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About the Author

It is a great privilege to write about Rev Enittah Nyoni whom I have known as
my personal mentor, my confidante, my mother and my friend. Having
received theological training at the same college, I have observed her healing
ministry grow. Rev Nyoni is a living testimony of the power of healing in the
name of Jesus. At 17 years of age she was diagnosed of a serious heart
condition and the doctors and the machines demarcated her life span to about
30, years God willing. This was miraculously turned around in the name of
Jesus and she is in her sixties. God blessed her with 5 children, 4 children- in-
law and 5 grand children by the time the book was written. To God be the

This book on miracles in the name of Jesus is long overdue. Many people will
definitely benefit immensely from it. Rev Enittah is married to Rev Lenson C
Nyoni, a Lutheran pastor who is rich in knowledge and wisdom. He is the
personal mentor to his wife, a fact which is very amazing and encouraging to
all young couples. Rev Enittah is also an author of over 45 books, a powerful
conference facilitator, a preacher and counsellor for people of all ages and all
walks of life. She has ministered for a long time within the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe, in other denominations and ministries and in
other countries. Therefore, MIRACLES IN THE NAME OF JESUS is a must read
book and a shelf holder in our households.

Rev Tinevimbo Shumba

By Rev. Enittah Nyoni
Deliverance publications
Copyright @2019 Enittah Nyoni
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without
permission in writing from the publisher and the Author.
ISBN: 978-1-77906-154-6
EAN: 9781779061546
Published by Rev Lenson and Rev Enittah Nyoni
Printed by Swazilitho {0292265191}
Postal address
House no 5304
Mkoba 15
Rev Enittah Nyoni 263713156720/ 0775038803/ 0713051674
Email revenyoni@gmail.com
Rev Lenson Nyoni 263712083127/ 0782633521
Email rev.lensonnyoni@gmail
Residential address
Northfield farm
Subdivision 2

To everyone who is going to read this book may the message in these papers
change all your burdens into blessings in the Name of Jesus. May the Holy
Spirit lead you as you go about your daily duties all the days of your lives.

It is indeed a great honour and privilege for me to acknowledge that the

author of the book “MIRACLES IN THE NAME OF JESUS,” despite being my
mother-in-law has impacted my life as my spiritual mentor, a role model and
an advisor. From the time I have known her spanning over 15 years, she has
dedicated herself to the Ministry of the Lord Jesus. She has allowed the Lord
Jesus to use her as a vessel of honour in the areas of preaching, counseling,
praying for the sick and writing gospel books.

The critical success factor in her Ministry is hinged in the consistent humility
she has exhibited in seeking the Lord’s guidance through prayer and fasting.
Loom Hunter, a healing Evangelist once said, “Information without revelation
breeds limitation”. It is in this regard that Rev E Nyoni’s profound approach
to prayer and fasting has resulted in many testimonies including those
recorded in this book. Many people have experienced the power of God in
various facets of their lives through her Ministry.

As our Lord Jesus said in the book of Mark,

“These signs shall follow them that believe in my name, they shall cast out
devils, they shall speak in tongues, they shall take up serpents and if they
drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them. They shall lay hands on the sick
and they shall recover” (Mark 16 : 17).

This healing grace is given to all believers but what limits its manifestation in
other people is unbelief. In spite of the fact that we minister in the Lord’s
vineyard in different ways, I strongly believe that God has afforded Rev E
Nyoni with the grace to impart her ministry with a profound writing backup
system. Hence the publication of this book “MIRACLES IN THE NAME OF

I therefore urge you to grab a copy of this spiritual masterpiece and

experience a personal encounter with our miracle working God because,

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13 verse

The same miracles he performed during his ministry on earth, he can still do
them today only if we believe.
As you read this book, may his abundant grace usher you into a deeper
revelation of his unlimited ability.

Enormous Zhou





Chapter 1

In my Jerusalem

Chapter 2

Raised from the Dead

Chapter 3

A few cancer cases

Chapter 4

Miracle babies

Chapter 5

Talking to unborn babies

Chapter 6

Bleeding cases

Chapter 7

Healing over the phone

Chapter 8

Some powerful testimonies

Chapter 9

Dealing with demonic powers

Chapter 10

Praying for your own miracle


Other books by Rev E Nyoni


Let me thank God who has placed the gift of writing in my hands. Rev
Lenson Cake Nyoni, my beloved husband thank you for editing every book
that I have written. May God reward you abundantly. Rev Betty Mpofu, Rev
Lovemore Chabata and Gweru West ELCZ parish members of that time, thank
you for your intercession and moral support. May God bless you. The people
whose miracles are recorded in this book May God continue to help you as
you face everyday challenges. Your faith has enabled me to have what to
record. Mr. Enormous and Mrs. Rejoice Zhou, thank you for hosting me
during the shutdown that began on 14 January 2019. It was during this
period that this book was hand written in Gwabalanda Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
May god bless you abundantly. For the initial typing Rev Tinevimbo Shumba,
for the typesetting Ms Lorrain Ncube, for the cover design Mr Ivin Mataka,
for the printing, the Swazy Litho team (Aaron Mataka, Michael Marambidze,
Honoured Moyo, Sheila Vanheerden, and Mrs Fadzai M Chifamba, God bless
you. Sr Benardette Chabongora God bless you for the deliverance literature
you brought to my attention. Finally I thank the late Rev Obert Shiri
Chikumira for mentoring me in the area of healing and counselling.

A miracle in simple terms is something wonderful and surprising that you

cannot explain scientifically or medically. All one can say is that it is
supernatural. It is beyond our ordinary human comprehension. Our Lord
Jesus did perform lots of miracles while he was still on earth. He changed
water into wine (John 2 verse 9). He raised some people from death, for
example Lazarus (John 11 verse 43 – 44). Many of such miracles are
recorded in the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Now when he went up to heaven, he assigned his followers to do the same

and to do more miracles than him.

“I tell you for certain that if you have faith in me, you will do the same things
as I am doing you will do even greater things now that I am going to the
father (John 14 verse 12).

Jesus promised to answer our prayers and he promised to give us constant

help by the presence of the Holy Spirit. The apostles followed Jesus’ words
and did many miracles in the name of Jesus. The Acts of the Apostles has the
record. Early Christians kept the fire burning right up to the present
generation. I am one person who believes that greater things can be done in
our generation in the name of Jesus. Many miracles are happening in the
name of Jesus all over the world. I believe that I have something to
contribute in this area because I have seen, performed and heard of many
miracles in our times. I also believe that these miracles are latent sermons
that will bring many people to our Lord Jesus Christ. I have seen much but I
will record only a few cases like what John says,

“Jesus did many other things. If they were all written in books, I don’t
suppose there would be room enough in the whole world for all the
books”(John 21 verse 25).

Again like John the baptist, I recorded these few miracles for the glory of the
Name of Jesus and not mine.

“Jesus must become more important while I become less important” (John 3
verse 30).
I say so because I am a servant of our Lord Jesus and I have to spread the
gospel in every way possible in my generation. Paul describes himself as one
who keeps confidential information for Jesus for the glory of the kingdom.

“Think of us as servants of Christ who have been given the work of

explaining God’s mysterious ways (I Corinthians 4 verse 1 contemporary
English version).

So in this book I will write down the record of some miracles in my family
and in the lives of other people. I have used real names where the owners
have given me permission and other names where the owners told me to do
so. I have grouped the miracles according to their similarities where
possible; miracles in my immediate family, miracles in cancer cases, miracles
of those who rose from the dead and so on. I feel very humbled to have lived
this long enough to have time to see these miracles in the name of Jesus.
Note that when you see “Kkkkkkk”, I will be registering my joyous laughter.
You can join me if you want. Well, the introduction cannot say everything.
Let us move on to Chapter I “In My Jerusalem”.


