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2023 S&T Important Current Affairs Gist Mana La Excellence

2023 S&T Current Affairs Gist (108 topics)

1. Generative AI- software for creating content (Text, Images, Code, Video, etc); Ex: ChatGPT, BARD AI,
DALL-E, etc; Uses Machine Learning; Customised replies; Applications- Education, Business,
Entertainment, etc; Issues- Accuracy, Privacy, Unemployment, Deepfakes- cyber security
2. Immunity Imprinting- Immune system remembers previous infections and vaccines; New vaccines and
response to new variants might not be effective as immune system generates response based on
previous memory; Booster dose effectiveness depends on this; Nasal vaccines, spacing the vaccine shots
helps in addressing this.
3. Large Hadron Collider- Undergone upgrades recently; World’s most advanced and powerful particle
accelerator ; Giant 27km long experimental underground machine; Fires two beams of protons
generated from D shaped superconducting electro-magnets to collide at nearly the speed of light; To
simulate conditions that existed only factions of seconds after Big Bang; Project with International
collaboration; Discovered Higgs Boson aka God Particle (a particle that gives other particles mass);
Recently, discovered 3 new subatomic particles- a new kind of "pentaquark" and the first-ever pair of
"tetraquarks"; Quarks- elementary particles that combine in groups of twos and threes to form hadrons
such as the protons and neutrons. Rarely, however, they can also combine into four-quark and five-quark
particles, or tetraquarks and pentaquarks.
4. Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) - Global Report on Neglected Tropical Diseases 2023 by WHO; NTD-
group of diverse, poverty-associated infections that primarily affect people in low-income regions; 10
major NTDs, including hookworm, dengue, lymphatic filariasis, leprosy, visceral leishmaniasis or kala-azar
and rabies.
5. First 3D printed Rocket – Relativity Space (USA), a private company launched Terran 1 - 3D-printed metal
parts made up 85% of the rocket;
6. Agnilet- a single piece engine, developed by Agnikul Cosmos (IIT-Madras based space tech firm) , is the
world's first single-piece 3D printed rocket engine fully designed and manufactured in India; It is a semi
cryogenic engine- uses liquid oxygen and Aviation Turbine Fuel; It is to be placed in Agniban Roket for
LEO, which is a two stage launch vehicle; India's first private rocket launchpad is located at the Satish
Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, developed by Agnikul Cosmos , Agnibaan
SOrTeD (SubOrbital Technological Demonstrator (SOrTeD)) is a single-stage launch vehicle which would
be driven by Agnikul’s patented Agnilet engine, which is entirely 3D-printed, single-piece, 6 kN semi-
cryogenic engine. (India's first privately built rocket, Vikram-S developed by Skyroot Aerospace)
7. Lithium Deposits- first lithium deposits of 5.9 million tonnes found in Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan's
Degana (Nagaur). It is used in rechargeable batteries that are used in mobiles, laptops, electric vehicles
and in medical devices like pacemakers and in energy storage solutions. (National Geophysical Research
Institute has found large deposits of 15 rare earth elements (REE) in Andhra Pradesh's Anantapur district.
REE of the lanthanide series are critical components in many electronic devices like cellphones,
televisions, computers, automobiles used daily and in various industrial applications)
8. Geomagnetic Strom- A major disturbance of Earth's magnetosphere; caused by solar emissions such as
Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) or a high-speed solar stream; Impacts- Power grid disturbances due to
voltage control problems, Satellite signal interference, GPS inaccuracies, Auroras near the Poles,
Increased radiation exposure, that can pose health risk to Astronauts
2023 S&T Important Current Affairs Gist Mana La Excellence

9. Stem Cell Transplant- a procedure that replaces damaged stem cells with healthy ones; Known as -bone
marrow transplant or hematopoietic stem cell transplant; used to treat certain types of cancer, such as
leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma, and other blood and immune system diseases; Stem Cells: Special
cells that self-replicate and transform into various body cell types; 3 Types- Embryonic, Somatic and
Induced Pluripotent stem cells; Stem Cell-derived Mitochondrial Transplant- mitochondrial transplant
from donor mothers into children’s haematopoietic stem cells
10. Hybrid Sounding Rocket- India’s first hybrid-sounding rocket by private players; combines features of
both liquid-fuelled and solid-fuelled rockets; Project name- Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Satellite Launch Vehicle
Mission 2023; Adv- Safer, less expensive and better control on the system;
11. Ejecta Halo- Means Circle formed due to impact; Was observed during the soft landing of Chandrayan 3
lander Vikram at Shiva Shakti Point of lunar south pole; Helps in understanding lunar epi-regolith, study
its impact on the equipment onboard, humans, etc; India wants to land Astronauts on the Moon by 2040
12. Bharat 6G Mission- high-speed 6G Communication Services by 2030; standardization, identification of
the spectrum for 6G usage, create an ecosystem for devices and systems, and figure out finances for
research and development; India is the 2nd-largest telecom market globally with 1.2 billion digital
subscribers; 6G- successor to 5G cellular technology; Key features of 6G- Multiband Ultrafast
transmission (terahertz band of frequency, one microsecond-latency), Energy efficient communication,
Artificial intelligence, High security- privacy – secrecy; Bharat 6G Alliance (B6GA)- Collaborative platform
for multistakeholder participation; Telecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF) Scheme- launched
by DoT/ Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) in 2022; Applications- holographic communication,
brain-computer interface, quantum internet, and artificial intelligence.
13. Space Tourism- Space travel that provides non-astronauts the ability to go to space; Sub orbital flights
are propelling space tourism; USA and Russia have sent Space Tourism flights till now; Recent Private
Tourism Space Flights- Virgin Galactic; Blue Origin, Space X Inspiration4; Advantages of suborbital space
flights- Accessibility, Reduced Risk, Helps in Scientific Research, Space Tourism, Rapid Turnaround
14. Bio- Computers- organoid intelligence- aims to create “biocomputers”; 3D brain cultures grown in the
lab are coupled to real-world sensors and input/output devices using machine learning; harness the
processing power of the brain; Built using human stem cells; Applications- Biological Parallel Processing,
Human-Like Problem Solving, Disease Modeling, Neurological Research, Personalized Medicine, Reduced
Animal Testing, Biologically Relevant Data, Ethical Advancements, Advanced AI Integration; Concerns-
Ethical issues, tech limitations
15. LVM-3- (GSLV MK-III) - Three-stage vehicle- S200 solid strap-on motors, L110 liquid core stage, C25 high-
thrust cryogenic upper stage; The LVM-3 can place satellites into a variety of orbits, including: GEO, MEO,
LEO, Missions to the Moon, Missions to the Sun, etc; Recent Missions- Chandrayan -3, OneWeb India-2
Mission, OneWeb India-1 Mission, Chandrayaan-2 Mission, GSAT-29 Mission, GSAT-19 Mission, CARE
Mission; Ganganyan is going to use Human Rated LVM3
16. Controlled Re-entry of Satellites- controlled re-entry experiment of the decommissioned orbiting
Megha-Tropiques-1 (MT-1) satellite (launched in 2011) was done successfully in 2023 by ISRO; Helps in
dealing with space debris, sustainable outer space activities; Mostly suitable for LEO satellites; Need fuel
left in the satellite for controlled re-entry, so need more fuel for re-entry of satellites from GEO
17. OSIRIS- Rex Mission- Launched in 2016, Sample collected ( Landing site- Nightingale) from Near Earth
Asteroid Bennu (Asteroid belt between Earth and Mars) and reached the sample to Earth; OSIRIS-REx
stands for: Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer; The
OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, renamed OSIRIS-APEX (OSIRIS-Apophis Explorer); Only sample return capsule
2023 S&T Important Current Affairs Gist Mana La Excellence

