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Human Detection by Quadratic Classification on

Subspace of Extended Histogram of Gradients
Amit Satpathy, Student Member, IEEE, Xudong Jiang, Senior Member, IEEE, and How-Lung Eng, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper proposes a quadratic classification ap- human detection such as Haar Wavelet features [35], Haar-
proach on the subspace of Extended Histogram of Gradients like features and motion information [46], edge templates [12],
(ExHoG) for human detection. By investigating the limitations Implicit Shape Models [21], Adaptive Contour Features [11],
of Histogram of Gradients (H G) and Histogram of Oriented
Gradients (H OG), ExHoG is proposed as a new feature for [27], Histogram of Oriented Gradients (H OG) [3] and the
human detection. ExHoG alleviates the problem of discrimination Covariance descriptor [45]. Holistic human detection methods,
between a dark object against a bright background and vice in general, underperform when there are heavy occlusions or
versa inherent in H G. It also resolves an issue of H OG whereby extreme pose variations in the image.
gradients of opposite directions in the same cell are mapped In contrast to holistic human detection methods, parts-based
into the same histogram bin. We reduce the dimensionality
of ExHoG using Asymmetric Principal Component Analysis human detection [1], [9], [10], [23], [24], [32], [33], [50], [55]
(APCA) for improved quadratic classification. APCA also ad- is able to handle occlusions more robustly. The main concern
dresses the asymmetry issue in training sets of human detection in parts-based methods is high false positives number. Hence,
where there are much fewer human samples than non-human most research in this area is devoted to determining robust
samples. Our proposed approach is tested on 3 established assembly methods to combine detections and eliminate false
benchmarking data sets - INRIA, Caltech and Daimler - using
a modified Minimum Mahalanobis Distance classifier. Results positives. Furthermore, for good performance, high resolution
indicate that the proposed approach outperforms current state- images is needed to extract sufficient and robust features for
of-the-art human detection methods. each human part. In practice, these kind of images are usually
Index Terms—histogram of gradients, human detection, H OG, not available. There are also some work that propose hybrid
dimension reduction, asymmetric principal component analysis features [1], [5], [6], [7], [25], [41], [48], [50], [52], [54].
However, the improved performance comes at the expense of
I. I NTRODUCTION increasing the feature dimensionality.
Feature development methods for human detection usually
OMPUTER vision and machine intelligence have been
C the foci of researchers since the invention of comput-
ers. Over recent years, researchers have been working on
use classifiers such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) [3],
[8], [9], [10], [22], [25], [29], [30], [33], [34], [35], [36],
[37], [48], [50], [59] and cascade-structured boosting-based
replacing humans with computers to take over the labour- classifiers [4], [5], [6], [7], [11], [13], [14], [16], [24], [26],
intensive and time-consuming tasks. One of the key areas is [27], [32], [38], [44], [45], [46], [47], [49], [51], [53], [54],
object detection from images and videos. Particularly, human [55], [58], [60]. Among methods that use SVM classifiers,
detection has been gaining popularity. Several areas of appli- linear SVM classifiers are generally preferred for speed and to
cations have spurred the interest of human detection such as minimize the overfitting problem of non-linear SVM kernels.
human-computer interaction for video games, robotics, video Some work has been done on classifier development for
surveillance, smart vehicles etc. However, human detection is a human detection. The reason for such a direction stems from
challenging problem due to the huge intra-class variation stem- the problem of large intra-class variation of humans. Building
ming from colour, clothing, pose and appearance variations. features that can handle the large intra-class variation of
Furthermore, external conditions such as partial occlusions, humans is difficult. However, since classifiers use statistical
illumination and background clutter further compound the methods for classification, intra-class variations can be better
problem. controlled. Some popular classifier frameworks include Wu
The work on human detection are categorized under 2 et al.’s Cluster Boosted Tree [53], [55], Maji et al.’s [30]
approaches - feature development and classifier development. Intersection Kernel for SVM, Multiple Instance Learning [4],
Humans can either be detected wholly or by parts. There have [47] and Lin et al.’s [24] “seed-and-grow” scheme.
been numerous features proposed by researchers for holistic H OG is the most popular feature used for human detection
Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. [1], [3], [8], [9], [10], [22], [25], [29], [30], [36], [37], [41],
However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be [48], [50], [52], [54], [59], [60]. It densely captures gradient
obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to information within an image window and is robust to small
X. Jiang is with Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Link, Singapore 639798. E-mail: amounts of rotation and translation within a small area. It was introduced to solve the issue of differentiation of a bright
A. Satpathy and H.-L. Eng are with Institute for Infocomm Research, human against a dark background and vice versa by Histogram
Agency for Science, Technology & Research, 1 Fusionopolis Way, Con-
nexis, Singapore 138632. E-mail:, hleng@i2r.a- of Gradients (H G) [28]. H OG maps all gradients of opposite directions to the same orientation. However, for the same cell,




approach outperforms the compared holistic human detection

0.5 0.6 methods across all 3 data sets.


0.4 0.5

0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Bins Bins

A. Limitations of Histogram of Gradients and Histogram of
Oriented Gradients

Given an image window, first order gradients are computed.

0.5 0.6

0.4 0.5



The image window is divided into grids of cells of ε×ε pixels.

