they bring. highlight the wide variation in acquisition perfor-
The papers for this issue arose from two routes. mance at the firm level. Approximately 35–45%
A symposium linked to the Special Issue was held of acquirers do achieve positive returns in the two
at the 2004 British Academy of Management to three-year period following acquisition, with
Annual Conference in St Andrews. The sympo- reported standard deviations in the order of 10%
sium featured six contributions, selected for their around the mean return (e.g. Conn et al., 2001).
diversity of perspectives and methodologies, The desire to understand the antecedents of this
which were subsequently entered into the review variance lies at the heart of much M&A research
process for this volume. These papers were and is the subject of the first article in this issue.
supplemented by submissions made directly in In this article, Sudarsanam and Mahate (2006)
response to the Call for Papers that appeared in consider the mood of the bid and investigate the
Volume 15 of the British Journal of Management. effect of bidder type i.e. friendly, hostile, white
We were very encouraged by the high level of knight, multiple hostile, on the long-term perfor-
submissions received, particularly the number of mance of over 500 UK takeovers by examining
papers emanating from mainland Europe and shareholder returns at various points over a
Australasia. In total 34 submissions were re- three-year period. Despite the negative press they
ceived, representing 15 countries. Following a tend to receive, the authors argue that their
rigorous review process involving many of the findings show that single hostile bids deliver
leading scholars in the field, we are delighted with higher financial returns than friendly, white knight
the contributions that form this issue. Our thanks or multiple hostile bidders. The article is also
go to the many reviewers who provided detailed, interesting in that it begins to straddle the tradi-
constructive and timely comments on the manu- tional domains of finance and strategic manage-
scripts. We are also grateful to all the authors ment by including in the analysis a number of firm
who submitted their work and contributed to the specific variables relating to corporate governance
quality of the Special Issue. structures and top management turnover.
The final selection was difficult and was based The main focus of the strategic management
on the individual quality of the submission, research in the M&A field has been on the
irrespective of the discipline from which it identification of strategic and process factors that
emanated. Consequently, there is a rather stron- may explain the performance variance between
ger focus on integration and integration process individual acquisitions. The ‘strategic fit’ literature
variables than the more traditional perspectives has been concerned with the link between perfor-
on M&A activity. This, we consider, is an mance and the strategic attributes of the combin-
encouraging reflection on the advances in M&A ing firms, in particular the extent to which a target
research that are currently taking place. company’s business should be related to that of
the acquirer. While little consensus has emerged
from this work (King et al., 2004; Seth, 1990),
Recent advances and contributions recent extensions to this perspective have provided
detailed insights into value-creation mechanisms
As M&A research has developed largely along within acquisitions based on resource sharing (e.g.
disciplinary lines, finance scholars have primarily Capron and Pistre, 2002) and knowledge transfer
focused on the issue of whether acquisitions are (e.g. Ahuja and Katila, 2001). However, explana-
wealth creating or wealth reducing events for tions of M&A underperformance cannot be
shareholders. The weight of evidence shows that sufficiently accounted for by the ‘goodness of the
while takeovers unambiguously bring positive strategic fit’ alone without account being taken of
short-term returns for shareholders of target firms, the wider integration process.
the long-run benefit to investors in acquiring firms The ‘process’ literature has focused on the
is more questionable. Agrawal and Jaffe’s (2000) important role that the choice of integration
comprehensive review of this literature suggests strategy and acquisition process itself can play.
that in aggregate the abnormal returns accruing to Both strategy and organizational behaviour
Thirty Years of Mergers and Acquisitions Research S3

