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INDEX S.No. Date Experiment/ Object Remarks/Sign fofot [2s Gintvo duction +p Contre l a teen -tool box - [5 foi fas, Dek mine Arona me, inveme Vole of given smacks x. anjei {2s Plot Bre fole ZeKo ton fits atfon in scblone few ths Giute cteromuctta Ara tion Ah foi] ea Detamine the trorster frutinl fox qiusn hosed -toof in_block d2agrcom. ay |or fas Determine the State share Sroprtient axton of usa stnomfes function: 2% [orfaa ee Ane tonsa fe ae unas See Sf 2G tten Gnd checw the lontrobatiity nol obseavabt lity U1 [03 / oy |Plot_untk eof [92a Ee ond a Nolo fone Xése Hme crcl beak time Grd beak usrdlpot @ fos Jra moh Dekemine +4. eae 4 gies reas ee Experiment O| name: ae 1 J Exberimert — ol Afen*= Iniwndustien te Contre] Systeen tel box. __| nfiwage usecl®- Matias / OCTAVE (online) Theo °= Contre) syactecn wexs sporeutsten ab geceiton, Poole plot ue. tration s beh aufour 0 tine ach fore quency domain The ues antematniy boat ines ce ol] t Memo Lempenaatei Baeludiey PIR Con MAT inR far tony — + |Pawte Macels= t$t Curat tromsfes Pa? model , Conumt to +4 model. | Tzpk > Cieok, zen pote gata modal SSi__Cyeat State - pore amodil fxd t Cxeatifonsg utetsy usaf Gade ____________ Fick: Cyeat PED Contras Sa pagetlel Poren, _____| “ SD & thot as 2 Create, cbt con? bate optate pave mnpdal » q Teacher's Signature Experiment —2)| Nan: corn a) dxss* Genegat. xandom discret, test srodlit. fit? Sher’ dy Aistneke Af. ty DEP format - Bast Generate Yorclom Lontinucus test mrodsl, ___| Model Tinted connection i feedbak: feedbak (onmestinn v-f cso amodel. | Connect = Bloc Bing « Potenr taomnec tio. £ Ly name S4 tems: Y Sumbus > “Summ, 44 function for nar. barcct tntezen- | Dm eachho: feat Sevier Connecte: mmodah. fporaltel : fonatet lomnection 4 buco modibs. Woudet tebe Conversion i Gents? Coen encjalized state=Sha quamet- Genes atinad matrix tera pnabl fasocnts| pia dd: Generating dh frreg. resp onat~Aate (FRE) model) Cxect PRD Moolet bidatd * Convedt te Stondasd = PLD Cont rtter- f bid Conuset to posattel tor PED Controltas, Tim 2_olemate al, Aratada” = Liuteo 2 Ltr Ttuiew 1 LTE uiewer fow LTE Govt tontinuous— Soe hi yt tego: Gnvarter + ar Lin Pepa fale ase matgin? Gate “maigon, phase x mek tin each Croats oucethy: Plot custo mis ation °— ed. got obtiows *. Retutn @ # lot Options tendle: bine afin tC xeat. tut of bode plot Oftiny. | nevobtions: Cveat, tt of hanker Singular Value blot often. icholicption acer Pu Nichole plat oftiecs. _| Ing ss 7 : ak flat Opifras paobiiens © 0 cot Dist of fole/aav flot mbes. | @ Teocher’s Signature : ay MATLAB Code ~ Az [2454 13652.F 20% tnteving the matn, Ba A) thmakrix® , which is troupose of A> C= favlA) ‘A matrix C , which Sy nue of Ae ected C2 oe jet Exbey iment -O2 + F = = = me smatx?f: ott wage usedi- Matias | OCrave (ori) » + | Tyons Pete ametefag — 4 thee ous anol Loloumn of ete to =fay, a, as | [au Qo) Bay J Qa: an aay | then AT= Bie tx Oar | Again (at) =A - Paverse of a _matrixé- fe ox A SQuUape Matrix A Q@ maki 2 Calted it Enuone fo omcl Snty | yy AB= BA=f + non-Singulas oacl ARSC , then Bente > cap’ = gla? AD. (a'’e = = By dutinivion nis adfA proufoled / A) pO. Q Ma Teacher's Signature : ve A = 2 4 Ss ! ES & a + & B= 2 ) 2 4 3 + a 6 = 1:3333 —|: 0000 0+ 3 304 Or o227 —0+03F70 02222 CODES) 02593 0:09 +) Experiment__O2— Ss oon aaa) Bxarnps) e' — ths glu, matrix ia a=ft a =} =} Proce dime I— t+] LOn§te pee Gitta peg a MATLAB elt Lkndor + a pexati -the b. ace oy babe rl a. e: 5 . Semirplon » 4° eer ak. b. é S:| fow finding treapesed meateix susie 6 6: | foe Bindling fnverse of metwix jurtre C= inviAr- 3+| Same ae sta fone gran» Conedura fon’ — We Pau cokertatect the tveupere col inverse of Gis smakri x - Pre coutinra’ = 2 |Do not Write the fog dé. o- we, + |Retore wnt: Cheol ~ the Syntace od uped Lien tiers, OW Comm onchs: Aidte» doing g ths exhentments ,shut down das tenbubey Q Teacher's Signature : Experiment, (— Page) Exper?ment-03 Atm i= 4ox Plot th. Pole zy0 ton figs atten tm $= blent the Gita fer function » Sptiwasre used im MatTiaB] Ccrayf. Theory == Tixenads fx" = DA fy the walfo q the faplase trroastedn 4 ome to the Lehlace by rem _o° taput (Le tation.) ) as ucnding ai, by Entital inndl to. be zero. 2. Cts) Sy He tren ter fn? 3, System, Gup= CS] = Meplae pronmfore of oft | RO [acon place treaform of fp | Seo maT Wet Coos bens bea + == ~ --- tho- Rus) = Ans ss Poe tae Guy = bn bee SH = tbo aps FOna Sy = ~~ 7 Phe SRO tbe br Us-ay) (84a = 7° C8-an) whe K ts te gain factor: 0 ® Teacher's Signature : Experiment_O% Names Semon of he decades 2) gee the values of 2 e4ts ea Ubute as poles axe th, “Volues of S for who tre arg ok tale be tomes fn Sty. “Re present atten 4 poles nd zereron S plons— 2 4 és) = 3 = (s-D (6-2) The pole zs0 plot of tHe tf ¢ 40 be Shoal on in Hye Pt gsnes Sxomple — tind the pole zeso Plot of y= tL i SPE MATLAB Cote fox Ahnu, 449 Ny = £17 Ds [427 G. = yy L0,,0) pz map ¢ 4) Oudtbut N=) Dz) 2 vs Treaty function G,-~-. At L SFE Gar TES) CSFSD SUst2) CS 44st D @ Teacher's Signature :__ i mee per pe | MATLAB code 2 — =f) 39° [ ++ ! bo = 01 55° F num = Cony CA, fad} Plten = ~*~ num- ga = B, od }q25 C%>2J" qs 01 ¢ 3d" den = lonv 691593)" din = Conv ( din » 439% Toa pel= +f 22p (num, hen) Sys = tt (num, olin) bz m: 43) = t a Prove duse S— 1: | Wrtte L a ° ‘ Seber axte loment od kow by Space or Comm. ulti poe squreie by erksta cherokee tthe to Latins matrix by His sent cales | 2 2 |_4'| Seber ati Statement. bey Sem? tate = 16 | He function Crony? £6 usec for mrt Tie ati'nn a sso