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Instructiuni de Operare Operating Instructions

Intrerupator 3AP1 FI Circuit-Breaker 3AP1 FI

Pentru tensiunea nominala 245 kV for rated voltage 245 kV

Serie: 35114630...647 Serial number: 35114630...647


Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
© Siemens AG 2010
Siemens AG, Power Transmission and Distribution, The Siemens AG, Power Transmission and Distribu-
High Voltage a introdus si aplicat un sistem de calitate tion, High Voltage has introduced and applies a quality
in concordanta cu DIN EN ISO 9001. system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001.
Laboratoarele de testare ale fabricantului au fost The electrical testing laboratories of the manufacturer
certificate inca din 1992 de catre German Accreditation have been certified since 1992 by the German Accredi-
Council in conformitate cu DIN EN 45 001. tation Council in accordance with DIN EN 45 001.

Daca doriti copii suplimentare ale instructiunilor de If you require further copies of the operating instruc-
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927 10285 941 A 927 10285 941 A

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Siemens AG Siemens AG
Power Transmission and Distribution Power Transmission and Distribution
High Voltage High Voltage
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Tiparit in Republica Federala a Germaniei Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
03.2010 E T HP CB B TS TE 03.2010 E T HP CB B TS TE
1 Continut - Contents

1 Continut 1 Contents

2 Generalitati 7 2 General 7
2.1 Introducere 7 2.1 Introduction 7
2.1.1 Structura instructiunilor de operare 7 2.1.1 Arrangement of the Operating Instruc- 7
2.1.2 Comunicarea prin intermediul 7 2.1.2 Communication by Means of the Oper- 7
instructiunilor de operare ating Instructions
2.2 Instructiuni de siguranta 8 2.2 Safety Instructions 8

3 Descriere 11 3 Description 11
3.1 Date tehnice 11 3.1 Technical Data 11
3.1.1 Standarde, reglementari 11 3.1.1 Standards, Regulations 11
3.1.2 Temperatura de functionare 11 3.1.2 Operating Temperatures 11
3.1.3 Clasa izolatiei 11 3.1.3 Insulation Rating 11
3.1.4 Date electrice 12 3.1.4 Electrical Data 12
3.1.5 Timpi de actionare 12 3.1.5 Operating Times 12
3.1.6 Mediu de stingere SF6 13 3.1.6 Arc Quenching Medium SF6 13
3.1.7 Contact auxiliar 13 3.1.7 Auxiliary Switch 13
3.1.8 Alte date tehnice. 14 3.1.8 Further Technical Data 14
3.2 Intrerupator 15 3.2 Circuit-Breaker Design 15
3.3 Coloana polului 17 3.3 Pole Column 17
3.4 Camera de stingere 18 3.4 Interrupter Unit 18
3.5 Stingerea arcului 20 3.5 Arc Quenching 20
3.6 Mecanism cu resoarte al 22 3.6 Spring Drive Mechanism of the Circuit- 22
intrerupatorului Breaker
3.6.1 Armarea resortului de inchidere 22 3.6.1 Charging the Closing Spring 22
3.6.2 Inchidere 22 3.6.2 Closing 22
3.6.3 Deschidere 23 3.6.3 Opening 23
3.6.4 Seventa de actionare 23 3.6.4 Operating Sequence 23
3.7 Functionarea mecanismului cu resoarte 24 3.7 Function of the Spring Drive Mecha- 24
3.7.1 Armarea resortului de inchidere 24 3.7.1 Charging the Closing Spring 24
3.7.2 Inchiderea 27 3.7.2 Closing 27
3.7.3 Declansarea 32 3.7.3 Tripping 32
3.8 Control 33 3.8 Control 33
3.8.1 Mecanismul cu resoarte 34 3.8.1 Spring Winding Mechanism 34
3.8.2 Monitorizare gaz 35 3.8.2 Gas Monitoring 35
3.8.3 Blocaje 37 3.8.3 Lockouts 37
3.8.4 Controlul motorului 38 3.8.4 Motor Control 38
3.8.5 Rezistente de anticondens 38 3.8.5 Anti-Condensation Heaters 38
3.8.6 Semnalizari 38 3.8.6 Signals 38
3.8.7 Contacte auxiliare libere 38 3.8.7 Free Auxiliary Switch Contacts 38
3.8.8 Contor de cicluri de comutare/Contor 38 3.8.8 Operating Cycles Counter/operations 38
de comutări Counter

927 10285 941 A 3

1 Continut - Contents

4 Instalare 39 4 Installation 39
4.1 Masuri pentru Siguranta pentru 39 4.1 Safety Rules for Installation 39
4.2 Livrare si depozitare 42 4.2 Delivery and Storage 42
4.2.1 Ambalare 42 4.2.1 Packing 42
4.2.2 Verificari la sosire 42 4.2.2 Checking on Arrival 42
4.2.3 Depozitare 42 4.2.3 Storage 42
4.3 Lichide de curatare, lubrefianti si agenti 44 4.3 Cleaning Liquids, Lubricants and Cor- 44
de protectie corozivi rosion Protection Agents
4.3.1 Lichide de curatare 44 4.3.1 Cleaning Liquids 44
4.3.2 Lubrifiant si agenti de protectie coroziva 45 4.3.2 Lubricants and Corrosion Protection 45
4.4 Instructiuni generale pentru instalarea 46 4.4 General Instructions for Installation 46
4.5 Instalarea intrerupatorului 47 4.5 Installation of the Circuit-Breaker 47
4.5.1 Asamblare pe structura suport la locul 47 4.5.1 Assembly on Supporting Pillars at the 47
de instalare. Place of Installation
4.5.2 Asamblare-Generalitati 48 4.5.2 Assembly Overview 48
4.5.3 Separarea componentelor din livrare 50 4.5.3 Taking Apart the Shipping Unit 50
4.5.4 Asamblarea cutiei de comanda 51 4.5.4 Assembly of the Control Cabinet 51
4.5.5 Montarea cutiei mecanismului de 52 4.5.5 Assembly of the Operating Mechanism 52
actionare Cubicles
4.5.6 Instalarea polilor coloana si cuplarea 53 4.5.6 Installation of Pole Columns and Cou- 53
mecanismuluide actionare pling of the Operating Mechanisms
4.5.7 Conectarea tevilor de gaz 55 4.5.7 Connecting the Gas Pipes 55
4.6 Impamintarea si coenectare legaturilor 57 4.6 Earthing and Connecting the Leads 57
4.6.1 Inpamintarea 57 4.6.1 Earthing 57
4.6.2 Lucru la terminalele de inalta tensiune 57 4.6.2 Work on High-Voltage Terminals 57
4.6.3 Instalati protectia cablului 58 4.6.3 Install Cable Guide 58
4.6.4 Conectarea legaturilor 60 4.6.4 Connecting the Leads 60
4.7 Umplerea intrerupatorului cu gaz 62 4.7 Filling the Circuit-Breaker with Gas 62
4.7.1 Umplerea intrerupatorului din butelie de 62 4.7.1 Filling the Breaker from the Gas Cylin- 62
gaz der
4.7.2 Testarea scurgerilor dupa instalare 64 4.7.2 Leakage Test after Installation 64
4.8 Executarea testelor de functionare 65 4.8 Carrying Out Test Operations 65
4.9 Verificarile inaintea darii in exploatare 67 4.9 Checks before Commissioning 67
4.9.1 Elemente anti-condens 67 4.9.1 Anti-Condensation Heaters 67
4.9.2 Testarea controlului întrerupatorului 67 4.9.2 Test of Circuit-Breaker Control 67
4.9.3 Raport de punere in functiune 67 4.9.3 Commissioning Report 67

5 Functionare 69 5 Operation 69
5.1 Instructiuni de operare 69 5.1 Instructions for Operation 69
5.1.1 Rezistente de anticondens 69 5.1.1 Anti-Condensation Heaters 69
5.1.2 Inchdere si deschidere 69 5.1.2 Closing and Opening 69
5.1.3 Presiunea gazului SF6 69 5.1.3 SF6 Pressure 69
5.1.4 Blocaje generale 70 5.1.4 General Lockout 70
5.1.5 Blocaj mecanic la inchidere 70 5.1.5 Mechanical Reclosing Lockout 70
5.1.6 Numarul max. de intrerupaeri posibile 71 5.1.6 Max. Permissible Number of Interrup- 71

4 927 10285 941 A

1 Continut - Contents

5.1.7 Proceduri recomandate in cazul 73 5.1.7 Recommended Procedure in the Event 73

neconformitatilor intrerupatorului 3AP1 of Irregularities on the Circuit-Breaker
5.2 Dezactivare sistemelor si dispozitivelor 75 5.2 Disposing of High-Voltage Switching 75
de inalta tensiune Devices and Systems

6 Intretinere 77 6 Maintenance 77
6.1 Inspectii si intretinere- Generalitati 77 6.1 Inspection and Maintenance - General 77
6.1.1 Servicii de mentenanta (grafic) 77 6.1.1 Maintenance Services (Schedule) 77
6.1.2 Desemnarea personalului 78 6.1.2 Assignment of Personnel 78
6.1.3 Kituri de mentenanta 78 6.1.3 Maintenance Kits 78
6.1.4 Data initiala pentru serviciile de 78 6.1.4 Initial Date for Inspection and Mainte- 78
inspectie si mentenanta nance Service
6.1.5 Perturbante 79 6.1.5 Disturbances 79
6.1.6 Puncte de importanta 79 6.1.6 Points to be Noted 79
6.2 Reguli de siguranta pentru inspectie si 80 6.2 Safety Rules for Inspection and Mainte- 80
menteanta - Generalitati nance Service - General
6.3 Program de mentenanta 84 6.3 Maintenance Schedule 84
6.3.1 Program de mentenanta 85 6.3.1 Maintenance Schedule 85
6.4 Lucrari in conformitate cu calendarul de 86 6.4 Work to be Carried Out in Accordance 86
mentenanta (intreruptor) with the Maintenance Schedule (circuit-
6.4.1 Inspectii generale 86 6.4.1 General Inspection 86
6.4.2 Extragerea gazului de SF6 86 6.4.2 Drawing Off the SF6 Gas 86
6.4.3 Verificarea contactelor sistemului 87 6.4.3 Check of Contact System 87
6.4.4 Evacuarea si umplerea cu gaz a 89 6.4.4 Evacuating and Filling the Circuit- 89
intrerupatorului Breaker with Gas
6.4.5 Verifcati manometrul de presiune 91 6.4.5 Check Gas Pressure Gauge 91
6.4.6 Testarea densimetrului 92 6.4.6 Testing the Density Monitor 92
6.4.7 Verificati pierderile intrerupatorului in 93 6.4.7 Check for Leaks on Operational Circuit- 93
funciune Breaker
6.4.8 Verificari ale mecanismului de 93 6.4.8 Checks at Drive Mechanism 93
6.4.9 Siruri de cleme 95 6.4.9 Terminal Strip 95
6.4.10 Rezistente de anticondens 95 6.4.10 Anti-Condensation Heaters 95
6.4.11 Verificari de functionare 95 6.4.11 Function Checks 95
6.4.12 Verificarea functionarii motorului 96 6.4.12 Check of Motor Control 96
6.4.13 Masurarea continutului de gaz de SF6 96 6.4.13 Measuring the SF6 Gas Humidity Con- 96
6.4.14 Masurarea continutului de aer din gaz 97 6.4.14 Measuring the SF6 Air Content 97
de SF6
6.4.15 Protectie anti-coroziune 97 6.4.15 Anti-Corrosion Protection 97
6.4.16 Incidente speciale 97 6.4.16 Special Occurrences 97

Raport Dare in Exploatare 99 Commissioning Report for the 99

Intrerupator 3AP Circuit-Breaker 3AP

Diagrama de functionare a 107 Function Diagram of Spring Drive 107

mecanismului cu resoarte Mechanism

927 10285 941 A 5

1 Continut - Contents

6 927 10285 941 A

2 Generalitati - General

2 Generalitati 2 General

2.1 Introducere 2.1 Introduction

Instructiunile de operare se adreseaza These operating instructions apply to high-voltage cir-
intrerupatoarelor de inalta tensiune cu seriile din titlul cuit-breakers with the serial numbers given on the title
paginii. Instructiunile sunt destinate pentru a familiariza page. They are intended to familiarize operating per-
personalul cu functionarea si constructia sonnel with the design and functioning of the circuit-
intrerupatorului. Ele furnizeaza detalii de operare si breaker. They also supply details of operation and pro-
informatii de instalare si intretinere. vide information on installation and maintenance.
Toate valorile de presiune sunt valori etalon in afara de All values of pressure given are gauge values unless
cazul cind presiunea absoluta este in mod expres absolute pressure is expressly stated.

Este recomandat pentru personalul operativ sa fie It is advisable for the operating personnel to familiarize
familiarizat cit mai curind posibil cu instructiunile, si cu themselves as early as possible with the instructions,
ajutorul si al altor documente furnizate sa se obtina and with the aid of other documents supplied to gather
informatii suplimentare relevante despre intrerupator si any relevant further information on the circuit-breaker
caracteristicile sale. and its features.

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Instructiunile de operare contin informatii These operating instructions contain
pentru operarea si intretinerea corecta a information on proper installation, opera-
intreruptorului, impreuna cu note de tion and maintenance of the circuit-
avertizare suplimentare. Scopula acestora breaker, as well as warning notices. These
este de a preciza actiunile nepermise si de are intended to point out impermissible
a arata pericolul potential asociat cu actions and to show the potential danger
operarea intreruptorului. associated with operation of the circuit-
Daca alte informatii sunt solicitate sau daca Should further information be desired or
alte probleme apar si nu sunt acoperite should particular problems arise which are not
suficient de instructiunile de operare, covered sufficiently in the operating instruc-
problema va fi adresata catre biroul de vanzari tions, the matter should be referred to the local
local Siemens. Siemens sales office.

2.1.1 Structura instructiunilor de operare 2.1.1 Arrangement of the Operating Instructions

Aceste instructiuni sunt impartite in capitole 1- These operating instructions are divided into chapters
Continut, 2- Generalitati, 3- Descriere, 4- Instalare, 5- 1- Contents, 2- General, 3- Description, 4- Installation,
Functionare si 6- Intretinere. 5- Operation and 6- Maintenance.

2.1.2 Comunicarea prin intermediul 2.1.2 Communication by Means of the Operat-

instructiunilor de operare ing Instructions
Pentru comunicarea in scris sau verbala ca si pentru In verbal or written communication, as well as when
comanda oricaror piese de schimb va rugam sa folositi ordering any spare parts required, please use the des-
denumirile si numerele de cod folosite in instructiunile ignations and part numbers used in the operating
de operare, ce furnizeaza informatii despre codurile de instructions, giving details of the order number of the
comanda din instructiunile de operare operating instructions 927 10285 941 A, the page
927 10285 941 A, numarul paginii si specificarea nr. number and specifying the number of the illustration
Ilustratiei.(Fig.) In acest fel confuziile pot fi evitate si (Fig.). In this way, misunderstandings can be pre-
prevenite. vented.

927 10285 941 A 7

2 Generalitati - General

2.2 Instructiuni de siguranta 2.2 Safety Instructions

Pe durata actionarii, anumite parti ale intrerupatorului During operation, certain parts of the circuit-breaker are
sunt sub tensiune si tensiuni periculoase putind fi live and hazardous voltages therefore present. Certain
prezente.Anumite parti sunt sub presiune(SF6). parts are also under gas pressure (SF6). External drive
Componentele exterioare conectate la mecanismul de attachments are capable of making unforeseeable,
actionare pot avea miscari bruste si care nu pot fi abrupt movements caused by the automatic control.
anticipate, cauzate de sistemele de protectie si
In starea sa pura, hexafluorura de sulf(SF6)este un gaz In its pure state, sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is a colour-
fara culoare, fara miros, netoxica si neinflamabila, less, odourless, tasteless, non-toxic and non-flamma-
inerta ca si nitrogenul. SF6 este nepericuloasa daca ble gas, inactive like nitrogen. SF6 is safe if there is
exista oxigen in aerul respirat. SF6 nu constituie pericol adequate oxygen present in inhaled air. SF6 constitutes
pentru ecosistem. no danger to the ecosystem.

Pe durata transportului si livrarii polii intrerupatorului During transport and delivery the circuit-breaker poles
sunt umpluti cu SF6 gas at 0,30...0,50 bar. are filled with SF6 gas at 0.30...0.50 bar.
Personalul trebuie sa fie familiarizat cu avertismentele Personnel must be thoroughly familiar with all warnings
si procedurile de instalare, operare, montenanta si and procedures for installation, operation, maintenance
reparatie continute in aceste instructiuni de operare. and repair contained in these operating instructions.

Incalcarea avertismentelor poate avea ca Non-observance of warnings can result in
rezultat moartea, raniri grave si pierderi death, severe personal injury and sub-
ale proprietatii si ale mediului stantial property and environmental dam-
substantiale. age.

Utilizatorul intrerupatorului trebuie sa asigureca The user of the circuit-breaker must ensure that the
instalarea, intretinerea si directivele de operare installation, maintenance and relevant operating direc-
relevante pentru activitatea in cauza, reguli de tives to the appropriate activity, local safety regulations
siguranta locale si informatiile despre ceea ce trebuie and information on what to do in the event of an acci-
facut in cazul unui accident sunt disponibile si afisate, dent are available or displayed, e.g. on a notice board
ex. pe o nota ce poate fi accesata oricind. so that they can be referred to at any time.
In plus fata de regulile de siguranta valabile in tara Additionally to the safety rules valid in the country in
respectiva citeva masuri si puncte de precautie ce question a few precautionary measures and points to
trebuiesc notate sunt prezentate mai jos: be noted are listed below:
- Accesoriile ce sunt necesare instalarii, operarii si - The accessory items required for installation, opera-
intretinerii intrerupatorului si pentru motive de tion and maintenance of the circuit-breaker and for
siguranta (haine de protectie, dispozitive pentru reasons of safety (protecting clothes, devices for
actionarea manuala, semnale de avertizare, lampi manual operation, warning signs, hand lamps, fire
manuale, stingatoare de foc etc.) trebuiesc extinguishers etc.) must be stored neatly at a certain
depozitate in locuri speciale si verificate periodic point and be checked regularly for completeness
pentru completare si functionare corecta. Acestea and proper functioning. This also includes the com-
includ si instructiunile de operare. plete operating instructions.
- Intervalele de intretinere specifice si instructiunile - The specified maintenance intervals and the instruc-
pentru reparatie si inlocuire trebuiesc atasate. tions for repair and replacement must be adhered
- Instructiuni referitoare la securitatea muncii sunt - Detailed warning references describing the secure
incluse in sectiuni specifice ale instructiunilor de execution of dangerous work are included in the
operare. Sunt puse in evidenta de cadre litere particular sections of the operating instructions.
ingrosate si/sau alte semne. They are highlighted by frames, bold lettering and/or
other means.

8 927 10285 941 A

2 Generalitati - General

In spiritul acestor instructiuni moartea, in the sense of these operating instruc-
raniri personale grave sau distrugeri de tions means that death, severe personal
proprietati sau mediu inconjurator apar injury or substantial property and environ-
daca masuri de siguranta adecvate nu mental damage may occur if appropriate
sunt aplicate. safety measures are not taken.

 Atentie  Attention
In spiritul acestor instructiuni ranirile in the sense of these operating instruc-
usoare ale personalului sau deterioararea tions means that light personal injury or
proprietatii/mediului pot apare daca property/environmental damage may
masuri de siguranta adecvate nu sunt occur if appropriate safety measures are
luate. not taken.

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Informatiile din instructiunile de operare Note in the sense of these operating instruc-
simplifica si imbunatateste manevrarea tions means information to simplify and im-
intrerupatorului. Sunt bazate pe experienta prove the handling of the circuit-breaker.
personalului Siemens. These informations are based on the experi-
ences of Siemens staff.

927 10285 941 A 9

2 Generalitati - General

10 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description

3 Descriere 3 Description

3.1 Date tehnice 3.1 Technical Data

Intrerupatorul 3AP1 FI este de tip auto-compresie si The 3AP1 FI circuit-breaker is of the self-compression
utilizeaza gazul de SF6 ca mediu de izolatie si stingere. type and uses SF6-gas for insulation and arc-quench-
Descrierea se refera la constructia intrerupatorului ing purposes. It is of triple-pole outdoor design.
tripolar de exterior.
Intreruptorul este echipat cu un singur mecanism pe pol The circuit-breaker is equipped with one operating
si de aceea este destinat pentru RAR monofazat si mechanism per pole and therefore suitable for single
trifazat. and triple pole auto reclosing.

3.1.1 Standarde, reglementari 3.1.1 Standards, Regulations

Intrerupatorul impreuna cu echipamentul si scule The circuit-breaker, together with the equipment and
speciale livrate este in conformitate cu legile in vigoare, special tools supplied, is in conformity with the statutory
reguli si standarde aplicate la data livrarii. laws, rules and standards applying at the time of deliv-
Intrerupatorul corespunde conform: The circuit-breaker conforms to:

- Specificatiile din IEC Publicatia 62271-1. - The specifications in IEC-Publications 62271-1.

- Specificatiile din IEC Publicatia 62271-100 - The specifications in IEC Publications 62271-100.

3.1.2 Temperatura de functionare 3.1.2 Operating Temperatures

Intrerupatoarele sunt destinate a functiona la o The circuit-breakers are designed for operation in an
temperatura ambianta intr-o gama de la -30°C la 40°C. ambient temperature range from -30°C to 40°C.

3.1.3 Clasa izolatiei 3.1.3 Insulation Rating

Tensiune nominală 245 kV Rated voltage 245 kV

Tensiunea de tinere la frecventa industriala Rated short-duration power-frequency with-
stand voltage
la pamint 460 kV to earth 460 kV
De-a lungul intrerupatorului in pozitia 530 kV across the open circuit-breaker 530 kV
intre faze 460 kV between phases 460 kV
Tensiune nominalâ la impuls de trasnet Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
la pamint 1050 kV to earth 1050 kV
De-a lungul intrerupatorului in pozitia 1200 kV across the open circuit-breaker 1200 kV
intre faze 1050 kV between phases 1050 kV
Flashover distance in air Flashover distance in air
la pamint 1900 mm to earth 1900 mm
De-a lungul intrerupatorului in pozitia 2200 mm across the open circuit-breaker 2200 mm
intre faze vezi desenul cu between phases see dimension draw-
dimensiunile ing
Linia de fuga minima de-a lungul izolatorului Minimum creepage distance over the insu-
lators' surfaces
la pamint 7595 mm to earth 7595 mm
De-a lungul intrerupatorului in pozitia 8575 mm across the open circuit-breaker 8575 mm
Tabel 1 Clasa izolatiei Table 1 Insulation rating

927 10285 941 A 11

3 Descriere - Description

3.1.4 Date electrice 3.1.4 Electrical Data

Tensiune nominală 245 kV Rated voltage 245 kV

Frecvenţă nominală 50 Hz Rated frequency 50 Hz
Curent nominal de alimentare 1600 A Rated normal current 1600 A
Curent nominal al circuitului de oprire în caz 40 kA Rated short-circuit breaking current 40 kA
de scurt-circuit
Curentul de rupere in sarcina a liniei 125 A Rated line-charging breaking current 125 A
(1,4 p.u.) (1.4 p.u.)
Curentul de rupere in sarcina a cablului 250 A Rated cable-charging breaking current 250 A
(1,4 p.u.) (1.4 p.u.)
Tensinea tranzitorie de restabilire in conditii conform cu IEC Transient recovery voltage under terminal acc. to IEC
de defect fault conditions
Curentul de scurtcircuit 100 kA Rated short-circuit making current 100 kA
Durata normata a scurt-circuitului 1s Rated duration of short-circuit 1s
Secventa nominală de manevră O-0,3s-CO-3min-CO Rated operating sequence O-0.3s-CO-3min-CO
Tabel 2 Date electrice Table 2 Electrical data

3.1.5 Timpi de actionare 3.1.5 Operating Times

Durata minima de comanda (comanda de 80 ms Minimum command duration (Closing com- 80 ms

inchidere) mand)
Durata minima de comanda (comanda de 80 ms Minimum command duration (Opening 80 ms
deschidere) command)
Timp de inchidere 62 ms ± 6 ms Closing time 62 ms ± 6 ms
Timp de deschidere 28 ms ± 3 ms Opening time 28 ms ± 3 ms
Timp de rupere ≤50 ms Rated break time ≤50 ms
Timp de inchidere-deschidere 60 ms ± 10 ms Close-open-time 60 ms ± 10 ms
Timp de pauza 300 ms Dead time 300 ms
Tabel 3 Timpi de actionare Table 3 Operating times

12 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description

3.1.6 Mediu de stingere SF6 3.1.6 Arc Quenching Medium SF6

a 5.2
b 0.2
-40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 ˚C

a Dispozitiv de umplere cu gaz de SF6 a SF6-filling gauge pressure (nominal density line)
b Semnalizare pierdere de SF6 b Overpressure for signal loss of SF6
c Intrerupere generala de SF6 c Overpressure for general lockout SF6
e Curba de lichefiere e Liquefaction curve

Fig. 1 Valori de operare si umplere ale manometrului de Fig. 1 SF6-filling and operating values of density monitor
presiune de SF6 (gauge pressure)

Masă de umplere (întrerupător de putere 24,5 kg Filling mass (complete circuit-breaker) 24.5 kg
Volum (intrerupator complet) 530 dm 3 Volume (complete circuit-breaker) 530 dm3
Presiune nominală relativă SF6 la +20°C 6,0 bar SF6 nominal filling gauge pressure at +20°C 6.0 bar
Monitorizarea gazului de SF6 Monitoring of the SF6
Semnalizare pierdere de SF6 la 20°C 5,2 bar Overpressure for signalloss of SF6 at 20°C 5.2 bar
Deconectare generala SF6 la 20°C 5,0 bar Overpressure for general lockout SF6 at 20°C 5.0 bar
Material filtrant (intrerupator complet) 2,3 kg Filter material (complete circuit-breaker) 2.3 kg
Tabel 4 Mediu de stingere SF6 Table 4 Arc quenching medium SF6

3.1.7 Contact auxiliar 3.1.7 Auxiliary Switch

Curent nominal de alimentare 10 A Rated normal current 10 A

Curent nominal de scurtă durată 100 A/30 ms Rated short time withstand current 100 A/30 ms
Capacitate de întrerupere 48 V ≤ Ua ≤ 250 Vc.c.; 440 W Breaking capacity 48 V ≤ Ua ≤ 250 VDC; L/ 440 W
L/R 20 ms R 20 ms
Tabel 5 Contact auxiliar Table 5 Auxiliary switch

Contact auxiliar clasa 1 Auxiliary switch contact class 1

927 10285 941 A 13

3 Descriere - Description

3.1.8 Alte date tehnice. 3.1.8 Further Technical Data

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Date Tehnice pentru Technical Data for
- Tensiune de declansare - Trip voltage
- Tensiunea de control - Control voltage
- Tensiunea rezistentelor - Heater voltage
- Putere de incalzire - Heating power
- Monitorizarea presiunii pentru gaz de SF6 - Pressure monitoring for SF6
- Motor de actionare a mecanismului cu - Charging motor of the spring drive mecha-
resoarte nism
sunt indicate in schemele de circuite are indicated in the circuit diagram.