returned Earth; OSIRIS- APEX will continue its mission to study another near-Earth asteroid named
Apophis when it comes close to Earth in 2029.
18. Asteroid Bennu- Carbon-rich asteroid; Approximately 500 meters in diameter, A remnant of the early
solar system, Originated in the Main Asteroid Belt, Orbits the Sun every 1.2 years, Comes close to Earth
every 6 years, High probability of impacting Earth in the late 22nd century, NASA collected a sample from
Bennu- OSIRIS Rex Mission; Initial studies show high carbon content and water, Suggests potential
building blocks of life; NASA actively working on strategies to alter Bennu's trajectory- Aim to avert a
collision with Earth, Lack the scale to trigger worldwide extinction.
19. LIGO- India Project- Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO); LIGO is
an international network of laboratories that detect gravitational waves. ; LIGO- India will built by
the Department of Atomic Energy and the Department of Science and Technology with the U.S. National
Science Foundation and other research institutions; aims to detect gravitational waves; will be located
in the Hingoli district of Maharashtra; fifth node of the planned network; The LIGO in the US first
detected gravitational waves in 2015 (Nobel Physics in 2017); Gravitational waves- generated by-
colliding black holes, the collapse of supernovae, coalescing neutron stars or white dwarf stars, etc.
20. Dark Matter Map- Researchers from the S. National Science Foundation's (NSF) used the Atacama
Cosmology Telescope (Aims to study the universe's origins, composition, and evolution) to create a new
map of dark matter. ; Dark Matter- Hypothetical invisible mass, Adds gravity to galaxies and other
celestial bodies, Constitutes about 27% of the Universe (68% of the universe is dark energy, visible matter
is 5% of the universe.); Characteristics: Does not interact with electromagnetic force, Detectable only
through gravitational effects, Maintains the structural integrity of galaxies, like the Milky Way;
21. Indian Space Policy 2023- Unveiled by ISRO; Features- Foster indigenous space capabilities, aim for
leadership in satellite, launch vehicle, and space tech, Focus ISRO on R&D in space tech, encourage
private sector involvement, promote advanced R&D for space program sustainability, provide space tech
for national priorities, permit non-government entities in space-based communication, Require clear
rules on FDI, licensing, and government procurement; NSIL handles strategic space sector activities and
takes on operational aspects of ISRO missions, IN-SPACe facilitates ISRO's engagement with non-
government entities, ISRO concentrates on technology development, R&D.
22. JUICE Mission- Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer Mission launched by European Space Agency (ESA); Set to
reach Jupiter in 2031 ; Aim of studying Jupiter and its three largest icy moons – Ganymede, Europa, and
Callisto; Objectives of JUICE Mission: Study subsurface oceans of Jupiter's moons for potential life-
supporting conditions, Analyze ocean composition, properties, geology, and chemistry, Gain insights
into the potential for extraterrestrial life, Study Jupiter, its atmosphere, magnetic fields, and radiation
environment, Contribute to understanding solar system formation and planetary environments
(Ganymede, largest moon in the solar system, is larger than Pluto and Mercury and is the only one to
generate its own magnetic field.)
23. Generic Medicine- The National Medical Commission's Registered Medical Practitioner (Professional
Conduct) Regulations, 2023, by National Medical Commission (NMC) had made the prescription of
generic drugs mandatory for doctors, the order was put on hold; Generic medicine is an equivalent
version of a brand-name drug with the same active ingredients, quality, and efficacy; produced and
marketed once the patent protection for the original brand-name drug expires; generic drugs are cost-
competitive and affordable; concerns- standardization, trustworthiness, and the ability to prescribe
specific combinations;
2023 S&T Important Current Affairs Gist Mana La Excellence

24. Facial Recognition Technology- Biometric Technology; Technology identifying individuals by analyzing
facial features, Analyzes unique facial characteristics using algorithms. Uses: Security (access control),
Law enforcement, Smartphones (unlocking), Marketing (customer analysis). Concerns: Privacy invasion,
Biases in accuracy, Surveillance misuse, Lack of regulation
25. Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023- (Based on B.N. Sri Krishna Committee Recommendations)
Applies to digital personal data processed in India, online or offline; Applies to data processing outside
India if offering goods or services in India; Consent required for lawful processing; exemptions for specific
legitimate uses; Data fiduciaries must ensure accuracy, security, and purpose-specific data deletion;
Grants rights to individuals, establishes Data Protection Board of India for enforcement; Central
government may exempt government agencies in specified cases; Issues- Absence of data portability and
right to be forgotten.
26. NAVIC- Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC), formerly IRNSS; Functions- Autonomous regional
satellite navigation system; Provides real-time positioning and timing services, Coverage includes India
and 1500 km beyond its borders; Supported by various smartphones, including iPhone 15 Pro, Mi 11X,
11T Pro, OnePlus Nord 2T, Realme 9 Pro; GoI mandates all 5G phones to support NavIC by Jan 1, 2025,
and all other phones by Dec 2025.
27. Green Crypto Mining (GCM)- Recently Bhutan announced fund for GCM; Crypto mining is process by
which transactions are verified on the blockchain; Involves solving complex mathematical calculation
that verify and record the transactions in the block chain; It requires huge power to maintain the
computational devices; Use of renewable energy such as solar, wind, hydro, etc for crypto mining is called
Green Crypto Mining; Advantages- Reduced Carbon Footprint, Energy Efficiency, Long-Term
28. Monkeypox- Recently increase in cases in South Africa and other countries; Viral Zoonotic Disease,
transmitted from animals to humans; First Case-1970 in Congo; Transmission through Human-to-human
through contact; Incubation: 6 to 13 days (5-21 days); Symptoms: Rash, fever, swollen lymph nodes,
muscle ache, etc; Vaccine is not available.
29. Trans-fat- WHO Report on Global Trans Fat Elimination; 5 billion people globally remain unprotected
from harmful trans fats; These are unsaturated fatty acids that come from either natural (Cows, Bufalos
and Sheep) or industrial sources; Industrial process -adds hydrogen to vegetable oil converting the liquid
into a solid, resulting in “partially hydrogenated” oil (PHO); Found in packaged foods, baked goods,
cooking oils and spreads; Impacts- Leads to Bad Cholesterol- Heart attacks, Diabetes and Obesity; India-
Eat Right Movement, FSSAI- all food items should contain less than 2% of trans fat from Jan 2022.
30. Rice Fortification- a dried powder “pre-mix” of vitamins and minerals – iron, vitamin B12, folic acid – is
added to powdered rice; It is supplied for Mid-Day Meals, PDS rice distribution, ICDS distribution and is
made mandatory from 2024; Helps in addressing Hidden Hunger – Undernourishment and Anaemia;
Harmful for those suffering from Thalassemia and Sickel Cell Anaemia; Concerns regarding quality and
safety of fortified rice; As of now the policy focuses on external fortification (Industrial addition of
minerals and vitamins) rather than bio-fortification (Fortification of nutrients in the crop through genetic
engineering and /or hybrids)
31. Brain- Computer Interface Device- A device, that is capable of decoding brain activity into speech faster
and accurately; a direct communication pathway between the human brain and external devices;
Applications- assistive technology, neurorehabilitation, research, and enhanced control applications like
gaming; Concerns: cyberattacks on brain data, unequal access due to costs, and the need for accurate
translation of brain signals to speech to avoid unintended consequences.
2023 S&T Important Current Affairs Gist Mana La Excellence