All I mean about my Jerusalem is my immediate family. Let me start with my


Rev Lenson Nyoni.

Rev Nyoni was born some 75 years ago as I write this book. His brother says
it was on 16 December 1944. He was born at home and he was very small
that most elderly women and men concluded that he was a hopeless
premature baby that should be thrown away. One of her Aunties, Maria
Magdarene, nicknamed Vadyaku, who was a Christian pleaded with the
group that baby Lenson be kept for a few days more. Baby Lenson did not
die but he was still too small for their liking. On a stated date he was put in
the hot sun to see if he would still live. Baby Lenson did not die. Glory to the
King Jesus!

Then the parents and relatives gave him a name “Ucakheleni” meaning (why
are you this thin and small). To shorten this historic sentence, they called
him Cake. Those who saw the written name read it in English as a cake to be
eaten. Later in life he was baptised Lenson. Many people have known him
as Reverend L C Nyoni. He is the first son who bought and drove a car in the
family. My mother-in-law would cry when she remembered that a pastor
was about to be killed and God saved him in a miracle hard to explain. Look
at that, he was young, powerless and unaware of the death hanging over him
the day he was born. God saved him. God saved a pastor, a husband, a
father, a brother and a Zimbabwe Prison Service Chaplain General of his
time, 2007 – 2009.

Rev Enittah Nyoni

Enittah is me the wife of Rev Lenson Cake Nyoni and the daughter of
Evangelist Enock Mabhomba Hove. At age 17 I was diagnosed of a serious
heart disease. Doctors said I could be operated in Britain that time.
However they were not sure if I would survive. That made me to raise the
scale of my faith in Jesus. The truth was, there were no such funds in my
family and my only hope was Jesus. I lived in fear of sudden death till God
gave me courage to live like nothing was wrong. Rev Lenson Nyoni got
married to me when most people wondered why he was so blind as to marry
such a hopeless wife.

When we had two sons, the old illness surfaced, this time more rigorous than
ever. I prayed again in my intensive care ward and the Lord heard me. God
sent an angel to tell me to be faithful in my tithing and that everything else
would be put in place. I got healed completely that night and was
discharged the next day. Now it has been 38 years ago and I have never
been hospitalized again. Glory to Jesus, King of Kings! We serve a miracle
working God. Many of my age mates who looked healthier than me have
since gone to be with the Lord.


Rudo is our first son. He is a miracle to us his parents and to our family
members. Doctors had suggested that we should have zero children because
my heart could not make it as far as pregnancy and delivery. There was a
high probability of death of both mother and child in the process. Therefore
for my prenatal checkups, I went to Impilo Hospital where there were heart
specialists and a condusive environment for my condition. When my
pregnancy was 4 months, I was told that I needed a strict bed rest for the
last 3 months before delivery. Look at that! We prayed for God’s
intervention the best way he saw fit. At 6 months I went from Rengwe in
Mberengwa to Impilo Hospital in Bulawayo to go and wait for delivery.
Halleluiah! Halleluiah! Then miracles began to happen. I was going to be
admitted on a Sunday evening. My late sister-in-law, Sibongani Shiri who
was also a nurse suggested that we go to Church first. After the Church
service we went to one home where the Vashandiri (ELCZ Womens Union)
were going to have a prayer session. My sister-in-law asked the women to
pray for me. The women prayed hard in many languages including Venda,
Sotho, Ndebele, Shona and English. I did not listen to what they were saying
because I was focused on my three months bed rest and this was stressful.
Guess what, I was admitted that evening but the next morning when the
specialists came for their routine check up, the then chief specialist
wondered why I had to sleep for the 3 months because my heart was
pumping well. Actually he found out that the medical notes were different
from the situation on the ground. He called student doctors for a case study
and I was discharged.

We all praised the Lord for the miracle but the devil who had wanted to kill
Rev Lenson Cake Nyoni at birth was determined to kill his son Rudo before
birth. On my way back home about 200 km away from Bulawayo, the bus
began to have a problem. There was smoke at the driver’s section. People
panicked and began to move out. I was too big to get out of the bus through
the bus windows of the time. I was too big to walk along the middle way
because people were crowded there. I sat down and prayed while I watched
the driver. He did not run away. He kept on trying to fix the problem. The
problem was fixed but some people had already been injured in the struggle
to get out. One mother had injured her child by throwing her through the
window. No one died and we went on with our journey in a bus without
window panes.

Look at that, this is why the Bible teaches us to pray always and to be on
guard against the Devil.

Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God, that in due time he
may exalt you. Cast all your anxieties on him for he cares about you. Be
sober, be watchful, your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion
seeking someone to devour. Resist him firm in your faith (1 Peter 5 verse 6 –
It would seem that the storm was over but what happened later shows us
how God protects us every day. At age 3 months, Rudo developed a white
hard growth under the tongue. He had to be operated on a Friday at Mpilo
Hospital. During evening prayers, his late uncle Kelson Shiri prayed for
healing in a very casual way and we went to sleep. On the said Friday, the
growth was nowhere to be seen. At the hospital the doctor wondered
because there was not even a sign of where the growth was. The growth
was as big as a shelled nut. So much has happened to Rev Rudo that there
would be no space in this book to record it. I hope one day he will have time
to write down the many miracles that happened later in his life. Rudo is now
a healthy husband and father of one. He found us a daughter Thelma Nyoni
nee Mpinda


Tafadzwa is our second child. The devil wanted to claim his life at 4 months
pregnancy. There was a serious threat of abortion in a place far away from
doctors. I prayed for healing seriously because I sensed the death of me and
my future son. My husband was not there. I was stressed. Then the
Evangelist’s wife (whom we called Mai Finias) came to my rescue. She
prepared medicine from one common fruit tree and gave me. The next day, I
was healed and I did all my domestic chores and teaching duties till delivery
time. Glory to King Jesus! My son and I escaped death again, now he is a
healthy father of 2 sons. He found us a daughter Rolandria Nyoni nee


Rejoice is our eldest daughter. If I had not been healed of the heart
problem, she would have never been born because all doctors did not
encourage me to have another child. When she became 17 years, she had
the threat of a heart problem like me. I would like to think that the evil spirit
that was operating in me had shifted itself to my daughter. With much
prayer she was totally healed. Glory be to Jesus! Mrs Rejoice Zhou is now a
healthy wife and mother of two. She has since found us a son Enomous Zhou

Uno, as we all in the family call him is our fourth child. Again at 4 months
pregnancy, I got into a problem that wanted to claim the lives of both
mother and son. I was in Air Zimbabwe from Harare to London. Then God
showed me in a dream like vision. I saw a fault in the plane engine and I
was told that the plane was going to have problems landing. When I woke
up I prayed hard claiming the following verses.

“I belong to God and I worship him. Last night he sent an angel to tell me,
‘Paul, don’t be afraid, because of you God will save the lives of everyone on
the ship” (Acts 27 verse 23 – 24).

I was on the way to Philadelphia to be one of the 6 International speakers at

the United States of America (USA) and Canada Lutheran Women’s revival.
So I prayed hard for the safety of all on the plane including myself. Glory be
to Jesus! We landed just in time when the tail of the plane had just started
burning. The fire brigade had been alerted and they saved the passengers
and their luggage. I have no clue about what later happened to the plane
but I went my way and preached as planned and came home safely. Unotida
has since found us a daughter, Ellen Nyoni nee Chingosho and they are
settled in Capetown, South Africa.


Kudzai is our last daughter and child. At five months she suffered severe
meningitis such that the doctor in United Bulawayo Hospital (UBH) told me
to expect the worst. Heeeee!!! This Jesus is a miracle working master. I
would go into the toilet not to help myself but to use the room as a prayer
room. Kudzai was breathing faintly and surviving on drips, I had to lift up
blankets and clothes and watch carefully to confirm that she was still alive.