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ξ × ξ cells are grouped into a block. Histogram of Gradients
Bins Bins
(H G) is computed for each cell. The gradient magnitudes of
(a) (b) H G (c) H OG the pixels with the corresponding directions are voted into
Fig. 1. Problem of H G and its solution by H OG. the L histogram bins of each cell. The ξ × ξ histograms are
normalized using clipped L 2-norm. The histograms are then
concatenated to form a (ξ × ξ × L)-D feature vector for the
H OG also maps all gradients of opposite directions to the same block. All the overlapping block features are collected to form
orientation. As such, it is unable to differentiate some local a combined feature vector for the window.
structures and produces the same feature for some different H G differentiates situations where a bright object is against
local structures. Following preliminary work in [39], this paper a dark background and vice versa as it considers gradient
proposes a new feature called the Extended Histogram of directions from 0◦ to 360◦ . This makes the intra-class variation
Gradients (ExHoG) by observing the inherent weaknesses in of the humans larger. In Fig. 1, the situations of a dark object
H OG and H G. The proposed feature differentiates most local against a bright background and vice-versa in the two different
structures which H OG misrepresents. It also alleviates the cells are illustrated. As it can be observed, the H G features for
brightness reversal problem of human and background. the 2 situations are different.
Linear SVM classifiers are popular in human detection as To solve the problem of H G, Histogram of Oriented Gradi-
non-linear SVM classifiers have a high computational burden ents (H OG) [3] was proposed that treats all opposite directions
for high-dimensional features. Furthermore, the degree of non- as same orientation. This is illustrated in Fig. 1 where the H OG
linearity of SVM classifiers is unknown and cannot be easily representations for both the situations are the same. However,
controlled. As a result, non-linear SVM classifiers may suffer this causes H OG to be unable to discern some local structures
from overfitting during training. However, the classification that are different from each other. It is possible for 2 different
capability of linear SVM is limited. Based on preliminary structures to have the similar feature representation. This is
results in [40], we propose a classification framework that illustrated in Fig. 2. The problem with H OG is that gradients
includes a modified Minimum Mahalanobis Distance classifier of opposite directions in the same cell are mapped to the
and Asymmetric Principal Component Analysis (APCA) [17], same bin. In Fig. 2(a), the first pair of structures represent
[18]. This paper discovers that the boundary between human a slightly bent human torso against a background (edge) and
and non-human can be well approximated by a hyper-quadratic human limbs against a background (ridge). H OG produces the
surface. However, for high-dimensional features, the estimated same feature for these very different 2 structures. Similarly, in
eigenvalues in some feature dimensions deviate greatly from Fig. 2(b) and Fig. 2(c), it can be seen that, for each pair of
that of the data population which results in overfitting of the structures, they are represented as the same by H OG.
quadratic classifier. Hence, there is a need to reduce ExHoG
dimensions to minimize the overfitting problem. Furthermore, B. The Proposed Extended Histogram of Gradients
training sets, usually, contain much fewer positive samples
than the negative ones which results in the negative covariance Consider an unnormalized H G cell feature, bk where k is
matrix being more reliable than the positive covariance matrix. the k th cell in the block. Let i denote the bin of quantized
Using PCA is inefficient as the unreliable dimensions from the gradient direction θ, hgk (i) the H G bin value and L the even
less reliable covariance matrix are not effectively removed. number of H G bins. We find that H OG can be created simply
To tackle the problems of dimensionality reduction and the from H G as follows:
asymmetry issue of human training sets, we propose using hogk (i) = hgk (i) + hgk (i + L
1≤i≤ L
2 ), 2
APCA for dimension reduction. As a result, the projected
features allow for a more robust classifier to be trained that where hogk (i) is the ith H OG bin value. We see that H OG, in
less overfits the training data. fact, is the sum of two corresponding bins of H G.
We present comprehensive experimental results to verify Now, consider the absolute difference between hgk (i) and
the validation of the proposed approach on 3 different data hgk (i + L2 ) to form a Difference of HG (D HG) as follows:
sets - INRIA, Caltech and Daimler - which contain humans hdgk (i) = |hgk (i) − hgk (i + L
1≤i≤ L
2 )|, 2
in different contextual domains. Results are evaluated for
INRIA and Caltech using the new evaluation framework of where hdgk (i) is the ith D HG bin value. D HG produces the
per-image methodology [8] and for Daimler using the standard same feature as H OG for patterns that contain no gradients
per-window methodology. Results show that the proposed of opposite directions. It differentiates these patterns from the

(a)(i) (a)(ii) (b)(i) (b)(ii) (c)(i) (c)(ii)

0.9 0.9
0.5 0.7 0.7
0.8 0.8 0.35

0.7 0.7 0.3 0.6 0.6

0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5





0.5 0.5 0.3
0.2 0.4 0.4
0.4 0.4
0.15 0.2 0.3 0.3
0.3 0.3
0.1 0.2 0.2
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.1

0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Bins Bins Bins Bins Bins Bins

(a)(iii) (b)(iii) (c)(iii)

Fig. 2. Problem of H OG. 6 local structures are shown. H OG makes the different structures in (a)(i) and (ii) similar as shown in (a)(iii) and different structures
in (b)(i) and (ii) similar as shown in (b)(iii). A similar situation can be observed in (c).

ones that contain opposite gradients by assigning small values bins of H G are first merged to form H OG and then clipped.
to the mapped bins. The concatenation of these 2 histograms In the proposed normalization scheme, the bins of H G are
produces the Extended Histogram of Gradients (ExHoG). first clipped and then merged to form H OG. This allows the
In [3], [8], [10], [25], H OG is clipped and renormalized after differentiation of some structures to remain after clipping and
creation. This reduces the illumination variations and noise. normalization. Furthermore, it also clips the large gradient
However, it presents a problem for some structures in different peaks before they can be propagated into the H OG and D HG
cells as their features may become similar. An example is features. This allows ExHoG to be more robust to noise and
illustrated in Fig. 3. The H OG features before clipping are abrupt image intensity changes (Fig. 6).
different for the 2 different structures. After clipping, they The proposed ExHoG of a cell is constructed from the
become the same. clipped L2-norm normalized H G by:
Consider the same normalization procedure in [3], [8], [10], 
hgcnk (i) + hgcnk (i + L2 ), 1 ≤ i ≤ L2
[25] for ExHoG. The magnitudes of the bins of H OG are hegk (i) = (6)
|hgcnk (i) − hgcnk (i − L2 )|, L2 + 1 ≤ i ≤ L,
much larger compared to D HG since creation of H OG involves
summation of two positive values while creation of D HG where hegk (i) is the ith ExHoG bin value.
involves an absolute difference of them. Hence, if there are Unlike H OG, the proposed ExHoG differentiates gradients
noisy gradient pixels with large magnitudes or very abrupt of opposite directions from those of same direction in the same
intensity changes in the image, these large gradient magnitude cell. Using the same local structures in Fig. 2, it is clearly
peaks, which are captured in H G (Fig. 4), are propagated into illustrated in Fig. 7 that the ExHoG representations of each lo-
H OG and D HG. These peaks are larger in H OG than in D HG. If cal structure is unique. Furthermore, ExHoG also resolves the
we perform normalization of the ExHoG feature as illustrated larger intra-class variation of humans caused by the brightness
in Fig. 4 similar to [3], these large gradient magnitude peaks reversal of human and background in Fig. 8. Hence, ExHoG
are only clipped in the H OG component of ExHoG and remain represents the human contour more discriminatively than H OG
unclipped in the D HG component of ExHoG. and has less intra-class variation than H G.
In our work, we propose that the normalization be per-
formed directly after the H G block feature is created and be-
fore the summation and subtraction of H G. The normalization A. Linear versus non-linear classification
steps are described as follows: Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers are most widely
used for human detection with H OG [3], [8], [9], [10], [22],
hgk (i)
hgnk (i) = qP (3) [25], [29], [30], [36], [37], [48], [50], [52], [59]. Non-linear
N PL 2
k=1 i=1 (hgk (i))
kernels can be used with SVM classifiers for classification.
 However, the degree of non-linearity of the kernel SVM
hgnk (i), hgnk (i) < T classifier is unknown and not easy to be controlled. Using
hgck (i) = (4)
T, hgnk (i) ≥ T , an inappropriate degree of non-linearity of the kernel could
lead to an overfitting problem with SVM classifiers.
hgck (i) Furthermore, the computational complexity of non-linear
hgcnk (i) = qP (5)
N PL 2 SVM classifiers during classification heavily depends on the
k=1 i=1 (hgck (i))
number of support vectors, the dimensionality of the features
where N is the number of cells in the block and T is the and the kernel that is used. Let Ns the number of support
clipping threshold. The H OG and D HG features are then vectors and l the dimension of the samples. The complexity is
generated from this normalized H G feature, hgcnk (i). O(O(l)Ns ) where O(l) is the number of operations required to
Fig. 5 shows the effect of this proposed normalization evaluate the non-linear kernel. For a human detection problem,
scheme on the structures in Fig. 3. It is seen that the resulting l and Ns can be in values of several thousands. Hence, the
H OG features for the 2 structures remain different. In [3], the complexity is extremely high.