scholars highlight that inappropriate decision- understanding of the merger process. In recogni-
making, negotiation and integration processes tion, this Special Issue includes two empirical
can lead to inferior acquisition outcomes. A key research studies (Bartels et al., 2006; Van Dick,
contribution of this approach has been the Ullrich and Tissington, 2006), which investigate
provision of contingency frameworks for the form the potential antecedents of post-merger identifi-
of post-acquisition integration (Cartwright and cation. These studies draw upon a growing body
Cooper, 1996; Haspeslagh and Jemison, 1991) and of research evidence, which has shown in a variety
an understanding of how different integration of work contexts that high levels of employees’
approaches may impact the ultimate outcome of a social identification with the organization’s iden-
union (e.g. Child, Pitkethy and Faulkner, 1999; tity result in increased work effort, higher perfor-
Schweiger and Very, 2003). Contemporary work mance, reduced staff turnover and more frequent
from this perspective is also developing our engagement in positive organizational citizenship
knowledge of how organizations can learn from behaviours (Haslam and Ellemers, 2005).
their prior acquisition experiences. Organizational In their study of a pending merger of two
learning appears to be mixed in the M&A context Dutch police organizations, Bartels et al. (2006)
(Haleblian and Finkelstein, 1999) with the nature, examine the contribution of a range of variables,
variety and performance of prior experiences including pre-merger identification, sense of
playing an important role (Hayward, 2002). continuity and perceived utility of the merger,
An emergent and growing field of enquiry has in determining employees’ expected level of post-
been directed at the cultural dynamics of M&As merger identification. The study by Van Dick,
and the emotional and behavioural response of Ullrich and Tissington (2006) retrospectively
the employees involved. This literature, with its examines the contribution of a fairly similar set
diverse origins in the psychology, organizational of variables on post-merger identification on
behaviour and human-resource management disci- employees involved in a German hospital merger.
plines has sought to explain M&A underperfor- Although the data were collected at different
mance in terms of the cumulative dysfunctional stages in the merger process, the results of both
impact that the event itself, its associated un- studies are consistent in demonstrating that pre-
certainty and the subsequent process of integra- merger identification is predictive of post-merger
tion have on individual organizational members. identification. Interestingly, this consistency chal-
Within this literature, poor culture-fit or lack of lenges the prevalent notion of ‘hindsight bias’
cultural compatibility have become much cited, if that questions the validity of retrospective data-
rather poorly defined, reasons for M&A failure. collection methods. Importantly, both studies
The relationship between culture and performance have clear implications for practice in emphasiz-
continues to intrigue and confuse researchers as ing the importance of communication to rein-
studies examining this link in relation to domestic force the positive utility of the merger and to
and international M&As have produced rather promote a sense of belonging.
mixed, and often contradictory results (Cart- Longitudinal studies of M&As are still uncom-
wright, 2005; Schoenberg, 2000). In their concep- mon, primarily because it is difficult to maintain
tual article, Teerikangas and Very (2006) attempt representative sample sizes over time, particularly
to disentangle some of the issues that may shed in circumstances when attrition rates are char-
light on the current inconsistent research evidence acteristically higher than usual. Therefore the
and offer advice for future research, particularly authors of the next article are to be congratulated
the importance of more longitudinal studies. on their persistence. Kavanagh and Ashkanasy
According to Gertsen and Soderberg (1998), in (2006) report on the findings of a cross-institu-
M&A situations, the discourse around cultural tional study of three Australian university mergers
differences is a vehicle by which employee groups conducted over a seven-year period. In a com-
assert the distinctiveness of their social identities. parative study combining qualitative and quanti-
Such observations highlight the notion that tative methods, they present data that reinforces
M&As pose a potential threat to workers’ social the importance of leadership and the benefits of
as well as security needs and the valuable theo- adopting an incremental approach to change.
retical contribution that Social Identity Theory Thus far, the contributions to this issue have
(Tajfel and Turner, 1979) can make to our been situated within UK, Europe and Australasia,
S4 S. Cartwright and R. Schoenberg