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Date Tehnice pentru Technical Data for
- Greutatea intrerupatorului - Circuit-breaker masses
- Forta admisibila la intindere a cablului - the permitted cable pull F
sunt indicate in desenul de gabarite are indicated in the dimension drawing.

14 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description

3.2 Intrerupator 3.2 Circuit-Breaker Design

Coloanele polilor intreruptorului sunt fiecare asezate pe The pole columns of the circuit-breaker are each
un suport 11, la marginea fiecareia se va monta cutia mounted on a base 11, to the side of each of which an
mecanismului de actionare 15.1. operating mechanism cubicle 15.1 is fitted.
Cutia de comanda 12 este localizata la polul B. Control cabinet 12 is also located at pole B.






15.1 12 52

11 Baza 11 Base
12 Cutie de control 12 Control cabinet
15.1 Cutia mecanismului de actionare 15.1 Operating mechanism cubicle
15.7 Indicator de pozitie 15.7 Switching position indicator
16 Izolator suport 16 Post insulator
22 Camera de stingere 22 Interrupter unit
52 Instalare cablu 52 Cable installation

Fig. 2 Intrerupator Fig. 2 Circuit-breaker design

Fiecare pol contine gaz SF66 ca mediu pentru izolare si Each pole column has an SF6 filling as arc-quenching
stingere a arcului si constituie un compartiment etans and insulating medium, and constitutes an enclosed
de gaz. gas compartment.
Densitatea gazului pentru fiecare pol al intreruptorului The density of the SF6 gas for each circuit-breaker pole
este monitorizata printr-un un dispozitiv de monitorizare is monitored by a density monitor and the gas pressure
de densitate,presiunea gazului fiind indicata de un indicated by a pressure gauge.

927 10285 941 A 15

3 Descriere - Description

Energia necesara pentru comutatie este stocata intr-un The energy required for switching is stored in one clos-
resort de anclansare si intr-un resort de declansare. ing spring and one opening spring. The closing and
Resoartele de anclansare si declansare sunt montate opening springs are located in the operating mecha-
in mecanismul de actionare. nism unit.
Cutia de comanda 12, care este atasata polului B al Control cabinet 12, which is attached to circuit-breaker
intreruptorului, contine echipamentul pentru comanda pole B, contains the equipment for controlling and mon-
si monitorizarea intreruptorului si a blocurilor terminale itoring the circuit-breaker and the terminal blocks
necesare pentru conexiunile electrice. Gazul SF6 este required for the electrical connection. SF6 gas is moni-
monitorizat pe fiecare pol in cabina de mecanismului tored single-poled in the operating mechanism cabinet.
de actionare.
Sunt cabluri pentru cuplarea electrica a controlului cu There are cables for electrical coupling of the control
cele trei mecanisme de actionare with the operating mechanisms.

16 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description

3.3 Coloana polului 3.3 Pole Column

Cele trei coloane ale intrerupatorului au aceeasi The three pole columns of the circuit-breaker are of
constructie. Fig. 3 ne prezinta o sectiunea unui pol tip identical design. Fig. 3 shows a sectional view of the
coloana. pole column. The interrupter unit 22 is mounted on the
post insulator 16, which provides insulation against








15.8.3 15.16.3


15 Cuplaj in unghi 15 Corner gear

15.8.3 Ax 15.8.3 Shaft
15.9 Brat de actionare 15.9 Lever
15.16.3 Sac de filtrare 15.16.3 Filter bag
16 Izolator suport 16 Post insulator
16.9 Tija de operare 16.9 Operating rod
18.27.1 Bara de transmisie 18.27.1 Driving rod
22 Camera de stingere 22 Interrupter unit
22.1 Anvelopa 22.1 Jacket
22.22 Terminal de inalta tensiune 22.22 High-voltage terminal

Fig. 3 Vedere sectionata a intrerupatorului Fig. 3 Sectional view of a breaker pole

Miscarea de comutatie este transmisa de la The switching movement is transmitted from the spring
mecanismul de actionare (aflat la potentialul drive mechanism (at earth potential) via an operating
pamintului) printr-un sistem de pirghii, axul 15.8.3 si tija linkage, the shaft 15.8.3 and the operating rod made of
de operare fabricata din material izolant 16.9 la camera insulating material 16.9 to the interrupter unit 22 (at
de stingere 22 (aflat la inalt potential) high-voltage potential).
Piesa de cuplaj 15 contine materialul filtrant 15.16.3 ce The corner gear 15 contains the filter material 15.16.3
colecteaza produsi descompusi de SF6 precum si which collects SF6 decompositon products and mois-
reziduri umede. ture residue.

927 10285 941 A 17

3 Descriere - Description

3.4 Camera de stingere 3.4 Interrupter Unit

Fig. 4 arata o vedere sectionata a unei camere de Fig. 4 shows a sectional view of an interrupter unit. The
stingere. Contactele intrerupatorului sunt amplasate in breaker contacts are accommodated in the gas-tight
gaz intr-un invelis de portelan etansat 22.1. porcelain jacket 22.1.



22.9 22.45

22.3 22.11.1

22.11.17 22.11






22.1 Anvelopa 22.1 Jacket

22.3 Contact lamelar 22.3 Contact lamination
22.4 Mecanism de actionare in tandem 22.4 Tandem gear
22.5 Sina de ghidaj 22.5 Guide rail
22.8 Levier cu cama 22.8 Cam lever
22.9 Pin(miscare) 22.9 Pin (moving)
22.11 Contact tubular 22.11 Tube contact
22.11.1 Virful contactului 22.11.1 Nozzle
22.11.2 Duza auxiliara 22.11.2 Auxiliary nozzle
22.11.17 Piston 22.11.17 Piston
22.11.18 Supapa plata 22.11.18 Valve plate
22.11.19 Supapa de grup 22.11.19 Valve group
22.17 Tija de actionare contact 22.17 Contact tube
22.22 Terminal de inalta tensiune 22.22 High-voltage terminal
22.23 Baza, sectiunea inferioara 22.23 Base, lower section
22.29 Garnitura rotunda 22.29 Sealing ring
22.31 Contact purtator 22.31 Contact carrier
22.32 Baza, sectiunea superioara 22.32 Base, upper section
22.41 Cilindru de incalzire 22.41 Heating cylinder
22.45 Electrode 22.45 Electrode
22.52 Pin 22.52 Pin

Fig. 4 Camera de stingere Fig. 4 Interrupter unit

18 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description

Circuitul principal este format din terminalul superior de The main circuit is made up of the upper high-voltage
inalta tensiune 22.22, baza superioara 22.32, purtatorul terminal 22.22, the base, top 22.32, the contact carrier
de contact 22.31, degetele de contact 22.3 aranjate in 22.31, the contact fingers 22.3 arranged in a ring in the
forma circulara in purtatorul de contact, cilindrul de contact carrier, the heating cylinder 22.41, the base,
incalzire 22.41, baza inferioara 22.23 si terminalul bottom 22.23 and the lower high-voltage terminal
inferior de inalta tensiune 22.22 22.22.
Contactele lamelare 22.3 sunt centrate pe piesa mobila The contact laminations 22.3 support themselves cen-
de contact 22.31 si se autosustin spre cilindrul de trically from the contact carrier 22.31 inwards to the
disipare a caldurii 22.41. Tensiunea interna a heating cylinder 22.41. The internal stress of the con-
contactelor laminare 22.3 genereaza presiunea de tact lamellae 22.3 generates the necessary contact
contact necesara de la piesa mobila de contact spre pressure from the contact carrier 22.31 onto the heat-
cilindrul de disipare a caldurii 22.41. ing cylinder 22.41.
In paralel cu circuitul principal este circuitul de stingere Parallel to the main circuit is the arcing circuit, which is
a arcului, care este realizat din pinul mobil 22.9 din made up of the movable pin 22.9 in the contact carrier
piesa mobila de contact 22.31 si tubul mobil de contact 22.31 and the moving tube contact 22.11 situated in the
22.11 situat in cilindru de disipare a caldurii 22.41. heating cylinder 22.41.
Pinul 22.9 si contactul tubular 22.11 sunt fabricate din The pin 22.9 and the tube contact 22.11 are made of
materiale ce produc uzura minima in contact. materials which produce only minimal contact erosion.
Contactul tubular 22.11, pistonul 22.11.17 si cilindrul de The tube contact 22.11, the piston 22.11.17 and the
incalzire 22.41 sunt conectate mecanic si cuplate cu tija heat cylinder 22.41 are mechanically interconnected
de tragere 22.17. Ele formeaza partea mobila a and coupled with the pull rod 22.17. They form the
camerei de stingere. moving part of the interrupter unit.
O sina de ghidaj 22.5 este montata la duza 22.11.1. A guide rail 22.5 is mounted at the nozzle 22.11.1. This
Aceasta se angreneaza cu levierul de comanda 22.46 engages with the control lever 22.46 via the pin 22.52.
prin pinul 22.52. Ca rezultat, levierul de comanda este As a result, the control lever is subjected to rotary
supus micarii de rotatie, cauzand miscare liniara a movement, causing linear movement of the pin against
pinului in sens opus miscarii duzei. Electrodul 22.45 the direction of movement of the nozzle. The electrode
este conectat la duza prin angrenajele de actionare 22.45 is connected to the nozzle via the gears using
folosind doua tije de conectare si asigura pinul cu two connecting rods and provides the pin with dielectric
ecranare dielectrica. shielding.
Partea inferioara a pistonului 22.11.17 este echipata cu The rear side of the piston 22.11.17 is equipped with a
o valva plata 22.11.18 care impreuna cu valva de grup valve plate 22.11.18 which together with the valve
22.11.19 realizeaza compresia camerei pentru group 22.11.19 makes up the compression unit for arc
stingerea arcului electric. quenching.
Procesul de intrerupere a camerei de stingere este The breaking process in the interrupter unit is
descris schematic in diagrama din sectiunea 3.5 described in a schematic diagram in the section 3.5 Arc
Stingerea arcului. Quenching.

927 10285 941 A 19

3 Descriere - Description

3.5 Stingerea arcului 3.5 Arc Quenching

In procesul de deschidere, contactul principal ce exista In an opening operation, the main contact that exists
intre contactul lamelar 22.3 si cilindrul de incalzire between the contact lamination 22.3 and the heat cylin-
22.41 se deschide (Fig. 5. Contactul de arc constituit der 22.41 is opened (Fig. 5, position b). The arcing con-
din contactul pin 22.9 si contactul tubular 22.11 ramine tact, consisting of the pin 22.9 and the tube contact
inchis, avind rezultat comutarea curentului pe contactul 22.11 remains closed, with the result that the current
de arc. commutates onto the arcing contact.






22.11 22.11.1

22.11.18 HV



a) b) c) d)

a) Pozitia INCHIS a) CLOSED position

b) Deschidere: contactul principal in pozitie DESCHIS b) Opening: main contact in OPEN position
c) Deschidere:contactul de arc in pozitie DESCHIS c) Opening: arcing contact in OPEN position
d) Pozitie DESCHIS d) OPEN position
HV Volum de caldura HV Heating volume
KV Volum de compresie KV Compression volume
22.3 Contact lamelar 22.3 Contact lamination
22.5 Sina de ghidaj 22.5 Guide rail
22.9 Pin(miscare) 22.9 Pin (moving)
22.11 Contact tubular 22.11 Tube contact
22.11.1 Virful contactului 22.11.1 Nozzle
22.11.2 Duza auxiliara 22.11.2 Auxiliary nozzle
22.11.17 Piston 22.11.17 Piston
22.11.18 Valva unisens 22.11.18 Non-return valve
22.11.19 Supapa de grup 22.11.19 Valve group
22.41 Cilindru de incalzire 22.41 Heating cylinder
22.51 Cuplor 22.51 Coupler
22.52 Pin 22.52 Pin
22.56 Brat de actionare 22.56 Lever

Fig. 5 Schema operatiei de deschidere Fig. 5 Schematics of opening operation

20 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description

Pinul(miscare) 22.9. este actionat in sens opus miscarii The pin (moving) 22.9 is moved against the direction of
tubului de contact 22.11 de componentele conectate movement of the tube contact 22.11 by the connected
ale cilindrului de incalzire 22.41, duza 22.11.51, pinul components of heating cylinder 22.41, nozzle 22.11.1,
22.52, levierul de comanda 22.46 (miscarea de connecting rod 22.51, pin 22.52, control lever 22.46
declansdare a intreruptorului). (circuit-breaker opening movement).
Electrodul deplasat 22.45 este de asemenea impins in The moved electrode 22.45 is also pushed in the direc-
directia cilindrului de caldura 22.41. tion of the heating cylinder 22.41.
Pe durata operatiei de deschidere, contactul de arc se During the continued course of the opening operation,
deschide producind un arc electric(Fig. 5c). In acelasi the arcing contact opens creating an arc (Fig. 5c). At
timp, cilindrul de incalzire 22.41 se deplaseaza in jos si the same time, the heat cylinder 22.41 moves down-
comprima gazul de singere aflat intre cilindru si valva ward and compresses the quenching gas between the
de grup 22.11.19. Aceasta face ca gazul de stingere sa heat cylinder and valve group 22.11.19. This causes
se deplaseze in directia opusa miscarii contactului the quenching gas to be forced in the direction opposite
mobil, prin valva unisens 22.11.18 in cilindrul de to the movement of the moving contact components
incalzire si prin deschizatura dintre contactul mobil de through the non-return valve, consisting of piston
arc 22.11 si virful contactului, astfel producindu-se 22.11.17 and valve plate 22.11.18, into the heat cylin-
stingerea arului electric. der and through the gap between the tube contact
22.11 and the arc quenching nozzle, thus quenching
the arc.
Pentru curenti de scurtcircuit mari gazul de stingere With large short-circuit currents the quenching gas sur-
aflat in jurul pinului 22.9 in camera de stingere este rounding pin 22.9 in the arcing chamber is heated by
incalzit de energia din arc si deplasat in cilindrul de the arc's energy and driven into the heat cylinder 22.41
incalzire 22.41 la presiune inalta. Cind curentul trece at high pressure. When the current passes through
prin zero, gazul trece inapoi din cilindru prin duza si zero, the gas flows back from the heat cylinder into the
stinge arcul. Cind se intimpla atfel, valva unisens nozzle and quenches the arc. When this happens, the
22.11.18 in cilindrul de incalzire 22.41 previne inalta valve plate 22.11.18 in the heat cylinder 22.41 prevents
presiune de a intra in camera de compresie printre the high pressure from entering the compression cham-
pistonul 22.11.17 si valva de grup 22.11.19. ber between piston 22.11.17 and the valve group

927 10285 941 A 21

3 Descriere - Description

3.6 Mecanism cu resoarte al intrerupatorului 3.6 Spring Drive Mechanism of the Circuit-
Aceasta sectiune contine o prezentare generala a This section contains a general presentation of the
mecanismului cu resoarte; vezi imaginea 3D de pe spring drive mechanism; see the 3D illustration on the
prospect la sfirsitul acestor instructiuni de operare. foldout page at the end of these operating instructions.
Functionarea sa este descrisa in sectiunea 3.7 Its function is described in section 3.7 Function of the
Functionarea mecanismului cu resoarte. Spring Drive Mechanism.

3.6.1 Armarea resortului de inchidere 3.6.1 Charging the Closing Spring

Intrerupator in pozitie DESCHIS Circuit-breaker in OPEN position
Arcul de inchidere 18.4 (vezi imaginea 3D la sfirsitul The closing spring 18.4 (see 3D illustration at the end
acestor instructiuni) este armat de catre mecanismul de of these operating instructions) is charged by the
armare 18.2 folosind motorul 18.1 prin intermediul tijei charging gears 18.2 using the motor 18.1 by way of the
de armare 18.4 si tijei de conectare 18.10. La sfirsitul charging shaft 18.14 and connecting rod 18.10. At the
operatiei de armare, tija de armare se separa de end of the charging operation, the charging shaft is
mecanism de prin roata libera 18.3 si fixat de catre separated from the gears by the free-wheel 18.3 and
clichet de INCHIDERE 18.17. Resortul de inchidere secured with the CLOSE latch 18.17. The closing
18.4 este acumincarcate pentru operatia de inchidere spring 18.4 is now charged for the closing operation
si intrerupatorul este gata pentru operatia de inchidere. and the circuit-breaker is therefore ready for closing.

3.6.2 Inchidere 3.6.2 Closing

Clichetul de inchidere 18.17 este eliberat prin The closing latch 18.17 is released by actuation of the
actionarea bobinei de declansare 18.16. Energia trip coil 18.16. The energy of the discharging closing
rezultata din descarcarea arcului de inchidere 18.4 este spring 18.4 is transmitted via the cam plate 18.6 to the
transmisa prin intermediul unui disc cu came 18.6 lever 18.7 and the operating shaft 18.22 connected to
parghiei 18.7 si arborelui 18.22 conectate la acesta. In it. In the process, the opening spring 18.11 is charged
timpul functionarii, arcul de deschidere 18.11 este by means of the rotation of the operating shaft 18.22,
incarcat datorita rotatiei arborelui 18.22, parghiei 18.24 the operating lever 18.24 and the connecting rod 18.27.
si barei de conectare 18.27. Miscarea barei de The movement of the connecting rod 18.27.1 along the
conectare 18.27.1 de-a lungul barei mecanismului de operating mechanism rod 15.9, the torque shaft 15.8.3
operare 15.9, arborelui cotit 15.8.3 si barei de operare and the operating rod 16.9 is transmitted to the inter-
16.9 este transmisa unitatii de intrerupere din centru rupter unit 22. At the same time, the contacts of the
22. In acelasi timp, contactele unitatii de intrerupere 22 interrupter units 22 are closed.
sunt inchise.
La finalizarea operatiei de inchidere energia cinetica On completion of the closing operation, the residual
reziduala este absorbita prin inchiderea atenuatorului kinetic energy is absorbed by closing damper 18.41.
18.41. Cama 18.19 si rola 18.41.1 previn balansarea Cam 18.19 and roller 18.41.1 prevent backward swing-
inversa a arborelui de incarcare 18.14. ing of charging shaft 18.14.

Parghia 18.7 este simultan angajata cu clichetul de Lever 18.7 is simultaneously engaged with OPEN latch
deschidere 18.9. Polul este acum in pozitie inchisa si 18.9. The pole is now in a CLOSED position and can
poate astfel fi deconectat. thus be switched off.
Arcul de inchidere 18.4 este astfel complet reincarcat in The closing spring 18.4 is then completely recharged in
mai putin de 15 s. Un blocaj mecanic previne less than 15 s. A mechanical lockout prevents switch-
declansarea mecanismului inainte de operatia de ing back on of the operating mechanism before the
deschidere. opening operation.

22 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description

3.6.3 Deschidere 3.6.3 Opening

Actionarea bobinei de declansare 18.8 elibereaza Actuating tripping coil 18.8 releases OPEN latch 18.9.
parghia de deschidere 18.9. Contactele unitatii de The contacts of interrupter unit 22 are separated by
intreruptor 22 sunt separate prin arcul de deschidere opening spring 18.11 via connecting rod 18.27, operat-
18.11, prin intermediul barei de conectare 18.27, ing lever 18.24, operating mechanism rod 18.27.1,
parghiei de operare 18.24, bara mecanismului de lever 15.9, torque shaft 15.8.3 and operating rod 16.9.
operare 18.27.1, parghiei 15.9, arborelui cotit 15.8.3 si The kinetic energy at the end of the opening cycle will
barei de operare 16.9. Energia cinetica la sfarsitul la thereby be absorbed by opening damper 18.15. Open-
sfarsitul ciclului de deschidere va fi absorbita prin ing damper 18.15 simultaneously serves as an end
atenuatorul de deschidere 18.15. Atenuatorul de stop for the opening cycle.
deschidere 18.15 deserveste simultan finalizarea opririi
pentru ciclul de deschidere.

3.6.4 Seventa de actionare 3.6.4 Operating Sequence

In pozitia inchis a intrerupatorului, resoartele de In the closed position of the circuit-breaker, the opening
inchidere si deschidere sunt in stare armat. Aceasta and closing spring are in charged state. This means the
inseamna ca intrerupatorul este capabil sa execute circuit-breaker is in a position to perform O-C-O switch-
secventa de operare D-I-D. ing sequences.

927 10285 941 A 23

3 Descriere - Description

3.7 Functionarea mecanismului cu resoarte 3.7 Function of the Spring Drive Mechanism
Functionarea mecanismului cu resoarte este descrisa The function of the spring drive mechanism is
mai jos in corelare cu modulele principale de described below in conjunction with the major modular
asamblare. assemblies.
Este recomandat mai intii sa citit sectiunea 3.6 It is advisable first to read the section 3.6 Spring Drive
Mecanism cu resoarte al intrerupatorului. Mechanism of the Circuit-Breaker.

3.7.1 Armarea resortului de inchidere 3.7.1 Charging the Closing Spring

Pozitia de start: intrerupatorul este starea deconectat. Starting position: the circuit-breaker is in the OPEN
Resoartele de deschidere/inchidere sunt destinde ex. o position. The closing and opening spring are relaxed,
manevra cu intrerupatorul nu este posibila. i.e. a switching operation is not possible.
Cama disc 18.6 si tija de conectare 18.10 sunt in The cam disc 18.6 and the connecting rod 18.10 are
apropierea punctului maxim inferior. Pirghia de ghidare near the lower dead centre point. The guide lever 18.7
18.7 si pirghia de actionare 18.24 sunt conectate rigid and operating lever 18.24 are rigidly connected and are
si sunt in pozitie DESCHIS (Fig. 6). in the OPEN position (Fig. 6).

Pentru a incarca resortul de inchidere, axul de armare To charge the closing spring, the charging shaft 18.14
18.14 este rotit de catre motorul de actionare 18.1 si is rotated by means of the charging motor 18.1 and
angrenajul 18.2. Roata libera 18.3 angajeaza pe cama gears 18.2. The free-wheel 18.3 engages in the cam of
axului de armare 18.14 (Fig. 7)si roteste atit cit sa the charging shaft 18.14 (Fig. 7) and rotates it as far as
ajunga in puctul max. superior. the upper dead centre point.
Axul de armare 18.14 este astfel rotit mai repede de The charging shaft 18.14 is then turned as far as the
efectul destinderii arcului de inchidere 18.4 decit de closing latch 18.17 more quickly by the effect of the
roata dintata in masura in care clichetul de inchidere partly relaxed closing spring 18.4 than by the free-
18.17 Inainte ca, cama plata 18.6 sa se opreasca la wheel, i.e. the form-fit between the free-wheel of the
10° dincolo de punctul max. superior prin intermediul charging gear and the charging shaft is cancelled and
rulmentului 18.23 si clichetului de inchidere 18.17 the charging shaft outpaces the charging gear. Before
(Fig. 8), cama 18.19 fixata pe mecanismul carcasei the cam plate 18.6 is stopped in the position 10°
elibereaza cuplajul de mers liber 18.3 de pirghia de beyond the upper dead centre by means of the roller
armare 18.14 (Fig. 9). Pirghia de armare 18.14 si 18.23 and the closing latch 18.17 (Fig. 8), the cam
angrenajul 18.2 sunt astfel separate. Motorul este oprit 18.19 fixed to the mechanism housing disengages the
automat si incetitinit de angrenajul 18.2. free-wheel 18.3 from the charging shaft 18.14 (Fig. 9).
Charging shaft 18.14 and gear 18.2 are thereby sepa-
rated. The motor is shut down automatically and runs
down with the gearing.
Resortul de inchidere este armat si mecanismul de The closing spring is charged and the operating mech-
actionare gata pentru manevra de inchidere. anism ready for the closing process.