HG H OG Pre-clip H OG Post-clip H G Pre-clip H G Post-clip H OG

700 0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5 0.5

0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
500 Clipping 0.4

value 0.4



400 0.3 0.3 0.3
0.3 0.3
300 value
0.2 0.2 0.2
0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1 0.1

0.1 0.1

0 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Bins Bins Bins Bins Bins Bins

0.6 0.45
0.5 0.4
600 0.5 0.7
Clipping 0.4
0.4 0.6




400 0.3 0.3

Clipping 0.25
value 0.2
0.2 0.2 0.3
0.2 0.15
0.1 0.2
0.1 0.1 0.1
100 0.1

0 0 0 0 0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Bins Bins Bins Bins Bins Bins

Fig. 3. Example of 2 structures that have similar H OG representations after Fig. 5. Effect of the proposed normalization scheme on the 2 structures in
clipping and normalization. Fig. 3. The resulting H OG features for the 2 structures are different.

Peak caused by Peak caused by

abrupt intensity HG abrupt intensity
change Generation change

Cell Cell After

ExHoG clipping
Generation and
Region of abrupt Region of abrupt
intensity change intensity change
Image block with abrupt Image block with abrupt
intensity change intensity change


Peak in DHG After Peak in DHG
clipping ExHoG
remains suppressed
and Generation

Fig. 4. Problem of normalization directly on ExHoG [Best viewed in colour]. (b)

H G is created with a large peak due to the abrupt intensity change. One of Fig. 6. Proposed normalization scheme for ExHoG [Best viewed in colour].
the peaks remain unclipped in the formation of ExHoG. The H G feature is clipped as shown. It can be observed that the large peak
has been clipped. The peak in the histogram of DHG has been suppressed.

In order to mitigate the overfitting problem and for speed,

linear SVM classifier is most widely used [3], [8], [9], [10], tive class. In order to illustrate this, the ExHoG features of the
[22], [25], [35], [36], [37], [48], [50], [52], [59]. However, initial training set of 2416 positive samples and 12180 negative
linear SVM classifiers only work well for distinct classification samples from INRIA [3] are projected to a lower-dimensional
problems like cats versus dogs. For asymmetrical classification Asymmetric Principal Component Analysis (APCA) (Section
problems like human detection where it is one object versus III-B) subspace. Fig. 9 shows the 2-dimensional scatter plots of
all other objects, linear SVM may not perform well. the first 5 dimensions of the projected ExHoG features in the
Boosting-based classifiers are also employed in human APCA subspace. Clearly, from the 4 scatter plots in Fig. 9, it
detection problems. Compared to SVM classifiers, cascade is observed that a linear boundary is not optimal for separating
structured boosting-based classifiers enable very fast detec- the two classes. A hyper-quadratic boundary can be used to
tion and the resultant strong classifiers are non-linear. There separate the two classes much better than a linear boundary.
are many types of boosting-based classifiers used in human It is not difficult to understand the roughly quadratic surface
detection such as AdaBoost [5], [6], [7], [16], [32], [38], [46], boundary between the human class and the non-human class.
[60], RealBoost [11], [13], [54], LogitBoost [14], [27], [45], Human class is one object while non-human class include all
MILBoost [4], [24], [47], Cluster Boosting Tree [53], [55], other objects. Therefore, the human samples are surrounded
GentleBoost [26], [44], [58] and MPLBoost [49], [51]. by the non-human samples in the feature space.
However, boosting-based classifiers are based on a subset of An example of a quadratic classifier is the Minimum Ma-
features selected from a huge number of all possible features halanobis Distance classifier (MMDC) whose decision rule is
(usually numbering in hundreds of thousands or higher) by given as follows:
learning from the database. The feature subset selected by the
(X −µn )T Σ−1 T −1
n (X −µn )−(X −µp ) Σp (X −µp ) > b, (7)
classifiers may or may not yield a good classification result
[20], [43], especially if the feature pool for selection is small. where X is the feature vector, Σn is the negative covariance
This work focuses on the further development of a single type matrix, Σp is the positive covariance matrix, µn and µp are
of feature based on the widely used H G. It is not feasible to the negative and positive class means and b is a user-defined
use a boosting-based classifier to select a feature subset from classification threshold. The MMDC is the minimum error
this limited number of specific features as the merit and the Bayes classifier for Gaussian distribution of the positive and
main strength of the boosting-based approach is to select a negative data with arbitrary means and covariance matrices.
subset of features from a huge number of possible features. In general, the class means and covariance matrices of the
In human detection, the negative class comprises of all other human and non-human data population are unknown. It can
classes that are not human. In the feature space, the positive only be estimated from the limited number of training samples.
class usually occupies a small space surrounded by the nega- Hence, if the estimated variances deviate greatly from those

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6


0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Bins Bins

0.9 0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6 0.6

Fig. 8. Same ExHoGs are produced for patterns in Fig. 1.


0.5 0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1 0.1

0 0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Bins Bins Bins




Suppose there are qp l-dimensional samples belonging to

the positive class ωp and qn samples belonging to the negative



0.2 0.15


class ωn . It is studied in [17], [18] how Principal Component
0 0

2 4 6 8 10
12 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9

Analysis (PCA) can be used to enhance classification accuracy.




The total scatter matrix, Σt , for the 2 classes is in fact a

weighted linear combination of covariance matrices. If Σt



0.3 0.3

0.15 0.2 0.2





is decomposed such that Σt = ΨΥΨT where Ψ is the
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

eigenvector matrix and Υ is the diagonal matrix containing

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Bins Bins Bins

the eigenvalues, the transformation matrix, Ψm , Ψm ∈ Rl×m ,







m < l, of PCA keeps m eigenvectors corresponding to the

m largest eigenvalues. Hence, PCA removes the unreliable


0.1 0.1

0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Bins Bins

dimensions of small eigenvalues [17], [18].



However, PCA does not remove the unreliable dimensions



for classification. As Σt is not constructed from the classifier

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
point of view, PCA removes unreliable dimensions from the
Bins Bins Bins

class more well-represented by the training samples. However,

Fig. 7. ExHoG representations of local structures in Fig. 2. ExHoG unreliable dimensions from the class less well-represented by
differentiates the local structure pairs in Fig. 2 misrepresented by H OG.
the training samples should be removed. APCA solves this
issue by weighting Σp and Σn differently. APCA proposes to
define a covariance mixture to replace Σt as follows:
of the data population, the MMDC will overfit the data as it
uses the inverse of the covariance matrices. This will result Σt0 = δp Σp + δn Σn + Σm (8)
in a poor generalization. This problem becomes very severe
if the feature dimensionality is high [17], [18]. Therefore, where δp + δn = 1, δp , δn are the empirically estimated user-
in order to improve the classification performance, there is defined weights and Σm is the covariance matrix of the class
a need to reduce the feature dimensions so that the unreliable means. Typically, the less well-represented covariance matrix
dimensions are removed before classification. should have a larger weight so that unreliable dimensions from
this class will be removed. This also addresses the asymmetry
in the training data. In human detection, usually, the number of
B. Dimensionality Reduction negative training samples far exceeds the number of positive
Most dimensionality reduction approaches apply discrim- training samples. Hence, a weight proportional to the number
inant analysis (DA) [2], [15], [19], [31], [56], [57] to ex- of negative training samples is assigned to the positive covari-
tract as few features as possible with minimum loss of ance matrix and vice-versa for the negative covariance matrix.
discriminative information. They produce a portable feature The weights can then be fine-tuned using cross-validation.
vector for fast classification but are not directly targeted at However, in the experiments of this paper, the weights are not
solving generalization problem of the classifier in the high fine-tuned so that a unified parameter setting is used for all
dimensional feature space. These approaches may improve data sets. δp is simply chosen to be proportional to the number
the classification generalization if the highly nonlinear nearest of negative training samples and δn to be proportional to the
neighbour (NN) classifier is applied. For human detection, number of positive training samples as follows:
there are only two classes and many training samples in 1
each class. Obviously, the NN classifier is not feasible. As Σt0 = (qn Σp + qp Σn ) + Σm (9)
qp + qn
analyzed before, a quadratic classifier is devised in our system.
The classification requires the inverse of the class-conditional Eigen-decomposition is performed on Σt0 as:
covariance matrices. In the high dimensional space, the inverse Σt0 = ΦΛΦT (10)
of the class-conditional covariance matrices will cause a big
classification problem as the unreliable small eigenvalues of and m eigenvectors Φ̂ are extracted from Φ corresponding to
the estimated class-conditional covariance matrices can largely m largest eigenvalues in Λ. The projected covariance matrices
deviate from the true values. Asymmetric Principal Component are found as Σ̂p = Φ̂T Σp Φ̂ and Σ̂n = Φ̂T Σn Φ̂.
Analysis (APCA) [17], [18] is a dimensionality reduction APCA removes the subspace spanned by the eigenvectors
technique that directly targets at solving such problem. corresponding to the smallest eigenvalues of Σt0 . By doing