polynpertot. | fie funetion if zap? ta temecl fox tocons fed LZ: | fe fee ett, C4? By ted fore trowmdern funttles| —S:|_ Ssaue arel Srtan stat poageraen: @ Teacher's Signature : — | Experiment 0.2 Name: | | | Reawh = S 40 95 14 o Yue) = ee) = Se -3 D es pract at Dove ses \ ba 2: Kes = Sse + tose FT As + psi%2 + Its: d - aA So 4 + L tontinuows tire -trecater px ConClusfon i= We Paue plotted phe pole sto on tae S-hlone ow fiw tronates funtion Pe cautions? no » |Dre dome wert tin: Beck the Syntas a useok duncttan oF Comm onda: 4 Bu experiment, Shutdown Cornpputtes 4n19 9 "reen, TO Teacher's Signature + ad Se 60 at chek of f blo: 6 gout MSG RQ y TL U2 = Oviginat Blog | Equivalat Equation. Mantpulatton pagan: blows doa: 2 combed beds a s[Gpoy [Gee peoy | 17 OGG m cas . a. Combiata, btouy Yl xX =(4)2 inane T, ; 4 Gee POY | Y= Gx Climinatiry forvonel Lop - ; - Cea 4] ya Gu a Mowry apis [IG Ty |, uy: oft poet behind] & ae blow: aw f-Houty a pots “Et ad a) ge Ott point aherd] y J Ablow, Ss Mouty a AQP I —E}P a en Glarus) Summics boiat 14 betrind “tock. | A> pre by | ge dec aR} “gs (GG) 4 Experiment _OF ame: oe Exberviment lo=4 Ala {= ‘Determine the transfer _fonithn few gtuay Closed | opp System, Po blow fag em « [foptware used * = Matias] Sctaue. a ; o ° Fan ond 4 Petov & acho use od | fon she ween £ i 2 System Js Known a4 blo tag rena: Exomtle = ftnd the Eq utvatect dunctfon {pt tosh cace: | TG ee POO Gass S Hast 5 aa ROS Gu aN co) pes) sme = St RS 4 Go Go -— ao 3X) [ F212 | i ma I ort aca) Q Teacher's Signature : “4 RY 1) + 4 \_\ epee OF Ning = z \\ [MATLAB Code — num|= To 2]; [dend= Ct 2 SJ \\\ Pree IL CIS; eno =m a)ae oe, | fnum , den] = serves (num 1, den), rum , den2); wintsys Crum, den). | Enum”, den] = paxaiut (ruml , den| rum, den2)’ sys (num, den). \\ \\ aum3= [0 17, den 32 [1 31° = Sexe (num) den Ai 2! [num , den] = (num ,den,num3, den 3, -1)5 | | twhese blow afegyon Sa aiuen below ~ Gwst , Gwo=t— + Gio st 2 Gg ls OFT SFE St Hig=t , Hels 8 , Hals)=I2 MATLAB Code — — A= Oi) femal OJ | @) Teacher's Signature : ~~ Lett (n,,4) nested dos Et id g2= tt (emsds) m3=0) d3=L! 2) 93° tf (13,d3) n4=0iJ d4=C1 3) 4s dt (04,44) ns= C4 ds= DJ gs tH Cas,ds) nb= C87 ab=f1) Gse #t (ab,ds) nz= Cir] 49201) 3 = H(n3,d3) n blocks = 3 bi tld =s[Lo00 00 iv pe as, 0) a eerc) 01 ro) OT, 53 OO Bod G20. oo tg) (C1 (08 Eperivnt eet OSE grng os cece y aT. | a= C4 re) i | put puck =) + | faa, bby ce, dd J= tonnect Jarbse, oly g, Cnpub, duthut] | Enum, den] = ss att (2a, bh, coda) | (num den). [tabs Loar \ | 1 |Pxocecure— aa lines 2 a) MATLAS 2: fndov + _— (a | fehawak the ehement 5 the tun! 2by Share O8 Commas (| whiktn the Square bWacksti + | feperat the column 4 matrix hy the Semi-wlon. | +4 ot the = Serf — to! ey on Cae RA ee bw. & Combin akfon . Lt] Sau, end Suse ctr