24 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description



18.17.1 18.27.1


18.6 18.22

18.19 18.24

18.23 18.7

18.9 18.7.1

18.9.1 18.27
18.41 18.15

18.9.2 18.11




18.4 Resort de inchidere 18.4 Closing spring

18.4.1 Saiba Grover 18.4.1 Spring washer
18.6 Disc cama 18.6 Cam disc
18.7 Sistem de pirghii 18.7 Lever
18.7.1 Rulment 18.7.1 Roller
18.8 Bobina de DESCHIDERE 18.8 Trip coil OPEN
18.9 Clichet de deschidere 18.9 Opening latch
18.9.1 Piesa de sustinere 18.9.1 Supporting latch
18.9.2 Pirghie suport 18.9.2 Support lever
18.10 Tija de conectare (pentru resortul de inchidere) 18.10 Connecting rod (for closing spring)
18.11 Resortul de deschidere 18.11 Opening spring
18.14 Pirghia de armare 18.14 Charging shaft
18.15 Amortizor pentru deschidere 18.15 Damper for opening
18.16 Bobina de INCHIDERE 18.16 Trip coil CLOSE
18.17 Clichet de inchidere 18.17 Closing latch
18.17.1 Pirghie suport 18.17.1 Support lever
18.19 Cama 18.19 Cam
18.22 Ax de actionare 18.22 Operating shaft
18.23 Rulment 18.23 Roller
18.24 Pirghie de actionare 18.24 Operating lever
18.27 Tija de conectare (pentru resortul de deschidere) 18.27 Connecting rod (for opening spring)
18.27.1 Bara de transmisie 18.27.1 Driving rod
18.31 Interblocaj mecanic de inchidere 18.31 Mechanical closing interlock
18.41 Amortizor pentru inchidere 18.41 Damper for closing
18.41.1 Rulment 18.41.1 Roller
22 Camera de stingere 22 Interrupter unit

Fig. 6 Diagrama de functionare a clichetelor de zavorire Fig. 6 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:
deschis/inchis: starea deschis, resortul de inchidere OPEN position, closing and opening spring relaxed
si deschidere destins

927 10285 941 A 25

3 Descriere - Description






18.1 Motor 18.1 Motor

18.2 Angrenajul de armare 18.2 Charging gear
18.3 Roata libera 18.3 Advancing pawl
18.14 Pirghia de armare 18.14 Charging shaft
18.20 Cama 18.20 Cam

Fig. 7 Rolul rotii libere: armarea resortului de inchidere Fig. 7 Function of the advancing pawl: Charging of the
closing spring








18.4 Resort de inchidere 18.4 Closing spring

18.6 Disc cama 18.6 Cam disc
18.14 Pirghia de armare 18.14 Charging shaft
18.17 Clichet de inchidere 18.17 Closing latch
18.23 Rulment 18.23 Roller
18.31 Interblocaj mecanic de inchidere 18.31 Mechanical closing interlock

Fig. 8 Diagrama de functionare a clichetelor de zavorire Fig. 8 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:
inchis /deschis OPEN position, closing spring charged

26 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description






18.2 Angrenajul de armare 18.2 Charging gear

18.3 Roata libera 18.3 Advancing pawl
18.14 Pirghia de armare 18.14 Charging shaft
18.20 Cama 18.20 Cam

Fig. 9 Functia rotii libere: decuplarea angrenajului de Fig. 9 Function of the advancing pawl: Uncoupling the
armare charging gear

3.7.2 Inchiderea 3.7.2 Closing

Activind bobina de INCHIDERE 18.16 se elibereaza Actuating CLOSE tripping coil 18.16 releases cam disk
cama disc 18.6 prin clichetul de INCHIDERE 18.17 si 18.6 via CLOSE latch 18.17 and supporting lever
bara suport 18.17.1 (Fig. 10). 18.17.1 (Fig. 10).






18.6 Disc cama 18.6 Cam disc

18.16 Bobina de INCHIDERE 18.16 Trip coil CLOSE
18.17 Clichet de inchidere 18.17 Closing latch
18.17.1 Pirghie suport 18.17.1 Support lever
18.23 Rulment 18.23 Roller

Fig. 10 Diagrama de functionare a clichetelor de inchidere/ Fig. 10 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:
deschidere: Eliberarea clichetului de inchidere Disenagement of the closing latch

Efectul resortului de inchidere este rotirea axului de The effect of the closing spring turns the charging shaft
armare 18.14 (Fig. 11). Rulmentul 18.7.1 piesei 18.7 se 18.14 (Fig. 11). The roller 18.7.1 of the lever 18.7
misca de-a-lungul camei 18.6 si transmite miscarea moves along the cam 18.6 and transmits the movement
catre pirghia de actionare 18.22. Miscarea este to the operating shaft 18.22. The movement is then
transmisa de pirghia 18.24 (fixata pe axul de actionare transmitted by the lever 18.24 (fixed to the operating
18.22) si tija mecanismului de actionare 18.27.1 catre shaft 18.22) and the operating mechanism rod 18.27.1
camera de stingere 22. Contactele intrerupatorului sunt to the interrupter unit 22. The contacts of the interrupter
inchise. unit 22 are closed.

927 10285 941 A 27

3 Descriere - Description











18.6 Disc cama 18.6 Cam disc

18.7 Sistem de pirghii 18.7 Lever
18.7.1 Rulment 18.7.1 Roller
18.9 Clichet de deschidere 18.9 Opening latch
18.9.1 Piesa de sustinere 18.9.1 Supporting latch
18.11 Resortul de deschidere 18.11 Opening spring
18.14 Pirghia de armare 18.14 Charging shaft
18.22 Ax de actionare 18.22 Operating shaft
18.24 Pirghie de actionare 18.24 Operating lever
18.27 Tija de conectare (pentru resortul de deschidere) 18.27 Connecting rod (for opening spring)
18.27.1 Bara de transmisie 18.27.1 Driving rod
22 Camera de stingere 22 Interrupter unit

Fig. 11 Diagrama de functionare a clichetului de nchidere/ Fig. 11 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:
deschidere: Inchidere Closing

In acelasi timp resortul de deschidere 18.11 este armat At the same time the opening spring 18.11 is charged
prin pirghia de actionare 18.24 si tija de legatura 18.27. by way of the operating lever 18.24 and the connecting
Clichetul de deschidere 18.9 se misca de-a-lungul rod 18.27. The opening latch 18.9 moves along the
rulmentului piesei 18.9.1 (Fig. 11). La sfirsitul miscarii roller of the latch lever 18.9.1 (Fig. 11). At the end of
curbe, piesa 18.7 se deplaseaza, avind rezultatul ca the curve, the lever 18.7 overtravels, with the result that
clichetul de deschidere 18.9 poate cadea in spatele the opening latch 18.9 can drop behind the roller of the
rulmentului pirghiei piesei 18.9.1 (Fig. 12). latch lever 18.9.1 (Fig. 12).

28 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description


18.19 18.7
18.7.1 18.9




18.6 Disc cama 18.6 Cam disc

18.7 Sistem de pirghii 18.7 Lever
18.7.1 Rulment 18.7.1 Roller
18.9 Clichet de deschidere 18.9 Opening latch
18.9.1 Piesa de sustinere 18.9.1 Supporting latch
18.19 Cama 18.19 Cam
18.41 Amortizor pentru inchidere 18.41 Damper for closing
18.41.1 Rulment 18.41.1 Roller

Fig. 12 Diagrama functionala a clichetului de inchidere/ Fig. 12 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:
deschidere: Cursa pirghiei Overtravel of the lever

La completare ciclului de inchidere, cama 18.19 va rula On completion of the closing cycle, cam 18.19 will run
pe rulmentul 18.41.1 si transfera energia cinetica on roller 18.41.1 and transfer its residual kinetic energy
ramasa catre amortizorul de inchidere 18.41 (Fig. 12). to damper for closing 18.41 (Fig. 12). Following this,
Ca urmare, rulmentul 18.41.1 va sari in spatele camei roller 18.41.1 will jump behind cam 18.19 to prevent
18.19 pentru a preveni basculara inapoi a axului de backward swinging of charging shaft 18.14 (Fig. 14).
armare 18.14 (Fig. 14).
Cind paraseste cama 18.6, pirghia 18.7 revine putin in After leaving the cam disc 18.6, the lever 18.7 turns
directia de deschidere, pina cind clichetul de back a little towards OPEN, until the opening latch 18.9
deschidere 18.9 se aseaza pe rulmentul pirghiei is resting on the roller of the supporting latch 18.9.1
clichetului 18.9.1 (Fig. 13). Intrerupatorul est acum (Fig. 13). The circuit-breaker is now latched in the
blocat in pozitia inchis. CLOSED position.

927 10285 941 A 29

3 Descriere - Description

18.6 18.7






18.6 Disc cama 18.6 Cam disc

18.7 Sistem de pirghii 18.7 Lever
18.9 Clichet de deschidere 18.9 Opening latch
18.9.1 Piesa de sustinere 18.9.1 Supporting latch
18.19 Cama 18.19 Cam
18.41.1 Rulment 18.41.1 Roller

Fig. 13 Diagrama functionala a clichetului de inchidere/ Fig. 13 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:
deschidere: zavorire in pozitia inchis Latching in the closed position

30 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description


18.17 18.17.1





18.4 Resort de inchidere 18.4 Closing spring

18.14 Pirghia de armare 18.14 Charging shaft
18.15 Amortizor pentru deschidere 18.15 Damper for opening
18.17 Clichet de inchidere 18.17 Closing latch
18.17.1 Pirghie suport 18.17.1 Support lever
18.31 Interblocaj mecanic de inchidere 18.31 Mechanical closing interlock

Fig. 14 Diagrama functionala a clichetului de inchidere/ Fig. 14 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:
deschidere:zavorirea arcului de armare la inchidere Latching of the charged closing spring

In timpul procesului de inhidere, motorul de armare As the closing process takes place, the charging motor
este pornit. Armarea resortului de inchidere este is switched on. The charging of the closing spring is
repetata conform cu paragraful 3.7.1 Armarea repeated according to paragraph 3.7.1 Charging the
resortului de inchidere. Closing Spring.
In consecinta axul de armare trebuie blocat in pozitia Subsequently the charging shaft must be latched to top
max. superioara cu resortul de inchidere armat dead centre with the charged closing spring (Fig. 14).
(Fig. 14). Blocajul mecanic la inchidere 18.31 previne Mechanical closing lock-out 18.31 prevents uninten-
porniri accidentale ale mecanismului de operare tional starting of the operating mechanism before the
inaintea ciclului de deschidere prin blocajul pirghiei opening cycle by blocking supporting lever 18.17.1
suport 18.17.1 (see Fig. 14). (see Fig. 14).
Resoartele de inchidere/deschidere sunt armate si The closing and opening springs are charged and the
intrrupatorul este in consecinta gata pentru secventa de circuit-breaker is consequently ready for an O-C-O
actionare D-I-D. switching sequence.

927 10285 941 A 31

3 Descriere - Description

3.7.3 Declansarea 3.7.3 Tripping

Activind bobina de DESCHIDERE 18.8 se elibereaza Actuating OPEN trip coil 18.8 releases OPEN latch
clichetul de zavorire la DESCHIDERE 18.9 prin piesa 18.9 via supporting latch 18.9.1 and supporting lever
18.9.1 si pirghia suport 18.9.2. Pirghia de actionare 18.9.2. Operating lever 18.24 and lever 18.7 are with-
18.24 si pirghia 18.7 sunt retrase de catre resortul de drawn by opening spring 18.11 over connecting rod
deschidere 18.11 peste tijele de legatura 18.27 in 18.27 to the OPEN position (Fig. 15). The contacts of
pozitia DESCHIS (Fig. 15). Contactele intrerupatorului interrupter unit 22 are simultaneously shifted to the
22 sunt simultan deplasate in pozitie DESCHIS prin tija OPEN position over operating mechanism rod 18.27.1.
mecanismului de actionare 18.27.1.
La finalul miscarii de deschidere energia cinetica este At the end of the opening movement the kinetic energy
absorbita de catre amortizorul (pentru deschidere) is absorbed by the damper (for opening) 18.15. The
18.15. Amortizorul are rolul si de opritor. damper serves also as end stop.









18.7 Sistem de pirghii 18.7 Lever

18.8 Bobina de DESCHIDERE 18.8 Trip coil OPEN
18.9 Clichet de deschidere 18.9 Opening latch
18.9.1 Piesa de sustinere 18.9.1 Supporting latch
18.9.2 Pirghie suport 18.9.2 Support lever
18.11 Resortul de deschidere 18.11 Opening spring
18.15 Amortizor pentru deschidere 18.15 Damper for opening
18.24 Pirghie de actionare 18.24 Operating lever
18.27 Tija de conectare (pentru resortul de deschidere) 18.27 Connecting rod (for opening spring)
18.27.1 Bara de transmisie 18.27.1 Driving rod
22 Camera de stingere 22 Interrupter unit

Fig. 15 Diagrama functionala a clichetului de inchidere/ Fig. 15 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:
deschidere: eliberarea clichetului de zavorire la Disengagement of the opening latch

32 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description

3.8 Control 3.8 Control

Sistemul de control include toate componentele tehnice The control system includes all secondary technical
secundare pentru operarea intreruptoru- lui, care components necessary for the operation of the circuit-
pentru par- tea principala sunt localizate in interio- rul breaker, which are for the main part located inside the
panoului de contro si inluse in carcasa mecanismului control cubicle and the housing of the operating mech-
de operare. anism.
Documentatia pentru intreruptor include schemele de The documentation for the circuit-breaker includes the
circuite secundare a sistemului de control circuit diagram of the control system.

Schemele contin urmatoarele documente This diagram contains the following documents:
- Schema de localizare - Location diagram
- Diagrama schematica - Schematic diagram
- Schema pentru extinderea echipamentului cu date - Extended equipment diagram with technical data
tehnice si lista echipamentului and list of equipment
- Schema terminalelor - Terminal diagram
- Schema de conexiune - Connector diagram
Fig. 16 arata interiorul cabinei de control. Fig. 16 shows the interior view of the control cubicle.








K... Contactoare, relee de timp K... Contactors, time relays

P... Contor (opţional) P... Counter (optional)
R... Rezistente de incalzire (previne condensul) R... Heating (preventing condensation formation)
S4 Confirmare S4 Confirmation
X1 Blocuri de borne X1 Terminal blocks
12.1.1 Placa de montaja echipamentelor 12.1.1 Equipment mounting plate
18 Rezistenta la conditii diferite de clima, cabina pentru 18 Climate-proof, ventilated and heated outdoor cubicle,
exterior ventilata si incalzita, grad de protectie IP 55. degree of protection IP 55

Fig. 16 Interiorul cutiei de comanda Fig. 16 Interior view of the control cabinet

927 10285 941 A 33

3 Descriere - Description

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Operatorul este responsabil de protectia cu The operator is responsible for the fuse pro-
fuzibil a circuitelor auxiliare, daca din alte tection for the auxiliary circuits, unless other-
motive nu s-a ageat cu fabricantul altfel. wise agreed with the manufacturer.

3.8.1 Mecanismul cu resoarte 3.8.1 Spring Winding Mechanism

Mecanismul cu resoarte consta din motorul si The spring winding mechanism consists of the motor
angrenajul de actionare. Indicatorii de stare (simbol) and the charging gear. The spring state indicators
sunt pe talerele resoartelor si sunt indicate prin (symbols) are on the spring cups and will be shown by
simboluri simple. Vezi capitolul 3.6 Mecanism cu intelligible symbols. See chapter 3.6 Spring Drive
resoarte al intrerupatorului. Mechanism of the Circuit-Breaker.






a) Resortul este armat a) Spring is charged

b) Resort dezarmat b) Spring is not charged
18.1 Motor 18.1 Motor
18.4 Resort de inchidere 18.4 Closing spring
18.8 Bobina de DESCHIDERE 18.8 Trip coil OPEN
18.11 Resortul de deschidere 18.11 Opening spring
18.16 Bobina de INCHIDERE 18.16 Trip coil CLOSE
18.20 Limitator pentru motor 18.20 Motor limit switch

Fig. 17 Mecanism cu resoarte Fig. 17 Spring drive mechanism

34 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description

3.8.2 Monitorizare gaz 3.8.2 Gas Monitoring

Fiecare pol este format dintr-un compartiment inchis de Each pole column is a closed gas compartment
gaz (Fig. 18) si este monitorizat separat. (Fig. 18) and is gas-monitored individually. The gas
Compartimentul de gaz al unei coloane de monitorizat compartment of a pole column to be monitored con-
contine valva de retinere, un monitor de densitate B4 si tains a non-return valve, a density monitor B4 and pres-
un indicator de presiune, conexiunea de umplere W1, sure gauge, the filling connection W1, the test connec-
conexiunea de test W2 si tubulatura pentru tion W2 and piping for connecting the components.
componentele de conectare.





B4 Monitor de densitate de SF6 B4 SF6 density monitor

MA Manometru de presiune MA Manometer
W1 Flansa de umplere W1 Filling flange
W2 Conexiune de testare W2 Test connection

Fig. 18 Monitorizarea diagramei de SF66 pe un pol. Fig. 18 Diagram of SF6 monitoring in a pole column

Densitatea gazului de SF6 mediul de stingere in The density of the SF6 arc quenching material in the
compartimentul de gaz este monitorizat de catre gas compartment is monitored by a density monitor B4
monitorul de densitate B4 (Fig. 20). Valorile de umplere (Fig. 20). The SF6 filling and response values for the
si de densitate se pot gasi in sectinea 3.1.6 Mediu de density monitor can be found in section 3.1.6 Arc
stingere SF6. Quenching Medium SF6.
Conexiunea W1(Fig. 19) pentru umplerea polului cu The connection W1 (Fig. 19) for filling the pole column
SF6 este localizata in mecanismul de actionare, imediat with SF6 gas is in the relevant operating mechanism
langa indicatorul de presiune. Conexiunea de test W2 unit next to the pressure gauge. The test connection
este localizata la baza (in cutia mecanismului de W2 is located in the base (at the side of the operating
actionare) (Fig. 20). mechanism cubicle) (Fig. 20).

927 10285 941 A 35

3 Descriere - Description



W1 Flansa de umplere W1 Filling flange

Fig. 19 Flansa de umplere W1 Fig. 19 Filling flange W1




B4 Monitor de densitate B4 Density monitor

W2 Conexiune de testare W2 Test connection

Fig. 20 Conexiunea de test W2 (vedere cu capacul Fig. 20 Test connection W2 (view with cover of the contact
indicatorului de pozitie inlaturat) position indicator removed)

36 927 10285 941 A

3 Descriere - Description Functionarea monitorului de densitate Function of the Density Monitor

Monitorul de densitate compara densitatea gazului de The density monitor compares the density of the SF6
SF6 din compartimentul de monitorizat cu densitatea de gas in the compartment to be monitored with the den-
referinta a gazului inchis in monitor. Ambele volume de sity of reference gas enclosed inside the monitor. Both
gaz sunt aflate la aceeasi temperatura. Compararea gases are exposed to the same ambient temperature.
densitatii este inlocuita de o comparare a presiunii in The density comparison is replaced by a pressure com-
ambele sisteme (compatiment de gaz- compartiment parison in both systems (gas compartment - reference
de referinta). compartment).
Monitorul de densitate actioneaza la o schimbare a The density monitor responds to a change in pressure
presiunii ca rezultat a unei pierderi intre gazul din as a result of a leak between circuit-breaker gas com-
intrerupator is atmosfera.schimbari de presiune partment and atmosphere. Pressure changes as a
datorate diferentelor de temperatura nu sunt luate in result of temperature changes are not taken into
calcul. account.

Monitorul de densitate este setat la limita de The density monitor is set at the works to the limit den-
functionare ceruta. Resetarea nu este nici posibila nici sity required. Resetting is neither necessary nor possi-
necesara. ble.







5.00 Burdufuri 5.00 Bellows

5.10 Microcontacte 5.10 Microswitch
5.20 Carcasa 5.20 Housing
5.30 Compartimentul de gaz al intrerupatorului 5.30 Circuit-breaker gas compartment
5.40 Compartimentul de gaz de referinta 5.40 Reference gas compartment

Fig. 21 Diagrama schematica a monitorului de densitate Fig. 21 Schematic diagram of the density monitor (under
(sub presiunea de lucru) working pressure)

3.8.3 Blocaje 3.8.3 Lockouts

Funcionarea este explicata in ordinea aparitiei in The individual functions are explained in the order of
diagrama circuitului. their appearance in the circuit diagram.
Un dispozitiv de blocare SF6 previne orice conectare A General lockout SF6 prevents any switching of the
a intreruptorului daca presiunea de SF6 este prea mica. circuit-breaker if the SF6 pressure is too low.

blocajul la inchidere impiedica intrerupatorul de a fi The closing lockout prevents the circuit-breaker from
inchis in timpul armarii resortului de inchidere. being switched on while the closing spring is being
Un dispozitiv anti-pompare a polului intreruptorului The anti-pumping device of the circuit-breaker pole
asigura ca aceasta nu va fi deschis si inchis in mod ensures that it is not repeatedly opened and closed in
repetat in cazul unor comenzi de inchidere si the event of simultaneous CLOSE and OPEN com-
deschidere repetate. mands.
Comutatorul S4 este pentru confirmarea fortarii The switch S4 is for acknowlegement of enforced tri-
operarii tripolare. plepole operation.

927 10285 941 A 37

3 Descriere - Description

3.8.4 Controlul motorului 3.8.4 Motor Control

Motorul armeaza resortul de inchidere si este controlat The motor charges the closing spring and is controlled
de catre contactul limitator. by a limit switch.

3.8.5 Rezistente de anticondens 3.8.5 Anti-Condensation Heaters

Pentru protejarea componentelor sensibile din cabina To protect sensitive components in the operating mech-
mecanismului de actionare si din cabina de control anism cubicles and in the control cubicle from con-
impotriva condensului aparut ca urmare a modificarilor densed water during rapid temperature changes, the
rapide de temperatura, unitatile sunt intotdeauna units are always fitted with heating resistors. As con-
prevazute cu rezistente anticondens. Deoarece densation can occur at any ambient temperature, these
condensul poate sa apara la orice temperatura, aceste resistors must always be in continuous operation.
rezistente trebuie sa fie intotdeauna in functiune.

3.8.6 Semnalizari 3.8.6 Signals

Semnalizarile sunt informatii ale starii intrerupatorului. Signals are information on the condition of the circuit-

3.8.7 Contacte auxiliare libere 3.8.7 Free Auxiliary Switch Contacts

Contacte auxiliare libere suplimentare sunt disponibile Additional free auxiliary switch contacts at the terminal
clientului in sirul de cleme X1. fixture X1 are available for customer's purposes.

3.8.8 Contor de cicluri de comutare/Contor de 3.8.8 Operating Cycles Counter/operations

comutări Counter
Întrerupătorul de putere dispune, conform schemei de According to the dimension drawing, the circuit-breaker
conexiuni, de un contor de comutări sau de cicluri de is equipped with an operations counter or an operating
comutare pentru fiecare pol. Contorul de comutări cycle counter per pole. Operations counter count every
înregistrează fiecare comutare individuală, ceea ce single operation, that means that two counts are regis-
înseamnă că o pornire și o oprire reprezintă în total tered during an opening and a closing operation.
două contorizări.
Contorul de cicluri de comutare înregistrează fiecare Operating cycle counters count every operating cycle,
ciclu de comutare, ceea ce înseamnă că o pornire și o that means that a sequence of opening and closing
oprire reprezintă în total o contorizare. Pentru măsurile operation counts as one. A all inspection and mainte-
de întreţinere și de reparaţie a pieselor de uzură trebuie nance services due to wear refer to the number of com-
avute în vedere, în principiu, ciclurile de comutare pleted operating cycles.

38 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

4 Instalare 4 Installation

4.1 Masuri pentru Siguranta pentru Instalare 4.1 Safety Rules for Installation

Pericol la instalare pentru personal poate Danger to installation personnel can result
rezulta din from
- tensiuni accidentale - Voltage
- presiunea gazului din pol aprox. - gas pressure in the pole columns ap-
0,30 bar prox. 0.30 bar
- gazul- SF6 - SF6-gas
- caderi si/sau rasturnari ale - falling and/or toppling parts and/or
componentelor si/sau partilor in moving parts.
Incalcarea avertismentelor poate avea ca Non-observance of warnings can result in
rezultat moartea, raniri grave si pierderi death, severe personal injury and sub-
ale proprietatii si ale mediului stantial property and environmental dam-
substantiale. age.

Pentru a evita accidentele, focul sau arsuri nepermise In order to avoid accidents, fire and impermissible
ale mediului si pentru a asigura functionarea in impact on the environment and in order to assure the
siguranta a celulei utilizatorul trebuie sa asigure ca: functional reliability of the switchgear, the operator
must ensure that:
- o persoana responsabila, daca este necesar - commissioning is performed by a person in charge,
autorizata pentru supraveghere sa fie responsabila if necessary attended by a supervisory person,
cu punerea in functiune
- numai personal calificat si instruit este ales, - only qualified and instructed personnel are
- reglementarile si instructiunile de securittea muncii - the regulations and instructions for safety at work
(ex. utilizarea echipamentului), impreuna cu (e.g. in the use of equipment), together with instruc-
instructiunile de actiune in cazul incendiilor si tions on action to be taken in the event of accidents
accidentelor, sunt disponile oricind si afisate daca e and fire, are available at all times and if necessary
necesar la locul de munca, displayed in the place of work,
- uneltele, echipamentul si aparatajul necesar pentru - the tools, equipment and apparatus required for
securitatea muncii precum si echipamentul de safety at work and the personal protective equip-
protectie necesar pentru anumite scopuri sunt ment required for certain tasks are available,
- doar acele materiale, lubrefianti si echipament - only those materials, lubricants and auxiliary equip-
auxiliar aprobat de fabricant sunt folosite. ment approved by the manufacturer are used.

927 10285 941 A 39

4 Instalare - Installation

Regulile de siguranta din aceste instructiuni de operare The safety regulations in these operating instructions
sunt cerinte minime. Ele nu sunt impotriva legilor, are minimum requirements. They do not affect statutory
standardelor, specificatii sau reglementari interne ale laws, standards, specifications or internal regulations of
companiilor legate de lucru. Ele nu pretind a acoperi the company concerned with the work. They do not
toate posibilitatile si trebuiesc a fi in mod evident claim to cover all eventualities and must be expressed
precizate de catre persoana responsbila inainte de concretely by the responsible persons at the latest
inceperea lucrului. In plus fata de reguli interne sau before work actually starts. In addition to company
conditii de lucru specifice, descrierea produsului si internal rules and the specific work conditions, the
instructiuni de utilizare a uneltelor, dispozitivelor, product descriptions and instructions for use of tools,
aparatelor, materialelor, lubrefiantilor si echipamentului devices, apparatus, materials, lubricants and auxiliary
auxiliar trebuiesc luate in considerare. equipment must be taken into account.
Urmatoarele reglementari privind siguranta ofera o The following safety regulations provide an overview of
imagine generala asupra pericolelor existente si the dangers existing and their sources, and describe
sursele lor si descriu consecintele posibile daca nu the possible consequences if the rules specified are not
sunt aplicate regulile specifice. Sunt precizate mult mai complied with. They are expressed more exactly in the
exact in instructiunile de operare. operating instructions.

Tensiuni accidentale – Socuri electrice si Hazardous voltage - Electric shock and
arsuri ca rezultat al arcului electric sunt burning as a result of arcing are possible
posibile daca parti aflate sunt tensiune if live parts are approached.
sunt in apropiere.