32. Gravitational Waves- Indian government approved the construction of the Laser Interferometer
Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) project ; LIGO is an international network of
laboratories that detect gravitational waves ; LIGO- India is built by the Department of Atomic
Energy and the Department of Science and Technology with the U.S. National Science Foundation and
several other institutions; in the Hingoli district of Maharashtra; aims to detect gravitational waves from
the universe; fifth node of the planned network for international scientific research; Gravitational
Waves- produced by the movement of massive celestial bodies, such as black holes or neutron stars,
and are the ripples in spacetime; first postulated (1916) in Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity
33. Outer Space Governance- UN Policy brief- "For All Humanity — The Future of Outer Space Governance”
discusses to develop a new treaty for peace, security, and preventing an arms race in outer space.; UN
Summit of the Future, scheduled for September 2024, in New York; Need- Satellite Launch Increase,
Resource Exploration( minerals on the Moon and asteroids); No international agreement on space
resource exploration; Fragmented space traffic coordination; Space Debris Concerns; UN
Recommendations: Develop a new treaty for peace and security; Establish effective coordination for
space situational awareness; Create norms and principles for space debris removal
34. Lab Grown Diamonds- 2023-24 Union Budget has put special emphasis on Laboratory-Grown Diamonds
(LGD); LGD are manufactured in laboratories, as opposed to naturally occurring diamonds. However,
the chemical composition and other physical and optical properties of the two are the same;
Manufactured through- High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT) method or Chemical Vapour
Deposition (CVD) method; Applications- Industrial use in machines and tools, Exceptional hardness and
strength for cutter applications, Pure synthetic diamonds in electronics, Function as heat spreaders,
Applied in high-power laser diodes, laser arrays, and transistors.
35. Sickel Cell Anaemia- Sickle cell anaemia is a genetic blood disorder; Genetic blood disorder; Abnormal
hemoglobin shape- Red blood cell distortion; Impacts- Low oxygen-carrying capacity, Chronic anemia,
Painful episodes, Increased risk of infections; Genetic inheritance, No widely available cure; As per
Census 2011, India has an 8.6% tribal population which is 67.8 million across the Indian states; Measures-
National Sickle Cell Anaemia Elimination Mission- eliminate by 2047.
36. Cell Cultivated Meat- United States approval of lab-grown meat; grown in a laboratory setting using
isolated stem cells derived from animals; to replicate and grow into edible meat; the process typically
takes place in bioreactors; The first country to approve the sale of alternative meat was Singapore in
2020; Significance of Cell-Cultivation: Climate mitigation through reduced greenhouse gas emissions,
Efficient land use, requiring significantly less space, Aims to improve animal welfare by minimizing
slaughter, Potential to address future food security needs.
37. mRNA Vaccines- mRNA vaccines work by introducing a piece of mRNA that corresponds to a viral protein;
By using this mRNA, cells can produce the viral protein; Individuals who get an mRNA vaccine are not
exposed to the virus, nor can they become infected with the virus by the vaccine; Adv- speed and
efficiency; Examples- GEMCOVAC-OM, Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna
38. Titanic Submersible- Developed by OceanGate that organizes underwater expeditions; India is going for
Deep See Dive with the Vehicle Matsya-6000 (Deep Sea Mission- DSM) in late 2024 similar to the
Titan submersible; DOM is a mission mode project to support the Blue Economy Initiatives; Submarine:
Larger, independent underwater vehicle with power to depart and return to port. Submersible: Smaller,
less powerful; requires a ship for launch and recovery.
2023 S&T Important Current Affairs Gist Mana La Excellence

39. Coronal Mass Ejection- Eruptions of charged particles and magnetic fields from the solar atmosphere;
Disrupt ground and space-based technologies on Earth. Aditya-L1 with Visible Emission Line Coronagraph
(VELC) to study CMEs; Aims to provide insights into CME thermodynamic properties in the inner corona.
40. Bharat 6G Alliance- is a collaborative platform that aims to drive innovation and collaboration in 6G
technology; The alliance was launched by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT); Govt is planning
a high speed 6G Communication Services by 2030; India’s 6G project will be implemented in two phases,
the first one from 2023 to 2025 and the second one from 2025 to 2030; The Alliance will work on-
Terahertz communication, radio interfaces, tactile internet, artificial intelligence for connected
intelligence, new encoding methods and waveforms chipsets for 6G devices
41. Perseverance Rover- Recently NASA Perseverance rover has discovered evidence of organic compounds
in a Martian crater; Robotic explorer for NASA's Mars 2020 Mission; Objective- Seek signs of ancient life,
collect rock and soil samples; Encase samples in tubes for potential return to Earth; Landed on Mars'
Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, 2021; Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG)-
MMRTG converts plutonium decay heat into electricity.
42. Blue Sky Project- Is a decentralized social media app; Developed parallel to Twitter (Now called as X); It
was launched by Jack Dorsey in 2019; It is based on the Authenticated Transport (AT) protocol; BlueSky
currently allows only a select group to join through invite codes.
43. Superconductivity- Recently a study indicated the possibility of a room-temperature superconductor;
Super Conductivity means zero or near-zero resistance to electric current; Observed at very low
temperatures, close to absolute zero; Characteristics: Zero resistance, Perfect diamagnetism, strong
repulsion of magnetic fields, Meissner effect- Expulsion of magnetic field during superconducting
transition; Applications: Energy transmission, transportation, scientific research, Used in MRI machines
and Maglev trains. Importance of Room Temperature Superconductivity: Achieve superconductivity at
easily attainable temperatures, Transformative advancements in various industries at lower costs.
Challenges: More complex materials, difficult to synthesize and stabilize.
44. Fukushima Radioactive Water release- Japan released contaminated water from Fukushima nuclear
plant into the sea; The water, a byproduct of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, is treated by Tokyo
Electric Power Company (TEPCO) using Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS); It removed many
radioactive materials but not tritium; Tritium concentration is claimed to be within international
standards; The IAEA has given approval ; Japan plans to release water over 30 years, monitoring
radiation, and compensating affected fishers.
45. G20- AMR: - Delhi Declaration Commitments: The G20, including India, pledged to strengthen global
health systems, implement the One Health approach, and prioritize tackling Antimicrobial Resistance
(AMR) through research and development (R&D); Prioritizing AMR through research, infection
prevention, antimicrobial stewardship, and facilitating equitable access to medical countermeasures;
Government initiatives- Free Diagnostic Services and Kayakalp
46. Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Award- The Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Awards are the highest
multidisciplinary science awards in India; named after Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar, the founder and
director of CSIR; The awards aim to recognize outstanding Indian work in science and technology; SSB
Prizes, each valued at Rs 5,00,000, are awarded annually; Eligibility for the award includes Indian citizens
engaged in research in any field of science and technology up to the age of 45, with overseas citizens of
India (OCI) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) working in India also being eligible. (CSIR, established in
1942, is the largest research and development organization in India, with a network of national
2023 S&T Important Current Affairs Gist Mana La Excellence