The nurses on duty would tell each other as they exchanged duties, “ severe
meningitis may not last the day or the night ”. At this I would go back to my
toilet prayer room and pray harder. One day I came back and found my child
bright and alert. I asked for permission to feed her and in two days she was
discharged with lots of standby medication. Glory to Jesus! I did not need to
use the medication because Kudzai had been healed. I threw away the
expired medicine two years down the line. Glory to Jesus the Miracle
working Master, the Master whose name is as powerful as his presence.
Halleluiah! The meningitis has never resurfaced and Kudzai is grown up and
very healthy as I write this book.


In this chapter, I will retell how three people rose from the dead plus others
who were at death point. I sought for permission to publish the testimonies.

Mr Eliazel Hove

Eliazel is my brother. He collapsed at home and was hurried to Shabani Mine

Hospital. I got there and found him dead but the final records had not been
done. The oxygen, drip and all had been stopped. The curtains had been
drawn. All the relatives except his wife Mrs. Tariro Hove were sitting quietly
outside. I then began to sing hymn 59 in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Zimbabwe hymn book. I sang other choruses and played my shaker as if
nothing had happened. Next I prayed for mercy in Shona, in English and in

Next I began to tell the demon of death and his angels to get out of my
brother and out of our family. Three angry demons came out one by one
with a sound of anger. Two faces were female and one was male. After this,
I called my brother’s name and he responded by opening his eyes and began
to breathe again. Then the visiting hour was over and we went out for two

During the two hours, my sister-in-law, Mrs. Bongai Hove the wife of my
elder brother Eliakem and I went up a hill to pray. I selected a “mushozhowa
bush” and made it represent the devil. I picked a big stick and began to bit
the bush up telling it to restore my brother’s life and to depart from the
family. Note that, a person had been dying in our family about the same time
of the year for the past four years. The manner of death was almost the
same. Each of them had no to time to be attended by doctors. They simply
got admitted and died before any meaningful treatment.

In our prayers we told the devil to pack his bags and go and also to bring
back all that which he had stolen from us. As the bible says about Satan the

“Yet if he is caught he must pay seven fold though it costs him all the wealth
of his house” (proverbs 6 verse 31)
Halleluiah!! On our way back, the nurses had put back the drips and oxygen.
Mr. Hove was even trying to pull the drips off. The neighbouring patients
began to say “Pastor, pray for us too”. I did pray for each of them even if I
did not get a chance for feedback. The following day my brother had been
moved away from the danger zone and was already eating. The drip and
oxygen had been removed. I told my brother to be out soon because we had
other things to do. I took my bags and went to Masvingo Misson,
Mberengwa where I stayed. I am sure an angel was escorting me all this
time because a few kilometers before I reached home, I began to tremble as
I recalled the work of God at the hospital. This happened on 28 November
2011. As I write its eight years ago. My brother drives or cycles to work
about 6 km away every day.

Rev Rudo Nyoni

As soon as our first son applied to go and train as a pastor, he became ill in a
mysterious manner. We called the late Rev Orbert Shiri Chikumira who was
highly gifted in the area of deliverance. The Lord showed Rev Shiri that the
sickness was going to take our son’s life. When he came to our house he
asked worriedly, “Where is he?” “Where is he?” We told Rev Shiri that Rudo
had gone to sleep in our bedroom. For sure he had walked from his bedroom
to our bedroom and was sleeping according to our understanding. Rev O
Shiri hurried into our bedroom and began to plead for God’s mercy in the
Name of Jesus. He was almost in tears. Meanwhile he was rubbing Rudo’s
feet and praying loudly. We were standing there unaware of what had taken
place to our son.

Rev Shiri also did not tell us the seriousness of the matter. After about 30
minutes Rudo woke up and set up and looked straight in the eyes of Rev Shiri
and said, “You are a man.”or “Muri ndoda”. We laughed and Rev Shiri
praised the Lord because he knew that the son had risen from the dead. You
see when Rev Shiri got God’s revelavtion, he fasted and travelled from
Mberengwa to Conmara praying and pleading for God’s mercy upon us.
When he arrived I wanted him to settle down and eat but he refused and
simply said “Where is he?” As I write Rev O Shiri is late but we learnt a lot of
Godly things from him. He did not tell us about the death of our son until
two days later when he was leaving. I learnt to fast from this pastor because
he quoted and explained the following scripture for us:
Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17
verse 21)

As I write this chapter, its Rudo’s birthday. He has turned 41. He should
have died 19 years ago. Praise the Great name of our Lord Jesus! Now he is
a powerful pastor the father of his son, Bayethe Remnant and husband to
Thelma Nyoni (nee) Mpinda. What a miracle in the name of Jesus! Clap
hands for the King of Kings!

Rev Rudo and the late Rev Orbert Shiri became close friends for the next ten
years before the old man went to be with Lord. The two would go up Buhwa
Mountain for prayer and fasting. I am sure Rev Rudo Nyoni has more to say
than me.

Mrs. Anna Moyo Mhlahleli

Mrs. Moyo suddenly got ill and became motionless. When we arrived at the
scene, I hesitated to pray thinking that it would delay hospitalization. Her
husband Rev Moyo looked like he wanted us to tell relatives about the death
without wasting time. Dean K Sibanda who later became the Bishop asked
me to pray. I got stuck for lack of words. Then I picked courage and
anointed Mrs. Moyo with Olive oil and said:

“Devil what do you want in the body of this Pastor’s wife and in his house?
Get out of here in the name of Jesus! As soon as we get out of this house
with Mrs. Moyo, you get out too. When we get out of this gate, you get out
of the whole home, the animals, the fields, the children, the children-in-law
and the grandchildren. Make no mistake. Get out in the name of Jesus.

To tell the truth nothing changed this time. We carried Mrs. Moyo to Dean
Sibanda’s car in silence. God is great and the devil runs away when we
command him in the name of Jesus. Guess what? As soon as we got about
50 m out of the home gate, I remembered my prayer and called Mrs. Moyo
loud and asked her how she felt and she answered me well. We got to the
clinic and the nurse attended to her and referred her to Zvishavane or Matibi
hospitals. The nurse asked us to bring Mrs. Moyo to the clinic the next
morning for check up before going to a bigger hospital.
Halleluiah! Halleluiah! Halleluiah! The next day Mrs. Moyo was well enough
to walk 2 km alone to the clinic. She was discharged. This happened on 16
August 2012. It has been 7 years ago as I write. When we later asked her
she said that she knew nothing till she reached the clinic. When we heard
Rev Moyo’s later comment, we laughed our lungs out. He wondered why we
were wasting time praying for a copse. Yes the name of Jesus, in the mouth
of a believer is a powerful supernatural weapon against the devil. Glory to
Jesus, King of Kings!

Mr. Munyaradzi Ndhlovu

Mr. Ndhlovu got ill in July 2018 and went into a coma for 3 days and 3
nights. Now, way back I had prayed for one of his young brothers and he got
healed in the Name of Jesus. This brother is the one who still had my contact
number. When Mrs. Ndhlovu phoned me, I visited Mr. Ndhlovu at Claybank
Hospital, Gweru Zimbabwe. I met the relatives and we prayed and confessed
our sins as well as forgive our offenders before getting in the hospital. When
we got in I was afraid because the man was motionless and looked like he
was breathing towards death. The medical machines were sounding loud
and showing red as if to say “get ready for your relative’s passing on”.

We sang a worhshipping chorus saying,

‘Tinonzwa manzwi

engirozi dzoti

Muri Mutsvene Mutsvene Baba”

Meaning (We hear the voices of the angels singing holy, holy is thee or Lord).