5 10 5
Negative Samples Negative Samples Negative Samples Negative Samples
4 Positive Samples 3.5 Positive Samples Positive Samples 4
Positive Samples

3 3

2 6



1.5 4 1
−1 2
−3 −2

−4 −1 −2 −3
−10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 9. Distribution of ExHoG features in the APCA subspace [Best viewed in colour]. The first 5 dimensions (APCA 1, APCA 2, APCA 3, APCA 4 and
APCA 5) after projection are chosen for the scatter plots. (a) shows the plot of APCA 1 vs APCA 2. (b) shows the plot of APCA 2 vs APCA 3. (c) shows
the plot of APCA 3 vs APCA 4. (d) shows the plot of APCA 4 vs APCA 5. In (a) - (d), it can be clearly seen the positive samples occupy a small space
while being surrounded by the negative samples. The thick black curve indicates the ideal quadratic boundary for separation.

so, APCA removes the unreliable dimensions of both classes For the INRIA and Caltech data sets, a cell size of 8 × 8
(more from the less reliable class) and keeps the large inter- pixels is used with a block size of 2 × 2 cells. The number of
class distinction in the subspace spanned by the eigenvectors bins for each cell for ExHoG is 18. A 50% overlap of blocks
of the large eigenvalues of Σt0 . As such, APCA alleviates the are used in the construction of the feature vectors. The H G
overfitting problem which lead to better generalization for the block feature is normalized using a clipping value of 0.08.
unknown query data [17], [18]. For the Daimler data set, a cell size of 3 × 3 pixels is used
with a block size of 2 × 2 cells. The number of bins for each
C. Quadratic classification in APCA subspace cell for ExHoG is 18. A 66.6% overlap of blocks are used
in the computation of the feature vectors. The normalization
After APCA, the eigenvalues in the APCA subspace are
procedure is the same as INRIA and Caltech.
generally biased upwards. The bias is higher for the less well-
represented class [17]. Hence, regularization of the covariance
matrices are required for better classification. Classification A. Training of classifiers
is performed using a modified MMDC [17] which uses the For INRIA and Caltech data sets, the INRIA training set
regularized covariance matrices in the APCA space as follows: is used to train the classifiers. The training set contains 2416
(X̂ − µ̂n )T Σ̂−1 T −1
n0 (X̂ − µ̂n ) − (X̂ − µ̂p ) Σ̂p (X̂ − µ̂p ) > b, (11) cropped positive images and 1218 uncropped negative images.
The sliding window size is 128 × 64 pixels. For Daimler data
where X̂ = Φ̂T X, µ̂n = Φ̂T µn , µ̂p = Φ̂T µp and Σ̂n0 = set, the training data set contains 3 sets of cropped positive and
β Σ̂n . β, 0.5 ≤ β ≤ 2, is a regularization parameter for the negative samples. In each set, there are 4800 positive samples
negative matrix. Compared to [17], the upper bound for β and 5000 negative samples of 36 × 18 pixels.
is increased. For human detection training sets, the number 1) INRIA and Caltech Data Sets. We randomly take 10
of positive samples is usually far smaller than the number of samples from each negative image to obtain a total of 12180
negatives samples. Therefore, the positive covariance matrix is negative samples for training the linear SVM classifier. Boot-
less reliable than the negative covariance matrix. After APCA, strapping is performed across multiple scales at a scale step
the large eigenvalues of the positive covariance matrix are of 1.05 to obtain 89400 hard negatives which are combined
hence typically biased upwards more than the eigenvalues with the original training set to retrain the classifier.
of the negative covariance matrix. As we need to suppress To estimate β for the modified MMDC and m for APCA,
the positive covariance matrix, the weight of the negative a 4-fold cross-validation is performed on the training set.
covariance matrix, β, needs to be larger than 1. The negative images are scanned across different scales at
a scale step of 1.2. At each scale, 7 samples are randomly
IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS selected from each negative image. 47499 negative samples
We perform experiments on three data sets - INRIA [3], are obtained.
Caltech Pedestrian Data Set [8] and Daimler Pedestrian Clas- β = 1.7 and m = 200 give the best results. β is larger than
sification Benchmark [34]. The performance of the proposed 1 which indicates that eigenvalues of the positive covariance
approach is compared against some of the state-of-the-art matrix are biased upwards more than the eigenvalues of the
methods on these given data sets. Results are reported for the negative covariance matrix in the APCA subspace. This result
INRIA and Caltech data sets using the per-image methodology verifies our analysis earlier whereby it was discussed that the
as it is a better evaluation method [8]. The per-window positive covariance matrix will be less reliable due to the
evaluation methodology is used for the Daimler data set as the smaller number of training samples available. Hence, its large
uncropped positive images for testing are unavailable. 2 clas- eigenvalues will be heavily biased upwards.
sifiers are used - linear SVM on ExHoG and modified MMDC Using these parameters, the modified MMDC is trained.
on the APCA projected ExHoG. They will be referred to as Bootstrapping is performed on the negative images across
ExHoG and ExHoG APCA respectively in the discussions. multiple scales at a scale step of 1.05 to obtain 89400 hard



Feature INRIA Daimler
+ LAMR 0.1 FPPI Accuracy 0.05 FPPW .50

Classifier (%) MR (%) (%) MR (%) .40

ExHoG 37.00 36.39 91.22 ± 2.17 14.91
HG 48.00 47.94 90.28 ± 2.00 15.50 .30
H OG 46.00 49.65 90.75 ± 2.24 16.08