laboratories, outreach centers, and units across the country. It operates as an autonomous body funded
by the Ministry of Science and Technology.)
47. Space Debris- Uncontrolled re-entry of space debris found on Australian Coast belongs to ISRO’s PSLV;
Means unwanted material orbiting the Earth; Challenges: Collision Risk, Satellite Damage, Safety of
Astronauts, Spacecraft Longevity, Limited Orbital Space, etc; NETRA of ISRO to monitor Space Objects
including Space Debris; In 2024 UN is going to take up issue of Space Debris under Outer Space
Regulation; Kessler Syndrome- Chain reaction of space debris collisions escalating collision risks.
48. Aditya L1 Mission- ISRO launched Aditya L1 Mission- first Solar Mission of India using PSLV C57; Will be
placed (Reached on Jan 6th 2024) at 1.5 million kilometers in halo orbit (Lagrangian point 1 (L1) between
Sun and Earth); ISRO’s second astronomy observatory-class mission after AstroSat (2015); Objective -is
to gain a deeper understanding of the Sun's behavior, including its radiation, heat, particle flow, and
magnetic fields, and how they impact Earth. (Reaches L1 point by Jan 7th 2024)
49. Chandran 3- India's third lunar mission and second attempt at achieving a soft landing; Launched on July
14, 2023 using LVM-III; Soft landed on South Pole of the Moon; Components include a Propulsion
Module, Lander Module (Vikram), and Rover Module (Pragyan); Orbiter of Chandran 2 is used; Major
findings include surprising lunar surface temperatures and confirmation of elements like sulphur,
aluminium, calcium, iron, etc; Impetus to future space programs like Chandrayaan-4, LUPEX, XPoSat,
NISAR, Gaganyaan, Shukrayaan 1, and SPADEX (Chandrayaan-4, aiming for lunar sample return and rover
50. Astrosat- ISRO's AstroSat, launched in 2015, has detected over 600 gamma-ray bursts; Gamma-ray bursts
signify the death of massive stars or neutron star mergers; The first Indian satellite dedicated to
astronomy; The Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager (CZTI) on AstroSat is responsible for the detections.;
AstroSat, exceeded its design life of five years; Gamma-ray bursts are highly energetic, emitting more
energy in seconds than the Sun does in its entire lifetime; AstroSat-2, the successor to AstroSat, is India's
second space observatory mission is pending.
51. Daksha Telescope- Daksha is a proposed space mission to detect X-ray and gamma ray explosions in the
sky. The mission will consist of two satellites in low Earth equatorial orbits, on opposite sides of
Earth. The satellites will be equipped with three types of sensors, covering the energy range from 1 keV
to > 1 MeV.
52. Small Satellite Launch Vehicle- SSLV-D2 was successfully launched; Developed by ISRO; Launch capacity-
500 kilograms to the polar orbit, 500 km above Earth's surface and a 300-km payload into Sun
Synchronous Polar Orbit; Key features of SSLV are low cost, with low turn-around time, flexibility in
accommodating multiple satellites, minimal launch infrastructure requirements (assembled by a small
team in a week, compared to 6 months and 600 people for ISRO’s workhorse PSLV), etc.
53. Hyperloop Technology- IIT Madras' Team Avishkar Shines at European Hyperloop Week 2023; The only
non-European team nominated in various award categories at the competition held in Edinburgh,
Scotland; Team lead, Mr. Siddhant Patole, shared plans for a 350 km-long Hyperloop corridor between
Chennai and Bangalore, aiming to reduce travel time to 30 minutes; Ongoing construction of a 400m
Hyperloop test facility at IIT Madras; Proposed by Elon Musk in 2013, Hyperloop is an ultra-high-speed
ground transportation system using sealed tubes and pods for passenger and cargo; Advantages include
climate-neutral operation, reduced door-to-door travel time, and ultra-high speeds with low energy
consumption; Hyperloop uses magnetic levitation and air pressure to propel pods at high speeds inside
vacuum tubes or loops. Virgin Hyperloop, Hyperloop TT, and a consortium of European and Canadian
companies are major players; Concerns and Challenges- health concerns, collision risks, pod safety, and
2023 S&T Important Current Affairs Gist Mana La Excellence