frregrom + Resutt '~ MATLAB Commend ustindow - Tromfir tune pion 2s Sra +9 s t1O num) den = Geet tens St 4st 9Istlo a pee eae | | Ste AS*e aS + 398430 Q Teacher's Signature : \1 \\\\\ \\\, Paseo [4 Dae Experiment OF Name: | Concluarba *— cM TM eae sete one eee Nar eC ox 2 Lo. £ Lon + a worn A Po ond acne we witing Py reagerom , check the Syotan od | weed dunce tons ox Commoncl - | Atter doing thu exberiments, hut doy Computes | qQ Teacher's Signature : pos tO pers ce Exbex iment — OS (a) ms) + | Afen = Detesmine the phate sShace Safrusentatton or TE git tyoude, funeton: / Sod tu: so MATLAB) Oc: — hea [ +/eflate Modul of Sis0; A Sigal Babud end single pubput _— System So tonsfler ect a and the n chak Variable {4 Sraguimed Ss een a] ordi, Sym. pw “State model became » Xt) = Axle) +Bute) | gine CxXlt) + Dult) | L | Sy) a (mun) matry nas euatutten mato. | Je matytx fe Known ars Obsreguatip, matrix . Cis & Cixn) matwix XB I D Q_Lonstork €xomple- Obtain te Ghat model for txonafes fonstfo, gghnwe below - I Cusp = SHS | Rey SPAN HI9 5494. m pL Result s~ of tote Space: Sys CL +2843 SZ tN D+ IISTIO AS 1 729° 736 ! ¢ ° ° ! 5 B= | Cs) 2 3 Do) Ap= - ~2g -26 ! o 2 o ! oO B=) as oD Cp= J} 2 3 Dp= od ne Experiment OS (C2) Name [coon maa |i) J ~~ T yatenB code *- num=Lf) 2 33° cd den=f! ' 29 24)' [| sy = +t ¢ den): [a @ cD) = + (num, fon) P= [yoo ojo', ons Mp = foy FP] x A*P (| a, = mv eae = o* Cp= cee | Dp=D | | Pxocedume 2 fi “arte the the MATLAB Progen On editor window + elanent g the x09 by Space px_tamm 2s | eyot the ulin Abe Sequee backs: . epes ao 3: £—wlon. ree by Semiialen (31 doesn't eude) = | Gebes ate. 3 if Fe fe (2ss( Num ; DEN)" Coleutot thi stat | as “fs funtbion (tf! ty used for troujen faction Sauer eral Run ths frrog-rom » fon 1- obt el A 4 ginta stroma fox frribien » =... Exche wiment = (b) [spew fe Poh ~ ou | ond obsSaveability . Leet ¢ Lorry a | _—[ theowys= Gato abt ey fe Stati rt) wot be Contyottable at (pada llusen hey pxish Oo fie cuutce Lontinucus t)p Lt whe ude fue a ait) tow a finite time fntegual (4-%,)30 , the sticker us cabled Controsble - hotpwoie vse [- MATLAB R22 or0b. Obseivability: = Df ory Stat of Conmot be Jt Js cattool [ [- LExomble~ ogtak fe of & System, Oe — [x mz fT FT be [ fs tile] Le? 3] fou] + DoJu. “pe LIT ttl Teacher's Signature = Reautt num= O 8:0000 —Z-o00_ den = ]-0000 —3:0000 Q:d00d Sys = 88-3 Sa 3S F2 Continuous time tronfen function . Fe | 2) aw Q8= 2 23 - 16. re a = p—7 bap tod i= [al ae pe bi 2d tr les [2 3)5 [fee fel, | [num , den] = $s 24 (A,8,¢,0) » “ee ctyb la B)- (__|_p= Obsv Cac) . experiment OS C2) Wome = tt (num ,olen) La [Teed write 941 fods 00 MATLAB edftny usindow » ebavate the Clement 4 the “ow by Space ox le Commas uwlthin the 9 uate bracket: = sfeperate gS tatem ent es Seni ta lon + + | fhe fx” (ss 24¢ (NUM, DEN)’ Cakeulates the State L Share to trou fer feution Conca ters jE CEIESS: ° ute Ushtls oie + t—1 ‘obsy? ee ity matn'x - pit | The fe otf? 2% pane *1SQue sol Yun the fon 9 rn « pata) og tH oO ¢ we Jen p—}}rom atue. state ace gquatte, act chet: Contry pa ond Obses uabi itty. q Teocher’s Signature : LAI pvp Pe set jo sstlg Hg | a4) { } _ . i patie ( ! ra f | p> pes ties \ \ | E . + ze Ss i) 1S _ 0h. Name: experiment CBee nT) Date_| I Experiment ~ 06 ae lot 5 —pient ? ae Preaponss of Gee tronrates atten oad tin hehe time 5 Yuse “3p at ak _Hme arch heal Ouinghoot . Used [— MATLAB) Octare - ten = Cos) = Wn | RW SH PE ons HOY [whe 6 a loping tortor onc 12, 2 nahuat | | dreguaney : 4¢| Delo tte Phe He neguirccl to xeart Soy | giolp bh Knowe 24 Th. > ORE Ta Dn Mae IRC Ae S £ ak 8 take, to near from |d*/ ty Joe of final Value of o) p cs _catted tx: rp T= Anh r— Wd pe Reak time t the Syaten Sita poss | [pest the first ma atom uobue- ——. “Tp & Wa. @ Teacher's Signature :__—_________—— aire (ger) hinted Simulatio, segulty: —e — | experiment O6 - name: ee as Date_| T | | Exompble .- “fh “ | —t ¢__-bronaf.e4 cdurchio., 4, a. yaks. iy -— Gis = CS FSS FEY mi find =, o 2 = eclolay time , afc atme peak tine nck J fea Our, abot udinng MATLAB. \ MATLAB Cod, 2 — UCL eee ee Oe y den = [] 2 47) Salome Alnor oy o Sys)“, grich. oO = Step info Coys) - Pxpceduse = Lovite the Gaus poagzer ON MATLAB edlitoy usndouw - psepaxat. the eloment o¢- wow by Shace ox commas. by Semi — bo lon. 9: sptatemat by Semi lan ‘a I al —l i lL pe | ~ “fhe fe ‘Ste foi? Sa_usect —fox_sjbep Seadoase Int oop syste The da? ‘stebindn? Sa used for time demain values of jtremfer Pine tion. qo Srvab owe ; Teacher's Signature : Pro 9vem- Clea att 5 dose alt) ust (£99, L169): LH dinspace Cus) publ + C3215 grep CA’, fubplot (3,220) impale (HL) See stat), &= 2*t', Y= S* (4%, opubblet (3,213) 5 Output t,= 3 Sr bst9 speriment__O7F * Name: Experiment. Name: ae 1 ExfexPanent— OF aca - A 7 ubjected to ey. Osh Ft ky input Alpha xatus*— MATLAB ult eontrs| Syheon. rl yin Phe time Udenest Snbortonse | = diaiga ond 4 40 Contre} System bec ause fue Re Pnbes Bat time clomofn Systeera « wth 2 j © Dae 2 * | Pxpce dure WWtte i Geom Gn MATLAG eddtoy titrdow. | +1 feb the Of wow by Share Ex commas | Wubthin He sSequme byackoh- cfepasot. ths toloumm od matrix by som? nlon- Sabet ak tatemet by Sem? colons Pre fam sper reysy S ai used for optep Sesboue Blot | fey [pe ocd hun ges foageom —{Coneluatna?= We Passe plotted time Sierbonse of gies system: Q r Teacher's Signature : > $a prime OF = Wome oa | Pxecautions’ - | Pee be wri - 1 orn Can (bag fews—be Saved as $tardarat -forition i a 4 C4 a C4 ie ( heal Mm Mt. SS Q) Teacher's Signature :

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