Daca teniuni inalte sunt prezente in apropierea zonei If high voltage is present in the vicinity at the place-
de lucru, o persoana din partea utilitatii electrice trebuie where work is to be done, a responsible person from
inaintea lucrului sa inceapa: the power supply utility must, before work starts:
- Deconectati si izolati - Switch off and isolate
- Impiedicati conectarile nedorite - Prevent unintentional switch-on
- Verificat lipsa tensiunii - Test that equipment is dead
- Puneti la pamint si scurtcircuitati echipamentul - Ground and short-circuit the equipment
- Acoperiti sau ingraditi partile sub tensiune din - Cover or fence off nearby live parts
Trebuie confirmat faptul ca aceste masuri de It must be confirmed that these safety measures
siguranta au fost insusite. have been taken.

Polii coloana sunt sub presiune (see The pole columns are under pressure (see
section 3.1.6 Mediu de stingere SF6) – section 3.1.6 Arc Quenching Medium SF6)
Defecte ale partilor din portelan poate - Damage to the porcelain parts can result
cauza severe raniri ale personalului in severe personal injury.
- Nu permiteti uneltele sau cirligul masinii de - Do not allow any tools or hoisting gear to
ridicat sa loveasca parti ale portelanului. knock against the porcelain parts.

40 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

Gazul SF6 este mai greu decit aerul. In SF6 is heavier than air. In closed areas it
spatii inchise poate disocia cu aerul – may displace the air - Danger of suffoca-
Pericol de sufocare! tion!
Folositi dispozitivele de service pentru Use a service unit for all work with SF6
lucrul cu gaz de SF6. Extrageti gazul de gas. Extract the SF6 filling; do not let it
SF6; nu-l lasati sa scape in aer. escape into the air.

Masuri incorecte de instalare si intretinere Improperly performed installation and
pot cauza pericol si functionari incorecte. maintenance can result in danger and mal-

In contextul instalarii si punerii in functiune In the context of installation and commissioning, the
(PIF),raportul de PIF trebuie completat. commissioning report must be filled out.

927 10285 941 A 41

4 Instalare - Installation

4.2 Livrare si depozitare 4.2 Delivery and Storage

 Atentie  Attention
Pericol de fisurare daca partile de portelan Danger of bursting if porcelain bodies are
sunt deteriorate. Pot rezulta raniri severe damaged. Severe personal injury can
ale personalului result.
Evitati deteriorarea componentelor de Avoid damaging the porcelain bodies.
Polii intrerupatorului sunt umpluti la livrare cu The breaker poles are filled for dispatch with
gaz de SF6 la 0,30...0,50 bar. SF6-gas at 0.30...0.50 bar.

4.2.1 Ambalare 4.2.1 Packing

Intreruptorul este livrat ca o unitate de transport. The circuit-breaker is delivered as a transport unit.
Piesele continute in transport sunt indicate intr-o lista The parts comprised in the transport unit are indicated
de control livrata cu fiecare intreruptor. in the checklist provided with every circuit-breaker.

Gazul de SF6 este livrat in butelii. SF6 gas is supplied in cylinders.

Mecanismul de operare si sistemul de control sunt Operating mechanism and control system are fitted
asamblate complet. Toate arcurile sunt relaxate. complete. All springs are relaxed. The pole columns
Coloana polului contine o cantitate de gaz SF6 pentru contain an SF6 gas priming filling.
Controlul electric al intrerupatorului este conectat la The electrical circuit-breaker control is wired to the ter-
sirul de cleme din dulapul de control. minal strip in the control cubicle.

4.2.2 Verificari la sosire 4.2.2 Checking on Arrival

Cind o livrare a sosit trebuie verificat imediat note de When a shipment arrives it should be checked immedi-
livrare si lista de coletaj. Daca se observa deteriorari se ately against the dispatch notes and check list. If it
vor anunta imediat. Daca deteriorarile au fost cauzate shows signs of damage determine the extent of the
de transport, anuntati transportatorul pentru damage and its probable cause without delay. Should
inregistrarea reclamatiei. Acesta este o cerinta the damage have been caused in transport, call in a
esentiala daca o reclamatie a fost initiata. representative of the forwarding agent in order to
record the facts. This is an essential requirement if a
claim for damages is to be submitted.

4.2.3 Depozitare 4.2.3 Storage

Daca un intrerupator nu a fost asamblat imediat dupa If a circuit-breaker is not to be assembled immediately
livrare, laile pot fi depozitate in exterior. after delivery, the crates can be stored outdoors.
Pentru o ventilatie mai buna si ca o protectie impotriva For better ventilation and as a protection against
umezelii, lazile se aseaza pe scinduri si acoperite cu ground dampness, place the crates on wooden planks.
folie impermeabila. Then cover the crates with tarpaulins.

☞ Nota ☞ Note
In cazul depozitarii intreruptorului mai In case of storing the circuit-breaker
mult de 3 luni, rezistenta anticondens din longer then 3 months the anti-condensa-
cabina de control si din mecanismul de tion heater in the control cubicle and on
actionare trebuie pornita. the operating mechanism cubicles must
be switched on.

Pentru conectarea rezistentei de incalzire, anti- To connect anti-condensation heater proceed as fol-
condens procedati dupa cum urmeaza: lows:
- Inlocuiti cablul de la unitatea de transport(Fig. 25). - Remove cable from transport unit (Fig. 25).

42 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

- Racordati cablurile la cutii conform tabelului. - Allocate cables to cubicles according to table.
- Prima data instalati cablul la cutia mecanismului de - First install cable at operating mechanism cubicle,
actionare, apoi la cutia de comanda. Pre-indoiti then at control cubicle. Pre-bend cables in order to
cablurile in vederea evitarii deteriorarii (Fig. 22b). avoid cable damage (Fig. 22b).
Cutie de control Pole A Pole B Pole C Control cabinet Pole A Pole B Pole C
Tabel 6 Alocarea cablurilor de comanda pentru conectarea Table 6 Assignment of control cable for connection of mois-
protectiei la umezeala. ture protection


a b

a Unitate de transport a Transport unit

b Cablu instalat b Cable installed
X Cablu pentru incalzirea anti-condens (impachetat). X Cable for anti-condensation heater, packed
Y Cablu pentru rezistenta anticondens (conectata) Y Cable for anti-condensation heater (connected)

Fig. 22 Montajul cablului pentru protectie la umezeala. Fig. 22 Fitting of cable for moisture protection

Apoi rulati cablul de conexiune prin canalul de cabluri in Then run a connecting cable through the cable panel in
cutia de comanda si conectati alimentarea cu tensiune the control cubicle and connect the auxiliary voltage
auxiliara la bornele corespunzatoare. supply to the appropriate terminals.

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Verificati tensiunea rezistentelor Note the anti-condensation heater rated
anticondens. voltages.

Inainte de depozitare verificati daca invelisul de Before storing the accessory items, check their plastic
plaastic nu prezinta semne de deteriorare. Daca folia wrapping for signs of damage. If the plastic foil has sus-
de plastic prezinta deteriorari, despachetati si tained damage, unpack the parts and store them in a
depozitati intr-o camera uscata si vetilata. dry, ventilated room.

927 10285 941 A 43

4 Instalare - Installation

4.3 Lichide de curatare, lubrefianti si agenti 4.3 Cleaning Liquids, Lubricants and Corro-
de protectie corozivi sion Protection Agents

4.3.1 Lichide de curatare 4.3.1 Cleaning Liquids

Pentru curatarea si degresarea partilor metalice si For cleaning and degreasing metal parts and sealing
garniturilor de etansare folositi urmatoarele (nu sunt rings use any of the following (not included in the scope
incluse in livrare). of supply).

 Atentie  Attention
Manevrare incorecta poate cauza raniri, Improper handling can result in personal
incendii si deteriorari ale mediului. injury, fire and environmental damage.
In interesul sigurantei, urmati In the interest of safety, follow instruc-
instructiunile pentru utilizarea lichidelor tions for use of cleaning liquids carefully.
de curatare cu grija.

Suprafete externe/murdarii usoare Outer surfaces/minor dirt

Lichide de curatare Solutia de apa calduta cu lichid de curatat Cleaning liquids Warm water solution with a mild household
moderat cleaning liquid
Instructiuni Stergeti cu hirtie poroasa sau material de Instructions Wipe off with a damp lint-free paper or cloth.
bumbac. Evitati picurarea. Nu lasati solutiile sa Avoid drips. Do not let solution get into open-
intre in deschideri sau goluri. ings and gaps.

Suprafete exterioare, suprafete partiale/ Outer surfaces, parts/greasy surfaces, surfac-

gresate, suprafete acoperite cu agenti es coated with anticorrosion agent (Tectyl),
anticoroziune (Tectyl), garnituri rotunde sealing rings
Lichide de curatare Agenti de curatare cu aplicare la rece, bazate Cleaning liquids Cold-application cleaning agent, hydrocarbon-
pe hidrocarbon(fara hidrocarbon basis (free from halogenated hydrocarbons)
halogenat)punct de aprindere >55°C,ex. flash point >55°C, e.g. Shellsol D60 (Shell), Es-
Shellsol D60 (Shell), Essovarsol 60 (Esso), sovarsol 60 (Esso), Aral 4005 (Aral), Haku
Aral 4005 (Aral), Haku 1025/920 (Kluthe) 1025/920 (Kluthe)
Instructiuni Stergeti cu hirtie sau pinza moale din bumbac. Instructions Wipe off with a damp lint-free paper or cloth.
Evitati picurarea. Curatati prin stergere cu o Avoid drips. Wipe clean with a dry, lint-free pa-
pinza din bumbac sau hirtie moale. Inmuiati per or cloth. Immerse small parts if necessary.
parti daca e necesar. Nu inmuiati garniturile in Do not immerse sealing rings in agent.
agentul de curatare.
Instructiuni de Atentie la foc! Nu fumati! Cititi descrierea Safety instructions Fire hazard! No smoking! Read product de-
siguranta produsului si urmati instructiunile de siguranta scriptions and follow relevant safety instruc-
cerute. tions.

Componente izolate in compartimentele de gaz Insulating parts in SF6-compartments

de SF6
Lichide de curatare Alcool etilic, alcool izopropil, Haku 3294 Cleaning liquids Ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, Haku 3294
(Kluthe) (Kluthe)
Instructiuni Stergeti cu o hirtie sau pinza din bumbac Instructions Wipe off with a damp lint-free paper or cloth.
moale. Avoid drips.
Instructiuni de Inflamabil! Nu fumati! Protectie contra Safety instructions Flammable! No smoking! Explosion protection
siguranta exploziei! Cititi descrierea produsului si urmati necessary! Read product descriptions and fol-
instructiunile de siguranta. low relevant safety instructions.

44 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

4.3.2 Lubrifiant si agenti de protectie coroziva 4.3.2 Lubricants and Corrosion Protection
Urmatoarii lubrefianti si agenti de protectie corozivi sunt The following lubricants and corrosion protecting
necesari pentru instalare si intretinere ai agents are required for installation and maintenance of
intrerupatorului: the circuit-breakers:
Unsoare Klüber Centoplex 24 DL (Centoplex) Klüber grease Centoplex 24 DL (Centoplex)

Pentru toate punctele de ungere si suruburi for all lubricating points and non-hot-dip-galvanized
negalvanizate, numai daca alt lubrifiant nu este screws, unless another brand of lubricant is specified.
Klüber Isoflex Topas L32 (Topas L32) Klüber Isoflex Topas L32 (Topas L32)
Pentru garnituri radiale si rulmenti de contact la for radial sealing rings and rolling contact bearings of
mecanismul de actionare de etansare a gazului de SF6 the SF6 shaft seal on the corner gear and on the oper-
intre ax si cuplajele in unghi. ating mechanism.
Klübersynth LR 44-21 (Klübersynth) Klübersynth LR 44-21 (Klübersynth)
Pentru flanșe si pentru suprafeţele cablurilor de inaltă for flange surfaces and for terminal faces of high-volt-
tensiune age cables
Pentru facilitarea montajului garniturilor de etanșare as assembly aid for sealing rings
Tectyl 506 (Tectyl) Tectyl 506 (Tectyl)
aplicat pentru suprafeţele expuse condiţiilor for weathered surfaces, applied by manufacturer
meteorologice, în fabrica producătorului
Molykote Longterm 2 plus (Molykote) Molykote Longterm 2 plus (Molykote)
Ungeti filetele bolturilor galvanizate cu Molykote. Grease the threads of all hot dip galvanized bolts with

☞ Nota ☞ Note
In textele si ilustratiile urmatoare se vor folosi In the following texts and illustrations only the
doar denumirile abreviate din paranteze. abbreviated designations given in brackets
are used.

927 10285 941 A 45

4 Instalare - Installation

4.4 Instructiuni generale pentru instalarea 4.4 General Instructions for Installation
Pentru asamblarea intrerupatorului folositi numai For assembling the circuit-breaker use only the bolts
bolturile livrate. Bolturi de rezerva sunt incluse in supplied. Spare bolts are included in the accessories
pachetul de accesorii, in cazul in care se pierde pe pack, in case any are lost during assembly work.
parcursul asamblarii.

Daca sunt utilizate bolturi nepotrivite, If unsuitable bolts are used, they can mal-
acestea pot produce disfunctionalitati si function and cause severe personal injury.
pot cauza raniri personale.
Daca numarul de bolturi folosite la incintele If the number of bolts supplied for the pressure
sub presiune sunt insuficiente, bolturi de vessels is insufficient, spare bolts must be or-
rezerva pot fi comandate doar de la fabrica. dered from the factory only.

Ungeti filetele bolturilor galvanizate cu Molykote. Grease the threads of all hot dip galvanized bolts with

 Atentie  Attention
Lipsa verificarii stringerilor poate rezulta Unchecked tightening can result in dam-
in deteriorare sau pierderea buloanelor. age to or loosening of bolt joints.
Folositi cheia dinamometrica pentru Use torque wrench for assembly. Tightening
asmblare. Cuplul de stringere vezi Tabel 10. torque see Table 10.

Buloanel sunt de 8.8 grade sau mai mari. Bolts are of 8.8 grade or higher.
Ex. Forta de tensiune minima 800 N/mm i.e. Minimum tensile strength 800 N/mm2
Forta minima admisa ReH = 640 N/mm2 Minimum yield strength ReH = 640 N/mm2
Suruburi de etansare Cuplu de stringere Screwed joint Tightening torque
M6 8 ± 1 Nm M6 8 ± 1 Nm
M8 20 ± 2 Nm M8 20 ± 2 Nm
M10 40 ± 4 Nm M10 40 ± 4 Nm
M12 70 ± 7 Nm M12 70 ± 7 Nm
M16 170 ± 20 Nm M16 170 ± 20 Nm
M20 340 ± 30 Nm M20 340 ± 30 Nm
M24 600 ± 60 Nm M24 600 ± 60 Nm
Tabel 10 Cuplul de stringere cerut pentru suruburi de Table 10 Tightening torques required for screw joints

Insurubati toate piulitele la cuplu de stringere de Screw on all union nuts with a tightening torque of
40 ± 4 Nm. 40 ± 4 Nm.
Cupluri diferite sunt indicate in text. Differing torques are indicated in the text.
Orice saibe slabite si garnituri desfacute sau expuse pe Any locking washers and gaskets loosened or exposed
durata asamblarii trebuiesc inlocuite. during assembly must be replaced.

46 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

4.5 Instalarea intrerupatorului 4.5 Installation of the Circuit-Breaker

Legaturile de control nu trebuiesc The control leads must not be connected
conectate la sirul de cleme pina ce to the terminal block of the operating
intrerupatorul nu a fost ridicat complet cu mechanism until the circuit-breaker has
polii coloana. been erected complete with the pole col-

4.5.1 Asamblare pe structura suport la locul de 4.5.1 Assembly on Supporting Pillars at the
instalare. Place of Installation
Intreruptorul trebuie asamblat la punctul de instalare. The circuit-breaker must be assembled at the point of
Urmatoarea secventa de pasi trebuie respectata. installation. The following sequence of steps must
thereby be observed.

Nerespectarea lungimilor specificate Failure to observe the specified screw
pentru suruburi la asamblarea lengths for assembly of the circuit-breaker
intreruptorului poate duce la deteriorari can lead to severe damage or even
severe sau chiar chiar la distrugerea destruction of the circuit-breaker.

927 10285 941 A 47

4 Instalare - Installation

4.5.2 Asamblare-Generalitati 4.5.2 Assembly Overview

170 Nm
(1x) Ø 17
(5x) M16x60
(1x) M16x90

170 Nm 170 Nm
(8x) Ø 17 (8x) Ø 17
(4x) M16x80 (4x) M16x60
(4x) M16 (4x) M16
Molykote Molykote

8 Nm

(4x) Ø 6
(4x) M6x25
(4x) M6


Fig. 23 Asamblare-Generalitati Fig. 23 Assembly overview

48 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

1 M16x100 2 M16x60 5 5 5
Ø 17 Molykote
1.7 170 Nm
B M16x100
Ø 17




Ø 17 1 1 3
M16x90 1 1 3
170 Nm

XXX Indepartati toate suruburile marcate cu rosu! XXX Discard all screws and nuts marked red!
1 Conditii de transport 1 Transport condition
1.4 Placa de fixare 1.4 Connecting plate
1.7 Placa de ridicare 1.7 Lifting eye plate
1.8 Bolt de ridicare 1.8 Lifting eye-bolt
2 Starea asamblarii 2 Assembly state

Fig. 24 Vedere Z (veder poli de sus) Fig. 24 View Z (pole columns from above)

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Indepartati toate suruburile marcate cu rosu! Discard all screws and nuts marked red!

927 10285 941 A 49

4 Instalare - Installation

4.5.3 Separarea componentelor din livrare 4.5.3 Taking Apart the Shipping Unit
Mai intii separati polii in coletul 1.2 (Fig. 25)din livrare. First separate the pole columns in package 1.2
(Fig. 25) from the shipping unit.
Pentru a face asta, agatati cirligul macaralei in cele To do this, hang the crane hooks in the two lifting eye
doua urechi de agatare ale placilor 1.5 si 1.7. plates 1.5 and 1.7.

Indepartati cele patru bucse M16 dintre colierul 1.3 si Remove the four M16 nuts at the connection between
barele 1.6. the bracket 1.3 and the wooden beams 1.6.
Ridicati coloanele tripolare din coletul 1.2 (Fig. 25) cu o Lift the three pole columns in the package 1.2 (Fig. 25)
macara si asezati-le jos, pe placile 1.3 pe o suprafata with a crane and set them down on the brackets 1.3 on
solida, dar nu le dezlegati din carlig. a solid surface, but do not unhook the pole column

1.8 1.7 1.1 1.1 12 1.2 1.1 1.5 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.4

1.3 1.6 1.3 1.6


1.1 Baza intreruptorului cu cofretul mecanismului de operare 1.1 Breaker base with operating mechanism cubicle
1.2 Coletul coloanelor tripolare 1.2 Package of three pole columns
1.3 Consola (colier) 1.3 Bracket
1.4 Placa de fixare 1.4 Connecting plate
1.5 Placa de ridicare 1.5 Lifting eye plate
1.6 Traversa de lemn 1.6 Wooden beam
1.7 Placa de ridicare 1.7 Lifting eye plate
1.8 Bolt de ridicare 1.8 Lifting eye-bolt
1.9 Brida 1.9 Brace
12 Cutie de control 12 Control cabinet

Fig. 25 Colet de livrare Fig. 25 Shipping unit

Separarea polilor coloana Separating the pole columns

Inlocuiti bridele 1.9, demontati pachetul de trei coloane Remove braces 1.9, dismantle the pack of three pole
(Fig. 25) incepand din partea inferioara si asezati columns (Fig. 25) beginning at the bottom and set the
coloanele de poli pe o suprafata ferma. Coloanele pole columns on a firm surface. The columns should
trebuie asezate pe placile de conexiune sau pe placi de thereby be placed on the connecting plates or on
lemn (sprijinite pe flansele metalice si nu pe portelan) wooden boards (set on metal flange, not on porcelain


Fig. 26 Separarea polilor coloana Fig. 26 Separating the pole columns

50 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

4.5.4 Asamblarea cutiei de comanda 4.5.4 Assembly of the Control Cabinet

Instalati dulapul de control pe polul B Install control cabinet at pole B
Introduceti carligul macaralei in carligele de ridicare ale Insert the crane hook into the lifting eye-bolts of the
cutiei de comanda si desfaceti legaturile celorlalte control cubicle and undo screw joints to the other com-
componente de la unitatea de transport. ponents of the transport unit.

Mutati cutia de comanda cu o macara in fata Move control cubicle with a crane and bolt in front to
montantului (B) si fixati-o (4 suruburi M16x60, 4 piulite, the pillar of pole B (4 bolts M16x60, 4 nuts, 8 washers
8 saibe din pachetul de accesorii). from the accessories pack).
Lungimea bolturilor din pachetul de accesorii este The length of the bolts from the accessories pack is
potrivita pentru grosimea peretelui unui montant de suitable for a pillar wall thickness of up to 35 mm
pana la 35 mm (Fig. 27). (Fig. 27).

170 Nm

(8x) Ø 17
(4x) M16x60
(4x) M16



11.13 12

11.13 Suport 11.13 Pillar

12 Cutie de control 12 Control cabinet

Fig. 27 Montarea cutiei de comanda la suport Fig. 27 Assemble control cubicle at pillar

927 10285 941 A 51

4 Instalare - Installation

4.5.5 Montarea cutiei mecanismului de 4.5.5 Assembly of the Operating Mechanism

actionare Cubicles
Usile cutiei mecanismului de actionare sunt etichetate The doors of the operating mechanism cubicles are
LA, LB si LC. Cutiile mecanismelor de actionare sunt labelled LA, LB and LC. The operating mechanism
montate pe suporti pentru stalpii A, B si C, conform cubicles are assembled on the pillars for poles A, B and
acestei etichetari. C according to this labelling.
Aceasta alocare a mecanismului de actionare la stalpi This allocation of operating mechanism to poles must
trebuie strict respectata datorita cablulrilor de be strictly observed because of the coded pole con-
conectare codate dupa stalpi. necting cables.

Pentru asamblarea cutiei de actionare, introduceti To assemble the drive cabinet, insert the crane hooks
carligul macaralei in carligele de ridicare ale cutiei de into the lifting eye-bolts of the drive cabinet and undo
actionare si desfaceti legaturile celorlalte componente the screwed connections to the other components of
la unitatea de transport. the transport unit.
Pozitionati cutia mecanismului de actionare cu baza 11 Place the operating mechanism cabinet with base 11
pe flansa F a montantului corespunzator si asigurati cu onto flange plate F of the corresponding pillar and
suruburi (4 suruburi M16x80, 4 piulite, 8 saibe din secure with screws (4 screws M16x80, 4 nuts, 8 wash-
pachetul de accesorii). ers from the accessory pack).
Lungimea bolturilor din pachetul de accesorii este The length of the bolts from the accessories pack is
potrivita pentru grosimea peretelui unui montant de suitable for a pillar wall thickness of up to 45 mm
pana la 45 mm (Fig. 28). (Fig. 28).

170 Nm
(8x) Ø 17
(4x) M16x80
(4x) M16



F Suport cu grinda F Pillar Flange Plate

11 Baza intrerupatorului 11 Breaker base

Fig. 28 Cutie de comanda cu baza montata pe suport Fig. 28 Operating mechanism cabinet with base mounted on

52 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

4.5.6 Instalarea polilor coloana si cuplarea 4.5.6 Installation of Pole Columns and Coupling
mecanismuluide actionare of the Operating Mechanisms

 Atentie  Attention
Exista un pericol de deterioarae a partii There is a danger of damaging the corner
inferioare a polului. Amplasati lemn gears when erecting the pole columns.
dedesubt (vezi Fig. 29). Place wood underneath (see Fig. 29).

Montajul coloanelor de pol. Erecting the pole columns

Coloanele intreruptorului sunt identice. Ele se The circuit-breaker pole columns are of identical
monteaza pe poli conform indicatiilor existente pe design. They are assigned to poles according to the
acestia si pe mecanismul de stocare. pole designation on the corner gear.


1.5 15.9 15

1.8 1.4

1.4 HS1


HS1 Lemn HS1 Wood

1.4 Placa de fixare 1.4 Connecting plate
1.5 Ureche de agatare placa inferioara 1.5 Lower lifting eye plate
1.7 Ureche agatare placa uperioara 1.7 Upper lifting eye plate
1.8 Bolt de ridicare 1.8 Lifting eye-bolt
15 Cuplaj in unghi 15 Corner gear
15.9 Brat de actionare 15.9 Lever

Fig. 29 Montati polul coloana (imaginea arata polul superior Fig. 29 Erect the pole column (illustration shows upper pole
al coletului) column of the package)

Desurubati si detasti cele doua urechi de agatare 1.5 si Unscrew and detach the two lifting eye plates 1.5 and
1.7. Iinlocuiti doar cele doua suruburi din poz.1.7 cu 1.7. Replace only the two screws removed from Pos.
suruburi noi M16x60 in pachetul de accesorii (see 1.7 by new screws M16x60 from the accessory pack
Fig. 24). (see Fig. 24).
Inainte de montajul polului, asezati-l pe o bucata de Before erecting the pole column, set it on a piece of
lemn. Aceasta va preveni deteriorarea ce apare la wood. This will prevent damage from occurring when
basculare. Polul poate fi acum ridicat cu grija prin cele the column is tilted. The pole column can now be care-
doua urechi de agatare 1.8. fully raised by the two slanted lifting eyes 1.8.
Pentru a preveni alunecarea polului pe durata In order to prevent the pole column from slipping away
montajului, fiti siguri ca urechea de agatare si capul during erection, make sure that the crane hook and the
polului sunt vertical aliniate. pole column head are vertically aligned.