tunnel decompression; NITI Aayog's recommendation of Hyperloop viability in India, considering foreign
collaborations and indigenous R&D;
54. Battery Energy Storage System- Union Cabinet has approved the Scheme for Viability Gap Funding
(VGF) for the development of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS); Government offers up to 40%
Viability Gap Funding (VGF); Targets harnessing renewable energy for clean, reliable, and affordable
electricity; Minimum 85% BESS project capacity allocated to Distribution Companies (Discoms) for
consumer benefits; Objective: Aims to develop 4,000 MWh of BESS projects by 2030-31; Targets
Levelized Cost of Storage (LCoS) at Rs. 5.50-6.60 per kWh for cost-effective peak power demand
55. Scrub Typhus Disease- Recent cases found in Kerala; Caused by- Orientia tsutsugamushi bacteria; Spread
through bites of infected chiggers (larval mites); Symptoms: Fever, headache, body aches, rash, and
eschar (dark scab at the bite site); Primarily in rural areas of Southeast Asia, Indonesia, China, Japan,
India, and northern Australia; May lead to organ failure, bleeding, and fatality if untreated; No vaccine
available; It will not spread from person to person; India is one of the hotspots with at least 25% of the
disease burden.
56. Super Blue Moon- A rare event illuminated the night sky with a Super Blue Moon on August 30, 2023;
Last occurred in 2009, and the next is expected in 2037; Supermoon: Moon appears larger and brighter
due to close alignment with Earth (perigee); Blue Moon: Second full moon in a month; Effect: Minor tidal
fluctuations, but usually not significant enough to cause major disruptions; Not Blue in Color: Traditional
term for the second full moon; color remains unchanged.
57. Monoclonal Antibodies- India seeks monoclonal antibody doses to combat Nipah virus from Australia;
Laboratory-made proteins acting like natural antibodies; Clones of a single immune cell (B cell),
producing identical antibodies; Highly specific, targeting a particular antigen (virus, bacteria, cancer cell);
Used in treating cancer, autoimmune diseases, and infectious diseases; (Monoclonal antibodies: Clones
binding to one antigen only. Polyclonal antibodies: From different immune cells, binding to multiple
antigens.) Nipah Virus: Zoonotic, transmitted from animals (fruit bats) to humans; Caused by RNA virus,
Paramyxoviridae family, Henipavirus genus; First outbreak in Malaysia and Singapore in 1998-1999;
Spread: Through fruit bats, natural reservoir hosts for Nipah and Hendra viruses; Symptoms- Encephalitic
syndrome with fever, headache, drowsiness, confusion, coma; Mortality rate ranges from 40% to 70%;
Vaccine- No approved vaccine
58. Nobel Prizes- Physics: Laureates: Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, Anne L’Huillier Achievement:
Experimental methods generating attosecond pulses of light for studying electron dynamics in matter;
Chemistry: Laureates: Moungi G. Bawendi, Louis E. Brus, Aleksey I. Yekimov; Discovery: Quantum dots'
discovery and synthesis, impacting nanotechnology and lighting applications. Physiology or Medicine:
Laureates: Katalin Karikó, Drew Weissman; Contribution: Discoveries enabling the development of
effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.
59. Malaria Vaccine (Matrix – M/ R21)- WHO Recommends R21/Matrix-M Malaria Vaccine developed by
University of Oxford and Serum Institute of India; Matrix-M adjuvant (Adjuvant is a vaccine ingredient
enhancing immune response;), derived from Chilean Quillaja saponaria tree bark, is used in R21/Matrix-
M; WHO reported 247 million malaria cases in 2021; High prevalence in tropical countries, with Nigeria,
DRC, Tanzania, and Niger having significant death rates; WHO recommends R21/Matrix-M and
RTS,S/AS01 vaccines; Focus on children in regions with moderate to high P. falciparum transmission;
Elimination Strategies: WHO Global Technical Strategy aims at reducing incidence and mortality rates by
at least 90% by 2030; India's National Framework for Malaria Elimination (2016-2030) and Malaria
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Elimination Research Alliance-India (MERA-India) contribute to global efforts. (Malaria- Caused by:
Plasmodium parasite transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes; Species: P. falciparum (deadliest), P. vivax
(dominant outside Africa), P. malariae, P. ovale, P. knowlesi; Symptoms: Mild (fever, headache), Severe
(fatigue, confusion, seizures, difficulty breathing).)
60. Ghost Particle- Scientists have recently detected these elusive neutrinos, providing a new understanding
of our galaxy called Ghost Particles; Tiny ghost particles, neutrinos, barely interact, elusive, originate
from diverse processes, denoted as Greek symbol ν (nu); part of lepton family (with electrons, muons,
tau particles); no electrical charge, very small mass, incredibly abundant (100 trillion pass through the
body every second), interact only with gravity and weak force, exist in different flavors, masses, and
energies; Antiparticle in quantum theory: Each particle has an antiparticle with the same mass but
opposite charges. Example: The positron is the antiparticle of the electron.
61. Starship- Starship and Super Heavy collectively form SpaceX's next-gen launch system; Designed for
crewed and cargo missions to Earth's orbit, Moon, Mars, and beyond; Starship spacecraft: 50m tall, 9m
wide, payload capacity 100-150 tonnes; Raptor Vacuum (RVac) engines enhance efficiency in space with
larger expansion nozzle; Starship's potential: payload up to 150 metric tonnes in fully reusable mode,
250 metric tonnes expendable; Represents a powerful and versatile launch system for various space
62. Deepfakes- Deepfake videos, created using AI; Generated by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs),
involving a generator and discriminator; Positive applications include voice restoration, historical figure
recreation, and medical training; Concerns: Spreading fake news, influencing elections, blackmail, non-
consensual content creation; Detection methods: Visual/audio inconsistency checks, reverse image
search, AI-based analysis; Global approaches: EU Code of Practice, US Deepfake Task Force Act, China's
deep synthesis regulation; India lacks specific deepfake regulations, relies on existing laws like IT Act,
Penal Code, Data Protection Act. (Deep Fake involves swapping and Manipulation; Morphing doesn’t use
AI , uses only swapping)
63. Carbon Capture Storage Technology- The UK government reaffirms commitment to carbon capture and
storage (CCS) for net-zero emissions. CCS aims to mitigate CO2 emissions from industrial processes and
fossil fuel burning; Two primary approaches: point-source CCS (capturing at production sites) and direct
air capture (removing emitted CO2); Recent UK initiatives focus on point-source CCS, involving capture,
compression, transportation, and injection into geological formations; Applications- mineralization for
carbon storage, production of synthetic fuels, use in greenhouses, and dry ice production; India commits
to reducing Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45% by 2030 in line with its Nationally Determined
64. Nuralink- USFDA approval for Neuralink's Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) clinical trials; Founded in 2016
by Elon Musk and engineers; Implantable BCI enables direct communication between the human brain
and external devices, involving surgical implantation of a chip with electrodes; Aims to aid disabled
patients, restore vision, and enable neural signal transmission to devices; Goals include controlling
devices with thoughts, restoring neural activity, and curing neurological conditions.
65. Respiratory Illness, China- WHO requested detailed report from China ; The outbreak, possibly caused
by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, shows an unusually rapid spread among children since mid-October; WHO
recommends measures in China, including distancing, staying home when ill, testing, mask-wearing,
ventilation, and handwashing; Mycoplasma pneumoniae causes respiratory infections like pneumonia,
bronchitis, and pharyngitis; Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue, and muscle
aches; Spread through respiratory droplets, even by asymptomatic individuals, with a higher risk in
2023 S&T Important Current Affairs Gist Mana La Excellence

