Bilingualism .

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- refers to the coexistence of more than one language system within an individual, as
contrasted to monolingualism. (When we say monolingualism, it is the condition of being
able to speak only a single language whereas, bilingualism…)

- is defined as a speaker's ability to use two languages for communication

(How does someone become bilingual?

People can become bilingual either by acquiring two languages at the same time in
childhood or actively studying and practicing a second language. It’s important to note
that becoming bilingual doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be fluent in both
languages. According to French linguist Ranka Bijeljac-Babić, a working definition of
bilingualism would correspond to the regular and alternating use of at least two languages
by an individual. So, even if you only have a partial command of the second language,
you can still consider yourself bilingual as long as you have the functional ability to
understand, use, communicate and switch between languages depending on the situation
and people you are interacting with. It does not necessarily require full fluency or mastery
in both languages. The most common way people become bilingual is by learning a
second language. When it comes to learning a second language, there are many different
approaches you can take. Some people prefer to take classes or join a course, while
others prefer to learn on their own by reading, watching movies, or listening to music in
the target language. Finding a language buddy can also be a great way to practice
speaking and listening skills.)

Bilingual education

- a term that refers to the teaching of academic content in two languages, in a native and
second language.

- Cambridge uses ‘bilingual education’ to refer to the use of two or more languages as
mediums of instruction for ‘content’ subjects such as Science and History
Say for example, in a Philippine classroom setting, bilingual education can be
implemented by incorporating both Filipino (the national language) and English (the
second language) in teaching various subjects. For instance, in an English class, the
teacher can use a combination of Filipino and English (TagLish) when providing
instructions and discussing and/or explaining grammar rules or sentence structure to the
students or like use of translation techniques. This approach helps students understand
the English concepts while provide support and clarification in their native language. In
addition, the usage of these two languages acknowledges the importance of preserving
and valuing the local language (Filipino) while also equipping students with the necessary
skills to function and interact in a globalized world where English is widely used.

The essence of bilingual education is not simply the process of learning and studying two
languages as subjects; it is the incorporation of the language into the actual teaching
process. Bilingual education means studying your core subjects in two languages.

In an increasingly borderless world, the benefits of speaking more than one language
proficiently are evident. Not just in terms of career prospects, but also personal growth
and wellness. Here are five benefits to why a bilingual education is garnering so much
interest today.

Benefits of bilingual education

1. Increased cognitive development

Studying a language has been shown to keep your mind sharp. It is evidenced that
bilingual students have stronger working memory and more focused attention span.
Improved Memory and Attention: Learning and using multiple languages require students
to manage and switch between language systems. This linguistic juggling enhances
memory and attention skills. For instance, in an English class, students may engage in
vocabulary games or exercises that involve recalling English words and their Filipino
equivalents. This mental effort strengthens memory and attention capacities, enabling
students to retain information more effectively and sustain focus.

Example: table is an English word, and the Filipino equivalent for that word is mesa.

2. Provides an academic advantage

Bilingual education provides an academic advantage. Why? Because it can improve

metalinguistic awareness. Bilingual education exposes students to different language
systems, structures, and rules and with this, students can gain understanding of language
structures, grammar, and vocabulary which can help them enhance their reading
comprehension and writing skills.

3. Increased economic opportunities

In an interconnected and rapidly changing world there is an increased need for a

multilingual workforce and the ability to conduct business in more than one language is
becoming more critical. Bilingual people often hold higher positions and earn better
incomes than their monolingual counterparts in the same industry.

4. Increased awareness in other cultures

5. More options with university pathways

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