927 10285 941 A 53

4 Instalare - Installation

Placa de conexiune superioara 1.4 poate fi demontata Now the upper connecting plate 1.4 can be loosened
in acest moment. Suruburile se vor in locui cu suruburi and removed. The screws are replaced by new screws
M16x60 din pachetul de accesorii (vezi Fig. 24). M16x60 from the accessories pack (see Fig. 24).
Cind polul a fost ridicat complet placa 1.4 poate fi When the pole column has been raised clear of the
ulterior indepartata. lower connecting plate 1.4, the latter can also be
Acum introduceti cu atentie coloana polului in nisa Now carefully insert the pole column into the recess of
bazei. the base.
Coloana de pol este livrata cu surubul fixat in pozitia The pole column is delivered with the bolt at the OPEN
DESCHIS. Pentru cuplarea mecanismului de operare, position. To couple the operating mechanism, screws
suruburile M6 10.1 (Fig. 30) cu placa de fixare pe tija M6 10.1 (Fig. 30) with the locking plate on lever 15.9
15.9 trebuie demontate si splintul 10.9 extras. Apoi must be removed and bolt 10.9 pulled out. Then push
impingeti tija mecanismului de operare 18.27.1 in operating mechanism rod 18.27.1 into the lever and re-
pozitie si reintroduceti in locas tija impreuna cu surubul insert it together with bolt 10.9 at the OPEN position.
10.9 in pozitia DESCHIS.
Marcati pozitia mansonului 10.8 Note the position of the sleeve 10.8.
Apoi strangeti cele patru suruburi M16x60 pentru Then tighten the four screws M16x60 for connecting
conectarea coloanei polului cu baza intreruptorului the pole column with the breaker base (see Fig. 23).
(vezi Fig. 23).

15.9 10.1 10.9 18.27.1


10.1 10.9 10.8


1 Pozitia de marcaj 1 Marking position

2 Pozitia intrerupatorului 2 Operation position
10.1 Suruburi cu placuta de fixare 10.1 Screws with locking plate
10.8 Manson 10.8 Sleeve
10.9 Bolt 10.9 Bolt
15.9 Brat de actionare 15.9 Lever
18.27.1 Bara de transmisie 18.27.1 Driving rod

Fig. 30 Cuplajul mecanismului de actionare Fig. 30 Coupling the operating mechanism

54 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

In continuare desfaceti cele doua suruburi cu ureche Now loosen the two 90° offset lifting eye bolts 1.8 at the
de ridicare pentru sufa (ocheti)1.8 din varful coloanei si head of the pole columns and replace the screws with
inlocuiti-le cu suruburi noi M16x90 si M16x60 din new M16x90 and M16x60 screws from the accessory
pachetul de accesorii. Vezi si desenul de asamblare pack. See assembly overview Fig. 24. Screw the
Fig. 24. Montati cei doi ocheti la urmatoara coloana de 90°offset lifting eye bolts to the pole column that is the
pol care va fi asamblata,folosind suruburile next to be constructed using the appropriate screws
Montati urmatoara coloana de pol in acelasi mod, Construct the other pole columns in the same way, re-
refolosind suruburile originale M16x90 si M16x60 dupa using the original M16x90 and M16x60 screws after
ce desfaceti cei doi ocheti. Vezi si desenul de dismantling the lifting eye bolts (see assembly overview
asamblare Fig. 24. Fig. 24).
Apoi impingeti surubul (Fig. 30) pentru fiecare dintre Then pull out bolt 10.9 (Fig. 30) on each of the poles
poli pana cand poate fi fixat in santul de sigurnata cu until they can be locked into the ring groove with the
placuta de fixare si suruburi M6 10.1 (see Fig. 30 locking plate and screws M6 10.1 (see Fig. 30 breaker
breaker position). position).

4.5.7 Conectarea tevilor de gaz 4.5.7 Connecting the Gas Pipes

In timpul conectarii tubulaturii, asigurati-va ca During assembly of the tube connections, ensure that
suprafetele de etansare sunt curatate si garniturile O- the sealing surfaces are clean and the O-ring gasket is
ring sunt in perfecta stare. in perfect condition.
O conducta de gaz trebuie conectata la fiecare coloana An gas line must be connected for each pole column.
a polului.
Pentru a conecta tevile de gaz 51.1 la flansele 15.40 To connect the gas pipes 51.1 to the flanges 15.40 of
ale polilor coloana, indepartati bucsele 15.40.1 cu the pole columns, remove the union nuts 15.40.1 with
capul de etansare (Fig. 31)de pe flansele 15.40 si sealing cap (Fig. 31) from the flanges 15.40 and make
realizati conexiunea cum se arata in Fig. 32. the connections as shown in Fig. 32.
In primul rind aliniati tevile de gaz 51.1 paralel cu First of all align the gas tube flange 51.1 parallel to the
suprafata flanselor 15.40 si introduceti un nou O-ring surface of the flange 15.40 on the corner gear and
15.40.3 care a fost uns cu lubrifiant cu Klübersynth. insert a new O-ring 15.40.3 which has been lubricated
Apoi insurubati rapid bucsele de blocare 51.1.1 manual with Klübersynth. Then quickly screw on locking nuts
si stringeti cu cheia. Insurubati bucsele 15.1.1 la un 51.1.1 by hand and tighten with a wrench. Screw on the
cuplu de 40 Nm. Klübersynth si o garnitura O-ring se locking nuts 51.1.1 to a tightening torque of 40 Nm.
gasesc in pachetul cu accesorii. Klübersynth and a new O-ring are to be found in the
accessory pack.
Pastrati suruburile de blocare ale tevilor de gaz si Keep the locking screws of the gas pipes and the union
bucsele cu cap de etansare ale flanselor polilor la loc nuts with sealing caps of the flanges on the pole col-
sigur pentru transport si reparatii viitoare. umns in a safe place for future transportation and

927 10285 941 A 55

4 Instalare - Installation






15 Cuplaj in unghi 15 Corner gear

15.40 Flansa 15.40 Flange
15.40.1 Piulita de imbinare 15.40.1 Union nut
15.40.2 Buson 15.40.2 Cap plug
15.40.3 Garnitura O-ring 15.40.3 O-ring gasket
15.40.4 Valva 15.40.4 Valve plunger

Fig. 31 Conexiune de gaz cu valva unisens Fig. 31 Gas connection with non-return valve

51.1 51.1.1


15.40.3 15.40

15 Cuplaj in unghi 15 Corner gear

15.40 Flansa 15.40 Flange
15.40.3 Garnitura O-ring 15.40.3 O-ring gasket
51.1 Tevi de gaz 51.1 Gas pipe
51.1.1 Piulita de imbinare 51.1.1 Union nut

Fig. 32 Montajul tevilor de gaz Fig. 32 Mounting the gas pipe

56 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

4.6 Impamintarea si coenectare legaturilor 4.6 Earthing and Connecting the Leads

4.6.1 Inpamintarea 4.6.1 Earthing

Conectati baza intreruptorului la instalatia de legare la Connect the breaker base to the high-voltage station
pamant a statiei utilizand conectorii livrati. earth by means of earth terminals provided.


a Bolturi de impamantare a Earthing bolts

Fig. 33 Bolturi de impamantare in baza (vedere din exterior/ Fig. 33 Earthing bolts in base (viewed from outside/inside)

4.6.2 Lucru la terminalele de inalta tensiune 4.6.2 Work on High-Voltage Terminals

Pentru motive de siguranta, lucrul la For safety reasons, work on high-voltage
terminalele de inalta tensiune trebuiesc terminals should be carried out before the
realizate inainte ca intrerupatorul sa fie circuit-breaker is filled with SF6-gas up to
umplut la presiune nominala cu gaz de nominal pressure.

Conectarea conductoarelor de inalta tensiune este The connection of the high-voltage conductors is
permisa la presiune nominala de gaz SF6sub rezerva allowed at nominal SF6 pressure provided that the
faptului ca avertismentele au fost insusite. warnings are followed.

Presiune inalta – Pericol de explozie! High gas pressure - Danger of bursting!
Izolatoarele de portelan nu trebuiesc The porcelain insulators should not be
expuse la nici un soc (ex. vibratii, etc.). O exposed to any stress (e.g. from vibration,
mare grija trebuie avuta pentru evitarea etc.). Great care should be taken to avoid
deteriorarii portelanului cu scule sau alte damaging the porcelain body and fins with
mijloace. tools or handling aids.

927 10285 941 A 57

4 Instalare - Installation

Conectarea conductoarelor de inalta tensiune Connecting the high-voltage conductors

Frecati suprafata de contact a terminaleleor de inalta Brush the contact surfaces of the high-voltage termi-
tensiune cu o perie de sirma, ce se foloseste numai nals with a steel wire brush, which has only been used
pentru aluminiu, pina ce devin stralucitoare si putin for aluminium, until they are bright and slightly rough-
rugoase. Stergeti suprafata de contact cu hârtie ened. Wipe the contact surfaces off with lint-free paper
poroasă sau panza moale de bumbac si aplicati un or cloth and lightly coat them with Klübersynth.
strat subtire de Klübersynth.
In cazul conectarii partilor din material de cupru, In the case of connecting parts made of copper, cop-
distantiere cupru-aluminiu trebuiesc utilizate. per-aluminium spacers must be used.
Pozitionarea terminalelor de inalte tenisine Positioning the high-voltage terminals
Daca se cere, terminalele de inalta tensiune trebuiesc If required, the high-voltage terminal may be offset by
echilibrate la 180°. De aceea observati Fig. 34, periati 180°. Thereby observe Fig. 34, brush and lubricate the
si ungeti suprafetele descrise mai sus. mounting surfaces as described above.





22 Camera de stingere 22 Interrupter unit

22.22 Terminal de inalta tensiune 22.22 High-voltage terminal

Fig. 34 Montarea terminalelor de inalta tensiune Fig. 34 Mounting the high-voltage terminals

4.6.3 Instalati protectia cablului 4.6.3 Install Cable Guide

Pentru a evita o manevra neadecvata, To avoid damaging the circuit-breaker by
conectati motorul la sursa de tensiune inadvertent operation, switch on the
numai dupa ce polii au fost unpluti cu gaz power to the motor only when the circuit-
de SF6. Presiunea trebuie sa fie la nivelul breaker has been filled with SF6 gas. Pres-
de general lockout SF6, vezi Tabel 4. sure must at least be at the level of
general lockout SF6, see Table 4.
Cand alimentarea motorului este pornita, When the power to the motor is switched on,
arcurile motorului se vor arma automat the closing springs are charged automatically.

58 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Conectarea cablurilor trebuie efectuata in Connecting cables must be fitted in dead
starea scos de sub tensiune. state.


8 Nm 11.15
(4x) Ø 6 B
(4x) M6x25
(4x) M6

(4x) 52.1


11.15 Jgheab de cabluri 11.15 Grid cable tray

Fig. 35 Verificarea montajului de ansamblu Fig. 35 Assembly overview

Montati patul de cabluri Fig. 35 pus la dispozitie. Lay out the cable tray Fig. 35 provided.
Luati cele patru bride 11.15.1, precum si patru suruburi, Take the four 11.15.1 cleats, four bolts, nuts and wash-
saibe si piulite din pachetul de aceesorii pentru ers provided for the cable tray installation Fig. 36 from
instalarea paturilor de cabluriFig. 36. the accessories pack.
Instalati paturile de cabluri Fig. 36 pe coloanele Install the cable trays respectively Fig. 36 on the col-
intreruptorului. umns of the circuit-breaker.
Dupa finalizarea instalarii paturilor de cabluri, cablurile After the cabel tray installation is successfully com-
de conexiune sunt pozitionate si fixate. pleted, the connecting cables are placed in the cable
tray and fastened.

927 10285 941 A 59

4 Instalare - Installation





11.13 Suport 11.13 Pillar

11.15 Jgheab de cabluri 11.15 Grid cable tray
11.15.1 Clema 11.15.1 Cleat

Fig. 36 Instalati protectia cablului Fig. 36 Install cable guide

4.6.4 Conectarea legaturilor 4.6.4 Connecting the Leads

Pentru a evita o manevra neadecvata, To avoid damaging the circuit-breaker by
conectati motorul la sursa de tensiune inadvertent operation, switch on the
numai dupa ce polii au fost unpluti cu gaz power to the motor only when the circuit-
de SF6. Presiunea trebuie sa fie la nivelul breaker has been filled with SF6 gas. Pres-
de general lockout SF6, vezi Tabel 4. sure must at least be at the level of
general lockout SF6, see Table 4.
Cand alimentarea motorului este pornita, When the power to the motor is switched on,
arcurile motorului se vor arma automat the closing springs are charged automatically.

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Conectarea cablurilor trebuie efectuata in Connecting cables must be fitted in dead
starea scos de sub tensiune. state.

Polii intreruptorului sunt conectati electric la unitatea de The circuit-breaker poles are electrically connected to
control prin intermediul cablurilor de control cu the control unit via connecting cables with plugs at both
conectori la ambele capete. ends.
Conectorii cablurilor individuale sunt codati clar pentru The plug connectors of the individual cables are clearly
a asigura racordarea corecta. coded to ensure correct allocation.

60 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

1 2









1 Cutie de control 1 Control cabinet

2 Cutia mecanismului de actionare a polului B 2 Operating mechanism cubicle of circuit-breaker pole B

Fig. 37 Terminalele cablurilor de conectare la cutia de Fig. 37 Terminals of the connecting cables at control cubicle
control si la mecanismul de actionare (polul B) and at operating mechanism cubicle (pole B)

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Daca punerea in functiune nu va fi efectuata If commissioning is not performed immediate-
imediat, rezistentele anticondens din cabina ly, the anti-condensation heater in the control
de control si din cabina mecanismului de cubicle and operating mechanism cubicles
actionare trebuie pornite. must be switched on.
A se vedea sectiunea 4.2.3 Depozitare. See section 4.2.3 Storage.

927 10285 941 A 61

4 Instalare - Installation

4.7 Umplerea intrerupatorului cu gaz 4.7 Filling the Circuit-Breaker with Gas

 Atentie  Attention
Intrerupatorul poate fi umplut numai de The circuit-breaker may be filled only by
catre sau sub supravegherea personalului or under the supervision of qualified per-
calificat si in conformiate cu curba de sonnel, and in accordance with the SF6
umplere a gaului SF6 (vezi sub 3.1.6 Mediu filling curve (see under 3.1.6 Arc Quench-
de stingere SF6). ing Medium SF6).

4.7.1 Umplerea intrerupatorului din butelie de 4.7.1 Filling the Breaker from the Gas Cylinder
Siemens ofera un dispozitiv complet de umplere de Siemens offers a complete filling device of type W423
tipul W423 pentru umplerea intrerupatorului cu gaz de for filling the circuit-breaker with SF6 gas from a gas
SF6 din butelia (Fig. 38). cylinder (Fig. 38).

 Atentie  Attention
Pentru umplerea intrerupatorului cu gaz For filling the breaker with gas only use as
de SF6ce corespunde cerintelor conform good as new SF6-gas which corresponds
cu IEC 60376. the demands acc. IEC 60376.

Presiune inalta – Pericol de explozie! High gas pressure - Danger of bursting!
Depasirea presiuni admisibile la umplere Exceeding the permissible filling pressure
poate cauza explozia polului, rezultind in can cause the pole columns to burst,
raniri personale severe si dauna ale resulting in severe personal injury and
proprietatii. damage to property.
Dispozitivul de umplere trebuie sa includa o The filling device must include a safety valve
valva de presiune (presiunea de operare (operating pressure 8.0 bar). The safety valve
8,0 bar). Valva de siguranta previne prevents the pressure compartments from be-
suprapresiunea in compartimentele umplute ing overstressed due to an impermissibly high
cu gaz datorate unei presiuni inalte pressure.


Fig. 38 Dispozitiv de umplere W423 Fig. 38 Gas filling device W423

62 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

Pentru golirea gazului, conectati furtunul dispozitivului To pour in gas, connect the hose of the filling device to
de umplere la busonul de umplere W1 al polului the filling flange W1 of the pole (Fig. 39 and Fig. 40).
(Fig. 39 si Fig. 40).
Folosind rotita valvei de control, reglati curgerea Using the handwheel on the control valve, regulate the
gazului pentru a preveni inghetarea recipientului de gas flow to prevent possible freezing of the cylinder.
gaz. Supravegheati procesul de umplere prin Monitor the filling process on the precision pressure
manometrul de presiune. gauge.
Grija trebuie avuta la umplere ca presiunea este Care must be taken that the filling pressure, which
corecta, presiunea depinde de temperatura ambianta depends on the ambient temperature (see rating plate
de umplere (vezi placuta cu informatii privind umplerea with information about the filling pressure at 20°C), is
la 20°C). correct.



W1 Flansa de umplere W1 Filling flange

Fig. 39 Flansa de umplere W1 Fig. 39 Filling flange W1


1 2


W1 Flansa de umplere W1 Filling flange

1 Recipient cu gaz 1 Gas cylinder
2 Valva de reglare a presiunii 2 Pressure reducer regulating valve
3 Indicator presiune de precizie (-1,0 bar pana la 9,0 bar) 3 Precision pressure gauge (-1.0 bar up to 9.0 bar)
4 Valva de siguranta 4 Safety valve

Fig. 40 Dispozitiv de umplere conectat Fig. 40 Gas filling device connected

927 10285 941 A 63

4 Instalare - Installation

La o temperatura ambianta alta decit +20°C, valoarea At an ambient temperature other than +20°C, the SF6
presiunii gazului de SF6 trebuie luata din diagrama filling pressure must be taken from the diagram (Fig. 1).
(Fig. 1).
Cind umplerea este completa, desfaceti tubul flexibil al When filling is completed, unscrew the hose of the fill-
dispozitivului de umplere si inchideti flansa de umplere. ing device and close the filling flange. Screw on the
Insurubati bucsa de racord manual (4 Nm). Asigurati- union nut by hand (4 Nm). Ensure that all parts are
va ca toate partile sunt curate. clean.

4.7.2 Testarea scurgerilor dupa instalare 4.7.2 Leakage Test after Installation
Dupa asamblarea cu succes a intrerupatorului si After successful assembly of the circuit-breaker and fill-
umplerea lui cu gaz SF6, tuburile de conectare ing with SF6 gas, the tube connections should be
trebuiesc verificate contra pierderilor de gaz. checked for leakages.
Un detector de pierderi de gaz se va utiliza. A leak detector must be used.

Daca se detecteaza o pierdere If a leak is detected:

Eliberati presiunea de SF6 inainte de a Release the SF6-pressure before working
lucra la suruburile de conectare ale on the screw connections of the gas
camera de stingere. chamber.

Daca o pierdere este depistata, desfaceti legatura si If a leak is discovered, undo the leaking connection and
verificati suprafata de etansare contra deteriorarii sau check the sealing surface for damage or foreign bod-
corpurilor straine. Apoi inlocuiti cu o noua garnitura, ies. Then fit a new seal, remake the connection and
refaceti legatura si repetati testul. repeat the leak test.

64 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

4.8 Executarea testelor de functionare 4.8 Carrying Out Test Operations

Cind instalarea este realizata, intrerupatorul este in When installation work is finished, the circuit-breaker is
pozitia deschis. Resortul de inchidere al mecanismului in the OPEN position. The closing spring of the operat-
de actionare nu este armat. Vezi sectiunea 3.7 ing mechanism is not charged. See section 3.7 Func-
Functionarea mecanismului cu resoarte tion of the Spring Drive Mechanism
Cand este pornita alimentarea motorului, motorasele When the motor control power supplies are switched
de incarcare pornesc automat si se opresc apoi cand on, the charging motors automatically start up and stop
arcurile de inchidere au fost tensionate si blocate. again when the closing spring has been charged and
Mecanismul de actionare este acum pregatit pentru latched. The operating mechanism is now ready for a
operatia de inchidere. closing operation.

Cand lucrarile de instalare au fost finalizate, trebuie When installation work is finished, 5 test switching
efectuate 5 operatii de testare a comutarii pentru operations should be carried out per circuit-breaker
fiecare pol al intreruptorului. pole.

Este posibila blocarea intrerupatorului. Blocking of the circuit-breaker is possible.
Inaninte de inceperea testului de actionare Before the start of a test run it is essential
este esential sa verificati ca boltul 19.2 to check that the bolts 10.9 are inserted in
este fixat in pozitia 2 si asigurat (Fig. 41) the breaker position 2 and secured
(Fig. 41)





1. Pozitia de marcaj 1. Marking position

2. Pozitia intrerupatorului 2. Operation position
10.9 Bolt 10.9 Bolt
15.9 Brat de actionare 15.9 Lever

Fig. 41 Punct de cuplaj Fig. 41 Coupling point on corner gear

927 10285 941 A 65

4 Instalare - Installation

Pericol de fisurare daca partile de portelan Danger of bursting if porcelain bodies are
sunt deteriorate. Pot rezulta raniri severe damaged. Severe personal injury can
ale personalului result.
Din motive de securitate nici o persoana For safety reasons no persons may
nu ramine in apropierea de 60 m de remain within 60 m of the circuit-breaker
intrerupator cind primele 5 actionari sunt while the first 5 test operations are being
executate. carried out.

Pericol datorat elementelor mecanice! Danger of serious mechanical damage!
Testele mecanice de actionare trebuie Mechanical test operations must only be
executate cu suficient gaz SF6: presiunea performed with sufficient SF6 gas filling:
trebuie sa fie cel putin la nivelul de Pressure must at least be at the level of
general blocare SF6, vezi Tabel 4. general lockout SF6, see Table 4.

Cu privire la posibilitatea deteriorarii elementelor din With regard to the possibility of the porcelain compo-
portelan pe parcursul transportului, aceste manevre de nents having suffered transport damage, these
comutatie trebuiesc executate prin comanda de la mechanical switching operations must be performed by
distanta ca si manevre de siguranta. remote control as safety switching operations.

66 927 10285 941 A

4 Instalare - Installation

4.9 Verificarile inaintea darii in exploatare 4.9 Checks before Commissioning

 Atentie  Attention
Urmatoarele elemente de maijos trebuiesc The items listed below should be strictly
strict urmate pe perioada darii in followed during commissioning.

4.9.1 Elemente anti-condens 4.9.1 Anti-Condensation Heaters

Verificati daca rezistentele de incalzire in fiecare din Check that heating resistors in the three operating
cele trei cabine ale mecansimului de actionare si a mechanism cubicles and in the control cubicle are
cabinei de control si de asemenea functionarea fiecarui working, and also the function of any monitoring equip-
echipament de monitorizare instalat. ment fitted.

4.9.2 Testarea controlului întrerupatorului 4.9.2 Test of Circuit-Breaker Control

Verificarea tuturor functiilor, comenzilor si Check all functions, command and signalling paths
semnalizarilor, pe baza diagramelor de circuite according to circuit diagram.

4.9.3 Raport de punere in functiune 4.9.3 Commissioning Report

Trebuie verificat ca raportul de punere in functiune al It should be checked that the commissioning report
intrerupatorului a fost completat si semnat. enclosed with the circuit-breaker has been completed
in full and signed.
Rugam retrunati-l fabricantului la urmatoarea adresa: Please return it to the manufacturer at the following

Siemens AG Siemens AG
D-13623 Berlin D-13623 Berlin
Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany
Sau prin e-mail or by e-mail

927 10285 941 A 67

4 Instalare - Installation

68 927 10285 941 A

5 Functionare - Operation

5 Functionare 5 Operation

5.1 Instructiuni de operare 5.1 Instructions for Operation

5.1.1 Rezistente de anticondens 5.1.1 Anti-Condensation Heaters

Rezistentele de anticondens trebuiesc a functiona in The anti-condensation heaters must always be
continuu. switched on.

5.1.2 Inchdere si deschidere 5.1.2 Closing and Opening

Pericol datorat elementelor mecanice! Danger of serious mechanical damage!
O presiun minima a gazului de SF6 An SF6-minimum gas pressure (SF6-block-
(presiune de blocare- SF6) trebuie sa fie ing pressure) must be available for test
disponibila pentru testare(fara curent si operations (without current and voltage).

Pericol! – Inalta tensiune! Danger! - High voltage!
Un intrerupator conectat la inalta tensiune A circuit-breaker connected to high volt-
poate fi actionat conform cu prevederile age may only be operated conforming
utilitatii respective. In acest caz, blocajele with the safety regulations of the facility.
generale ale intrerupatorului nu trebuiesc In this case, the general lockouts of the
ocolite. circuit-breaker may not be bypassed.
Manevrele de comutatie declansate direct Switching operations triggered directly at
de la bobina de declansare trec peste the tripping coil will bypass both the
intrerblocajele celulei si blocajele switchgear interlock and general lockouts
generale ale intrerupatorului. of the circuit-breaker.

5.1.3 Presiunea gazului SF6 5.1.3 SF6 Pressure

Pericol de accidente grave prin Danger of severe damage through electri-
electrocutare cal flashovers!
Daca presiunea gazului de izolare si stingere If the quenching and insulating gas pressure
scade sub presiunea minima de operare falls below the minimum operating pressure
3.1.6- Mediu de stingere SF6, camera de gaz 3.1.6- Arc Quenching Medium SF6, the affect-
respectiva trebuie scoasa de sub tensiune ed gas components must be taken out of op-
imediat si legata la pamant. eration immediately and isolated.

927 10285 941 A 69

5 Functionare - Operation

Presiunea gazului de SF6 in pol este monitorizata de The pressure of the SF6 gas in the pole columns is
catre un monitor de densitate si vizualizata pe monitored by a density monitor and shown on the
manometrul de presiune. Valorile densimetrului se pot respective pressure gauge. The response values of the
vedea, vezi 3.1.6 Mediu de stingere SF6. density monitor are shown, see 3.1.6 Arc Quenching
Medium SF6.
Daca presiunea de gaz SF6 scade sub limitele stabilite, If the SF6 pressure drops unduly low, a signal Loss of
un semnal Pierdere de SF6 este initiat. Intrerupatorul SF6 is initiated. The circuit-breaker must then be
trebuie imediat umplut cu gaz din cilindrul cu gaz de topped up as soon as possible with SF6 from a gas cyl-
SF6 folosind dispozitivul de umplere conectat la flansa inder or using the filling device connected to the flange
W1 pina ce presinea nominala este restbilita. W1 on the gas monitoring unit until nominal pressure is
Intrerupatorul este deconectat. Cind umplerea a fost restored. The circuit-breaker must be isolated for this.
realizata, intrerupatorul es poate pune din nou in When filling has been completed, the circuit-breaker
functiune. can be put back into operations.

Intrerupatorul trebuie deconectat si legat The circuit-breaker must be switched off
la pamint pentru umplerea cu gaz de SF6. and earthed for SF6 filling work.
Intrerupatorul poate fi conectat cind s-a The circuit-breaker can be switched back
terminat umplerea si legatura la pamint a on when filling is complete and the earth-
fost inlaturata. ing has been disconnected.