crowded settings; Diagnosis involves clinical assessment, blood tests, sputum tests, and chest X-rays;
Treatment with antibiotics (macrolides, tetracyclines, or fluoroquinolones) and supportive care.
66. Chikungunya Vaccine- The USA FDA approves the world's first chikungunya vaccine, named Ixchiq;
Developed by Valneva; Administered as a single-dose injection into the muscle; Contains a live,
weakened version of the chikungunya virus, potentially causing mild symptoms; Approved for individuals
18 years and older at increased risk of exposure to the virus; The National Vector Borne Disease Control
Programme (NVBDCP) in India addresses vector-borne diseases, including chikungunya. (Chikungunya is
a mosquito-borne viral disease-causing fever and severe joint pain. Transmitted by infected female
mosquitoes, primarily Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Common in Africa, Asia, and the Americas,
with sporadic outbreaks in other regions. No cure for chikungunya; treatment focuses on symptomatic
relief. Prevention involves mosquito control, public health outreach, and eliminating mosquito breeding
67. Global Biofuel Alliance- An India-led initiative formed at the G20 summit in New Delhi; Aims to promote
the adoption of biofuels through collaboration among governments, international organizations, and
industry; 19 countries and 12 international organizations support the GBA; Biofuels are hydrocarbon
fuels produced from organic matter (living or once living material) in a short period; 3 types- solid, liquid,
or gaseous; Indian initiatives to promote Biofuels- the Pradhan Mantri JI-VAN Yojana, Ethanol Blending,
GOBAR DHAN scheme, RUCO, and the National Policy on Biofuels; Global initiatives - Roundtable on
Sustainable Biomaterials, Sustainable Biofuels Consensus, and Bonsucro.
68. Green Hydrogen Standard- Hydrogen produced using renewables is green hydrogen; The Ministry of
New & Renewable Energy has defined (both electrolysis-based and biomass-based hydrogen production
methods) Green Hydrogen as having a well-to-gate emission (i.e., including water treatment,
electrolysis, gas purification, drying and compression of hydrogen) of not more than 2 kg CO2 equivalent
/ kg H2; The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power shall be the Nodal Authority for
accreditation of agencies for the monitoring, verification and certification for Green Hydrogen
production projects.
69. Green Ammonia- VOC Port in Tamil Nadu handles first green ammonia imported in India; Green
ammonia produced through renewable, carbon-free methods. Production involves hydrogen from water
electrolysis and nitrogen from the air. Haber process combines hydrogen and nitrogen to produce
ammonia. Ammonia serves as an ideal chemical store for renewable energy. Can be used as a zero-
carbon fuel, producing only water and nitrogen. Potential adoption in the maritime industry for marine
engine use. Direct replacement for grey ammonia in fertilizer plants.
70. Global Health Threat- Loneliness- WHO has declared loneliness a severe global health threat; It has
launched an international commission to address loneliness; increased risks
of dementia and cardiovascular diseases in lonely older adults, with 5-15% of adolescents experiencing
71. Artificial Rain- Delhi has planned to induce artificial rains to combat rising air pollution; Cloud seeding is
the artificial method used to increase rainfall by introducing substances like silver iodide, potassium
iodide, and dry ice into clouds; Accelerates the coalescence of droplets in liquid clouds (hygroscopic cloud
seeding) or induce ice production in supercooled clouds (glaciogenic cloud seeding); The chemicals used
in cloud seeding serve as efficient cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) or ice nuclei, promoting precipitation;
Purpose- reducing drought impact, preventing forest fires, increasing precipitation, and enhancing air
quality; In a cloud seeding experiment in Solapur city, there was an 18% relative enhancement in rainfall.
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72. S&T PRISM Program- PRISM (Promoting Innovations in Individuals, Startups and MSMEs) - by the
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR); Aimed at transforming individual innovators in
India into successful technopreneurs by supporting and funding implementable and commercially viable
innovations; Implemented across various sectors such as energy, healthcare, waste management, and
more; Grant given in two phases: Phase I (Rs. 2.0 lakhs to Rs. 20.00 lakhs) and Phase II (maximum of Rs.
50.00 lakhs); DSIR-PRISM aligns with national initiatives like Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA), RuTAG (Rural
Technology Action Group), and Smart India Hackathon (SIH); Aims to foster inclusive innovations,
generate rural livelihoods, and promote socio-economic benefits.
73. Tantalum- Researchers from IIT-Ropar discovered tantalum in Punjab's soil in the Sutlej River Basin;
Reason- Movement of tectonic plates in the Himalayan region; Tantalum, with atomic number 73, is a
rare metal crucial in electronics and semiconductors, known for its density, hardness, and exceptional
corrosion resistance.
74. OpenAI- Artificial Intelligence- Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, was fired for alleged communication issues
with the board , later was reinstated; OpenAI, founded in 2015, aims to develop safe and beneficial
artificial general intelligence (AGI) for humanity's benefit; OpenAI's Project Q* is an AI breakthrough
showcasing advanced reasoning capabilities similar to humans; Step towards achieving Artificial General
Intelligence (AGI; AGI refers to AI with human-like cognitive abilities, capable of understanding, learning,
and applying knowledge across various domains.
75. Cryonics- Cryonics is the speculative practice of preserving deceased individuals at very low
temperatures with the hope of future revival; The process involves rapid cooling and storing in liquid
nitrogen to halt metabolic processes; Aimed at potential future medical advancements that could cure
the cause of death or rejuvenate the preserved body.; Highly controversial with skepticism from the
scientific community due to concerns about cell damage and lack of evidence; Faces legal and ethical
challenges, including consent and the definition of death.
76. KAVACH System- Recent Odisha revealed absence of Kavach on trains involved; Kavach System is a safety
technology for trains; Developed by RDSO in collaboration with private companies; Uses electronic
devices and radio frequencies for communication; Controls brakes, alerts drivers, and stops trains
automatically for safety; Aims to prevent collisions, over-speeding, and assists in low visibility.
77. Artemis Accords- India decided to join Artemis Accords during the Prime Minister's U.S. visit; Artemis
Accords: Started by the U.S. and NASA in 2020, with countries like Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, etc;
Follows the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, emphasizing peaceful space use; India is the 27th country to
sign the Artemis Accords. Artemis-I: Unmanned moon mission launched in 2022. Artemis-II: Crewed lunar
flyby in 2024. Artemis-III: Human return to the moon in 2025, including lunar landing. Lunar Gateway
Station: Planned for 2029 as a docking point for astronauts; Benefits to India- access to training,
technology, and scientific opportunities, aiding the advancement of lunar exploration, supporting
78. Moon Mining- Moon moderates Earth's wobble and causes tides, formed from a collision 4.5 billion years
ago; Moon Resources: Water: Detected in 2008, crucial for life and potential rocket fuel. Helium-3: Rare
isotope for nuclear energy (1 million tonnes estimated). Rare Earth Metals: Present, including scandium,
yttrium, and lanthanides. Treaties: Outer Space Treaty (1966): No sovereignty claims, exploration for all.
Moon Agreement (1979): Moon not property of any entity. Artemis Accords (2020): Safety zones on the
moon; not universally adopted; India joins Artemis Accords, collaborating on lunar exploration.
79. LUPEX Mission- Joint effort by JAXA (Japan) and ISRO (India) for Lunar Polar Exploration Mission (LUPEX)
scheduled for launch in 2025.; Objectives - assessing lunar base feasibility, studying water ice presence,
2023 S&T Important Current Affairs Gist Mana La Excellence

and exploring surface technologies; Development split between JAXA (rover) and ISRO (lander);
International collaboration with NASA and ESA instruments onboard; PRL proposes instruments. Key
instruments: PRATHIMA for detecting water-ice and LEDEX for studying charged dust particles; Mission
aims to provide insights into the lunar polar region and inform future human exploration.
80. ITER India- The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is a seven-nation project; Also
known as Project Miniature Sun; A tokamak-based experimental fusion reactor ; It is to produce energy
using Nuclear Fusion; India holds a 10% stake; first phase of commissioning is expected in 2028; ITER-
India is a special project under Institute for Plasma Research; It is governed under Department of Atomic
Energy (DAE); India became 7th of ITER in December 2005; ITER-India is the Indian Domestic Agency to
design, build and deliver the Indian in-kind contribution to ITER; World's largest and heaviest component,
the cryostat, made of steel and weighing 3,400 tonnes is delivered along with the water cooling and heat
rejection system, in-wall shielding, and cryo lines and cryo distribution system to ITER by India. (A
tokamak is a magnetic confinement device designed to generate energy through nuclear fusion by
confining plasma in a torus shape using a magnetic field.)
81. Nuclear Fusion- US: Scientists achieve net energy gain from nuclear fusion reaction for second time;
fusion is a process where two atomic nuclei combine to create a single, heavier nucleus; The same fusion
reaction powers the sun and stars; Potential - produces unlimited, clean energy without the issues
associated with radioactive waste or the risk of meltdowns;
82. New Space Port of India- India is establishing a new spaceport in Kulasekarapattinam, Tamil Nadu;
Purpose- to launch Small Satellite Launch Vehicles (SSLV); The spaceport will be open for use by Non-
Government Entities (NGEs) in accordance with technical and safety requirements outlined in the Indian
Space Policy 2023; The Indian government has created the Indian National Space Promotion and
Authorization Centre (IN-SPACe) to serve as a single-window agency for facilitating and authorizing the
space activities of NGEs; It helps in avoiding Dog Leg Maneuverer (a sharp turn or bend in a satellite's
launch trajectory to avoid collisions or debris from falling into populated areas) over SriLanka and can
directly place the Satellites into Polar Orbit.
83. BPaL Regimen- BPaL is a novel treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) using three drugs:
bedaquiline, pretomanid, and linezolid; Unlike traditional DR-TB treatments lasting 18 months, BPaL is a
shorter regimen, spanning just 26 weeks; BPaL specifically targets drug-resistant tuberculosis, especially
for patients with pre-XDR TB or those unresponsive to multidrug-resistant (MDR) pulmonary TB
treatment; India conducts a randomized phase-3/4 trial with 400 participants across eight locations to
evaluate BPaL's effectiveness.
84. Vector Borne Diseases- Vector-borne diseases are caused by pathogens transmitted to humans by
vectors like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas; Common vector-borne diseases include Malaria, Dengue,
Chikungunya, Yellow fever, Zika Virus, Lyme disease, West Nile virus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever,
Chagas disease, and Leishmaniasis; The National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) is
a centrally sponsored scheme by the Government of India (2003). Objective- to prevent and control six
major vector-borne diseases- Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Japanese Encephalitis, Kala-azar, and
Lymphatic Filariasis.
85. Attoseconds- Three scientists were awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics for their experimental
methods in generating attosecond pulses; An attosecond is one-billionth of a nanosecond. Attosecond
physics provides a way to directly observe the ultra-fast dynamics of electrons, allowing a deeper
understanding of electron-governed mechanisms. In medical diagnostics, attosecond pulses can be
employed to detect specific molecules based on their fleeting signatures, demonstrating potential
2023 S&T Important Current Affairs Gist Mana La Excellence