Miss Rate
ExHoG APCA 36.00 33.36 93.06 ± 1.78 8.78
H G APCA 43.00 41.11 91.84 ± 1.73 9.55
H OG APCA 40.00 37.69 91.39 ± 2.29 11.20
ExHoG+H IK S VM 36.00 34.16 91.22 ± 1.85 14.04
H IK S VM (H OG) 43.00 44.24 89.03 ± 1.39 18.00
82% Shapelet 43% HikSvm
80% PoseInv 37% ExHoG
44% LatSvm−V1 13% ExHoG LatSvm−V2
Dimension Reduction Method LAMR (%) 0.1 FPPI MR (%) −2 −1 0
10 10 10
APCA 36.00 33.36 False Positives Per Image
MFA [56] 50.00 50.42
Fig. 10. Performance of ExHoG and ExHoG APCA against existing state-of-
the-art methods [Best viewed in colour]. ExHoG APCA outperforms almost
all other methods except for L AT S VM -V2.
negatives. They are combined with the original training set
to retrain the modified MMDC. β and m remain unchanged
during classifier retraining to simplify the training process. negative images of 36 × 18 pixels. Following the evaluation
2) Daimler Data Set. Three linear SVM classifiers are process in [34], we run the classifiers on both test sets. 6
trained by choosing 2 out of 3 training sets at a time. To ROC curves are obtained. Under the assumption that each test
estimate β for the modified MMDCs and m for APCA, 3-fold follows a Gaussian distribution and is independent, a 95%
cross-validation is performed on the training set. From the confidence interval of the true mean MR, which is given by
cross-validation experiments, β = 0.9 and m = 400 give the the t-distribution, is taken [34].
best results. β is close to 1 which indicates that the eigenvalues The results are shown in Table. I. Rows 1 to 3 show the
of both classes have almost the same amount of bias. For results of ExHoG against H OG and H G using linear SVM
this data set, the number of training samples for each class classifiers. Rows 4 to 6 show those using APCA+MMDC.
is almost the same. However, the positive class only consist Rows 7 to 8 show those using H IK S VM. It can be seen
of humans while the negative class consist of all other non- that ExHoG consistently outperforms H OG and/or H G for a
humans. Thus, even though both classes have almost the same particular classifier for both data sets in each section. This
number of training samples, the negative class is actually less demonstrates that the proposed feature is better suited for
well-represented than the positive class. This leads to the human description compared to H G and H OG. Comparing
optimal value of β smaller than 1. Using these parameters, between sections, the effectiveness of APCA+MMDC can be
the 3 modified MMDCs are trained. compared against linear SVM and H IK S VM. On both INRIA
and Daimler, APCA+MMDC outperforms linear SVM for all
B. Comparison of classifiers and ExHoG against HG and 3 features. It also outperforms the nonlinear H IK S VM.
HOG In addition, we have also compared the performance of
The performance of ExHoG against H OG and/or H G with APCA against a state-of-the-art dimension reduction approach,
linear SVM, H IK S VM [29], [30] and APCA+MMDC is tested Marginal Fisher Analysis (MFA) [56] on INRIA. ExHoG is
on INRIA and Daimler. After cross-validation on INRIA, β = used as the feature. Modified MMDC is used for classification
1.4 and m = 200 give the best results for H G. For H OG, β = as it is not possible to apply the NN classifier for this
1.25 and m = 200 give the best results. After cross-validation huge number of training samples. We use cross-validation
on Daimler, m = 400 and β = 0.9 gave best results for both. experiments to determine the best parameters for MFA, its
The INRIA test set contains 288 images. We scan the images pre-PCA and the modified MMDC. They are 200 for PCA, k1
using the classifiers over multiple scales at a scale step of = 10 and k2 = 180 for MFA and β = 0.8 for MMDC. Table
1.05. The window stride is 8 pixels in the x and y directions. II shows that APCA performs significantly better than MFA.
To compare between different detectors, the miss rate (MR)
against false positives per image (FPPI) (using log-log plots)
C. Comparison with state-of-the-art on INRIA
is plotted. To summarize the detector performance, the log-
average miss rate [8] (LAMR) is used which is computed by We compare the performance of ExHoG and ExHoG APCA
averaging the MRs at nine FPPI rates evenly spaced in log- with VJ [46], S HAPELET [38], P OSE I NV [22], L AT S VM -V1
space in the range 10−2 to 100 . If any of the curves end before [9], H IK S VM, H OG [3] and L AT S VM -V2 [10]. In order to
reaching 100 , the minimum miss rate achieved is used [8]. keep the comparisons clearly within the domain of single
The Daimler test set contains 2 sets of positive and negative type of features, performance comparisons with methods that
samples. In each set, there are 4800 positive images and 5000 use hybrid features are omitted. The results of all compared

1 1 1



Miss Rate

Miss Rate

Miss Rate

100% VJ 90% VJ 99% VJ
97% Shapelet 83% Shapelet 97% Shapelet
96% PoseInv 78% PoseInv 93% LatSvm−V1
94% LatSvm−V1 57% LatSvm−V1 .64 93% PoseInv
91% HikSvm 48% HikSvm 89% HikSvm
90% HOG 44% HOG 87% HOG
88% LatSvm−V2 41% ExHoG APCA 86% LatSvm−V2
87% ExHoG 40% ExHoG 81% ExHoG
82% ExHoG APCA 34% LatSvm−V2 75% ExHoG APCA
.66 .20 .54
−3 −2 −1 0 −3 −2 −1 0 −3 −2 −1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
False Positives Per Image False Positives Per Image False Positives Per Image

(a) Overall (b) Near Scale (c) Medium Scale

1 1 1

.80 .80

Miss Rate

Miss Rate

Miss Rate
.80 .64

94% VJ 99% VJ 95% VJ

91% Shapelet 93% Shapelet 91% Shapelet
86% PoseInv 92% PoseInv .50 86% PoseInv
79% LatSvm−V1 89% LatSvm−V1 80% LatSvm−V1
72% HikSvm 88% HikSvm 73% HikSvm
.40 66% HOG 84% HOG 68% HOG
61% LatSvm−V2 81% LatSvm−V2 63% LatSvm−V2
59% ExHoG 81% ExHoG APCA .40 61% ExHoG
55% ExHoG APCA 80% ExHoG 58% ExHoG APCA
.33 .59
−3 −2 −1 0 −3 −2 −1 0 −3 −2 −1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
False Positives Per Image False Positives Per Image False Positives Per Image

(d) No Occlusion (e) Partial Occlusion (f) Reasonable

Fig. 11. Evaluation results under six different conditions on the test set of the Caltech Pedestrian Data Set [Best viewed in colour]. (a) ExHoG APCA ranks
first in performance on all annotated pedestrians. (b) ExHoG ranks second in performance on unoccluded pedestrians over 80 pixels (near scale) followed by
ExHoG APCA. (c) ExHoG APCA ranks first in performance on unoccluded pedestrians between 30-80 pixels. (d) ExHoG APCA ranks first in performance
on unoccluded pedestrians over 50 pixels tall. (e) Even under partial occlusion, ExHoG performs the best among all other methods. ExHoG APCA ranks
second. (f) ExHoG APCA ranks first in performance on 50-pixel or taller, unoccluded or partially occluded pedestrians (reasonable).