Next I prayed saying:

“Death and your agents, leave this body in the name of Jesus. Do not get
into any of Mr. Ndlovu’s family members. Leave him alone because he was
bought by the blood of our Lord and saviour Jesus. Munyaradzi! Come back
to the land of the living. Where are you going? Your time is not yet up.
Join me in celebrating the Glory of God in our time. Munyaradzi woke up and
began to wonder where he was. The elderly people there thought it was the
last look of a dying man. The next day Mr. Ndlovu said to me, “Rev thank you
very much for praying for me.” I will come to see you at your home.” He told
us that from the time he collapsed, he knew nothing until I called his name in
prayer. Clap hands for Jesus! Why not? Yes we clap hands for footballers
and wrestlers on television. Why not clap hands for Jesus! Mr. Ndlovu is
back at his work station where he is the headmaster at Mbuyanehanda High
School in Mberengwa Zimbabwe. As I am writing, this happened 6 months

Mrs. Vongai Tengende nee Shiri

Mrs. Tengende is my sister-in-law. Some years back Mrs. Tengende had

saved her brother Rev Lenson Nyoni from dying due to a diabetic attack in
one of the streets in Gweru. She is the only one who recognized him and had
the authority to take him to hospital in time. Look at the importance of love
among relatives and people in general.

Now, one day Mrs. Vongai Tengende broke down and could not help herself
anymore. Her sister Senator Anna and her husband Chiengerere carried her
to their house because most doctors were on strike. Her whole body was
painful and she had to be lifted up for the basics. On the third day her legs
got very cold and she began to prepare to pass on. We got stranded and
doomed. Then I began to talk to Jesus saying, “Lord what should I do in this
case?” The Lord ordered me to breathe onto her face as well as cast out all
evil spirit operating in her.

This is why the book says the records in here are miracles by Jesus. Mrs.
Tengende got into a deep sleep for about 15 minutes. Then she woke up and
began to prepare to pass on again. I breathed on her face again and this
time she slept till the following morning. When we asked her to explain
what was happening she said, “ I felt that I was about to pass out, then
Maiguru Mai Rudo (referring to me) breathed into my lungs a breath of life
and I came back”. This happened in November 2018.

A balanced diet was carefully administered and in about a week Mrs.

Tengende was back to normal. Clap hands to Jesus so that your own
challenges will fly away. Give glory to Jesus the King of Kings.
As I have said in the introduction I have chosen a few cases so that we see
the power of God in our time. Many miracles are taking place elsewhere
every day. This means that our impossible looking challenges can be ironed
out too in the name of Jesus. Let us look at some cancer cases in the next


Cancer of the uterus

One day Mr. Takavada and Mrs. Yeukai Mposi visited me at the farm where I
live. I was glad to see them but my joy flew away when they told me that
Mrs. Mposi had developed cancer of the uterus stage 3. The only option was
to remove the uterus. The couple had one child but had expected more. I
asked Jesus for a solution and he told me to use a passage in the bible.

“and God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul, so that from his
body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and diseases
departed from them and evil spirits went out of the them”(Acts 19 verse11-

So I took my pastoral garments and scarf (stall) and began the session. I put
the violet scarf on the woman and she fell down flat on the floor. Meanwhile
I was commanding the spirit of death to leave her. Next I brushed the
husband with one of my garments and he also fell down on the floor. Next, I
asked the husband to drive away every evil spirit creating or fueling the
cancer in his wife. The husband prayed with all power, seriousness and
aggression. After this prayer, I anointed both of them with anointing oil and
the session was over.

Two weeks down the line the doctors looked for the cancer before taking
away the uterus and the cancer cells were nowhere to be found. Mrs. Mposi
said that a heavy weight had fallen off her shoulders during the prayer
session. That was November 2015. Glory to Jesus! The couple now has a
two year old healthy daughter plus the son that was there before the
diagnosis of the cancer problem. You see, the devil is a liar and a coward in
the presence of the name of Jesus.

Cancer of the breast

Mrs. Gladys Phiri also came to the farm with breast cancer. She only had a
week before the breast was to be taken away. This time I prayed for her and
anointed her with anointing oil. Nothing visible happened. We sang the

“Baba munoera
munoera munoera

Mwari munoera

munoera Mwari Baba

Denga nepasi zvizere nembiri yenyu

Munoera munoera”.

The song says, “Father you are Holy Heaven and earth are full of your Glory.”

On the operation date the concerned doctor got ill. On another scheduled
day, the doctor decided to make an examination before the operation. The
cancer cells were nowhere to be found. A further check up was done in
Bulawayo, Pretoria and Johannesburg and the cancer had disappeared. Glory
to Jesus, the Mighty healer!

Cancer of the Nose

Mrs. Orphah Chivivi was diagnosed of a cancerous growth in the nose. We

met and we prayed about it in the Name of Jesus on a Saturday. The doctors
had suggested an operation that was going to cost about US$8000. A second
check up was going to take place on the following Tuesday. So after prayer
Mrs. Chivivi went for the check up and the growth was no longer there. For
fear of it coming back other means of treatment were used and Mrs. Chivivi
was not operated on.

Brain tumor
Ms. Ethel Nherera developed a brain tumor and came for prayer. We made
the forgiveness exercise and we prayed in the name of Jesus. The lady had
already been booked for an operation in India. The operation was going to
cost over $40-00 USD and chances of survival were said to be very narrow.
She went to India and the doctors said she could not be operated on because
she had become pregnant. She came back and delivered a healthy baby girl.
Then she returned to India for the operation but this time the doctors said
there was no longer any need to operate. The tumor was getting smaller and
smaller and could be treated by other means. To date the lady is healthy and
happy. As I write she has gone to South Africa for employment.

Surely this can only be Jesus. I know that I cannot heal anyone, but I only
know where to refer the sick of all times and all diseases. Praise the Lord


Mr and Mrs Dube

This couple got married and stayed for 4 years without a child. One church
elder, Mr Anold Chivikai brought them to the late Rev O Shiri Chikumira. Rev
O Shiri took the couple to church and prayed for them. In this case the spirit
of barrenness manifested in the husband and one month down the line the
wife got pregnant. Mrs K Sibanda and I saw them when they came to report
their joy. At the memorial service of Rev Orbert Shiri, Mr Dube gave his
testimony that God had blessed them with a baby girl called Faith.

Mrs Matara

Mrs Matara was Mrs Dube’s friend who also worked at Mponjani Primary
School. The story of little Faith was not a secret to Mrs Matara. So when Rev
O Shiri died, Mrs Dube directed Mrs Matara to me and Rev L C Nyoni my
husband. Rev L C Nyoni referred the case to me at the end of one Sunday
Service at Mponjani. The sun was going down and we were going to walk 9
km on foot back to the Mission. So the thought of a deliverance session was
not too welcome to me. Mrs Matara did not mind my reservations. She
simply knelt down at my feet and waited for the prayer. I anointed her with
anointing oil as in Mark 6 verse 12 – 13.

“Apostles left and started telling everyone to turn to God. They forced out
many demons and healed a lot of sick people by putting olive oil on them”

Next I commanded the spirit of barrenness out of Mrs Matara. She fell flat
on the floor for some time. Then she recovered and we praised God. The
next time we went there she was five months pregnant. She told us in the
presence of Bishop N Shava, Mrs Shava and Mr Anold Chivikai who was the
chair person of Masvingo parish that time. The child was born and he is six
years old as I write. I lost contact with Mrs Matara and Mrs Dube. I am sure
they have more children by now.

Mrs D
Mrs D lived near Mpojani Primary School but she did not want anyone to
know that she had came to us for prayer. One day she came to our house at
Masvingo Mission station and pretended to be looking for a place to sleep.
Then in the morning she told the truth and we prayed for her. One church
elder called Mai Mufaro was there and we prayed together. The woman went
away and the next time I met her, she had a five months old handsome boy.
The little boy smiled knowingly as if he knew how mother and pastor had
prayed in the Name of Jesus before he was conceived.