Flansa W1 de umplere a intrerupatorului cu gaz de SF6 The filling flange W1 for filling the circuit-breaker with
este amplasata in interiorul mecanismului de actionare SF6 gas is located inside the drive mechanism housing
( conectare pe filet M26x1.5 sau M45x2). Presiunea de (connecting thread M26x1.5 or M45x2). The opera-
functionare poate fi citita pe manometrul de presiune tional gas pressure can be read on the pressure gauge
MA ( vezi sectiunea 3.8 Control). MA (see section 3.8 Control).

Eliberati presiunea de SF6 inainte de a Release the SF6-pressure before working
lucra la suruburile de conectare ale on the screw connections of the gas
camera de stingere. chamber.

Daca semnalul apare din nou dupa ceva timp, If the above signal is initiated again after some time, the
pierderea trebuie localizata si daca e posibil remediata. leak must be located and, if possible, sealed. If the leak
Daca pierderea nu poate fi inlaturata, trebuie anuntata cannot be sealed, the nearest Siemens representative
cea mai apropiata reprezentanta Siemens. should be notified.

5.1.4 Blocaje generale 5.1.4 General Lockout

Daca presiunea de SF6 din intrerupator scade atit de If the SF6 pressure in the circuit-breaker drops so low
jos incit stingerea arcului electric nu mai poate fi that perfect arc-quenching can no longer be ensured, a
asigurata, intrerupatorul se blocheaza pentru eventuale general lockout becomes effective and blocks all fur-
comutari. ther operation.

5.1.5 Blocaj mecanic la inchidere 5.1.5 Mechanical Reclosing Lockout

Daca polul intrerupatorului este in pozitia inchis, un If the circuit-breaker pole is in the CLOSED position, a
blocaj la inchidere este initiat in mecanismul de mechanical reclosing lock-out in the operating mecha-
actionare. Previne mecanismul de actionare de a fi nism comes into effect. It prevents the operating mech-
inchis din nou. anism from being switched back on.

70 927 10285 941 A

5 Functionare - Operation

5.1.6 Numarul max. de intrerupaeri posibile 5.1.6 Max. Permissible Number of Interruptions
Legatura dintre curentul de rupere I, numarul max. de The relationship between breaking current I, max. per-
intreruperi permise este prezentata in Fig. 42. Daca missible number of interruptions is shown in Fig. 42. If
intreruperile au loc la curenti mari numarul intreruperilor the interruptions take place with higher current, the
posibile scad asa cum se arata in Fig. 42. number of possible interruptions decreases as shown
in Fig. 42.

n k
10000 x
6000 1

4000 1,5
3000 2
2500 2,4
2000 3
1500 4

1000 6
800 7,5
600 10

400 15
300 20
250 24
200 30
150 40

100 60
80 75
60 100

40 150
30 200
25 240
20 300

15 400

10 600
1 2 3 6 10 20 30 40 5060 80 100 I [kA]


I Curenti de rupere in kA I Breaking current in kA

k Factor de greutate k Weighting factor
n Numarul max. de intrerupaeri posibile n Max. permissible number of interruptions
X In perioada testelor de tip 10000 de cicluri de acionare X During the type tests 10000 mechanical operation cycles
au fost executate. were carried out.

Fig. 42 Numarul max. permis de intreruperi ca o functie a Fig. 42 Max.permissible number of interruptions as a func-
curentului de rupere. tion of the breaking current.

927 10285 941 A 71

5 Functionare - Operation

Graficul (Fig. 42) este in legatura cu un pol din cei trei The chart (Fig. 42) relates to one pole of a triple-pole
poli ai intrerupatorului. De trei ori numarul max. de circuit-breaker. Three times the number of the permissi-
intreruperi pe un pol rezulta in numarul max. admis ble single-pole opening operations may thus result in a
pentru un intrerupator tripolar (ex. 30 operatii de triple-pole circuit-breaker (e.g. 30 single-pole opening
deschidere pe pol 40 kA). operations with 40 kA).
Factorul k simplifica calculul numarului max. permis de Weighting factor k simplifies calculation of the max.
intreruperi la diferiti curenti de rupere. permissible number of interruptions at different break-
ing currents.

6000 - ∑ (ni k i )
nx =

ki Factorul de greutate pentru curentul de rupere I ki Weighting factor for breaking current I
kx Factorul de greutate pentru curentul de rupere Ix kx Weighting factor for breaking current Ix
ni Numarul de intreruperi realizate la curentul de rupere I ni Number of carried out interruptions at breaking current I
nx Numarul de intreruperi ramase permise la curentul de nx Number of remaining permissible interruptions at break-
rupere Ix. ing current Ix.

Fig. 43 Formula de calcul a nunarului max. de intreruperi Fig. 43 Formula for calculating the max. number of permissi-
permise ble interruptions

Numarul max. de intreruperi inca permise la un numar The maximum number of interruptions still permissible
dat de actionari (cu o uzura adecvata) realizate poate fi with a given number of operations (with consequent
calculat conform formulei de mai sus. wear) already carried out can be calculated using the
above equation.
De exemplu : For example:
Intrerupatorul cu un numar de actionari la scurt circuit The circuit-breaker with a rated short-circuit breaking
de 40 kA a realizat 250 intreruperi la curenti de rupere current of 40 kA has performed 250 interruptions at
de ≤2.5 kA, si 2 intreruperi la 20 kA. breaking currents of ≤2.5 kA, and 2 interruptions at
20 kA.
Cite intreruperi la 30 kA sunt inca permise? How many interruptions at 30 kA are still permissible?

6000 - (n 2.5 k 2.5 + n 20 k20 ) 6000 - (250 1 + 2 86) 6000 - (250 + 172)
n30 = = = = 19,5
k30 286 286

Fig. 44 Numarul de intreruperi ramase permise la curentul Fig. 44 Number of remaining permissible interruptions at
de rupere Ix. breaking current Ix.

Un numar total de 19 intreruperi la 30 kA sunt inca A total of 19 interruptions at 30 kA are still permissible.

72 927 10285 941 A

5 Functionare - Operation

5.1.7 Proceduri recomandate in cazul 5.1.7 Recommended Procedure in the Event of

neconformitatilor intrerupatorului 3AP1 FI Irregularities on the Circuit-Breaker 3AP1

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Urmatorul tabel este un ajutor in The following table is an aid in recognition and
recunoasterea si insusirea neconformitatilor assessment of any irregularities occuring in
ce apar in functionarea intrerupatorului. operation of the circuit-breaker.
Deasemena ofera detalii specifice pentru a le It also enables specific details to be given if
furniza daca personalului de service Siemens Siemens service Berlin personnel have to be
din Berlin este solicitat. In acest caz, telefonati summoned. In such a case, please telephone
in timpul serviciului during business hours
Tel.: +49 30 386 26659 Tel.: +49 30 386 26659
sau or
+49 171 3347190 +49 171 3347190
sau pe fax or by fax
+49 30 386 27116 +49 30 386 27116
Sau prin e-mail or by e-mail

Pentru a evita orice pericol, numai To avoid any hazard, only qualified per-
personalul calificat poate executa lucrarile sonnel may do the work described below.
descrise mai sus.

Lucrarile pot fi efectuate la mecanismul de Work may only be done on the operating
actionare numai cind resoartele de inchis/ mechanism when the opening and closing
deschis sunt dezarmate. spring are relaxed.

Intrerupatorul trebuie deconectat si legat The circuit-breaker must be switched off
la pamint pentru umplerea cu gaz de SF6. and earthed for SF6 filling work.
Intrerupatorul poate fi conectat cind s-a The circuit-breaker can be switched back
terminat umplerea si legatura la pamint a on when filling is complete and the earth-
fost inlaturata. ing has been disconnected.
Eliberati presiunea de SF6 inainte de a Release the SF6-pressure before working
lucra la suruburile de conectare ale on the screw connections of the gas
camera de stingere. chamber.

927 10285 941 A 73

5 Functionare - Operation

Semnal/blocat Efect Cauza(e) posibile Masura(i) de remediu

Signal/Lock-out Effect Possible cause(s) Remedial measure(s)
Pierdere de gaz SF6 Semnalizare (pierdere in general Pierder de SF6 Localizati defectul si inlaturati-l.
Loss of SF6 scazuta) SF6 leak Umpleti cu SF6 la presiune
Signal only (Leak generally slow) nominala.
Locate fault and seal leak. Top up
SF6 to nominal pressure
Blocaj de SF6general Nu sunt posibile manevre Pierder de SF6 Vezi pierdere de SF6
General SF6 lock-out No switching possible SF6 leak See Loss of SF6
Reinchidere mai lunga de 15 s Resoarte de inchidere nearmate, Lipsa alimentare motor/Motor Alimentati motorul/inlocuiti motorul
Reclosing lockout longer than inchiderea nu e posibila defect Provide motor supply/replace mo-
15 s Closing spring not charged, no No motor power supply/Motor de- tor
closing possible fective
Tabel 11 Perturbante Table 11 Disturbances

74 927 10285 941 A

5 Functionare - Operation

5.2 Dezactivare sistemelor si dispozitivelor de 5.2 Disposing of High-Voltage Switching

inalta tensiune Devices and Systems
Intrerupatorul 3AP1 FI este un produs fara impact The circuit-breaker 3AP1 FI is an environmentally com-
asupra mediului. patible product.
La sfarsitul vietii produsului, materialele acestuia In disposal, priority must be given to reuse of the mate-
trebuie separate. Reciclarea dispozitivului din punct de rials. Environmentally acceptable disposal of the device
vedere mediu se va face conform legislatiei in shall be carried out in line with current national legisla-
domeniu. tion.

Dispozitivul poate fi reciclat ca material vechi, sau daca The device can be recycled as mixed scrap, or, if it is
este dezasamblat, intr-un mod mai acceptat cu impact dismantled as far as possible, in a more environmen-
al mediului, pe cit posibil in mod sortat. tally acceptable way as sorted scrap with a mixed-
scrap residual portion.
Urmatoarele materiale au fost folosite la fabricarea The following materials have been used to make up the
aparatului: otel, cupru, aluminiu, PTFE, rasini sau device: steel, copper, aluminium, PTFE, cast resin or
rasina impregnata cu tesatura, plastic cu fibra de sticla, cast-resin-impregnated fabric, glass-fibre-reinforced
cauciuc pentru etansari, ceramica, unguenti, ca si plastics, rubbers for sealing, ceramics, greases, elec-
componente electrice si electronice. tric and electronic components.
Inainte de dezasamblare, trebuie asigurat ca fluidul Before disposal, it should be ensured that the Shell
hidraulic Shell Aero Fluid prezent in mecanismul de Aero Fluid hydraulic fluid present in the drive mecha-
actionare al amortizoarelor este scos. Aceasta operatie nism dampers is drained. This should be done in
trebuie relizata conform reglementarilor oficiale la accordance with current official regulations at the time
momentul dezactivarii. of disposal.
Uleiurile utilizate in intrerupator nu contin PCB. No oils used in the circuit breaker contain PCB.
In ceea ce este furnizat de Siemens, dispozitivul nu In as-supplied-by-Siemens state, the device incorpo-
incorporeaza substante periculoase in sensul rates no hazardous substances in the sense of the per-
prevederilor din Germania. Daca dispozitivul tinent regulations in Germany. If the device ist to be
functioneaza in afara Germaniei, legile si operated outside Germany, the locally applicable laws
reglementarile locale trebuiesc urmate. and regulations must be followed.
Mediul izolant si de stinegere SF6 poate fi extras prin The insulating and quenching media SF6 can be
echipament potrivit si dupa reconditionare poate fi removed by suction using suitable equipment and, after
disponibil de a fi reutilizat. reconditioning, can be made available for reuse.
In camera de stingere, pot fi produsi de descompunere In the opened gas compartments, there may be solid
solizi ca rezultat al operatiilor de comutatie. Produsii decomposition products resulting from switching opera-
gazosi sunt absorbiti de catre filtrele interne. Cind tions. The gaseous products are absorbed by the built-
dispozitivele de comutatie ce incorporeaza gaz SF6 ca in filters. When switching devices incorporating SF6 as
mediu izolant si de stingere sunt dezactivate (cu privire insulating and quenching medium are disposed of (with
la materialele filtrante si compusii solizi din particular regard to filter material and solid decomposi-
descompunere), trebuiesc indeplinite masurile de tion products), the necessary safety measures must be
siguranta necesare. complied with.
Birourile locale in relatia cu clientii vor fi inmasura sa Local customer support offices will be able to answer
raspunda intrebarilor privind dezactivarea. any questions concerning disposal.

927 10285 941 A 75

5 Functionare - Operation

76 927 10285 941 A

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

6 Intretinere 6 Maintenance

6.1 Inspectii si intretinere- Generalitati 6.1 Inspection and Maintenance - General

Intrerupatorul de exterior poate functiona corect numai The circuit-breaker can only function reliably if it is cor-
dca este intretinut corect. De aceea scopul inspectiilor rectly maintained. The purpose of inspection and main-
si intretinerii este: tenance therefore is:
- pentru a determina acele parti uzate/epuizate si - to determine to what extent certain parts have worn
pentru a evalua starea lor, and to assess their state,

- pentru a asigura ca parti inca in bune conditii sunt - to ensure that parts still in good condition are kept in
pastrate in aceasta stare, this state,
- pentru a inlocui anumite parti in timp util, - to replace certain parts in good time,
- pentru a asigura protectia la coroziune - to ensure corrosion protection.
Serviciile de inspectii si mentenanta sunt impartite in Inspection and maintenance services are categorized
categorii conform cu activitatile de lucru respective. in line with the work involved and designated accord-

Incalcarea avertismentelor poate avea ca Non-observance of warnings can result in
rezultat moartea, raniri grave si pierderi death, severe personal injury and sub-
ale proprietatii si ale mediului stantial property and environmental dam-
substantiale. age.

6.1.1 Servicii de mentenanta (grafic) 6.1.1 Maintenance Services (Schedule)

Serviciile de inspectii si mentenanta prezentate in The inspection and maintenance services scheduled in
Tabel 12 sunt oferite separat de catre Siemens AG. the Table 12 are each offered separately by Siemens
Intrerupatoarele ce sunt actionate frecvent in mod Circuit-breakers which are operated frequently obvi-
evident sufera de uzuri mari fata de intrerupatoarele ce ously suffer greater wear than circuit-breakers operated
sunt actionate rar. Urmatoarele diferentieri trebuiesc only seldom. The following distinction must be made:

- Uzura mecanica datorata frecarii (cicluri de - Mechanical wear caused by friction (mechanical
actionare mecanica)si operating cycles) and
- Uzura datorata arcului electric prin comutatia - Arc erosion due to the switching of load currents or
curentilor de sarcina si de defect. fault currents.
Rezerva la uzura este calculata astfel ca in cele mai The wear reserve is calculated so that in most cases
multe cazuri inspectiile diverse si serviciile de the various inspection and maintenance services can
mentenanta sa fie realizate la intervale de timp fixe. be performed at fixed intervals. Only if the circuit-break-
Numai daca intrerupatorul este actionat in mod frecvent ers are operated particularly frequently might it be nec-
ar putea fi necesar devansarea perioadelor de service, essary to bring forward the corresponding service,
pentru ca numarul admis de intreruperi mecanice sau because the permissible number of mechanical opera-
la sarcina/ curenti de defect sa nu fie depasiti (vezi tions and/or load or fault switching operations have
sectiunea 5.1.6 Numarul max. de intrerupaeri posibile). already been exceeded (see section 5.1.6 Max. Per-
missible Number of Interruptions).

927 10285 941 A 77

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

6.1.2 Desemnarea personalului 6.1.2 Assignment of Personnel

Serviciile de inspectie si mentenanta pot fi efectuate de The inspection and maintenance service may only be
catre sau sub stricta supraveghere a personalului carried out by or under the supervision of qualified per-
callificat. Acest personal poate fi desemnat de catre sonnel. This personnel can be assigned by the cus-
beneficiar sau biroul Siemens apropiat. tomer or by Siemens AG.
Tel.: +49 30 386 26659 Tel.: +49 30 386 26659

Fax: +49 30 386 27116 Fax: +49 30 386 27116

Daca se cere, personalul beneficiarului poate fi instruit If requested, the customer's personnel can be trained
de catre fabricant. at the manufacturer's works.
Avantajul solicitarii personalului Siemens este aceea ca The advantage of calling in Siemens personnel is that
lucrarile sunt executate in conformitate cu ultimile the work is carried out in accordance with the latest
informatii si experienta cistigata cu un numar mare de information and experience gained with a large number
intrerupatoare de exterior. Aceasta se reduce la un inalt of circuit-breakers. This is then reflected in the circuit-
standard de fiabilitate a intrerupatorului. Mai mult, faptul breaker having a higher reliability standard. Moreover,
ca sunt familiari cu intrerupatorul aceasta permite the fact that they are familiar with the circuit-breaker
personalului Siemens rezolvarea problemei in cel mai also enables Siemens personnel to do the job in less
scurt timp. In acest fel intreruperile de service sunt time. In this way service interruptions are kept to a min-
reduse la minimum. imum.
Desemnarea personalului Siemens inseamna ca si Assignment of Siemens personnel also means that
uneltele si instrumentele de masura etc. pe care nu se tools and measuring instruments etc. that are usually
merita a fi cumparate sa fie inchiriate. not worth buying are provided on a hire basis.
" Kituri de mentenanta" cerute ca parte a intretinerii, ca "Maintenance kits" required as part of maintenance, as
si consumabilele (lichide de curatare, lubrefianti etc., well as consumables (cleaning liquids, lubricants etc.,
vezi sectiunea 4.3 Lichide de curatare, lubrefianti si see section 4.3 Cleaning Liquids, Lubricants and Cor-
agenti de protectie corozivi)sunt deasemenea rosion Protection Agents) are also supplied.

6.1.3 Kituri de mentenanta 6.1.3 Maintenance Kits

Kiturile de mentenanta contin diferite piese de schimb Maintenance kits contain various spare parts in the
in cantitati potrivite pentru service in mod obisnuit. appropriate quantities for the particular service.
Kiturile de mentenanta sunt incluse in costurile de Maintenance kits are supplied and charged for by
service de inspectii si mentenanta de catre Siemens Siemens AG as part of the inspection and maintenance
AG. service.
Nu este recomandabil beneficiarului sa pastreze stocuri It is not advisable for the customer to hold stocks of
de kituri de mentenanta si alte parti, ex. garnituri O- maintenance kits, as some parts, e.g. O-ring seals, are
ring, sunt predispuse imbatrinirii. subject to aging.

6.1.4 Data initiala pentru serviciile de inspectie 6.1.4 Initial Date for Inspection and Mainte-
si mentenanta nance Service
Data initiala pentru graficul de inspctie si mentenanta The starting date for the inspection and maintenance
este cea la care material este amplasat in intrerupator, schedule is that at which the filter material is placed in
care este apoi scos si umplut cu gaz. Aceasta este the circuit-breaker, which is then evacuated and filled
normal anul de fabricatie. with gas. This is normally the year of production.
Data initiala este data de amplasare a materialului The starting date is only related to the insertion of the
filtrant si nu data puenerii in functiune. filter material, not to the date of energization.

Data initiala este inregistrata in scris si numarul de The starting date should be recorded in writing and the
operatii mecanice si la curent de defect etc. monitorizat number of mechanical operations and fault current
pentru a vedea daca inspectiile si intretinerea trebuiesc operations etc. monitored in order to see whether
realizte ca o functie de timp sau de uzura. inspection and maintenance should be carried out as a
function of time or of wear.

78 927 10285 941 A

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

6.1.5 Perturbante 6.1.5 Disturbances

In cazul unui deranjament, va rugam sa va adresati In the event of a disturbance, please request appropri-
celui mai apropiat birou Siemens prin personalul ate Siemens representation of qualified personnel. We
calificat Siemens. Va rugam sa ne descrieti cit mai ask you to state the type and extent of the disturbance
detaliat posibil deranjamentul ce a survenit. Va rugam as accurately as possible. Please name any that are
sa precizati tot ceea ce prezinta urme de semne sau showing signs of damage. To simplify identification,
deteriorari. Pentru a simplifica identificarea, precizati state the designations given in the operating instruc-
denumirea data prin instructiunile de operare tions (designations and part numbers together with the
(denumirea si codul numar impreuna cu numarul de order number of the operating instructions
comanda al instructiunilor de operare 927 10285 941 A, page number, number of the illustra-
927 10285 941 A,numarul paginii, numarul ilustratiei ) tion) and state the serial number of the circuit-breaker
si precizati seria intrerupatorului in cauza. concerned.

6.1.6 Puncte de importanta 6.1.6 Points to be Noted

Elementele de blocare ale oricaror asamblari cu The locking elements of any screwed joints opened for
suruburi deschise pentru inspectie trebuiesc inlocuite. inspection must be replaced.
La fel se aplica si pentru orice garnituri sau etansari The same applies to all seals and gaskets exposed in
expuse procesului. Toate partile deschise ale the process. AII open circuit-breaker parts should be
intrerupatorului trebuiesc a fi acoperite contra covered to prevent the ingress of dirt.

In timpul unei actionari normale nu trebuie sa rezulte During normal operation no switching dust should
praf la comutare. Daca praful este prezent dupa result from switching. If dust is found after repeated
intreruperea repetata a curentilor de scurtcircuit, interruption of high short-circuit currents, proceed as
procedati dupa cum urmeaza: follows:
Orice praf rezultat la comutatie trebuie indepartat Any switching dust should be removed immediately
imediat ce intrerupatorul e deschis si orice when the circuit-breaker is opened and any subassem-
subansamblu a fost indepartat. Cind acest praf este blies have been removed. When this dust is exposed to
expus aerului pentru un timp el va absorbi umezeala si air for some time it will absorb moisture and can then
va fi inlaturat cu dificultate. only be removed with difficulty.
Manusile vor fi purtate! Gloves should be worn!
Inlaturati praful cu o bucata de pinza sau folositi Remove the dust with a piece of cloth or use a vacuum
aspiratorul. Nu–l stirniti daca nu este cazul. Cirpele si cleaner. Do not stir it up unnecessarily. Cloths and
praful provenit din comutatie trebuiesc inlaturate tinind switching dust should be disposed of in keeping with
cont de prevederile privind protejarea mediului. environmental regulations.

927 10285 941 A 79

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

6.2 Reguli de siguranta pentru inspectie si 6.2 Safety Rules for Inspection and Mainte-
menteanta - Generalitati nance Service - General

Pericolul la mentenanta personalului Danger to maintenance personnel can
poate surveni de la result from
- tensiuni accidentale - Voltage
- Mecanismul de actionare cu resoarte - operating mechanisms under spring pres-
armate sure
- presiunea de gaz din polul coloana - gas pressure in the pole columns
- produsle rezultate din descompunerea - SF6-gas and its decomposition products
gazului SF6
- caderi si/sau rasturnari ale componentelor - falling and/or toppling parts and/or moving
si/sau partilor in miscare parts.
Incalcarea avertismentelor poate avea ca Non-observance of warnings can result in
rezultat moartea, raniri grave si pierderi death, severe personal injury and sub-
ale proprietatii si ale mediului stantial property and environmental dam-
substantiale. age.

Pentru a evita accidentele, focul sau arsuri nepermise In order to avoid accidents, fire and impermissible
ale mediului si pentru a asigura functionarea in impact on the environment and in order to assure the
siguranta a celulei utilizatorul trebuie sa asigure ca: functional reliability of the switchgear, the operator
must ensure that:
- O persoana responsabila, daca e necesar sa fie - a responsible person, if necessary authorized to
autorizata pentru supraveghere, este desemnata supervise, is put in charge of performance of main-
pentru realizarea mentenantei tenance
- numai personal calificat si instruit este ales, - only qualified and instructed personnel are
- reglementarile si instructiunile de securittea muncii - the regulations and instructions for safety at work
(ex. utilizarea echipamentului), impreuna cu (e.g. in the use of equipment), together with instruc-
instructiunile de actiune in cazul incendiilor si tions on action to be taken in the event of accidents
accidentelor, sunt disponile oricind si afisate daca e and fire, are available at all times and if necessary
necesar la locul de munca, displayed in the place of work,
- uneltele, echipamentul si aparatajul necesar pentru - the tools, equipment and apparatus required for
securitatea muncii precum si echipamentul de safety at work and the personal protective equip-
protectie necesar pentru anumite scopuri sunt ment required for certain tasks are available,
- doar acele materiale, lubrefianti si echipament - only those materials, lubricants and auxiliary equip-
auxiliar aprobat de fabricant sunt folosite. ment approved by the manufacturer are used.
Regulile de siguranta din aceste instructiuni de operare The safety regulations in these operating instructions
sunt cerinte minime. Ele nu sunt impotriva legilor, are minimum requirements. They do not affect statutory
standardelor, specificatii sau reglementari interne ale laws, standards, specifications or internal regulations of
companiilor legate de lucru. Ele nu pretind a acoperi the company concerned with the work. They do not
toate posibilitatile si trebuiesc a fi in mod evident claim to cover all eventualities and must be expressed
precizate de catre persoana responsbila inainte de concretely by the responsible persons at the latest
inceperea lucrului. In plus fata de reguli interne sau before work actually starts. In addition to company
conditii de lucru specifice, descrierea produsului si internal rules and the specific work conditions, the
instructiuni de utilizare a uneltelor, dispozitivelor, product descriptions and instructions for use of tools,
aparatelor, materialelor, lubrefiantilor si echipamentului devices, apparatus, materials, lubricants and auxiliary
auxiliar trebuiesc luate in considerare. equipment must be taken into account.