applications beyond fundamental research; Attosecond lasers have many applications,

including: Tracking chemical reactions; Controlling chemical reactions, Imaging ultrafast processes,
Developing materials, Developing ultrafast electronics, Drug discovery
86. Quantum Dots- Quantum dots (QDs) are nano materials with size-dependent properties; Composed of
substances like cadmium selenide; Applications- displays, medical imaging, solar cells, LED lighting,
quantum computing, and cancer detection. Concerns - toxicity (cadmium), environmental impact, health
risks, manufacturing challenges, privacy issues, and evolving regulatory oversight.
87. XPoSAT- India's first dedicated polarimetry mission for studying bright astronomical X-ray sources.
Carries two payloads: POLIX (Polarimeter) and XSPECT (Spectroscopy and Timing). Will be launched using
PSLV; Planned lifetime of approximately 5 years. POLIX expected to observe about 40 bright astronomical
sources. Applications: Observes various sources like X-ray pulsars, black hole binaries, low-magnetic field
neutron stars, AGNs, and Magnetars.
88. NISAR Launch in 2024- Jointly developed by NASA and ISRO, NISAR (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture
Radar) is an Earth-observation satellite; Aims to study Earth's dynamic land and ice surfaces in detail;
Developed by Jet Propulsion Laboratories and ISRO, featuring L-Band and S-Band SAR payloads; NASA
provides L-Band SAR, engineering payloads, and shared components; Applications- geosciences
phenomena, characterize carbon emissions, monitor Earth changes, and track coastal and sea variations.
89. Functional Foods- products that offer health benefits beyond basic nutrition, often containing added
ingredients with specific physiological functions, promoting well-being and reducing the risk of chronic
diseases when consumed as part of a balanced diet; Functional foods may include Conventional foods
such as grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts, and modified foods such as yogurt, cereals and orange juice;
They offer health benefits, aiding disease prevention and promoting well-being. For farmers, functional
foods present an income-boosting opportunity, contributing to food security.
90. Wolbachia Bacteria - Special mosquitoes being bred to fight dengue; Wolbachia, occurring in many
insects, spiders, and nematodes, has disease control properties; Wolbachia has shown the ability to
reduce the multiplication rate of viruses like chikungunya and yellow fever in mosquitoes; Cross-breeding
local Aedes aegypti mosquitoes (disease carriers) with Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes from Australia's
Monash University- Successfully implemented during a dengue outbreak in Australia's Queensland.
Wolbachia competes with viruses in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, hindering virus reproduction. Reduces
the likelihood of mosquitoes transmitting diseases like dengue, Zika, chikungunya, and yellow fever.
91. Deep Ocean Mission- Deep Ocean Mission (DOM): Led by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, DOM aims to
explore the largely uncharted deep ocean for scientific and economic gains; Samudrayaan - Flagship
mission targeting 6,000 meters depth in the Central Indian Ocean. Matsya6000: Deep-ocean submersible
constructed from a titanium alloy to withstand pressures of up to 6,000 bar. Varaha: Deep-ocean mining
system with successful trials at 5,270 meters in the central Indian Ocean; The 'Decade of Ocean Science'
(2021-2030) declared by the United Nations aligns with the mission.
92. AI Safety Summit- World’s first-ever AI Safety Summit was held at Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire
near London (United Kingdom); 27 Countries including India participated; Agreed on Bletchley
Declaration- establishing shared agreement and responsibility on the risks, opportunities and a forward
process for international collaboration on frontier AI safety and research.
93. Multimodal AI- Processes multiple data types simultaneously such as text, images, video, etc for
comprehensive understanding; Applications in image captioning, virtual assistants, etc; Relies on deep
learning; Integrates computer vision, NLP, and speech recognition; Enables more natural
communication; Challenges - data heterogeneity and model scalability, etc
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94. Wifi7 Technology- Wi-Fi 7 is the next-generation Wi-Fi standard to be launched; Based on IEEE 802.11be
— extremely high throughput (EHT); Characteristics- Offers faster speeds and increased capacity,
Operates on the 6 GHz frequency band, Supports multi-user multiple input, multiple output (MU-MIMO)
technology, Enhances performance in crowded environments, Enables low-latency, high-bandwidth
applications, Expected to facilitate advancements in IoT, AR/VR, and streaming; Complements 5G
connectivity for seamless wireless experiences
95. Epigenetics- Study of heritable changes in gene expression, doesn’t involve alterations to DNA sequence;
Influenced by environment, lifestyle, and experiences; Mechanisms include DNA methylation and
histone modification; Plays a role in development, disease, and aging; Can be affected by nutrition,
stress, and chemical exposures; Provides insights into gene regulation and personalized medicine
96. CAR T Cell Therapy (NexCAR19)- NexCAR19 is the result of collaboration between IIT Bombay and Tata
Memorial Centre (TMC). Approval by Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSO) ; CAR-T cell
therapy is a personalized cancer treatment; involves modifying a patient's T-cells to attack tumours.; T-
cells are harvested from the patient's blood and engineered in the lab to express chimeric antigen
receptors (CARs). These CAR T-cells are infused back into the patient's bloodstream; CAR T-cells recognize
specific proteins on tumour cells, leading to their destruction.; NexCAR19 is an indigenous CD19-targeted
CAR-T cell therapy developed in India. CD-19 is a biomarker for B lymphocytes and is targeted in
leukaemia immunotherapies. (Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill rapidly dividing cells, affecting both
cancerous and healthy cells. CAR-T therapy requires fewer treatments and offers a more personalized
approach, chemotherapy follows a standardized treatment protocol and often involves multiple cycles
over an extended period.)
97. Global Innovation Index 2023- India (40th rank); India climbs from 81st spot in 2015. Published by- WIPO:
Global forum for Intellectual Property. 7 Parameters – 1. Institutions 2. Human Capital and Research 3.
Infrastructure 4. Market Sophistication 5. Business Sophistication 6. Knowledge and Technology Outputs
7. Creative Outputs; Switzerland tops innovation rankings.; India leads among lower-middle-income
countries. India has 4 S&T clusters in top 100; Initiatives: Digital India, UPI, National Education Policy,
Atal Tinkering labs (NITI Aayog), etc
98. NASA’s INFUSE Mission- Integral Field Ultraviolet Spectroscope Experiment (INFUSE) mission launched
by NASA; To study the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant.; Cygnus Loop: 20,000-year-old remnant, 2,600
light-years away; Aims to deepen understanding of new star system formation. (Supernovae: Spectacular
and powerful stellar explosions- Type I (result from white dwarf explosion) and Type II (occur in massive
stars; Significance- Disperses heavy elements into interstellar medium. Contributes to star, planet, and
life formation. Influences galaxy chemical composition and cosmic evolution.).
99. E- Cigarettes- WHO calls for urgent action to protect children from e-cigarettes. Usage rates among
children aged 13-15 surpass adults globally. The Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes (Production,
Manufacture, Import, Export, Transport, Sale, Distribution, Storage and Advertisement) Act, (PECA) 2019
banned e-cigarette in India. E-cigarettes contain nicotine and harmful substances, posing health risks.
Easily available despite bans, marketed with attractive flavors and designs. (Vaping vs Smoking)
100. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) - includes direct identifiers like passport information and
quasi-identifiers that, when combined, can reveal a person’s identity; Compromised data involves
Aadhaar numbers, voter IDs, and driving license records. Surge in cyberattacks in India raises risks of
identity theft and financial crimes.
101. ‘Mika’- Becomes World’s First AI Human-Like Robot CEO; Hanson Robotics and Dictador, a Polish run
company, have appointed the world’s first humanoid robot CEO named Mika.
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102. Krutriyam AI- Krutrim SI Designs, founded by Bhavish Aggrawal, introduces multilingual AI models
tailored for the Indian ecosystem. Models named Krutrim Pro, emphasizing cultural connect and
accessibility at India-first cost structures. Krutrim comes in two sizes: base model trained on 2 trillion
tokens and larger Krutrim Pro with advanced capabilities. Focus on India-specific training data, cultural
context, and cost considerations for successful AI implementation. Capable of understanding and
generating content in 22 Indian languages, covering languages like Marathi, Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, etc.
103. Bhashini AI- PM Modi utilizes 'Bhashini', a govt-developed AI language tool, for real-time translation
during a speech in Uttar Pradesh. 'Bhashini' facilitates communication across diverse linguistic
communities in India. Developed by the government, 'Bhashini' draws on open-source language datasets
contributed by tens of thousands of individuals. 'Bhashini' operates as an AI-driven language translation
system, available through dedicated Android and iOS apps. 'Bhashini' encourages diverse contributions
through crowdsourcing initiatives like Suno India, Bolo India, Likho India, and Dekho India.
104. Smishing- Indian government alerts public about rising threat of "Smishing," a combination of SMS
and Phishing. Smishing involves deceptive text messages posing as trusted sources to extract sensitive
information. Victims urged to report incidents promptly to mitigate impact. Precautionary measures
include refraining from clicking on suspicious links and avoiding sharing personal information via
unsolicited text messages
105. Kakrapar Atomic Power Project's Unit-4- achieves criticality (is a state in a nuclear reactor when the
number of neutrons produced is equal to the number absorbed. This means that a reactor is operating
at a steady-state, self-sustaining chain reaction); adherence to stringent safety standards set by the
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB). Unit-4 is part of the project to deploy sixteen indigenous
Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWR) of 700 MW each across India. KAPP 3&4 situated at Kakrapar
in Gujarat, adjacent to existing reactors, with advanced safety features; managed by NPCIL. NPCIL
operates 23 reactors with 7480 MW capacity and has nine units under construction, with plans for 10
more reactors by 2031-32, emphasizing India's leadership in nuclear power technology.
106. Mosquito fish- Various regions in Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, and Punjab released mosquitofish to
combat mosquito menace. Introduced to control mosquito larvae, Gambusia fish became invasive
species. Mosquitofish disrupt native fish communities, threaten biodiversity, and may lead to species
extinction. WHO stopped recommending Gambusia for mosquito control, and India designated it as an
invasive species. Gene drive technology and genetically modified mosquitoes offer alternative control
methods. Way forward- Focus on improved sanitation, integrated vector management, and community
engagement for effective mosquito and disease control.
107. Fibre optic communication and quantum optics- increasing demand for high-speed internet
connections due to digitisation. Fiber Optics: Fiber optics is a technology that uses thin, flexible fibers
made of glass or plastic to transmit light signals over long distances. It is widely used in
telecommunications, internet connectivity, and data transmission due to its high bandwidth, low signal
loss, and immunity to electromagnetic interference (Compared to Traditional Copper Wire Cables).
Quantum Optics: Quantum optics is the field of physics that studies the interaction between light and
matter at the quantum level. It explores phenomena such as the emission, absorption, and scattering of
light by atoms and molecules, as well as quantum effects like entanglement and superposition in optical
108. CRISPR Therapeutics- Approval of CRISPR-based therapies for sickle-cell disease and β-thalassemia
in the U.K. and the US. CRISPR technology, initially a bacterial defence mechanism, has evolved for
precise genome editing in eukaryotic cells. Casgevy, the approved therapy, corrects genetic defects in
2023 S&T Important Current Affairs Gist Mana La Excellence