Mrs Agnes Ngara

Mrs Ngara’s case is a bit different. She would get pregnant and start
vomiting all types of food. She lived on drip through out the nine months.
Meanwhile she was full time employed. She used at least a day a week to go
to the hospital and four days for work. She suffered like this for her first two
sons. When she got pregnant of the third son, the story turned out to be
really bad. This time she spent more days at hospital than at work and she at
times fainted.

Then Mrs Ngara and some other women came to our home to fast and pray
all day. At this point she was four months pregnant. I prayed for her in the
Name of Jesus and from that day the voimitting stopped till she delivered.
Next time I met her I asked on how the nurses and the doctors were since
she was spending too much time with them and she responded that she did
not know because she had long stopped going there. Kkkkkkkkkk! God is
good. Give him glory!!


Talking to unborn babies sounds funny doesn’t it? However, that is what I
did and I saw the children responding. In the Chapter on miracle babies, I
talked most about mothers who could not conceive or who conceived and
always aborted hence no child. In this Chapter I am going to write about
unborn children who did not want to be born in time or who did not want to
be in the right position at the right time. The fact that unborn children
respond to what is going on outside their mother’s wombs is also found in
the bible in the following passage,

And Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, into a
city of Juda; and entered into the house of Elizabeth. And it came to pass that
when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb,
and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost. (Luke 1:39-41)

Ms Selina Shiri

Selina Shiri is my sister-in-law. She got pregnant at a time most nurses

believed she should have stopped bearing any child. They were afraid of
complications that could cause the death of both mother and child. Now we
were at a family gathering and I prayed for the sick towards the end of our
meeting. Tete (Aunt) Selina also came. The baby was now eight months but
was sitting up straight instead of head down to get ready for delivery. The
doctors were suggesting an operation but they were a bit afraid because of
Tete Selina’s age. I wondered how I was going to deal with this case. Then
the Spirit of God as I believe helped me and I prayed this way:

“You spirit of death get out of the mother and out of the child now in the
name of Jesus”.

Tete Selina fell on her back and got fast asleep to everyone’s surprise. Next I
carried on to pray and said,

“Child, get into the position required for your safe delivery now in the Name
of Jesus”.
Glory to Jesus King of Kings! The child turned while everyone was watching.
Those that were singing began to sing louder. However some elderly people
kept quite wondering what was going to happen next. I too was getting
afraid that we could be seeing a premature baby coming out in the house.
There was no nurse or anyone from the medical department. Actual I was
regretting my prayer. God came to my rescue. The unborn baby got settled.
Tete Selina came back to her senses. She realized that she was lying on her
back and she rose up quickly and joined those who were singing.
Kkkkkkkkk! I can’t stop laughing each time I recall the scene. The following
pre-natal check up proved the Miracle right. The child was in the right
position. The nurses stopped recording with a red pen and began to use a
green pen. The child was born safely. Glory to Jesus!

Mrs. X

Mrs. X’ s case is two days ago as I write. She got pregnant and was not
aware that she was pregnant till late. She went to hospital and was
suspected pregnant but no one knew the age of the coming baby. Besides
the baby’s movements were nearly zero. Everyone was worried. Then Mrs. X
came for prayer. I cast out the spirit of death and it went out leaving her
lying on her back. Next I asked her to forgive everyone that had offended
her. She prayed silently. Then I spoke to the unborn baby saying”

“Child I speak life to you in the Name of Jesus. Sit up in the right position of
babies of your age now. I cast out any evil spirit harassing you now in the
name of Jesus”.

Clap hands for King Jesus! The baby moved from the side position to the
centre. The mother was not asleep in this case. She was awake and she felt
the movements. She also confirmed to Mrs. Blessing Dube who was ushering
and to me. We magnify the name of Jesus.

Vimbai Stella Mwedzi

Vimbai’s mother died in child birth. Now when Vimbai’s time of delivery of
her first born came, the baby refused or forgot or failed to move forward in
spite of the injections used to induce labour pains. Now Vimbai was getting
afraid of the repetition of what happened to her mother. Vimbai phoned her
friend Mrs. Kudzai Mapiye and Kudzai called me. I knew Vimbai from a
previous prayer session. So I claimed (Matthew 18 verse 18 – 20)
Truly I say to you whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and
whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you, if
two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it shall be done by my
father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I
am in the midst of them.

Mrs. Mapiye and I formed a good heavenly quorum so I cast out the spirit of
death and commanded the child to start the journey out. I told Mrs Mapiye
that the child must arrive around 11 hours. It was about 9 am when we
prayed. I also ordered Mrs. Mapiye to go to the hospital and lay hands on
Vimbai. By the time Mrs. Mapiye arrived, the labour pains were such that no
visitors were allowed. When we prayed we meant 11 hours am but we did
not say that loud. I believe the child heard about today and arrived at 11 pm
that day. Clap hands for Jesus. In Zimbabwe the young generation would
say, “Ipai Mambo Jesu sando dzavo” (Give King Jesus his due respect).

Mrs Blessing Mavesere

Mrs Mavesere lives in Mberengwa. She phoned because her daughter in-
law’s delivery time had come but the unborn child did not come out. During
visiting hours I prayed over the phone in the ears of the mother and ordered
the child to hurry up and come out in the Name of Jesus. The baby boy heard
over the phone and came out safely. “Mavoko kuna Jesu!” (Hands up to
Jesus). Let me confess, I stopped writing for some few minutes because I
could not help crying because of joy, fear and surprise, that the grace of God
had allowed me to witness such divine events.

“Lord, have mercy on us. If unborn babies can respond to the word and the
Name of Jesus, why do adults turn deaf ears to the Gospel of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ? Why do parents call each other names in the presence
of unborn babies? Why do some mothers kill or throw away children without
fearing God? Why do some fathers go around making babies with whoever
agrees and never stop to think that unborn babies will witness against us
before God?” Therefore God have mercy on us and cleanse us with the blood
of our Lord Jesus and make us responsible parents. Amen!”
I had finished writing this book but the book kept on refusing to go for
typing till my husband Reverend Lenson Nyoni asked me to pray and ask God
what needed to be added. Yes it was this chapter on speaking to unborn


Mrs. Shumba

Mrs. Shumba stays in Gokwe and we met at a Vashandiri Revival meeting.

There was no altar call for the sick because it was not in the programme.
The healing act and process were both a big miracle. When I arrived as a
guest speaker, many women greeted me with a hug. Mrs. Shumba was one
of the women who hugged me. She is the one who came to tell me of the
miracle at the end of the revival. She explained that she had been bleeding
without ending for a long time. She was always wearing pads as if it was her
monthly period time of the menstruation cycle. She had tried many other
things in vain.

Then, came the healing hug. Mrs. Shumba said she felt like an electric wave
had got into her body at the time we hugged. To her surprise the bleeding
stopped from there onwards. Halleluiah! God is merciful. No one knew that
Mrs. Shumba had a problem. I also did not know that God had made me a
vessel of healing. I am of the opinion that Mrs. Shumba was rewarded for
greeting and hosting the guest speaker in the Name of Jesus. I think the
healing power transported itself from me to her as she tells the story. This is
when I realized that, laying hands on the sick is not a meaningless tradition
but a divine act if it is done in the Name of Jesus.

Mrs. Shoko

Mrs. Shoko’s bleeding had given her hard times. She told me about it at one
of our national revival meetings at Chegato. I prayed for her in the Name of
Jesus while we were gathered praying outside the meeting tent. Nothing
changed at the spot. Two days down the line the bleeding stopped. When I
prayed for Mrs. Shoko, I had confidence because of the miracle hug that had
healed Mrs. Shumba. Glory to Jesus!