geographical areas with an established pattern of The second possible explanation, that practi-
M&A activity. In contrast the final article, Cooke tioners are unaware of the insights provided by
(2006), looks forward towards a new growth area M&A research, appears unlikely. The majority of
for M&As, namely China. In this article, she M&A researchers are also active in the provision of
discusses the potential strategic and behavioural management education and executive development
challenges of M&A in this region of the world programmes. Furthermore, the risks of M&A
and their implications for human resource activity have been regularly highlighted by the
management. financial press and there is no shortage of insightful
practitioner-orientated texts (e.g. Cartwright and
Cooper, 1996, 2001; Haspeslagh and Jemison, 1991).
The future of M&A research and its A third possibility is that existing research
contribution to knowledge and practice remains incomplete in some way. A meta-analysis
of 93 prior empirical studies on the determinants of
M&A research has now been ongoing for over M&A performance by King et al. (2004), which
30 years, and while it has been possible to incorporated the variables most frequently studied
mention only a few of the varied contributions in the finance and strategy literatures, concluded:
in the space available, each disciplinary approach
‘our results indicate that post-acquisition perfor-
has made significant advances in our under-
mance is moderated by variables unspecified in
standing. Yet, despite this robust academic
existing research . . . . An implication is that
interest, empirical data reveal that there has been changes to both M&A theory and research methods
little change in acquisition failure rates over the may be needed’. (King et al., 2004, p. 188)
same time period. In his original work on
European acquisitions, Kitching (1974) reported A second meta-analysis, concerned with the
failure rates of 46–50%, based on managers’ self- impact of cultural differences on acquisition
reports. More recently both Rostand (1994) and performance, reached similar conclusions in
Schoenberg (in press) have reported equally poor stating ‘a huge portion of variance remains
failure rates of 44–45%, using comparable unexplained’ (Stahl and Voight, 2004, p. I4).
methodology. An examination of the returns to Interestingly, both meta-analyses call for a
acquiring firm shareholders also reveals that greater recognition of the process and organiza-
acquisitions continue to produce negative aver- tional dimensions of acquisitions, increasingly
age returns similar to those seen historically recognized in the behavioural literature. Clearly
(Agrawal and Jaffe, 2000; Gregory, 1997). there are substantial methodological bridges to
Three possible reasons might be advanced for cross to more closely link the models of acquisition
this disturbing lack of improvement in M&A performance adopted in the finance and strategy
performance over the years: literatures with the human and organizational
insights from behavioural studies. The results of
 executives are undertaking acquisitions driven these recent meta-analyses highlight that there is
by non-value maximizing motives much ground for M&A research still to cover and
 the prescriptions from the academic research reinforce the timeliness of this Special Issue. We
are not reaching the practitioner community hope that it will serve as a catalyst for more
 the research to date is incomplete in some way. interdisciplinary discussion and research on M&A.
It is true that some acquisitions are driven by
non-value maximizing motives. For example,
Seth, Song and Pettit (2000) investigated a sample
of US cross-border acquisitions and found indica- Agrawal, A. and J. Jaffe (2000). ‘The Post Merger Performance
tions that 26% were instigated by managers for Puzzle’, Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, 1, pp. 119–
their own utility rather than shareholder interests. 156.
In addition, they established evidence of hubris, Ahuja, G. and R. Katila (2001). ‘Technological Acquisitions
where managers mistakenly over-valued their and the Innovation Performance of Acquiring Firms: A
Longitudinal Study’, Strategic Management Journal, 22,
targets. However, their overall conclusion was pp. 197–220.
that the majority of transactions were motivated Bartels, J., R. Douwes, M. de Jong and A. Pruyn (2006).
by value-creation opportunities. ‘Organizational Identification During a Merger: Determi-
Thirty Years of Mergers and Acquisitions Research S5

nants of Employees’ Expected Identification with the New King, D., D. Dalton, C. Daily and J. Covin (2004). ‘Meta-
Organization’, British Journal of Management, 17, S51–S69. analyses of Post Acquisition Performance: Indications of
Capron, L. and N. Pistre (2002). ‘When Do Acquirers Earn Unidentified Moderators’, Strategic Management Journal,
Abnormal Returns?’, Strategic Management Journal, 23, 25, pp. 187–200.
pp. 781–794. Kitching, J. (1974). ‘Winning and Losing With European
Cartwright, S. (2005). ‘Mergers and Acquisitions: An Update Acquisitions’, Harvard Business Review, 52, pp. 124–136.
and Appraisal’. In: G. P. Hodgkinson and J. K. Ford (eds), Krug, J. and R. Aguilera (2005). ‘Top Management Team
International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psy- Turnover in Mergers and Acquisitions’, Advances in Mergers
chology, 20, pp. 1–38. John Wiley, Chichester. and Acquisitions, 4, pp. 121–149.
Cartwright, S. and C. L. Cooper (1996). Managing Mergers, Rostand, A. (1994). ‘Optimizing Managerial Decisions During
Acquisitions and Strategic Alliances: Integrating People and the Acquisition Integration Process’. Paper presented to
Cultures. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. 14th Annual Strategic Management Society International
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Child, J., R. Pitkethly and D. Faulkner (1999). ‘Changes in ibility Within Cross-Border Acquisitions: A Review’, Ad-
Management Practice and the Post-Acquisition Performance vances in Mergers and Acquisitions, 1, pp. 43–59.
Achieved by Direct Investors in the UK’, British Journal of Schoenberg, R. (in press). ‘Measuring the Performance of
Management, 10, pp. 185–198. Corporate Acquisitions: An Empirical Comparison of Alter-
Conn, C., A. Cosh, P. Guest and A. Hughes (2001). ‘Long Run native Metrics’, British Journal of Management (in press).
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Cooke, F. L. (2006). ‘Acquisitions of State-Owned Enterprises Seth, A. (1990). ‘Value Creation in Acquisitions: A Re-
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Management Journal, 23, pp. 21–39. Van Dick, R., J. Ullrich and P. A. Tissington (2006). ‘Working
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a Merger’, British Journal of Management, 17, S83–S105.

Susan Cartwright is Professor of Organizational Psychology at the Manchester Business School, the
University of Manchester and Chair of the British Academy of Management. She has researched
and published widely on issues relating to human aspects of mergers and acquisitions.

Richard Schoenberg is Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management at Cranfield University School of

Management. He previously held faculty positions at Cambridge University’s Judge Business School
and the Tanaka Business School, Imperial College London. His research focuses on cross-border
acquisitions, in particular organizational determinants of performance.

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