80 927 10285 941 A

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

Urmatoarele reglementari privind siguranta ofera o The following safety regulations provide an overview of
imagine generala asupra pericolelor existente si the dangers existing and their sources, and describe
sursele lor si descriu consecintele posibile daca nu the possible consequences if the rules specified are not
sunt aplicate regulile specifice. Sunt precizate mult mai complied with. They are expressed more exactly in the
exact in instructiunile de operare. operating instructions.
Tensiuni accidentale – Socuri electrice si arsuri ca Hazardous voltage - Electric shock and burning as
rezultat al arcului electric sunt posibile daca parti a result of arcing are possible if live parts are
aflate sunt tensiune sunt in apropiere. approached.
Inainte ca mentenanta sa fie facuta, o persoana Before maintenance is to be done, a responsible per-
responsabila din partea utilitatii electrice trebuie, inainte son from the power supply utility must, before work
ca lucrarile sa inceapa: starts:
- Deconectati si izolati - Switch off and isolate
- Impiedicati conectarile nedorite - Prevent unintentional switch-on
- Verificat lipsa tensiunii - Test that equipment is dead
- Puneti la pamint si scurtcircuitati echipamentul - Ground and short-circuit the equipment
- Acoperiti sau ingraditi partile sub tensiune din - Cover or fence off nearby live parts
Trebuie confirmat faptul ca aceste masuri de siguranta It must be confirmed that these safety measures have
au fost insusite. been taken.
Resoartele de inchidere si deschidere trebuiesc The closing and opening springs may be charged.
armate. Daca exista sursa de tensiune operativa, If the control and motor power supply are not
resoartele de inchidere vor fi automat armate dupa switched off, the closing spring will be automati-
o operatie de inchidere. Indicatorul de stare al cally recharged after a closing operation. The
resortului indica numai pozitia arcului de inchidere spring state indicator shows only the position of
– operatii neintentionate de comutare pot conduce the closing spring - unintentional switching opera-
la raniri grave ale personalului. tions can lead to severe personal injury.
Inainte de inceperea lucrului de mentenanta, destindeti Before beginning maintenance work, relax the opening
resoartele de inchidere/deschidere dupa cum urmeaza: and closing springs as follows:
- Intrerupeti sursa de tensiune operativa a motorului - Disconnect motor power supply,
- Deschideti intrerupatorul, daca intrerupatorul este in - open the circuit-breaker, if the circuit-breaker is in
pozitie conectat. the CLOSED position.
- inchideti intrerupatorul si - close the circuit-breaker and
- Redeschideti intrerupatorul - re-open the circuit-breaker.
- intrerupeti tensiunea de comanda - disconnect the control voltage.
Polii coloana sunt sub presiune (see section 3.1.6 The pole columns are under pressure (see section
Mediu de stingere SF6) –Defecte ale partilor din 3.1.6 Arc Quenching Medium SF6) - Damage to the
portelan poate cauza severe raniri ale personalului porcelain parts can result in severe personal injury.
- Inaintea deschiderii camerelor de stingere, asigurati - Before opening interrupter units, ensure pressure
eliberarea presiunii prin intermediul dispozitivelor. relief by means of the facility provided.
- Dupa eliberarea presiunii, gradat si uniform - After relieving the pressure, gradually and uniformly
desurubati suruburile. undo the screw joints.
- Nu permiteti uneltele sau cirligul masinii de ridicat - Do not allow any tools or hoisting gear to knock
sa loveasca parti ale portelanului. against the porcelain parts.
Gazul de SF6 este mai greu ca aerul si poate SF6 is heavier than air and can displace the air
disocia aerul necesar respiratiei – Pericol de required for breathing - Danger of suffocation!

927 10285 941 A 81

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

- Gazul de SF6 este inodor, ne-toxic si de aproape 5 - SF6 is odourless, non-toxic and about five times
ori mai greu decit aerul. Gazul de SF6 conuce la heavier than air. SF6 leads to displacement of oxy-
disocierea oxigenului. Concentratii de SF6 mai mari gen. SF6 concentrations of more than 19 % vol. call
de 19 % vol. necesita masuri speciale de protectie. for special protective measures. Such concentra-
Astfel de situatii pot apare in compartimente de SF6 tions can occur in opened and unventilated SF6
inchise si neaerisite, spatii inguste la nivelul podelei compartments, in confined spaces on the floor of
si incaperi joase (ex. suubsoluri, canale de cablu switchgear installations and in lower-level rooms
etc.) (e.g. basements, cable ducts).
- Hexafluorura de sulf SF6 nu trebuie lasata libera in - Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) must not be let off to the
atmosfera. Pentru intretinere echipamentul de lucru atmosphere. For maintenance work gas servicing
de service trebuie utilizat. equipment should be used.
Specificatii pentru utilizarea gazului de SF6 Specifications for the use of SF6 gas
- IEC 60376 - IEC 60376
- IEC 60480 - IEC 60480
Pentru Germania, urmatoarele se aplica: fisa de For Germany, the following also applies: Accident pre-
prevenire a accidentelor (in legatura cu instalatiile de vention sheet (relating to SF6 installations) issued by
SF6) emise de institutiile de asigurari industriale pentru the statutory industrial accident insurance institution for
accidente din constructii de masini mecanice si precision mechanics and electrical engineering.
Datorita efectului arcului electric, produsi Under effects of arcs, gaseous decomposition
descompusi gazosi si praf de comutatie apar. products and switching dust occur. Decomposition
Produsii descompusi ai gazului SF6 sunt toxici- products of SF6 are toxic. Coming into physical
intrind in contact fizic cu ei sau inhalarea lor pot contact with them or inhaling them can cause irrita-
cauza iritarea pielii, ochilor sau membranelor tion to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes.
mucoasei. Greturi, ameteli sau edeme pot rezulta. Nausea, dizziness and lung oedema can result.
- Aceste substante pot varia prin toxicitate. In - These substances vary in toxicity. In combination
combinatie cu umezeala, praful datorat comutatiei with moisture, switching dust is caustic and forms a
este caustic si formeaza un invelis care se intareste coating that sticks fast.
- Cantitati mici de produsi de descompunere gazosi - Small quantities of gaseous decomposition products
genereaza un semnal de alarma, ex.miros intepator already initiate alarm signals, e.g. pungent disa-
dezagreabil similar cu oua stricate (hidrogen greeable smell similar to rotten eggs (hydrogen sul-
sulfurat), inainte de a fi pericolul de sufocare. phide), before there is danger of suffocation.
- Daca incaperile goale sunt deschise corect dupa - If emptied housings are opened after correct pres-
eliberarea presiunii, exista posibilitatea de contact sure relief, there is the possibility of contact with
cu praf de comutatie. switching dust.
- Nu inhalati sau inghititi praful datorat comuttiei - Do not inhale or swallow switching dust (use dust
(folositi masti de gaze), evitati contactul cu ochii ( masks), avoid contact with the eyes (wear gas-tight
folositi ochelari de protectie etansi) si pielea (folositi goggles) and the skin (use special working clothes).
costume speciale de lucru).
- Daca praful de comutatie ajunge pe piele folositi - If switching dust has got onto the skin nevertheless,
apa din abundnta pentru inlaturare lui. use plenty of water to rinse it off.
- Minuiti filtrele, cirpele sau orice alt material ca praful - Handle filters, rags and other material so that the
extras sa nu iasa din nou. Nu deschideti sacii cu dust extracted does not come off again. Do not open
filtre. Distrugeti cirpele de lucru, sacii de filtrare etc. filter bags. Work clothes, filter bags, rags etc. which
ce au intrat in contact cu acest praf conform have come into contact with such dust, dispose of
reglementarilor locale. according to local regulations.
- Reglementarile locale privind protectia mediului - Local environmental protection regulations must
trebuiesc respectate la dezactivarea gazului de SF6. always be taken into account when SF6 is disposed
In cazuri speciale de dezativare a gazului de SF6 se of. In special cases regarding SF6 disposal, the
poate contacta cel mai apropiat birou Siemens. nearest Siemens office should be contacted.

82 927 10285 941 A

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

- Curatati cu temeinicie fata, gitul, bratele si miinile cu - Thoroughly clean face, neck, arms and hands with
sapun si apa din abundenta inainte de lucru si la soap and plenty of water before breaks and at the
sfirsitul lucrului. end of work.
- Nu mincati, fumati si consumati bauturi in camere ce - Do not eat, drink or smoke in rooms containing
contin compartimente de gaz deschise si nu pastrati opened gas compartments with switching dust, and
alimente in interiorul lor. do not keep any foodstuffs in them.

927 10285 941 A 83

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

6.3 Program de mentenanta 6.3 Maintenance Schedule

Programul de mentenanta ofera o imagine de The maintenance schedule provides an overview of
ansamblu asupra activitatilor efectuate la verificari/ work to be done in the individual checks/inspections. A
inspectii individuale. O descriere detaliata a etapelor de detailed description of the work steps is given in section
lucru este aratata in sectiunea 6.4 Lucrari in 6.4 Work to be Carried Out in Accordance with the
conformitate cu calendarul de mentenanta (intreruptor). Maintenance Schedule (circuit-breaker). In both sec-
In ambele sectiuni, etapele de lucru se refer la aceleasi tions, the work steps are referred to by the same num-
numere. bers.

Pericolul la mentenanta personalului Danger to maintenance personnel can
poate surveni de la result from
- tensiuni accidentale - Voltage
- Mecanismul de actionare cu resoarte - operating mechanisms under spring pres-
armate sure
- presiunea de gaz din polul coloana - gas pressure in the pole columns
- produsle rezultate din descompunerea - SF6-gas and its decomposition products
gazului SF6
- caderi si/sau rasturnari ale componentelor - falling and/or toppling parts and/or moving
si/sau partilor in miscare parts.

Regulile de siguranta listate in sectiunea 6.2 The Safety rules listed in section 6.2 should be fol-
trebuiesc urmate. lowed.
Verificari si servicii de Dotorita intervalelor de timp Datorate uzurii Comentarii
mentenanta Due to time interval Due to wear Remarks
Check and maintenance service
Verificari Dupa 12 ani Dupa 3000 de cicluri de operatii Intrerupatorul trebuie retras din
Checks After 12 years I ≤Inom functiune si trebuie adus in starea
after 3000 operating cycles I ≤Inom izolat. Compartimentul de gaz nu
trebuie sa fie deschis.
Circuit-breaker must be taken out
of service and must be isolated.
Gas compartments need not be
Intretinere Dupa 25 de ani Dupa 6000 de cicluri de operare Intrerupatorul trebuie retras din
Maintenance After 25 years I ≤Inom functiune si trebuie adus in starea
after 6000 operating cycles I ≤Inom izolat. Compartimentul de gaz
este deschis.
Circuit-breaker must be taken out
of service and must be isolated.
Gas compartments are opened.
Verificarea contactelor sistemului Numarul max. de operatii de Intrerupatorul trebuie retras din
Check of contact system comutatie atinse permise (vezi functiune si trebuie adus in starea
sectiunea 5.1.6 “Numarul max. de izolat. Compartimentul de gaz
intrerupaeri posibile” ). este deschis.
Max. Permissible number of Circuit-breaker must be taken out
switching operations reached of service and must be isolated.
(see section 5.1.6 “Max. Permissi- Gas compartments are opened.
ble Number of Interruptions” ).
Tabel 12 Servicii de mentenanta pentru intreruptor Table 12 Maintenance services for circuit-breakers

84 927 10285 941 A

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

6.3.1 Program de mentenanta 6.3.1 Maintenance Schedule

A B Subsectiun Mentenanta de service A B Subsection Maintenance service

X X 6.4.1 Inspectii generale X X 6.4.1 General Inspection
X 6.4.2 Extragerea gazului de SF6 X 6.4.2 Drawing Off the SF6 Gas
X 6.4.3 Verificarea contactelor sistemului X 6.4.3 Check of Contact System
X Verificarea dimensionala a sistemului de X Dimensional Check on the Contact System
X Inlocuirea filtrului X Replace Filter
X 6.4.4 Evacuarea si umplerea cu gaz a X 6.4.4 Evacuating and Filling the Circuit-Breaker
intrerupatorului with Gas
X 6.4.5 Verifcati manometrul de presiune X 6.4.5 Check Gas Pressure Gauge
X X Verificarea functiunii densimetrului X X Check Function of Gas Density Monitor
X Verificati valorile de functionare ale X Check of the Operating Values of the Gas
densimetrului Density Monitor
X 6.4.7 Verificati pierderile intrerupatorului in X 6.4.7 Check for Leaks on Operational Circuit-
funciune Breaker
X X 6.4.8 Verificari ale mecanismului de actionare X X 6.4.8 Checks at Drive Mechanism
X 6.4.9 Siruri de cleme X 6.4.9 Terminal Strip
X X 6.4.10 Rezistente de anticondens X X 6.4.10 Anti-Condensation Heaters
X X Verificari de functionare, circuite de X X Functional Check, Tripping Circuits
X X Verificare functionala la reinchidere X X Functional Check, Reclosing Lock-Out
X X Verificare functionala blocaj SF6 X X Functional Check SF6 Lockout
X X Verificarea functiunilor, releul antipompaj X X Functional Check, Anti-Pumping Device
X X Verificati functionarea optiunii de operare X X Function Check of Enforced Triple-Pole
fortata tripolara Operation Feature
X X 6.4.12 Verificarea functionarii motorului X X 6.4.12 Check of Motor Control
X 6.4.13 Masurarea continutului de gaz de SF6 X 6.4.13 Measuring the SF6 Gas Humidity Content
X 6.4.14 Masurarea continutului de aer din gaz de X 6.4.14 Measuring the SF6 Air Content
X X 6.4.15 Protectie anti-coroziune X X 6.4.15 Anti-Corrosion Protection
Tabel 13 Program de mentenanta Table 13 Maintenance Schedule

A = Verificari A = Checks
B = Mentenanta B = Maintenance

927 10285 941 A 85

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

6.4 Lucrari in conformitate cu calendarul de 6.4 Work to be Carried Out in Accordance

mentenanta (intreruptor) with the Maintenance Schedule (circuit-
Masurile ce constituie sectiunea 6.3 Program de The measures compiled in the section 6.3 Maintenance
mentenanta sunt descrise in detaliu mai jos. Schedule are described in detail below.

6.4.1 Inspectii generale 6.4.1 General Inspection

Inspectiile generale constau in inspectie vizuala a The general inspection covers a visual check of the cir-
intrerupatorului fara a fi necesar a fi demontat. cuit-breaker without it having to be dismantled. The vis-
Verificarile vizuale contin urmatoarele: ual check contents the following checks:
- Verificati presiunea de umplere de gaz de SF6 a - Check the SF6 filling with the circuit-breaker pres-
manometrului, vezi sure gauge, see

- deteriorarea componentelor izolante - contamination of insulating parts

- deteriorari ale corpului portelanului - damage to the porcelain body
- Terminal de impamintare - Earthing terminal
- Numarul ciclurilor de operare - Number of operating cycles Verificati umplerea cu gaz de SF6 cu Check the SF6 Filling with the Circuit-
ajutorul manometrului de presiune Breaker Pressure Gauge
Cind masuram, dependenta de temperatura descrisa in When measuring, the temperature dependence of the
diagrama SF6 curba de umplere si valorile de operare a pressure as shown in the diagram SF6 filling curve and
monitorului de densitate (vezi 3.1.6 Mediu de stingere operating values of density monitor (see 3.1.6 Arc
SF6)trebuiesc tinute cont. Quenching Medium SF6) should be taken into account.
Aceasta inseamna ca, daca e posibil, temperatura This means that, if possible, the mean temperature of
medie a gazului de SF6 in intrerupator trebuie the SF6 gas in the circuit-breaker should be determined
determinata (masuratorile trebuie evitate in timpul (Measurements should be avoided in times of strong
fluctuatiilor mari ale temperaturii ambiante si imediat fluctuations of the ambient temperature and immedi-
dupa incarcarea cu sarcina). ately after high-current loads).

Daca valorile masurate scad sub valoarea de umplere If the measured value falls below the specified SF6 fill-
a curbei de gaz de SF6, corectati umplerea gazului de ing curve, correct the SF6 gas filling (using a gas cylin-
SF6 (folosind un recipient cu gaz sau cu dispozitivel de der or service unit).
Daca masurarea presiunii de gaz de SF6 scade sub If the measured SF6 pressure lies below the filling
curba de presiune dar nu mai mult de 0,30 bar curve by not more than 0.30 bar (permissible gas loss),
(pierdere de gaz admisa), reumpleti cu gaz de SF6. refill with SF6.
Daca valorile masurate sunt mai mult de 0,30 bar mai If the measured value is more than 0.30 bar below the
jos de curba de umplere specificata, se va efectua un filling curve specified, a leak test must be carried out
test de pierdere si pierderea va fi remediata. Apoi se va and the leak must be repaired. Then the filling must be
corecta umplerea la presiune. corrected.
Verificati umiditatea si continutul de aer al gazului de Check humidity and the air content of the SF6-gas that
SF6ce poate ramine in dispozitivul de service (vezi may be left in the service unit (see 6.4.13 Measuring
6.4.13 Masurarea continutului de gaz de SF6). the SF6 Gas Humidity Content).

6.4.2 Extragerea gazului de SF6 6.4.2 Drawing Off the SF6 Gas
Este recomandat sa extrageti gazul de SF6 cu un It is recommended to draw off the SF6-gas with a serv-
dispozitiv de service pentru a fi apoi utilizat aproape ice unit so that it can again be used almost completely
complet. Dispozitivul de service are toate facilitatile for the subsequent filling. The service unit has all the
pentru extragere si umplere a gazului de SF6. facilities for drawing off and filling the SF6-gas.
Starea gazului de SF6 din dispozitivul de service The condition of the SF6-gas in the service unit should
trebuie verificat inainte. be checked in advance.

86 927 10285 941 A

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

6.4.3 Verificarea contactelor sistemului 6.4.3 Check of Contact System

Camera de stingere este descrisa in sectiunea 3.4 The interrupter unit is described in section 3.4 Inter-
Camera de stingere. rupter Unit.

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Pentru verificarea sistemului de contact este For the contact system check it is necessary
necesar sa sunati personalul care asigura to call in Siemens personal.
service-ul Siemens. Verificarea dimensionala a sistemului de Dimensional Check on the Contact Sys-
contact tem
Inspectia sistemului de contact trebuie sa fie realizata The inspection of the contact system has to be made
printr-o verificare dimensionala si vizuala. by a dimensional and a visual check.
Reglati tija de actionare 22.17 (Fig. 45) si baza 22.23 la Adjust pull rod 22.17 (Fig. 45) and base 22.23 to
aceeasi dimensiune, respectiv baza tijei de actionare dimension 0, i.e. the bottom of the pull rod 22.17 must
22.17 trebuie sa fie la acelasi nivel cu limita inferiaora a be aligned with the lower surface of the base.
Distrugerea admisibila a contactelor va fi data de The permissible contact erosion will be given by the
dimensiunea. dimension a.





22.9 Pin 22.9 Pin

22.17 Tija de actionare contact 22.17 Contact tube
22.23 Baza 22.23 Base

Fig. 45 Inspectia contactului purtator Fig. 45 Inspection of contact carrier

927 10285 941 A 87

6 Intretinere - Maintenance Inlocuirea filtrului Replace Filter

Este absolut necesar sa protejati materialul filtrant It is absolutely necessary to protect the filter material
contra umiditatii din atmosfera. Materialul trebie sa nu against atmospheric humidity. The material must there-
fie expus direct pe o durata de mai mult de o ora. Este fore not be directly exposed to the open air for a longer
livrat in cutii inchise. period than 1 hour. It is supplied in closed tins.
Verificti cutiile contra deteriorarii. Material filtrant din Check the closed tins for damage. Filter material from
cutii fisurate nu trebuie utilizat. leaky tins must not be used.

Materialul filtrant se aseaza in partea inferioara a The filter material is accommodated in the corner gear
intrerupatorului (vezi Fig. 3). Indepartati capacul (see Fig. 3). Remove cover 15.16.11 with O-seal ring
15.16.11 si garnitura o-ring (Fig. 47) (4x M10 screws). (Fig. 47) (4x M10 screws). Remove the old filter bag
Inlocuiti vechiul sac filtrant din partea inferioara. from the corner gear. Place a new filter bag in pocket
Asezati un nou sac in buzunarul de sub lamela X din below the horizontal tongue X in the corner gears hous-
camera partii inferioare sau in fata placii 15.16.12. ing or in front of the cover plate 15.16.12. Grease cover
Ungeti capacul 15.16.11 cu inelul de etansare pe 15.16.11 with seal ring at the sealing surfaces (Fig. 46)
suprafata de etansare (Fig. 46) si reinstalati (suruburi and re-install (4x M10 screws).
4x M10).

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Dezactivati filtrele 15.16.3 conform Dispose of old filter bags 15.16.3 in accord-
reglementarilor locale. ance with local regulations.

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Nu instalati noile filtre decit dupa putin timp de Do not fit new filter bags until shortly before
la evacuare (max. o ora). evacuation (max. one hour).




A Ungeti cu Klübersynth A Grease with Klübersynth

1 Ungeti garniturile de etansare cu Klübersynth 1 Grease sealing rings with Klübersynth
15 Cuplaj in unghi 15 Corner gear
15.16.11 Acoperiti cu garnitura rotunda 15.16.11 Cover with O-seal ring

Fig. 46 Tratamentul flanselor de etansare Fig. 46 Treatment of the sealing flanges

88 927 10285 941 A

6 Intretinere - Maintenance





X Lamela X Tongue
15.16.3 Sac de filtrare 15.16.3 Filter bag
15.16.11 Acoperiti cu garnitura rotunda 15.16.11 Cover with O-seal ring
15.16.12 Placa de acoperire 15.16.12 Cover sheet

Fig. 47 Inserarea filtrului Fig. 47 Inserting the filter

6.4.4 Evacuarea si umplerea cu gaz a 6.4.4 Evacuating and Filling the Circuit-Breaker
intrerupatorului with Gas
Intrerupatorul poate fi umplut numai de catre sau sub The circuit-breaker may be filled only by or under the
supravegherea personalului calificat si in conformiate supervision of qualified personnel, and in accordance
cu curba de umplere a gaului SF6 (vezi sub 3.1.6 Mediu with the SF6 filling curve (see under 3.1.6 Arc Quench-
de stingere SF6). ing Medium SF6).

O valva de siguranta cu presiunea A safety valve with a nominal opening
nominala de 8,0 bar este parte a pressure of 8.0 bar must be part of the fill-
dispozitivului de umplere. ing device.
Valva de presiune previne suprapresiunea The safety valve prevents the pressure
din compartiente datorata unei presiuni compartments from being overstressed
inalte neadmise. due to an impermissibly high pressure.

Pentru a umple cu gaz intrerupatorul un dispozitiv de To fill the breaker with gas, a service unit may be used
umplere trebuie utilizat deoarece contine toate since this contains all the necessary facilities.
elementele necesare.
Daca o unitate de service nu este disponibila, o pompa If a service unit is not available, a vacuum pump must
cu vacuum de evacuare trebuie utilizata pentru then be available for evacuating the circuit-breaker
evacuare inainte de umplerea cu gaz de SF6. prior to the SF6 being filled in.
Gazul de SF6 este luat direct din butelie prin dispozitiul The SF6-gas is then taken directly from a gas cylinder
de umplere tip W423. via the SF6 filling device W423.
Umplerea utilizind dispozitivul de service Filling by using a service unit
Conectati dispozitivul de umplere la conexiunea W1 Connect the service unit to the filling flange W1
(Fig. 48). Evacuati presiunea pina la ≤0,02 bar; si apoi (Fig. 48). Evacuate the circuit-breaker to a pressure of
comutati dispozitivul pentru "umplere". Presiunea de ≤0.02 bar; then fill the circuit-breaker with SF6. The
umplere si valorile de raspuns sunt dependente de required filling pressure and operating values depend
temperatura si trebuie luate din diagrama curba de on the temperature and must be taken from the SF6 fill-
umplere cu SF6 si valori detrminate de densimetru, vezi ing curve diagram and the operating values of the den-
3.1 Date tehnice. sity monitor Section3.1 Technical Data.

927 10285 941 A 89

6 Intretinere - Maintenance



W1 Flansa de umplere W1 Filling flange

Fig. 48 Flansa de umplere W1 Fig. 48 Filling flange W1

Umplerea intrerupatorului din butelie de gaz Filling the breaker from the gas cylinder
Siemens ofera un dispozitiv complet de umplere de Siemens offers a complete filling device of type W423
tipul W423 pentru umplerea intrerupatorului cu gaz de for filling the circuit-breaker with SF6 gas from a gas
SF6 din butelia (Fig. 49). cylinder (Fig. 49).


Fig. 49 Dispozitiv de umplere W423 Fig. 49 Gas filling device W423

90 927 10285 941 A

6 Intretinere - Maintenance


1 2


W1 Flansa de umplere W1 Filling flange

1 Recipient cu gaz 1 Gas cylinder
2 Valva de reglare a presiunii 2 Pressure reducer regulating valve
3 Indicator presiune de precizie (-1,0 bar pana la 9,0 bar) 3 Precision pressure gauge (-1.0 bar up to 9.0 bar)
4 Valva de siguranta 4 Safety valve

Fig. 50 Dispozitiv de umplere conectat Fig. 50 Gas filling device connected

Pentru umplere, cuplati conexiunea de service la To fill, couple the service connection of the filling device
dispozitivul de umplere cu busonul de umplere W1 with the filling connection W1 (Fig. 48). Slowly open the
(Fig. 48). Deschideti incet valva de reglare (Fig. 50), regulating valve (Fig. 50) at the pressure reducer with
pentru a preveni aparitia ghetii. Monitorizati procesul de the vent valve closed, to avoid any ice formation at the
umplere la manometrul de precizie 3. fitting. Monitor the filling process at the precision pres-
sure gauge 3.
O grija trebuie avuta ca presiunea de umplere, ce este Care must be taken that the filling pressure, which
dependenta de temperatura, este corecta. Pentru depends on the ambient temperature, is correct. For
umplerea la presiune nominala vezi diagrama 3.1 Date nominal filling pressure see diagram in section 3.1
tehnice. Technical Data.
La o temperatura ambianta alta decit +20°C, valoarea At an ambient temperature other than +20°C, the SF6
presiunii gazului de SF6 trebuie luata din diagrama filling pressure must be taken from the diagram (Fig. 1).
(Fig. 1).
Cind umplerea este completa, desfaceti dispozitivul de When filling is completed, unscrew the filling device
umplere si inchideti flansa W1 (din DILO). Stringeti and close maintenance flange W1 (from Dilo). Tighten
piesa de etansre cu mina (4 Nm). the union nut by hand (4 Nm).

