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Learning Guide Unit 5: Discussion Assignment | Home


Learning Guide Unit 5

A power analysis is a calculation used to estimate the smallest sample size needed for an experiment, given a required signi�cance
level, statistical power, and e�ect size. It helps to determine if a result from an experiment or survey is due to chance, or if it is
genuine and signi�cant.

Think of an experiment or a survey that you have conducted or will conduct in your �eld of interest and use it to discuss the
following questions:

1. Describe the importance of power analysis in an experiment.

2. How will you determine the appropriate signi�cance level for a power analysis?

3. Explain, in your own words, how you will conduct a power analysis in your experiment or survey.

Your Discussion should be a minimum of 200 words in length and not more than 500 words. Please include a word count. Following
the APA standard, use references and in-text citations for the textbook and any other sources.

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