detectors are given in [8]. These detectors are trained and variations. It has been created from a recorded video on a
optimized by their respective authors and tested in [8]. moving car through densely populated human areas. As such,
From Fig. 10, ExHoG and ExHoG APCA achieve a LAMR it contains artifacts of motion, blur and noise, and has various
of 37% and 36% respectively which are significantly lower stages of occlusion (from almost complete to none). The data
than all the state-of-the-art methods being compared with ex- set is divided into 11 sessions. The first 6 sessions are the
cept L AT S VM -V2. H OG has a LAMR of 46% while H IK S VM training set while the remaining 5 are the test set.
and L AT S VM -V1 have a LAMR of 43% and 44% respec- In [8], the authors reported results whereby they used detec-
tively. ExHoG and ExHoG APCA do not perform as well tors trained on other data sets like INRIA for classification on
as L AT S VM -V2. In L AT S VM -V2, the latent SVM classifier their test set. We also present our results in a similar manner
has been modified to a better objective function compared to where our detectors are trained using the INRIA data set and
L AT S VM -V1 and use mixture models which enables a more tested on the test sessions. The scale step used is 1.05. The
robust parts-based representation. Since INRIA consist of very window stride is 8 pixels in the x and y directions. Same as
clean high-resolution images (minimum size of human for [8], in order to detect humans at smaller scales, the original
detection is 128 × 64 pixels), these improvements significantly images are upscaled. Only every 30th frame is evaluated so
improves performance. Since L AT S VM -V2 uses H OG features, that our comparisons is consistent with those in [8].
we also tested ExHoG with L AT S VM -V2 by replacing H OG
Detailed results are presented in Fig. 11. The detectors we
with ExHoG. Using ExHoG with L AT S VM -V2, we achieve
compare with ExHoG and ExHoG APCA are the same as those
the lowest LAMR of 13% on INRIA to date. However, the
in Section IV-C (except ExHoG L AT S VM -V2). The results of
parts-based approach may not work well for low-resolution
the compared detectors are given in [8]. These detectors are
or low-quality or complex-background images. This is shown
trained and optimized by their respective authors and tested
in the medium and reasonable scales of Caltech data set
in [8]. The performance is analyzed under six conditions as
(Fig. 11(c) and (f)) in Section IV-D where L AT S VM -V2
in [8]. Fig. 11 show the overall performance on the test set,
underperforms the proposed ExHoG and ExHoG APCA.
on near and medium scales, under no and partial occlusions
and on clearly visible pedestrians (reasonable). As in [8], the
D. Comparison with state-of-the-art on Caltech MR versus FPPI is plotted and LAMR is used as a common
The Caltech data set [8] contains color video sequences reference value for summarizing performance. The results are
and pedestrians with a wide range of scales and more scene discussed under each condition in more details as follows.

Extraction Classification Speed (ms)
Feature Dimension Speed Linear APCA+
ExHoG 7560 0.19 0.07 46.73 6.63
Average Miss Rate

H OG 3780 0.13 0.04 23.37 4.58

0.1 HG 7560 0.19 0.07 46.73 6.63

0.05 ExHoG APCA is due to the robustness of our approach to

HOG detection of humans in low- and medium-resolutions.
ExHoG APCA Reasonable: Fig. 11(f) plots the performance on reasonable
condition that evaluates performance on pedestrians that are
Haar features + BGSLDA over 50 pixels tall under no or partial occlusion. ExHoG
0.015 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.1 0.16
False Positive Per Window (FPPW) APCA ranks first at 58% and L AT S VM -V2 ranks third at 63%.
ExHoG APCA is able to handle low- and medium-resolutions
Fig. 12. Performance of ExHoG APCA against existing state-of-the- more robustly compared to the other methods. This accounts
art methods [Best viewed in colour]. ExHoG APCA outperforms all other
methods. for its performance under this condition.