Mrs. Farisisai Hove

Mrs. Hove is my sister-in-law. When Mr. Wilbert Hove her husband told me of
Mrs. Hove’s nonstop nose bleeding, I asked him to arrange that I pray for
Mrs. Hove over the phone during the visiting hour. Here is the prayer I
“Devil stop drinking Mrs. Hove’s blood in the Name of Jesus. You are not
going to kill her. Pack all your tools and come out of her body and out of the
family. By the first doctor’s round tomorrow she must be discharged, I
command you in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Amen!”

Some of the people who heard this prayer laughed because all the tablets
and injections had failed to stop the bleeding. In the next doctor’s round,
Mrs. Hove was discharged. It has been 6 years back as I write. Halleluiah!!!
Many other such cases happened and Jesus healed them all.


Mrs. Thandiwe Zvinowanda

Mrs. Zvinowanda’s grandchild cried strangely on a day the son-in-law had

come to pay lobola. So, Mrs. Zvinowanda phoned me requesting for prayer.
Rev L C Nyoni, my husband advised me to cast out the spirit of jealous. I
asked Mrs. Zvinowanda to put the phone on the baby’s ear. I commanded
the spirit of jealous to come out of the child and of the family with immediate
effect. The child got calm and slept in peace within a few minutes.

Three other babies from different places were healed of strange crying in the
same way.


Mrs. Mavesere’s grandchild Akudzwe got swollen both hands. The swelling
was strange and coming up fast. Then Mrs. Mavesere phoned me and I asked
her to let the child listen to my voice as I cast out the evil spirit causing the
swelling hands. To the surprise of the grandmother Blessing, the
grandfather Award and the mother Patiance, the hands began to go down to
normal in about 20 minutes. I want to believe that distance is not a blockage
to prayer. Also someone said there is healing anointing that flows through
the voice of the one praying. This is what happens when one prays for the
sick over the phone and the patient is listening in faith. Mrs. Mavesere has
many healings over the phone experiences which include delayed child
delivery, swollen hands, fever, child retardation and backache.

Ms Shumba

Ms Shumba’s mother phoned that her daughter had stroke and could not help
herself. I prayed in the Name of Jesus over the phone. When I said ‘Amen’,
nobody responded because everyone was busy helping the sick person from
the floor. No one had stood as an usher of the sick woman. None knew that
the Name of Jesus was going to push the patient down. I also did not know
that people had to stand holding a person who is being prayed for over the
phone. The power in the name of Jesus is the same all the time. So praying
for the sick over the phone is not a waste of time but a divine act. To God be,
the glory.


In this chapter I will record some powerful testimonies from different people
whom I prayed with.

Mrs. Gamuchirai Marova

Mrs Marova is the wife of the retired Dean Albert Marova of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe. She got ill and was feeling numb on the right
side of her body and in the legs as a result of a threatening stroke. When I
prayed for her she had difficulty in kneeling down even for prayer and for
Holy Communication. This was during the Pentecost revival of the year 2016
in the Gweru East Parish church. I had taught about the gifts of the Holy
Spirit and I invited willing people to come for the healing and deliverance

Mrs. Kundai Chanhuwa who was chairing the session gave me a few minutes
to demonstrate the power of God. The few minutes became hours because
over 70 people from the 3 ELCZ parishes namely Gweru East, Gweru North
and Gweru West who were fellowshipping together came forward. Among
these was Mrs. G Marova. She said it had taken her a lot of courage to come
forward because she is the wife of one of our church leaders, the Dean or
Overseer as some people say. Because she could not kneel down, I prayed
for her while she was standing. I commanded the spirit of death to come out
of her and she knelt down in a matter of seconds. When I commanded the
evil spirit out again, she laid flat on the floor like someone in a deep sleep.
Meanwhile my husband Rev L C Nyoni and her husband Dean A Marova came
close to make a detailed observation. Mrs. Marova lay for some time while I
was praying for other members. Later she woke up and took her seat. This
was in May 2016 at what we called greater Gweru Pentecost revival.

In August the three Gweru Parishes’ vashandiri women’s group met in our
Mkoba 13 church and Mrs. Marova gave her testimony on how she had been
completely healed. She explained to the people what she felt as she lay on
the floor the day I prayed for her. She said a heavy burden or an iron suit
was removed from her peacefully by hands that could not be seen. Glory be
to our Lord Jesus!
Again Mrs. Marova was in a session where I taught on FORGIVENESS and I
made people to remember and list all their offenders and forgive them in the
Name of Jesus. She forgave some long standing high ranking people on that
Saturday and felt at peace. The miracle that followed was that on Monday
her application to start a crèche was accepted after she had been waiting for
it for over 5 years. She believes that the forgiveness exercise had brought
the breakthrough. When she told me this I also learnt that bitterness and
unforgiveness can block progress in many unexpected areas of life.

Mrs Fadzai Ngavi

Mrs Ngavi was in he same prayer line with Mrs Marova. She had difficult clients in
matters of paying their debts. When we prayed about it they began to pay. The funny
part is that the most difficult ones are the ones that became the best.

Mrs. Magona

Mrs. Magona had a forgiveness breakthrough too when I taught on forgiving all
offenders in the name of Jesus. She forgave her children including daughters and sons-
in- law. Within a day or two many family relationships in her famliy were mended
including shaking and even broken marriages. Mrs. Magona told me her testimony with
joy and surprise. I think that forgiveness is one of the key factors in the area of
miracles and many other breakthroughs.

Mr. and Mrs. Dube

Mr. Njabulo and Mrs. Blessing Dube asked me to pray for financial breakthroughs
because each time they gathered money for a project it flew away before they could
use it as they had planned. The two together with their friends came home and spent
the whole day praying and fasting. We prayed for them in the Name of Jesus. God
opened opportunities that brought them enough money to build their own house and to
buy a car. As I write they have moved out from the two rooms they were renting to
their house in one of the low density suburbs. Glory be to God! Again Mrs. Dube was
diagnosed of fibroids 3cm x 3cm big in 2015. Through prayer in the Name of Jesus the
fibroids disappeared before the planed operation was done. Glory be to Jesus!

Kuitakwashe Nhongo

Mr Tinashe and Mrs Patience Nhongo’ were fellowshipping at Mkoba 13 Evangelical

Luthern Church in Zimbabwe when this miracle happened. The couple was blessed
with a baby boy called Kuitakwashe. A few months after birth, the boy developed what
is called Retinal Detachment. They tried to get the child treated but in vain. Two of
the best eye specialists called (ophthalmologists) in our country told the parents that
their son could not be cured. Then many people including myself prayed in faith for
God’s intervention. Because the baby was young it is hard to tell exactly when God
restored his sight. However, he grew and the parents and everyone around saw that
Kuitakwashe was not blind. As I write now Kuitakwashe is a healthy, clever little boy
who has no sign of blindness. Actually he operates the parents’ cell phones and the TV.
Clap hands for Jesus!!!

Mrs Irene Hove

Mrs Hove clashed with her brother and spent many years without even greeting him at
funerals. I persuaded Mrs Hove to make the forgiveness exercise and she agreed after
a long struggle. She got in her bedroom and prayed alone. Her husband was happy
when she agreed to forgive her brother. The next day the brother phoned and they
reconciled over the phone. Their families have since been to a joyous holiday at some
beautiful lodges. Glory to Jesus!

Mrs. Miriam Shava

I prayed for Mrs. Shava in one Sunday service. Then when she got ill again she only
wished I were there and that night she saw me praying for her in her dream and she
got completely healed. Her son who had been helping with all domestic chores woke
up one day and found her mother sweeping the yard. Her neighbours too were
surprised. You can be sure that I too was very surprised and humbled by this name of
our Lord Jesus.

