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Student’s Name: ____________________________Number: ________________

Week 7: Functional classes : subject, object, complement, modifier, apposition


Complete the table with the correct answers (50)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

1. The underlined part in “We will delay the papers, pending arrival of the contract”
can be analyzed as:
a. NP / M / Aval
b. NP / OP / Nal
c. PresPP / M / Ajal
d. PP / M / Ajal
2. The underlined part in “We will delay the papers, pending arrival of the contract”
can be analyzed as:
a. NP / DO / Nal
b. NP / M / Aval
c. NP / M / Ajal
d. NP / OP / Nal
3. The underlined part in “We will delay the papers, pending arrival of the contract”
can be analyzed as:
a. PP / M / Aval
b. PP / M / Ajal
c. PresPP / M / Aval
d. GP / M / Aval
4. The underlined part in “We will delay the papers, pending arrival of the contract”
can be analyzed as:
a. PP / M / Aval
b. NP / M / Ajal
c. PP / M / Ajal
d. NP / OP / Nal
5. The underlined part in “The trainees didn’t consider it part of the job to answer
calls from time-wasters “ can be analyzed as:
a. PP / M / Aval
b. PP / M / Ajal
c. NP / OC / Nal
d. NP / M / Ajal
6. The underlined part in “The trainees didn’t consider it part of the job to answer
calls from time-wasters” can be analyzed as:
a. NP / OC / Ajal
b. NP / DO / Nal
c. NP / M / Aval
d. NP / OC / Nal
7. The underlined part in “The trainees didn’t consider it part of the job to answer
calls from time-wasters” can be analyzed as:
a. InfP / OC / Nal
b. VP / M / Ajal
c. InfP / DO / Nal
d. PP / M / Aval
8. The underlined part in “The trainees didn’t consider it part of the job to answer
calls from time-wasters” can be analyzed as:
a. InfP / P / Val
b. PP / M / Ajal
c. Inf / P / Val
d. PP / M / Aval
9. The underlined part in “He hotly denied the rumor that was then being circulated”
can be analyzed as:
a. NC / OC / Nal
b. NP / SC / Nal
c. NP / DO / Nal
d. NP / CoV / Nal
10. The underlined part in “He hotly denied the rumor that was then being circulated”
“ can be analyzed as:
a. AC / M / Aval
b. NC / CoN / Ajal
c. NC / OC / Nal
d. AC / M / Ajal
11. The underlined part in “He hotly denied the rumor that was then being circulated”
can be analyzed as:
a. AP / M / Ajal
b. Av / M / Aval
c. A / M / Aval
d. AvP / M / Aval
12. The underlined part in “He hotly denied the rumor that was then being circulated ”
can be analyzed as:
a. VP / M / Val
b. NP / SC / Nal
c. AvP / M / Ajal
d. VP / P / Val
13. The underlined part in “He’s coming today in spite of the fact that I told him I
didn’t want him” can be analyzed as:
a. NC / CoV / Nal
b. NP / M / Ajal
c. NC / DO / Nal
d. NP / DO / Nal
14. The underlined part in “He’s coming today in spite of the fact that I told him I
didn’t want him” can be analyzed as:
a. AvC / M / Aval
b. PP / M / Ajal
c. NC / C o V / Nal
d. PP / M / Aval
15. The underlined part in “He’s coming today in spite of the fact that I told him I
didn’t want him” can be analyzed as:
a. AvP / M / Aval
b. NP / DO / Nal
c. Av / M / Aval
d. A / SC / Nal
16. The underlined part in “He’s coming today in spite of the fact that I told him I
didn’t want him” can be analyzed as:
a. PN / DO / Nal
b. PN / IO / Nal

c. PN / CoV / Nal
d. NP / IO / Nal
17. The underlined part in “Whether we are going for a picnic again is a question he
is always asking” can be analyzed as:
a. VP / P / Val
b. NC / S / Nal
c. InfP / M / Nal
d. VP / M / Aval
18. The underlined part in “Whether we are going for a picnic again is a question he
is always asking” can be analyzed as:
a. PP / M / Ajal
b. PP / M / Aval
c. NP / CoV / Nal
d. NP / M / Aval
19. The underlined part in “Whether we are going for a picnic again is a question he
is always asking” can be analyzed as:
a. NP / SC / Nal
b. NC / SC / Nal
c. NP / CoV / Nal
d. NC / M / Aval
20. The underlined part in “Whether we are going for a picnic again is a question he
is always asking” can be analyzed as:.
a. AC / M / Aval
b. NC / M / Ajal
c. NC / CoN / Nal
d. AC / M / Ajal
21. The underlined part in “She declared it in the worst taste that they left nothing for
Mr. Manners “ can be analyzed as:
a. PP / M / Ajal
b. PP / M / Aval
c. PP / IO / Nal
d. NP / DO / Nal
22. The underlined part in “She declared it in the worst taste that they left nothing for
Mr.Manners “ can be analyzed as:
a. NC / OC / Nal
b. NC / DO / Nal
c. NC / CoN / Nal
d. AC / M / Ajal
23. The underlined part in “She declared it in the worst taste that they left nothing for
Mr.Manners “ can be analyzed as:
a. PP / OC / Nal
b. PP / M / Ajal
c. PP / IO / Nal
d. PP / M / Aval
24. The underlined part in “She declared it in the worst taste that they left nothing for
Mr.Manners” can be analyzed as:
a. VP / P / Val
b. VP / M / Aval
c. PP / IO / Nal
d. NP / DO / Nal
25. The underlined part in “A century ago, it seemed unlikely that we would find a
cure for TB” can be analyzed as:
a. AP / SC / Ajal
b. A / SC / Ajal