E. Comparison with state-of-the-art on Daimler

Overall: Fig. 11(a) plots the performance on all test sessions Fig. 12 shows the performance of ExHoG and ExHoG
for every annotated pedestrian. ExHoG APCA ranks first at APCA against H OG with linear SVM classifier, Covariance
82% followed by ExHoG at 87% and L AT S VM -V2 at 88%. Descriptor (C OV) [45], H IK S VM [29], [30] and Haar features
Scale: Fig. 11(b) plots the performance on unoccluded with BGSLDA [42]. The results of C OV, H IK S VM and Haar
pedestrians of heights over 80 pixels. Here, ExHoG APCA features with BGSLDA were obtained from their respective
does not perform as well as L AT S VM -V2 and is marginally papers. ExHoG only achieves a 1% improvement in MR com-
worse than ExHoG. ExHoG APCA has a LAMR of 41% with pared to H OG at 0.05 FPPW. ExHoG outperforms H IK S VM.
ExHoG at 40% and L AT S VM -V2, performing the best, at ExHoG also performs much better than Haar features with
34%. At this scale, the resolution of pedestrians is high for BGSLDA which uses Linear Discriminant Analysis as its
the parts-based L AT S VM -V2 to perform better than ExHoG criteria for feature selection with boosting. At 0.05 FPPW,
and ExHoG APCA. However, good performance at this scale ExHoG has a MR of 14.91% while H IK S VM and Haar features
is not crucial for pedestrian detection applications [8]. The with BGSLDA have a MR of 18%. However, in comparison to
pedestrians will be too close to the vehicle and the driver or the C OV, ExHoG performance is inferior. We attribute this less-
automated driving system will not have sufficient time to react than-desired performance to the linear classification approach
to avoid accidents. It is more important to detect pedestrians of ExHoG in comparison to the non-linear classification ap-
at a distance much further away from the vehicles. proach of C OV. Dimensionality reduction with APCA and
Fig. 11(c) plots the performance on unoccluded pedestrians classification with modified MMDC improves the MR of
of heights between 30 - 80 pixels. ExHoG APCA ranks first at ExHoG by about 6% to a MR of 8.78% at 0.05 FPPW
75% followed by ExHoG at 81% and L AT S VM -V2 at 86%. At compared with ExHoG with Linear SVM classifiers. ExHoG
this scale, ExHoG APCA outperforms L AT S VM -V2 by a large APCA outperforms all other methods.
margin. This highlights that at low- and medium-resolutions,
using quadratic classifier in the APCA subspace is more robust
F. Runtime Performance
in detecting pedestrians than other approaches. This is an
important aspect as in pedestrian detection problems, it is Table III summarizes the extraction and classification time
necessary to detect humans further away from the vehicle per window of ExHoG versus H G and H OG for INRIA. The
more accurately so that there is ample time to react to prevent off-line training time of APCA+MMDC is approximately 12
an accident. 30-80 pixel height of pedestrians is the most hours which is slower than linear SVM but much faster than
appropriate image resolution for pedestrian detection [8]. HIKSVM which takes around a day to train. Classification
Occlusion: Fig. 11(d) plots the performance on unoccluded using MMDC is slower than linear SVM but is much faster
pedestrians of heights over 50 pixels. ExHoG APCA ranks than H IK S VM which is a fast non-linear kernel SVM classifier.
first at 55% and L AT S VM -V2 ranks third at 61%. Fig. 11(e) For online human detection, both the computational and mem-
plots the performance on partially occluded (1 - 35% occluded) ory complexity is O(l · m) for the dimensionality reduction
pedestrians of heights over 50 pixels. ExHoG ranks first at and O(m2 ) for MMDC. Overall, both the computational and
80% and L AT S VM -V2 ranks third at 81%. As occlusion memory complexity of APCA+MMDC is O(l · m + m2 ).
has degraded the performance significantly, the parts-based
L AT S VM -V2 should outperform the whole human detection V. C ONCLUSION
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2007, pp. 1 –8. Xudong Jiang of NTU and Dr. How-Lung Eng
[39] A. Satpathy, X. Jiang, and H.-L. Eng, “Extended histogram of gradients of Institute for Infocomm Research, Agency for
feature for human detection,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image. Process., Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Sin-
Sep. 2010, pp. 3473 –3476. gapore. He is the recipient of the A*STAR Graduate
[40] A. Satpathy, X. Jiang, and H.-L. Eng, “Extended histogram of gradients Scholarship. His current research focuses on feature
ENG with
et al.: asymmetric
ROBUST HUMAN principal component
DETECTION WITHIN andAdiscriminant
AQUATIC development and extraction for object detection1599 and
human detection,” in Proc. IEEE Canad. Conf. Comput. Robot. Vis., recognition, image/video processing, pattern recognition, computer vision and
May 2011, pp. 64 –71. machine learning. Currently, he is with the Institute for Infocomm Research
[41] W. R. Schwartz, A. Kembhavi, D. Harwood, and L. S. Davis, “Human as a Scientist.
U. Urfer, “Integration
using of systems
partial least squaresand services in
analysis,” in Proc.
monitoring sta-
Int. Conf. [33] M. Ben-Ezra and S. K. Nayar, “What does motion reveal about trans-
tions (CMS),”
Comput. Vis., Oct. Proc. IEEE
in 2009, Int. Carnahan Conf. Security Technology,
pp. 24–31. parency?,” in Proc.XudongIEEE Int. Conf.(M’02-SM’06)
Jiang Computer Vision, vol. 2,the
received 2003, pp.
[42] C. 1995,
Shen, pp.S. 343–350.
Paisitkriangkrai, and J. Zhang, “Efficiently learning a de- 1025–1032. and M.Eng. degrees from the University of Elec-
G. L.cascade
Foresti andwithB.sparse
Pani, eigenvectors,”
“Monitoring motorway IEEE Trans. infrastructure for de-
Image Process., [34] D. Miyazaki, M. Kagesawa,
tronic Scienceand K.andIkeuchi, “Transparent
Technology of China surface mod-
20, no. of 1,
pp. 22 –35, events,”
Jan. in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Analysis
2011. eling from a pair Chengdu,
of polarizationChina,images,”
in 1983 IEEE
and 1986,Trans. Pattern Anal.
respectively, and
[43] R. and Processing,
Thawonmas and1999,
S. Abe, pp.“A1144–1147.
novel approach to feature selection based Mach. Intell., vol. the
26, no.
Ph.D.1, pp. 73–82,
degree fromJan.Helmut
2004. Schmidt University,
[10]on G. L. Foresti,
analysis “A regions,”
of class real-time IEEEsystemTrans.
for video
Man, Cybern. of unattended
B, vol. 27, [35] W. A. Shurcliff andHamburg,S. S. Ballard, Polarized
Germany, in Light.
1997, allPrinceton, NJ: Van
in electrical en-
2, pp. 196environments,”
–207, Apr. IEEE 1997.Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. Nostrand, 1964. gineering. From 1986 to 1993, he was a Lecturer
[44] A. 8,Torralba,
no. 6, pp.K.697–704,
Murphy,Jun. and1998.
W. Freeman, “Sharing features: efficient [36] Y. Y. Schechner, J.with Shamir, and N.where
UESTC, Kiryati,he “Polarization
received twoand statistical
Science and
C. Stauffer and W.
procedures for E. L. Grimson,
multiclass object“Adaptive
in Proc. IEEE mixture
Int. analysis of scenes Technology
containing a Awards
from the J. Ministry
Opt. Soc. for Amer. A, vol.
Comput.for real-time
Vis. Pattern tracking,”
Recognit.,in Proc.
vol. 2,IEEE Int. Conf.
Jul. 2004, pp. 762 Computer
– 769. 17, no. 2, pp. 276–284,
Industry2000.of China. From 1993 to 1997, he was a
[45] O. Vision
Tuzel, and Patternand
F. Porikli, Recognition, vol. 2, 1999,detection
P. Meer, “Pedestrian pp. 246–252.
via classification [37] H. Fujikake, K. Takizawa, T. Aida, with
Scientific Assistant T. Negishi,
Helmutand M. Kobayashi,
Schmidt University.
, “Learning
[12]on riemannian patterns IEEE
manifolds,” of activity
Trans. using real-time
Pattern Anal.tracking,” IEEE From 1998
Mach. Intell., “Video camera
to 2004, Drsystem
Jiang wasusingwithliquid-crystal
the Institutepolarizing
for Infocommfilter to reduce
30, no.Pattern
10, pp. Anal. Mach. Intell.,
1713–1727, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 747–757, Aug. A*Star,reflected
Oct. 2008. light,”
Singapore, as IEEE
a Lead Trans. Broadcasting,
Scientist and thevol. 44, no.
Head of 4,the
2000. M. J. Jones, and D. Snow, “Detecting pedestrians using patterns
[46] P. Viola, Dec. where
Laboratory, 1998. he developed a system that achieved the most efficiency
[13]of N. Friedman
motion and S. Rusell,
and appearance,” Int.“Image segmentation
J. Comput. Vis., vol. in63,video
no. 2,sequences:
pp. 153– and[38]theS.second
C. Liu, most
C. W. Fu, and S. at
accuracy Chang, “Statistical change
the International detection
Fingerprint with mo-
161, A probabilistic
2005. approach,” in Proc. 13th Conf. Uncertainty in Artificial Competition ments(FVC’00).
under time-varying
He joinedillumination,” IEEE Trans.University
Nanyang Technological Image Process.,
[47] P. A. Intelligence,