Mr Z

Mr Z was diagnosed with diabetes and had to empty his bladder every 30 minutes.
After the deliverance prayer he stayed for 4 hours in the revival without visiting the
toilet. A few days later the doctor confirmed that he had no diabetes and discharged
him from medication. Mr Z got healed in the same delivery session with Mrs Gamuchirai

Rebecca Bahlangene

I was selling copies of the book I wrote called BITTERNESS at $ 10.00 Zim dollars.
Then Rebecca decided to buy it at $ 10.00 USD which was as good as $ 40.00 Zim
dollars of the time. She said she was planting financial seeds. Meanwhile her friend had
gone to order for her fresh fish for sale from Kariba. That evening she went to check if
her friend had brought the fish. She had hoped to go selling door to door in small
portions. She was also afraid that she would not get good market in time. To her
surprise, the fish had already been bought by Spar super market at USD rate. We
praised God for the miracle because Rebecca has become one of the regular Spar
suppliers of fresh fish.
Gogo Patricia

She is a widow who had kept bitter memories and emotions for 22 years.
After reading the book BITTERNESS she forgave her late husband and her
husband’s relatives. She also burnt the bitter documents. This brought to me
her many breakthroughs in the area of finance, health, emotional stability,
and many more. When she gave me her testimony I almost forgot her
because her body looked much, much healthier than when we first met.

Mrs Josphine Shumba

I taught about tithing at a deanary rally at Mnene Mission in August 2018.

Then Josphine decided to start tithing from October 2018. All along her
clients did not pay her in time. Some of them never paid and she was running
a loss. After tithing in the name of Jesus, The clients became reliable and her
business flourished. She phoned me telling me of many other breakthroughs
in other areas of her life. Glory be to God..!!!!

Mr and Mrs Chavava

Mr Chavava got a very serous stroke and went to Claybank hospital Gweru.
Mrs Chavava wished I were there and that night she dreamt I had come to
hospital and I was teaching Mr Chavava to forgive and be healed. Mrs
Chavava said her husband poured his heart out in a very sincere manner that
surprised her. It is said I then prayed for him and the next day he was on the
road to recovery. Later I had a chance to meet him in his home and prayed
for him together with Rev Gladness Gumbo and Mrs Dube. After that he could
remember well the bank numbers and many other necessary things that he
had previously forgotten. Surely this can only be King Jesus.

Rev Siyelusiwe Msevenzi

One time at an annual revival in Gokwe, a demon manifested and would not
go away as easily as we thought. Rev Msevenzi went to his house and
brought his stall, (the long scarf worn by priests and deacons as part of
uniform.) Rev Msevenzi brushed the afflicted person with the scarf and the
evil spirit went away. Then a week ago as I write Mrs Helifina Msevenzi (nee
Hove) his wife, got a terrible headache that seemed to reject all medication
and Rev Msevenzi touched her with his stall and she got healed. This takes us
back to the times of the Apostles Peter and Paul as recorded in the bible.

“and God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul, so that from his
body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and diseases
departed from them and evil spirits went out of them”(Acts 19 verse11- 12)

“And believers were the more added to the Lord multitudes both of man and
women. Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets and laid
them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by
might overshadow some of them.” (Acts 5:14-15)

Mrs Sipiwe Shava (wife of Evangelist Amosi Shava)

Mrs Shava’s daughter-in-law got pregnant but she was not aware of it. Then
feeling a bit sick, she decided to visit the doctor. To the couple’s surprise she
was 8 weeks pregnant. After a month the pregnance was still 8 weeks. Even
the scan registered 8 weeks. The doctors concluded that it was some harmful
growth that needed to be removed by an operation. This is when Mrs Shava
phoned me asking for Prayer. We claimed (Matthew 18: 18-20) where Jesus
says that two or three people’s request in Jesus’ name is answered by God
because He, Jesus will be among them. Then, the following doctors’ report
was 12 weeks of a healthy baby to come. As I write the mysterious boy
Nemutsa Chiranga is going for crèche. The family lives in South Africa.
Halleluah! Praise this great name of Jesus!!! We serve a miracle working God.

I am of the opinion that the above testimonies are good tools of raising other
people’s faith in the face of their everyday challenges. The same God who
has been merciful to the people above can be merciful to anyone who
believes that in the Name of Jesus even the impossible looking challenges
can be resolved.


At times there are some misfortunes that happen so constantly that one
would think someone is switching them on. Surely the devil will be in the
background manipulating the situation. So in this Chapter, I will record how
the Name of Jesus was used to deal with such demonic powers in our time.

Strange noises

One family found out that birds called “majichidza” would start making
strange sounds in the house from about 11 pm to 4 am every day. This had
happened for two months when the late Rev O Shiri and I arrived there. Rev
O Shiri led the deliverance session by reading Mark 6 verse 13 where the
apostles used olive oil to heal the sick. He also read from James 5 verses 13
– 15, where James instructs the use of olive oil on the sick.

On this day, Rev O Shiri asked me to do the practical part of the deliverance
prayer session. I took ordinary Zimbabwe manufactured cooking oil and
prayed for it. Next I put the sign of the cross on every door and prayed
casting out the evil spirit that was behind the strange behaviour of these
birds. From that night onwards, the birds were never heard again. Glory to
Jesus the King of Kings!

Spirit of blockage

When you see fortune with your eyes and you are never able to handle it, the
spirit of blockage is at work. For an example you get pregnant and always
abort, you learn at school or college and something always happens that
blocks you from writing the examinations, or you get a good job in a good
company but the company suddenly closes down, the devil could be at work
against you.. I think I have said enough to be understood. The spirit of
blockage will bring poverty, break relationships or marriages and make sure
you are humiliated and so on.

The solution is to pray casting out this spirit and calling it by name, for
example, “You spirit of blockage, poverty, marriage breakdown, humiliation
etc get out of my body and out of my life now in the Name of Jesus. Amen!”
The spirit of jealous

This also will make sure that your progress is blocked or coupled with
sorrow. One grandmother told us that as soon as her children sent her
groceries, she became ill. We casted out the spirit of jealous and the
grandmother got healed. In one family they bought 3 goats and an ox cart
and from that time many problems occurred to them. The husband had an
accident with the cart. One child got hurt when a tree branch fell on his head
at school. One of the three goats died and the wife became seriously sick.
We went there to pray for the sick wife but one child manifested the spirit of
jealous and began to talk like this:

“Yaa, what do you think you are doing. You want to develop more than us.
How dare you buy an ox cart and three goats? We are the ones causing all
these problems you see. Our real target is to kill one of you and make a

We casted out the spirit of jealous and the sick wife got healed there and
then. The deliverance team had Rev Tinevimbo Shumba, Mrs Kundai
Chanhuwa, Mr Innocent Nyoni and me.

Marriage breakdown

This spirit operates by form of a spiritual husband or spiritual wife. The

spiritual spouse may prevent marriage and a man or woman remains single
for no significant reason. If it fails to prevent marriage, it will make sure the
couple is never happy. A man with a spiritual wife will behave like the elder
wife of two wives married by one man. He may want to feature in female
duties and to compete with his wife On the other hand the wife may want to
be the head of the family at all costs. Hence the two may always clash or
fight till divorce or death separates them.

Conduct the forgiveness exercise and cast out the spiritual spouse in the
Name of Jesus.

