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Nowadays, topic is/are becoming an integral part of the rising debate in the present
world. While the proponents of the argument are in favour, the opponents are
completely against the relevance of the topic. In my opinion, (essay topic – keywords)
has/have a more positive impact than negatives around the globe.

To commence with, there are several arguments in favour of my opinion. The most
prominent one is that topic are/is upgrading our living standards both professionally
and socially. According to research conducted by Monash University, more than 75
percent of the population are in favour of topic.

On the other hand, critics may point out that one of the most significant
disadvantages of today's discussion is that nowadays, many young people are
negatively influenced by topic. For instance, a survey conducted in the United States
revealed that 25 percent of the population are not in favour of the topic.

In conclusion, even when there are many demerits associated with the (topic), the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and (topic) is becoming a crucial part of our
lives. Therefore, efficient use of (topic) should be promoted. However, its misuse
should be condemned.

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