Viola, J. C. 1997, pp.and
Platt, 175–181.
C. Zhang, “Multiple instance boosting for Singapore, vol. as
7, no. 9, pp. 1258–1268,
a faculty member in Sep. 20041998.
and served as the Director of the
I. Haritaoglu,
detection,” D.inHarwood,
NIPS, 2005.and L. S. Davis, “W4: Real-time surveillance Centre [39] for
K. Toyama, J. Krumm,
Information Security B.from
2005andto B. Meyers,
2011. “Wallflower:
Currently, Princi-
he is a tenured
[48] S. of people
Walk, N. and theirK.
Majer, activities,”
Schindler, IEEE
andTrans. Pattern “New
B. Schiele, Anal. Mach.
and Associate plesProfessor
and practice of background
in School of EEE, maintaince,”
NTU. in Proc. Int. Conf. Com-
vol. 22,
insights forno. 8, pp. 809–830,
pedestrian detection,”Aug.in2000.
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis. puterhas
Dr Jiang Vision, vol. 1,over
published 1999,
100pp. 255–261.
papers, where 15 papers in IEEE Journals:
E. Menoud,
Recognit.,“Alarm and Monitoring
Jun. 2010, pp. 1030 –1037.Device for the Presumption of TPAMI (4), TIP (4), TSP (2), SPM, TIFS, TCSVT, TCS-II and SPL. He is the
[49] S. Walk, Danger inand a Swimming
B. Schiele,Pool,” U.S. statistics
“Disparity Patent 5 for
630, Mar. holder of seven patents. His research interest includes signal/image processing,
1999. Combining appearance, motion and stereo,” in Proc. Eur.
detection: pattern recognition, computer vision, machine learning, and biometrics.
J. Meniere,
Comput. Vis.,“System for Monitoring
ser. Lecture Notes in aComputer
Swimming Pool to
Science, Prevent
2010, vol.
6316,Drowning Accidents,” U.S. Patent 6 133 838, Oct. 2000.
pp. 182–195. How-Lung
How-Lung Eng Eng (M’03)
the B.Eng. and Ph.D.
the B.Eng. and
[17] F. Guichard, J. M. Lavest, B. Liege, and J. Meniere, “Poseidon tech- degrees from in
Ph.D. degrees Nanyang Technological
both electrical University,
and electronic En-
[50] T. Wang, X. Han and S. Yan, “An hog-lbp human detector with partial
nologies: The world’s first and only computer-aided drowning detection Singapore,
gineering from in 1998 and 2002
Nanyang respectively
Technological both in
occlusion handling,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis., 2009, pp.
system,” presented at the IEEE Conf. Computer Vision Pattern Recog- Electrical
Singapore,and Electronic
in 1998 and 2002,Engineering.
respectively.Currently, he
nition, 2001, DT-8 (Demo Session). is Hewithisthe Institutea for
currently Infocomm
Research Research,
Scientist with Sin-
[51] C. Wojek, S. Walk, and B. Schiele, “Multi-cue onboard pedestrian
[18] J. M. Lavest, F. Guichard, and C. Rousseau, “Multi-view reconstruc- gapore,
Instituteasfora Infocomm
Senior ResearchResearch, Fellow. His research
Singapore. He is
detection,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit.,
tion combining underwater and air sensors,” in Proc. IEEE Conf. Image interest
the Projectincludes
Leaderreal-time vision, pattern
of the Drowning classifi-
Early Warning
Jun. 2009, pp. 794 –801.
Process., vol. 3, 2002, pp. 813–816. cation,
System and machine
project, learning for
an intelligent abnormal
visual event
[52] C. Wojek and B. Schiele, “A performance evaluation of single and multi-
[19] H.-L. Eng, K.-A. Toh, A. H. Kam, J. Wang, and W.-Y. Yau, “An auto- detection.
system thatHe has made
detects waterseveral
distressPCT filings His
behaviors. related
feature people detection,” in Pattern Recognition, 2008, vol. 5096, pp.
matic drowning detection surveillance system for challenging outdoor to video
search surveillance
interests includeapplications
image and video and has actively
pool environments,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision, vol. 1, published his works
real-time vision, in the
pattern above areas
classification, andofmachine
[53] B. 2003,
Wu and R. Nevatia, “Cluster boosted tree classifier for multi-view,
pp. 532–539.
multi-pose object detection,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis., Dr. Eng for
learning wasabnormal
a recipient
eventof detection.
the 2000 Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors Award
[20] H.-L. Eng, J. Wang, A. H. Kam, and W.-Y. Yau, “Novel region-based (Silver, Dr. EngOpen
wasSection) for his
the recipient Ph.D.
of the Tanwork,
Kah KeeandYoung
a recipient of theAward
Inventors’ 20022000TEC
2007, pp. 1–8.
modeling for human detection within highly dynamic aquatic environ- Innovator
[54] B. ment,”
Wu andinR. Nevatia, “Optimizing discrimination-efficiency tradeoff in Award,
(Silver, Open and the
Section) for 2006 and work.
his Ph.D. 2008 IES Prestigious
He was awardedEngineering Awards
the TEC Innovator
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recogni- for his works
Award in the areas
by Singapore PrimeofMinister’s
visual surveillance.
Office in 2002 and the Tan Kah Kee
tion, vol. heterogeneous
2, 2004, pp. 390–397.local features for object detection,” in Proc.
IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit., 2008, pp. 1–8. Young Inventors’ Award 2003 (Merit, Open Section).
[21] A. H. Kam, W. Lu, and W.-Y. Yau, “A video-based drowning detection
[55] B. system,”
Wu andin Proc.R. Nevatia,
Eur. Conf. “Detection
Computer and Vision, segmentation
vol. 4, 2002, pp.of 297–311.
W. Luoccluded
and Y. P.objects
Tan, “A by vision-based
grouping, merging, approach assigning
to earlypart detection
detection of
drowningInt. J. Comput.
incidents Vis., vol.
in swimming 82, no.
pools,” IEEE2, pp. 185–204,
Trans. Circuit Apr.
Syst. 2009.
[56] S. Technol.,
Yan, D. Xu, B. Zhang,
vol. 14, no. 2, pp. H.-J. Zhang,Feb.
159–178, Q. 2004.
Yang, and S. Lin, “Graph
J. Canny, and extensions: Aapproach
“A computational general to framework for dimensionality
edge detection,” IEEE Trans. Junxian Wang (S’00–M’03) received the B.Eng.
Pattern Anal.IEEEMach.Trans. Pattern
Intell., vol.Anal.
PAMI-8,Mach. Intell.,
no. 6, vol. 29, Nov.
pp. 679–698, no. 1, pp.
1986. and M.E. degrees in computer science and engi-
[24]40 R.–51,O. Jan.
Duda, 2007.
P. E. Hart, and D. G. Stork, Pattern Classification. New neering from Xidian University, Shaanxi, China, in
[57] J. Ye,York:R.Wiley,
2001.C. Park, and H. Park, “An optimization criterion 1994 and 1997, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in
E. Boult, R.discriminant
J. Micheals,analysis
X. Gao, on andundersampled
M. Eckmann, problems,” IEEE
“Into the Woods: electrical and electronic engineering from Nanyang
Visual Pattern Anal. Mach.
surveillance Intell., vol. and
of noncooperative 26, camouflaged
no. 8, pp. 982 –994,
targets in Aug.
com- Technological University, Singapore, in 2003.
2004.plex outdoor settings,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 89, no. 10, pp. 1382–1402, Oct. From 2002 to 2004, she was an Associate Scien-
[58] J. Zhang,
2001. K. Huang, Y. Yu, and T. Tan, “Boosted local structured hog-lbp tist with the Institute for Infocomm Research, Singa-
[26]forA. object localization,”
Elgammal, in Proc. IEEE
R. Duraiswami, Int. Conf.
D. Harwood, andComput. Vis. Pattern
L. S. Davis, “Back- pore. She is currently a Postdoctorate with the Com-
ground and Jun. foreground
2011, pp. 1393 modeling–1400.using nonparametric kernel density puter Science and Engineering Department, Univer-
[59] W.estimation
Zhang, G.forZelinsky, and D. Samaras,
visual surveillance,” Proc.“Real-time
IEEE, vol.accurate
90, no. object
7, pp. sity of Nevada, Reno. Her research interests include
2002. resolutions,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. image/video processing, object tracking, and machine learning.
L. Oct.
[27]Vis., Wang, 2007,
W. Hu,pp. and
1 –8.T. Tan, “Recent developments of human motion
[60] Q. analysis,”
Zhu, M. Yeh, PatternK. Cheng,
Recognit., andvol.
S. Avidan,
36, no. 3,“Fast human detection
pp. 585–601, 2003. using
[28]a cascade
C. R. Wren,of histograms of oriented
A. Azarbayejani, T. T. gradients,”
Darrell, andinA.Proc. IEEE Int.
P. Pentland, Conf.
Pattern of the human2006,
Recognit., body,” pp. II: 1491–1498.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach.
Intell., vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 780–785, Jul. 1997. Alvin Harvey Kam Siew Wah (M’02) received the
[29] D. Koller, J. Weber, T. Huang, J. Malik, G. Ogasawara, B. Rao, and S. B.Eng. (Electrical) degree (with first class honors)
Russell, “Toward robust automatic traffic scene analysis in real-time,” from the University of Malaya, Malaysia, in 1996,
in Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Vision and Image Processing, vol. 1, 1994, and the Ph.D. degree in computer vision from the
pp. 126–131. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K., in 2000,
[30] Y.-H. Hsu, H. H. Nagel, and G. Rekers, “New likelihood test methods where his studies were fully funded by the Cambridge

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