6.4.5 Verifcati manometrul de presiune 6.4.5 Check Gas Pressure Gauge

Diferenta dintre valorile masurate pe manometrul de The difference between the measured values on the
testare in clasa 0.6 si presiunea de operare clasa 1.0 test pressure gauge class 0.6 and the operating pres-
nu trebuie sa fie mai mare decit suma divergentei sure class 1.0 must not be greater than the sum of the
admise dintre cele doua manometre. Aceaasta permissible divergence between the two pressure
inseamna ca un manometru de test in clasa 0.6 cu o gauges. This means that with a test pressure gauge of
gama de la 15,0 bar divergenta dintre manometrul class 0.6 having a range from 15.0 bar the divergence
intrerupatorului in clasa 1.0 nu trebuie sa fie mai mare from the circuit-breaker pressure gauge of class 1.0
decit 0,30 bar. O divergenta mai mar decit 0,30 bar must not be greater than 0.30 bar. A divergence
trebuie notata la manometrul de presiune al greater than 0.30 bar must be noted at the circuit-
intrerupatorului (scris de mina pe banda adeziva). breaker pressure gauge (handwritten on adhesive

927 10285 941 A 91

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

6.4.6 Testarea densimetrului 6.4.6 Testing the Density Monitor Verificarea functiunii densimetrului Check Function of Gas Density Monitor
Desfaceti capul de etansare W2 (compartimetul de gaz Undo sealing cap on test connection W2 (the gas com-
si densimetru este separat de o valva unisens) si partment and density monitor are separated by a non-
verificati contactele densimetrului. return valve) and check whether the density monitor
contacts respond. Verificati valorile de functionare ale Check of the Operating Values of the Gas
densimetrului Density Monitor

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Calibrarea densimetrului pentru semnalizarea The settings of the density monitor for the SF6
SF6 si blocajele genrale SF6nu pot fi signals and the SF6 general lockout cannot be
monitorizate cu dispozitivul W423. Pentru checked by the filling device W423. For this,
aceasta se foloseste dispozitivul W424. use the testing device W424 instead.

Pentru testarea densimetrului B4, se foloseste The test connection W2 is provided for testing the den-
conexiune W2 situata pe peretele din spate al sity monitor B4 (Fig. 51) (connection thread 3/4",
mecanismului de actionare 18. (3/4" filet, Fig. 51). Fig. 51). The density monitor testing device W424 can
Tubul flexibil de SF6 al dispozitivului W424 poate fi be connected to this connection without having to drain
conectat fara a se extrage gaz de SF6 din intrerupator. the SF6 filling in the circuit-breaker.




B4 Monitor de densitate B4 Density monitor

W2 Conexiune de testare W2 Test connection

Fig. 51 Conexiunea de test W2 (vedere cu capacul Fig. 51 Test connection W2 (view with cover of the contact
indicatorului de pozitie inlaturat) position indicator removed)

Pentru verificarea densimetrului, indepartati piulita cu When testing the density monitor, remove the union nut
insertie. Gazul nu poate scapa din intreruptor la and pressure pin from the service connection. Gas can-
deschiderea conexiunii de test. Conexiunea de test W2 not leak from the pole column when the service con-
este acum conectata direct cu densimetrul, astfel incat nection is open, as the ball valve is closed internally
dupa conectarea dispozitivului de umplere W424 due to the pressure pin having been removed. Service
punctele de actionare ale densimetrului pot fi verificate connection W2 is now directly connected to the density
prin reglarea presiunii SF6 la reductorul de presiune monitor, the density monitor switchpoints can be
(section 3.1.6 Mediu de stingere SF6). checked after density monitor testing device W424 has
been connected (section 3.1.6 Arc Quenching Medium

92 927 10285 941 A

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

6.4.7 Verificati pierderile intrerupatorului in 6.4.7 Check for Leaks on Operational Circuit-
funciune Breaker
Presiunea nominala a gazului SF6 se gaseste in tabelul The rated pressure of the SF6-gas can be found in the
3.1.6 Mediu de stingere SF6. Cind umplerea table in the section 3.1.6 Arc Quenching Medium SF6.
intrerupatorului este completa, toate conexiunile se When the filling of the circuit-breaker is completed, all
verifica la pierdere. Aceste pot fi depistate cu un new connections must be checked for leaks. This can
detector de pierderi sau spray detector ex. de la Wobst. occur with a leak-detector or leak-detecting spray e.g.
Daca nu este disponibil, pierderile se pot verifica cu from Wobst. If neither is available, leaks can also be
solutie de sapun. checked using soap solution.
Daca se detecteaza o pierdere If a leak is detected:

Eliberati presiunea de SF6 inainte de a Release the SF6-pressure before working
lucra la suruburile de conectare ale on the screw connections of the gas
camera de stingere. chamber.

Daca o pierdere este depistata, desfaceti legatura si If a leak is discovered, undo the leaking connection and
verificati suprafata de etansare contra deteriorarii sau check the sealing surface for damage or foreign bod-
corpurilor straine. Apoi inlocuiti cu o noua garnitura, ies. Then fit a new seal, remake the connection and
refaceti legatura si repetati testul. repeat the leak test.

6.4.8 Verificari ale mecanismului de actionare 6.4.8 Checks at Drive Mechanism Contact auxiliar Auxiliary Switch

Rulmentii contactelor auxiliare sunt fara mentenanta. The bearings of the auxiliary switch are maintenance-
Angrenajul de cuplare trebuie verificat la uzura si free. The coupling gear must be checked for wear and
deteriorari (Fig. 52). damage (Fig. 52).




18.10 Tijele de cuplareale contactelor aux. 18.10 Coupling rod for auxiliary switch
18.22 Contact auxiliar 18.22 Auxiliary switch

Fig. 52 Contact auxiliar Fig. 52 Auxiliary switch

În cazul în care cablurile sau contactul întrerupătorului Should leads be disconnected from or connected to the
auxiliar este desfăcut sau conectat, atunci arcul de auxiliary switch contact, open the tension spring of the
tensionare al clemei trebuie deschis cu o șurubelniţă tension spring clip using a screwdriver dimensioned 0.6
de 0,6 x 3,5 mm. Pentru aceasta, introduceţi x 3.5 mm. Insert the screwdriver into the release open-
șurubelniţa prin apăsare ușoară în orificiul de ing applying slight pressure until the tension spring is
deblocare, până când se deschide arcul de tensionare. open (Fig. 53).
(Fig. 53).

927 10285 941 A 93

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Dacă se utilizează o șurubelniţă de mărime A screwdriver with deviating dimensions may
greșită, clema poate fi deteriorată. damage the tension spring clip.





SD Șurubelniţă SD Screwdriver
S1 Contact auxiliar S1 Auxiliary switch
12.20 Cablu 12.20 Cable

Fig. 53 Deblocarea clemei Fig. 53 Releasing the tension spring clip Inspectie vizuala a mecanismului de Visual Inspection of the Spring Drive
actionare Mechanism
Inspectie vizuala a amortizoarelor de inchidere/ Visually inspect dampers for closing and opening for
deschidere privind pierderile. Atentie la urmele de ulei any leaks. Look out for reddish oil traces in the vicinity
in vecinatatea legaturii de prindere a amortizotului of the lower damper fastener (Fig. 54).
inferior (Fig. 54).

☞ Nota ☞ Note
Daca gasiti orice urma de ulei in pozitiile If you find any reddish oil traces at the speci-
specificate (Fig. 54), informati reprezentantul fied positions (Fig. 54), inform the Siemens
Siemens si solicitati asistenta unui expert. representative responsible and ask for expert



18.15 Amortizor pentru deschidere 18.15 Damper for opening

18.41 Amortizor pentru inchidere 18.41 Damper for closing

Fig. 54 Verificati amortizoarele Fig. 54 Check the dampers

94 927 10285 941 A

6 Intretinere - Maintenance Verificati bobina de declansare si Check Trip Coil and Latching Blocks
clichetele de blocare
Verificati fixarea ferma a placii de declansare (surub cu Check firm connection of the trip plate (cheese head
cap cilindric crestat M6x40, cuplu de stringere 8±1 Nm) screws M6x40, tightening torque 8±1 Nm) and the
si clichetele de blocare (surub cu cap cilindric crestat latching blocks (cheese head screws M10x70, tighten-
M10x70, cuplu de stringere 40±4 Nm) (Fig. 55). ing torque 40±4 Nm) (Fig. 55).

18.21.4 18.21.1 18.8 / 18.16



A Surub cu cap cilindric crestat M10x70 A Cheese-head screw M10x70

18.8 Bobina de DESCHIDERE 18.8 Trip coil OPEN
18.16 Bobina de INCHIDERE 18.16 Trip coil CLOSE
18.21.1 Pirghie suport 18.21.1 Support lever
18.21.2 Brat reversibil 18.21.2 Reversing lever
18.21.4 Surub hexagonal 4x (M6x40) 18.21.4 Hex. screw 4x (M6x40)

Fig. 55 Clichet de blocare Fig. 55 Latching block

6.4.9 Siruri de cleme 6.4.9 Terminal Strip

Verificati conexiunile terminale la asezare ferma si lipsa Check the terminal connections for firm seating and the
la deteriorari. terminals for damage.

6.4.10 Rezistente de anticondens 6.4.10 Anti-Condensation Heaters

Verificati eficienta elementelor de anti-condens si Check the effectiveness of the anti-condensation heat-
functionarea dispozitivelor de monitorizare daca exista. ing and the function of the existing monitoring device if

6.4.11 Verificari de functionare 6.4.11 Function Checks Verificari de functionare, circuite de Functional Check, Tripping Circuits

Verificati declansarea intrerupatorului pentru toate caile Check the tripping action of the circuit-breaker via all
de declansare. the existing tripping paths. Verificare functionala la blocaj Functional Check Lock-Out Verificare functionala la reinchidere Functional Check, Reclosing Lock-Out

Pe durta procesului de armare a arcului de inchidere, During the process of charging the closing spring, the
utilitatea blocajul la reinchidere se verifica prin effectiveness of the reclosing lock-out must be checked
comanda electrica de INCHIDERE. Bobina de by means of an electrical CLOSE command. The trip-
declansare nu trebuie sa actioneze. ping coil must not operate.
Efectuati acest test la toti polii Perform this check at all poles.

927 10285 941 A 95

6 Intretinere - Maintenance Verificare functionala blocaj SF6 Functional Check SF6 Lockout
La un nivel sub nivelul presiunii de functionare, At a level below the operating pressure, check the sig-
verificati semnalizarea si functionarea blocajelor SF6 nal and the effectiveness of the function lockout SF6
blocaj prin intermediul comenzilor electrice de INCHIS lockout by means of electrical CLOSE and OPEN com-
si DESCHIS pe toate caile de declansare. mands in all tripping paths. The circuit-breaker must not
Intrerupatorul nu trebuie sa functioneze. operate. Verificarea functiunilor, releul antipompaj Functional Check, Anti-Pumping Device
Intrerupatorul in pozitie conectat:(resortul de inchidere Circuit-breaker in closed position: (closing spring ten-
armat) sioned)
- Efectuati comanda de INCHIDERE si tineti butonul - Give electrical CLOSE command and keep button
apasat (mentineti comanda) pressed in (maintained command)

Intrerupatorul trebuie doar sa deconecteze. The circuit-breaker must only switch off. Verificati functionarea optiunii de operare Function Check of Enforced Triple-Pole
fortata tripolara Operation Feature
Inchideti cei trei poli a intreruptorului si deschideti unul Close all three poles of the circuit-breaker and open
dintre ei prin actionarea bobinei de declansare 18.8 one of them by actuating the operating trip 18.8
(Fig. 55).Dupa ce timpul prestabilit la releul de operare (Fig. 55). After the time set on the enforced triple-pole
fortata tripolara s-a scurs, ceilalti doi poli ai intreruptoru- operation relay on the plant side has elapsed, the other
lui trebuie de asemenea sa fie declansati de two circuit-breaker poles must also be tripped by the
contactorul pentru operarea fortata tripolara. Efectuati enforced triple-pole operation contactor. Carry out this
acest test intr-o maniera similara si pentru ceilalti doi test in a similar manner on the other two circuit-breaker
poli ai intreruptorulu poles.

6.4.12 Verificarea functionarii motorului 6.4.12 Check of Motor Control

Verificati daca dupa o comanda de inchdere motorul Check whether after a closing operation the motor is
este activat de contactele limitatoare si daca dupa activated by a limit switch, and, whether after the
procesul de armare resortul de inchidere este charging process of the closing spring the motor is
dezactivat printr-un contact limitator. deactivated via a limit switch.
Efectuati acest test la toti polii Perform this check at all poles.

6.4.13 Masurarea continutului de gaz de SF6 6.4.13 Measuring the SF6 Gas Humidity Content
Inainte de a pune in funtiune intrerupatorul, se va Before putting the breaker into operation, the humidity
verifica umiditatea gaului de SF6. Pentru acesta un of the SF6-gas must be checked. For this a commer-
instrument pentru determinarea puntului de roua cu cially available dew point measuring instrument with °C
scala de °C va fi utilizat. Punctul de roua maxim scale can be used. The maximum permissible dew
admisibil la presiunea de operare corespuzator point temperatures at operating pressure correspond-
umiditatii permise sunt definite mai jos. ing to the permissible humidity are stated below.
Limita critica a umiditatii -5°C (+23°F) Critical humidity limit -5°C (+23°F)
Umiditatea maxima permisa pe -10°C (+14°F) Maximum permissible humidity -10°C (+14°F)
durata probelor de funcionare/in during commissioning/in opera-
functionare tion
Tabel 14 Punctul de roua Table 14 Dew point

Daca punctul de roua este in jurul valoarii de 10°C/ If the measured dew point temperature lies above -
+14°F, atunci gazul de SF6 trebuie sa fie uscat folosing 10°C/+14°F, then the SF6 gas must dried using a serv-
o instalatie de service. ice unit.

96 927 10285 941 A

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

6.4.14 Masurarea continutului de aer din gaz de 6.4.14 Measuring the SF6 Air Content
Cind intrerupatorul a fost umplut cu gaz si urmind When the breaker has been filled with new gas and fol-
instructiunile de mentenanta de lucru, continutul de aer lowing maintenance work, the air content should not be
nu trebuie sa fie mai mult de 5 %, procente din SF6 more than 5 % as measured with the SF6 percentage
masurat fiind cu aparatul de la DILO (D-87727 instrument 3-027 from DILO (D-87727 Babenhausen,
Babenhausen, Federal Republic of Germany). Acest Federal Republic of Germany). This instrument meas-
instrument masoara partea de volum din gaz SF6 (de ures the SF6 volumetric portion (at least 95 %).
cel putin 95 %)

6.4.15 Protectie anti-coroziune 6.4.15 Anti-Corrosion Protection

Verificati deteriorarea stratului de vopsea al Check the paintwork of the circuit-breaker for damage.
intrerupatorului. Partile defecte vor fi decojite, primind Defective parts must be derusted, provided with a prim-
un prin strat de acoperire si lacuite. ing coat and varnished.

6.4.16 Incidente speciale 6.4.16 Special Occurrences

Verificati daca, de la ultima activitate de intretinere, Check whether, since the last instance of maintenance,
incidente de orice natura, ex. conectare/deconectare any special occurrences, e.g. incorrect opening and
corecta a intrerupatorului, pierdere de gaz de SF6-gas closing of the circuit-breaker, loss of SF6-gas etc. have
etc. au fost inregistrate. been documented.

927 10285 941 A 97

6 Intretinere - Maintenance

98 927 10285 941 A

Raport Dare in Exploatare Commissioning Report for the
Intrerupator 3AP Circuit-Breaker 3AP

Generalitati General

Client Numele inspectorului

Customer Name of inspector
Statia Semnatura
Substation Signature
Fider Verificat
Feeder Countersignature
Tip de întrerupător de putere Data
Circuit-breaker type Date

Date tehnice Technical data

Serial number :
Umplere cu gaz SF6 la + 20°C,conform placa identificare bar
SF6- filling pressure at + 20°C, acc. to rating plate bar
Tensiune nominală kV
Rated voltage kV
Curent nominal de alimentare A
Rated normal current A
Curent nominal al circuitului de oprire în caz de scurt-circuit kA
Rated short-circuit breaking current kA
Tensiunea de control nominala V
Rated control voltage V
Tensiunea de semnalizare V
Rated signalling voltage V
Tensiunea nominala (armare motor) V
Rated voltage (circuit-breaker charging motor) V
Curentul nominal(armare motor) A
Rated current (Charging motor of the circuit-breaker) A
Diagrama de circuit nr./Index (intrerupator)
Circuit diagram no./Index (Circuit-breaker)
Numarul de comanda a instructiunii de operare/index
Order number of the operating instruction/index

Numar de conectari Switching duty

Linie electrica aeriana Transformator

Overhead line Transformer
Generator Cablu
Generator Cable
Cupla Condensator
Coupler Capacitor
Bobina de reactanta
 Atentie  Attention
Testul de functionare mecanic trebuie Mechanical test operations must only be
executat avind suficient gaz SF6 : nivelul performed with sufficient SF6 gas filling:
presiunii trebuie sa fie cel putin la nivelul Pressure must at least be at the level of
blocajului general de SF6. general lockout SF6.

Defecte de transport Transport damage

Pole A Pole B Pole C OK

Pole A Pole B Pole C OK
Livrare completa conform cu lista de coletaj
Delivery complete acc. to check list
Verificare vizuala privind defectele (izolator suport/trecre si camera de
Visual check for damages (post insulator/bushing and interrupter unit)
Mecanism de actionare
Operating mechanism
Notificarea defectelor de transport
Transport damage notified
Verificati umplerea gazului de SF6 la transport (numai 3AP1)
Check SF6 transport filling (only 3AP1)

Instalare Installation

In concordanta cu instructiuni de operare din capitolul Instalare
In accordance with operating instructions in chapter Installation

Daca punerea in functiune nu este facuta imediat If commissioning is not performed immediately the
elementele de mai jos trebuiesc verificate: items listed below must be checked:

Pole A Pole B Pole C OK

Pole A Pole B Pole C OK
Circuitul eletric de armare motor este intrerupt in punctul potrivit
Electrical circuit for charging motor is interrupted at a suitable point
Rezistentele anti-condens conectate
Anti-condensation heaters connected
Evacuarea ( .... min, .... mbar) (3AP2, 3AP1 DT)
Evacuation ( .... min, .... mbar) (3AP2, 3AP1 DT)
Data schimbarii filtrelor (3AP1 DT)
Date of charging the filters (3AP1 DT)
Umplere cu gaz de siguranta (SF6 umplere la aprox. 0,30 bar) bar
Protective gas filling (SF6 filling to approx. 0.30 bar) bar

Punere in functiune Commissioning

Pole A Pole B Pole C OK

Pole A Pole B Pole C OK
Verificarea motorului intrerupatorului (vezi diagrama)
Motor circuit-breaker setting checked (see circuit diagram)
MCBs (daca sunt inclusi in livrare): curentul de declansare conform
diagramei ≥ In [A]
MCBs (if included in scope of supply): tripping current in accordance
with circuit diagram ≥ In [A]
Verificarea rezistentelor anti-condens (toate fazele) [A]
Check of the anti-condensation heaters (all phases) [A]
Umplerea cu SF6 la presiune nominla [bar/°C]
SF6-system filled up to rated pressure [bar/°C]
5 manevre INCHIS/DESCHIS de siguranta (de la distanta, distanta de
siguranta 60 m)
5 CLOSED-OPEN safety switching operations (by remote control,
60 m safety distance)

 Atentie  Attention
Motoarele trifazate c.a., se va tine cont de On three phase A.C. motors, the rotary
sensul cimpului magnetic invirtitor la field direction must be taken into account
conectare. when connecting the motor voltage.

Testele de functionare conform cu diagramele Function tests acc. to circuit diagrams


Manevre de INCHIDERE/DESCHIDERE, blocaje, semnalizari, anti-pompaj etc. toate detaliile sunt verificate pe schemele OK
intrerupatorului si schemele de sistem, in particular: OK
OPEN-CLOSE switching operations, lockouts, signals, anti-pumping etc. All details checked against circuit-breaker circuit diagram
and system circuit diagram, in particular:
Closing 1
Closing 1
Closing 2
Closing 2
Opening 1
Opening 1
Opening 2
Opening 2
Opening 3
Opening 3 101
Monitorizarea SF6 Monitoring SF6

Pole A Pole B Pole C Unitate Control

Pole A Pole B Pole C Unit Control
Seria densimetrului -
Density monitor serial number -
Pierdere de gaz SF6 bar/°C
Loss of SF6 bar/°C
1. Blocaj general SF6 bar/°C
1. General lockout SF6 bar/°C
2. Blocaj general SF6 bar/°C
2. General lockout SF6 bar/°C

Semnale (1) Signals (1)

Armare motor: Timp de armare (≤15 s) s
Charging motor: Charging time (≤15 s) s
Demaraj K9 (pornire motor)
K9 picked up (motor starting)
Resort de inchidere dezarmat
Closing spring discharged
1. blocaj la re-inchidere Semnal
1. auto-reclose lockout Signal
Intirziere semnal s
Time delay of signal s
Interblocaj I la re-inchidere
Auto-reclose interlocking I
Interblocaj II la re-inchidere
Auto-reclose interlocking II
2. blocaj la re-inchidere Semnal
2. auto-reclose lockout Signal
Intirziere semnal s
Time delay of signal s
Interblocaj I la re-inchidere
Auto-reclose interlocking I
Interblocaj II la re-inchidere
Auto-reclose interlocking II
Manevra fortata tripolara caracteristica 1 Semnal
Enforced triple-pole operation feature 1 Signal
Intirziere semnal s
Time delay of signal s
Blocaj la inchidere 1
Closing lockout 1
Manevra fortata tripolara caracteristica 1 Semnal
Enforced triple-pole operation feature 2 Signal
Intirziere semnal s
Time delay of signal s
Blocaj la inchidere 2
Closing lockout 2
Dispozitiv antipompaj 1
Anti-pumping device 1
Dispozitiv antipompaj 2
Anti-pumping device 2
Declansare intrerupator
Circuit-breaker tripping
Indicare pozitie intrerupator
Indication of circuit-breaker position
Relee, contactoare din panou de control (pentru testare vezi
diagrama de circuit)
Relays, contactors in local control panel (for testing see system
circuit diagram)
Contor de cicluri de comutare/Contor de comutări
Operating cycles counter/operations counter 103
Semnale (2) Signals (2)

Rezistente anti-condens (semnal declansare MCB F3)
Anti-condensation heaters (MCB trip signal F3)
Monitorizarea curentului
Heating current monitoring functional
Armarea motorului (semnal declansare MCB F1)
Charging motor (MCB trip signal F1)
Contact limitator
Limit switch
Automatic TRIP
Sincronizarea polilor intrerupatorului
Synchronization of the circuit-breaker poles
Monitorizarea timpului de functionare a motorului Semnal
Motor run time monitoring Signal
Intirziere semnal min
Time delay of signal min
Contor de functionare (ore)
Operating hours counter
Priza si iluminat
Socket and lighting
Comutator (local/la distanta)
Switch (remote/local control)
Testele de functionare se executa pina la dulapul de control al
intrerupatorului, dulap local sau din camera de comanda
The stated functional tests were performed up to the control pan-
el in the circuit-breaker control cabinet/local control cabinet or
control room

Teste finale Final checks

Pole A Pole B Pole C Unitate

Pole A Pole B Pole C Unit
Etansietatea gazului SF6 a conectarilor realizate
SF6 leaktightness testing of newly made joints
Umiditatea SF6 (punct de roua) 1) 2) °C
SF6 humidity (dew point)1) 2) °C
continut SF6 2) %
SF6 content 2) %
Umplere finala SF6 bar/°C
Final SF6 filling bar/°C
Data masurarii Data
Date of taking measurements Date
Legaturi ferme la sirul de cleme
Leads firmly connected to main terminal
Număr de comutări contorizate/Număr de cicluri de comutare
contorizate la încheierea lucrărilor
Operations counter/operation cycles counter reading after completion
of work
Repararea vopselei si vopsirea suruburilor noi
Damage to paintwork repaired and newly fitted screws painted

1) 1)
punctul de roua max. admis la punere in functiune = - Maximum permissible dew point during commission-
10°C (+14°F) ing = -10°C (+14°F)
2) 2)
Nu se fac masuratori daca se umple gaz din butelie Measurements not required if gas filled from a new
noua cylinder

Comentarii Remarks


Rugam completati si returnati la: Please complete and return to:

Siemens AG Siemens AG
Nonnendammallee 104 Nonnendammallee 104
D-13629 Berlin D-13629 Berlin
Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany
E-mail: E-mail:
Fax: +49 30 386 27116 Fax: +49 30 386 27116 105
Diagrama de functionare a Function Diagram of Spring Drive
mecanismului cu resoarte Mechanism
Armarea resortului de inchidere
Charging the closing spring
Starea deschis (resort de inchidere armat)
OPEN position (closing spring charged)

15.8.3 Ax 15.8.3 Shaft

15.9 Brat de actionare 15.9 Lever
16 Izolator suport 16 Post insulator
16.9 Tija de operare 16.9 Operating rod
18.1 Motor 18.1 Motor
18.1.1 Armare manuala 18.1.1 Manual winding mechanism
18.2 Angrenajul de armare 18.2 Charging gear
18.3 Avansare pina la clichet (mers liber) 18.3 Advancing pawl (freewheeling)
18.4 Resort de inchidere 18.4 Closing spring
18.6 Disc cama 18.6 Cam disc
18.7 Sistem de pirghii 18.7 Lever
18.8 Bobina de DESCHIDERE 18.8 Trip coil OPEN
18.9 Clichet de deschidere 18.9 Opening latch
18.10 Tija de conectare (pentru resortul de inchidere) 18.10 Connecting rod (for closing spring)
18.11 Resortul de deschidere 18.11 Opening spring
18.14 Pirghia de armare 18.14 Charging shaft
18.15 Amortizor pentru deschidere 18.15 Damper for opening
18.16 Bobina de INCHIDERE 18.16 Trip coil CLOSE
18.17 Clichet de inchidere 18.17 Closing latch
18.19 Cama 18.19 Cam
18.22 Ax de actionare 18.22 Operating shaft
18.24 Pirghie de actionare 18.24 Operating lever
18.27 Tija de conectare (pentru resortul de deschidere) 18.27 Connecting rod (for opening spring)
18.27.1 Bara de transmisie 18.27.1 Driving rod
18.41 Amortizor pentru inchidere 18.41 Damper for closing
18.41.1 Rulment 18.41.1 Roller
22 Camera de stingere 22 Interrupter unit 107

22 18.1.1



15.9 18.19
18.27.1 18.41

18.14 18.22

18.10 18.15

18.4 18.27

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