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Aligning global employees' career development with business needs requires a strategic approach

that considers both individual aspirations and organizational goals. Here's a structured process you
can follow:

 Total Compensation Ratio (TCR): Assess the direct relationship between employee
compensation and company revenue, ensuring alignment with financial goals.
 Cost per Hire: Streamline recruitment processes and optimize resources by tracking the
investment needed to bring in new talent.
 Employee Turnover Rate: Identify potential retention issues and proactively address them
to maintain workforce stability and productivity.
 Total Rewards Satisfaction: Cultivate a positive employee experience by continuously
measuring and improving satisfaction with compensation and benefits offerings.
 Performance-Linked Pay Ratio: Foster a culture of accountability and performance
excellence by linking a significant portion of compensation to individual or team
 Benefits Utilization: Maximize the value of benefits programs by understanding employee
needs and preferences, ensuring they fully utilize available offerings.
 Return on Investment (ROI) of Total Rewards: Optimize resource allocation and justify
investments in compensation and benefits by quantifying the tangible outcomes and value
they bring to the organization.
 Attrition Cost: Mitigate financial losses associated with turnover by identifying root causes
and implementing targeted retention strategies.

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