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AvenidaVeteranos, Tacloban City

Basic Education Department - Junior High School

S.Y. 2021 - 2022

2ndPeriodical Examination Score:_________Rating:__________

CLE/ESP 9 Date: __________________________
Teacher: _______________________
Name: _______________________________________________Grade & Sec.:____________________



Directions: Write letter T if the statement is true, and F if it is false.

________1. Green is the Advent Wreath represents hope and new life.

________2. The four candles represent the four weeks of advent.

________3. The light of the candles signifies the Christ as light of the world/humankind.

________4. The circle of wreath, which has no beginning or end symbolizes the eternity of God.

________5. The word “Advent” is derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming,”

.________6. By the 6th century, Roman Christians had tied Advent to the coming of Christ.

________7. Jesus is referred to as a shoot coming up from the stump of Jesse, the father of David..

________8. The celebration of God’s incarnation is represented by the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus

________9. Jesse’s Tree is a centuries-old way of illustrating how God’s story leads to Jesus

________10. It was not until the middle ages that the advent season was explicitly linked to Christ’s first
coming at Christmas

________11. The “coming” the Christmas had in mind was not Christ’s first coming in the manger in
Bethlehem, but his second coming in the clouds as the judge of the world

________12. The new Christian year begins with the twelve-day celebration of Christmastide, which lasts from
Christmas Eve until Epiphany on January 6.


Directions:Fill in the blank with the word that fits to each sentence below on the topic human beings. Choose
carefully from the given choices.

13. Alone, we are______.

(Insufficient, Happy, Contented)

14 We can only become our fullest selves through our________.

(Relationships, Choices, Free will)

15. That is why, in a real way, a person growing up alone on a deserted island cannot become fully_____.

(Human, Grown, Understand)

“May the Holy Triune God live in our hearts and in the hearts of all.”
Your Home for Excellence and Christian Formation.
16-17. Our relational nature______ every stage and____ of our lives

(Touches/Aspect, Action/Growth, Character/Sympathy)

18-19. We are persons by others because we were born in and _____by our families and live with the _____of
relatives, neighbors, and friends.

.(Raised/Influenced, Love/Service, Awe/Feelings)

20-21. First, God who created us in His ____ and_____, is the loving communion of three divine persons.

(Image/Likeness, Love/Sacrifice, Mood/Power)

22.God’s every_____ is , in a sense of family or community.

(Essence, Love, Work)

23-24 Therefore, at our ____we have been made not only for ourselves; we have been ____by God to be part
of and to be build the human family.

(Core/Created, Happiness/Joyful, Fullness/Divided).

25. That is why the Lord God said that it is not good for man to be alone and thus created for man a _____
partner in Eve

(Suitable, Responsible, Devoted)

26. God has always_____ to us not only as individuals but also as members of a community.

(Related, Generous, Happy)

27 Jesus Christ_____ us not only personally, but also as a people.

(Redeemed, Healed, Preached)

28. The Holy Spirit continues to _____not only within us as individuals but also among us in the very life,
ministry and teachings of the Church

(Work, Observe, Judge)

Test III. Celebrating our Human Dignity


Directions: Reflect on the following questions below. Write your reflection in 2 to 3 sentences only.

Rubrics: Content 2 points and Concept: 3 points. 5 points

29-33. What does it mean to be a human being? 5 points

34-38 How am I called to behave or act as a person? 5 points

39-40. What is life all about? 2 points

“May the Holy Triune God live in our hearts and in the hearts of all.”
Your Home for Excellence and Christian Formation.

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