c. Av / M / Aval
d. AvP / M /Ajal
26. The underlined part in “A century ago, it seemed unlikely that we would find a
cure for TB” can be analyzed as:
a. NP / M / Ajal
b. NP / M / Aval
c. AvP / M / Aval
d. AvP / M /Ajal
27. The underlined part in “A century ago, it seemed unlikely that we would find a
cure for TB” can be analyzed as:
a. AvP / M / Aval
b. NP / M / Aval
c. AvP / M / Ajal
d. NP / M /Ajal
28. The underlined part in “A century ago, it seemed unlikely that we would find a
cure for TB” can be analyzed as:
a. NC / S / Nal
b. NC / CoA / Nal
c. NC / CoA / Ajal
d. AvC / M / Aval
29. The underlined part in “The managing director was largely responsible for the
collapse of the company” can be analyzed as:
a. PP / CoA / Nal
b. PP / M / Ajal
c. PP / M / Aval
d. PP / CoA / Aval
30. The underlined part in “The managing director was largely responsible for the
collapse of the company” can be analyzed as:
a. Av / M / Aval
b. AvP / M / Aval
c. Av / SC / Ajal
d. AvP / SC / Aval
31. The underlined part in “The managing director was largely responsible for the
collapse of the company” can be analyzed as:
a. NP / OP / Nal
b. PP / M / Ajal
c. PP / M / Aval
d. NP / C o A / Nal
32. The underlined part in “The managing director was largely responsible for the
collapse of the company” can be analyzed as:
a. AP / CoV / Ajal
b. AvP / CoV / Ajal
c. AP / SC / Ajal
d. AvP / M / Aval
33. The underlined part in “She appears to be aware of what’s going on” can be
analyzed as:
a. InfP / SC / Ajal
b. AP / SC / Nal
c. InfP / SC/ Nal
d. AP / M / Aval
34. The underlined part in “She appears to be aware of what’s going on” can be
analyzed as:
a. PP / CoA / Ajal
b. PP / CoA / Nal

c. NC / M / Aval
d. NC / SC / Nal
35. The underlined part in “She appears to be aware of what’s going on” can be
analyzed as:
a. NP / OP / Nal
b. NC / OP / Nal
c. NP / SC/ Nal
d. NC / CoA / Nal
36. The underlined part in “Lydia always mocks my attempt to speak French, but at
least I’m willing to try” can be analyzed as:
a. InfP / CoN / Nal
b. InfP / DO / Nal
c. InfP / M / Ajal
d. PP / CoN / Ajal
37. The underlined part in “Lydia always mocks my attempt to speak French, but at
least I’m willing to try” can be analyzed as:
a. NP / DO / Nal
b. NP / CoV / Nal
c. InfP / CoN / Nal
d. PP / CoN / Ajal
38. The underlined part in “Lydia always mocks my attempt to speak French, but at
least I’m willing to try” can be analyzed as:
a. AP / SC / Ajal
b. PresPP / M / Aval
c. AP / SC / Nal
d. VP / P / Val
39. The underlined part in “Lydia always mocks my attempt to speak French, but at
least I’m willing to try” can be analyzed as:
a. InfP / CoA / Nal
b. Inf / CoA / Nal
c. InfP / M / Ajal
d. PP / M / Aval
40. The underlined part in “Lydia always mocks my attempt to speak French, but at
least I’m willing to try” can be analyzed as:
a. Inf / P / Val
b. InfP / DO / Nal
c. Inf / CoN / Nal
d. InfP / M / Ajal
41. The underlined part in “Standing next to Ed made Jane taller than she is” can be
analyzed as:
a. AP / OC / Nal
b. AP / OC / Ajal
c. AC / M / Ajal
d. AvC / M / Aval
42. The underlined part in “Standing next to Ed made Jane taller than she is” can be
analyzed as:
a. GP / S / Nal
b. PresPP / S / Nal
c. VP / P / Val
d. NP / S / Nal
43. The underlined part in “Standing next to Ed made Jane taller than she is” can be
analyzed as:
a. PP / M / Ajal
b. AvP / M / Ajal

c. PP / CoV / Aval
d. PP / M / Aval
44. The underlined part in “Standing next to Ed made Jane taller than she is” can be
analyzed as:
a. AvC / M / Aval
b. AC / M / Ajal
c. PP / M / Aval
d. AvC / CoA / Nal
45. The underlined part in “I wasn’t happy at school until I found I had the ability to
make people laugh” can be analyzed as:
a. InfP/CoN/Ajal
b. InfP / M / Ajal
c. InfP / M / Nal
d. InfP / CoN / Nal
46. The underlined part in “I wasn’t happy at school until I found I had the ability to
make people laugh” can be analyzed as:
a. NC / DO / Nal
b. NP / DO / Nal
c. NP / CoV / Nal
d. NP / CoV / Ajal
47. The underlined part in “I wasn’t happy at school until I found I had the ability to
make people laugh” can be analyzed as:
a. PP / M / Ajal
b. PP / M / Aval
c. NP / CoA / Nal
d. NP / CoN / Nal
48. The underlined part in “I wasn’t happy at school until I found I had the ability to
make people laugh” can be analyzed as:
a. VP / P / Val
b. NP / M / Ajal
c. NC / DO / Nal
d. VP / M / Ajal
49. The underlined part in “According to the manufacturer’s guarantee, I should
return my new camera to the factory in the event that it has something wrong” can be
analyzed as:
a. PP / M / Aval
b. PresPP / M / Aval
c. GP / M / Nal
d. NP / M / Nal
50. The underlined part in “According to the manufacturer’s guarantee, I should
return my new camera to the factory in the event that it has something wrong” can be
analyzed as:
a. Post-det / M / Ajal
b. N / M / Ajal
c. Det / M / Ajal
d. NP / M / Ajal

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