blood stem cells, potentially curing the disorders. New CRISPR techniques like base-editing and prime
editing allow for precise genome modifications. Challenges include safety concerns like off-target effects
and the need to balance risks and benefits.

Generative AI Tools- BharatGPT, Krutriyam- Indian GPTs

Famous Examples-
1. GPT-4: Advanced natural language processing model by OpenAI, adept at generating coherent and
contextually relevant text for various industries.
2. ChatGPT: AI model specializing in engaging and contextually aware conversation, ideal for customer
service and virtual assistant applications.
3. AlphaCode: Tool for generating code snippets, accelerating coding tasks and aiding developers in
overcoming challenges.
4. GitHub Copilot: AI-powered coding assistant that understands developer intent and provides real-
time suggestions, enhancing collaboration and efficiency in software development.
5. Bard: Generative AI tool for crafting engaging narratives, useful in content creation across marketing,
storytelling, and entertainment domains.
6. Cohere Generate: AI tool for content summarization and generation, valuable for distilling complex
information into concise summaries in industries like journalism and research.
7. Claude: AI tool for graphic design and visual content creation, assisting designers in generating
visually stunning graphics, illustrations, and designs.
8. Synthesia: AI-driven video production platform enabling the creation of lifelike video content without
on-screen talent, with applications in marketing and content creation.
9. DALL-E 2: Advanced image generation tool that creates diverse and high-quality images based on
textual descriptions, useful for artists, designers, and marketers.
10. StyleGAN: Image synthesis tool known for generating high-resolution, realistic images with fine
details and diverse styles, popular in fashion, entertainment, and advertising industries.
11. Bardeen: AI tool catering to the scientific community by simulating and generating data for
experiments, contributing to scientific discovery across various disciplines.
12. Text generation tool assisting in marketing and content creation by crafting compelling
narratives and ad copies.
13. Content optimization tool rewriting existing content to improve online presence and
search engine visibility.
14. Descript: Audio editing and transcription platform simplifying the audio production process for
podcasters, content creators, and audio professionals.
15. Type Studio: Video editing tool enhancing video content with text overlays, captions, and animations,
enabling creators to produce engaging and accessible videos.

All The Best

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