Other evil spirits

The pattern of casting out evil spirits is almost the same but let me add to
the list so that you may know or discern and cast them out:-

Spirit of witch craft

Spirit of madness

Spirit of self pity

Spirit of death

Spirit of jealous

Spirit of hatred

As soon as you identify what spirit it is, call it by its name and order it to get
out of the body and out of the family in the Name of Jesus. You will be
surprised by the results and you will know that the Name of Jesus is great.
Do not forget to give the demon a dead line like now, today, this week and so


Yes we have been talking of what happened to other people now let us talk
of how one can pray for one’s own miracles. The cover design shows that
miracles meant here are connected to the Name of Jesus. Therefore the first
step is to:

1. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Just say, “Lord Jesus
get into my heart and be the Lord and Saviour of my whole life.”

2. Forgive all the people who offended you from as far as you can
remember. Pray the forgiveness prayer as follows: “Uncle Vengai, I
forgive you now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!!”

3. Confess your own sins honestly

4. Identify what you want God to do for you and mark the parameters
and size, time and resources to be used

5. Pray for your miracle in the Name of Jesus

Let me explain more. Since 19 years ago, when God called me to leave
lecturing and to become a pastor, I prayed for presentable clothes. I knew
well that buying on credit using my lecturer’s payslip was not going to apply
anymore. In Zimbabwe some shops will give you what you want on zero
deposit and they deduct money from your payslip for several months. So this
zero deposit benefit was no longer applicable to me because I had no such

Look here, I prayed for clothes in general and people began to give me
second hand clothes. Then I said “Lord these clothes are not presentable. I
need new clothes”. People began to give me new but wrong size clothes. I
complained to God again and God answered, “Daughter your prayer had no
size of dresses”. Next I my put size in my prayer and God has provided new
presentable clothes of the right size since that time. For the past 19 years, I
bought only one dress from a passerby who was desperate for money. Glory
be to the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. This is what I mean when I say tell God
your father what you are praying for as well as the necessary details.
Let me add one example of my answered miracle prayer. I asked for a new
or second hand good as new Ford Ranger twin cab 4 x 4 and Jesus brought it
to our door step by the hands of our children Tafadzwa and Rolandria Nyoni.
Note that we had not told them our prayer. We use it as I write the book. To
us it’s a miracle because we did not have such resources as to buy such a car.

Our Lord Jesus said

“Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be
opened to you.” (Matthew 7 verse 7)

God does not impose prayer answers unless he has to. This is why I
encourage you to ask God for small and big things. I hope you will have
many breakthroughs in the name of Jesus.

God is God and he always has the final say in all situations. While we pray
and we expect him to answer our prayers as we want it may not happen
always. There are times we get the opposite from what we have asked even
if it is painful. There are also times when we wonder why God behaves as if
he has not heard us.

Paul says that we should give glory to God all the time. This is why he

“Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice” (Philippians 4

verse 4)

Again Paul tells us that we should praise God always.

“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him,
who are called according to his purposes” (Romans 8 verse 28)

Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances for this is
the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the spirit” (I
Thessalonians 5 verses 16 – 19)

The miracles I have recorded are just like a drop in the sea of many other
miracles performed by many servants of our Lord Jesus all over the world.
These I have recorded so that deliverance sessions are taken seriously and
are given significant time and space in the Sunday services and revivals of
the many churches of Christ across the world. People say knowledge is
power but at times people perish because of ignorance.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because you have rejected
knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me and since you have
forgotten the law of your God I also will reject your children” (Hosea 4 verse

Look at that. Knowing the importance of using the name of Jesus in dealing
with our everyday challenges is knowledge to be used by every Christian.
Now at times some pastors and Christians think miracles are a thing of the
past. This book seeks to confirm to you that the Name Jesus is the same
yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13: 8)
One other point I have learnt is that some challenges we meet are
generational curses. If we do not deal with them our children will inherit
them. Look at this, Rev Lenson Nyoni nearly died soon after birth. His son
Rev Rudo Nyoni nearly died three months before his delivery date. His
grandson Bayethe Remnant nearly died during delivery time because of the
inherited curse. Let me summarize what my daughter –in- law Thelma, the
mother of Remnant narrated about the coming of her son. All prenatal
arrangements were in order but 2 weeks before the delivery date her
husband Rudo collapsed in a nearby shop. On the 26 th of July in the morning
the labour pains began and they went to the supposed clinic. The child did
not progress and the situation needed an operation in a bigger hospital
Parirenyatwa. The transfer delayed because there was no ready ambulance.
At Parirenyatwa there were not enough doctors. The mother and child were
in danger when by God’s grace the operation took place. So the devil wanted
to wipe out the three of them in 2 weeks because he was putting in place the
generational curse.

The bible has many passages that show how and why curses follow people’s
blood line

“ Since the days of our fathers we have been in great trespasses unto this
day and for our iniquities have we, our kings and our priests been delivered
into the hands of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to a
spoil, and to confusion of face as it is this day, (Ezra 9:7)

However, God has a way of preventing the sins of the fathers from operating
in the lives of their children as recorded in the book of Ezekiel bellow.

What mean ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel saying the
fathers have eaten sour grapes and the childern’s teeth are set on edge? As I
live saith the Lord God, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this
proverb in Israel. Behold all souls are mine as the soul of the father so also
the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die (Ezekiel18:2-4)

Because of the love of God each person has a right to cry for mercy through
our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. He promised to forgive us all our iniquities
and all our sins as the bible says;
And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour saying know the Lord,
for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,
saith the Lord for I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no
more. ( Jeremiah 31:34)

It does not matter what sin you have committed or what sins your
forefathers have committed, if you believe in Jesus of Nazareth, you will be
forgiven and God will hear your prayers too. When you finally get your
blessings and breakthroughs, tell other people of this great name of Jesus
and save many souls from sickness, stress and even death.

Thank you for choosing to read this book.


1. Miracles do happen, Briege McKenna, The inspiring true story of the

world famous healer and the reality of miracles, 1962, St Martins Press,
New York, USA.

2. How to heal the sick, Francis and Charles Hunter, 2000, Whitaker
House, USA.

3. From prison to praise, Merlin Corothers, 1970, Christian books, USA.

4. Unbroken curses, Rebecca Brown M.D. and Daniel Fodder, 1995,

Whitaker, Amazon, USA

5. Curse or blessing choose, Derek Prince, 1990, Christian book.com,


6. Seed Faith, Oral Roberts, 1970, Google books , USA

7. The Holy Spirit, my Senior Partner , David Yonggi Cho, 1989, Charisma

8. The Rosary Of Liberation

9. The Power Of Speaking In Tongues.
Other books by Rev Enittah Nyoni

1. Bitterness
2. Lessons from faith experiences
3. Deliverance
4. While it is day
5. To walk and talk with Jesus
6. God’s payslip
7. Our dear parents
8. The guinie pig ministry
9. Escorting the saints
10. From Lapidoth’s house to Debora’s palm tree
11. Return to me
12. Sanctify
13. If my people
14. Wean the child
15. The size of your faith
16. The destroyer of shame
17. Marriage enrichment
18. Heirs of the kingdom
19. The recruiting officer
20. Dealing with depression
21. Let go and let God
22. The trade mark
23. The Esther anointing
24. The vine dresser
25. Call divine thunder
26. Widows, widowers etc.
27. The favour of the Lord
28. Delight in the Lord
29. The vessel of peace
30. The road to calvery
31. Spiritual warfare
32. Clean your camp
33. The abstract blockers and keys
34. Remember me o God!
35. The debt collectors
36. Claiming the promises of God
37. Becoming a responsible leader
38. Touch not t anointed ones
39. Face to face with Jesus
40. The ministry of volunteers
41. Forgiveness
42. Parent abuse
43. The joy of giving
44. Never quit
45. Prophesy
46. Another touch
47. The floodgates of heaven
48. The Daniel anointing
49. The demon of debt
50. Dealing with demonic powers
51. Patience
52. The demon of self pity

Shona Version books



Minana nemuzita ra Jesu

Mufaro wokupa

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