Artikel Bhs Iggris

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Disusun untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas pada Matakuliah Bahasa Inggris 2

Dosen Pengampu : Nova Adi Kurniawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Disusun oleh:

Muhammad Tarzan (1209.2022.040.197)

Lokal: Al- Khawarizmi




TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024

My Educational Journey

As a campus student, my educational journey has been a significant part

of shaping my identity and achieving my personal and academic goals.
Over the past few years, I have worked hard to acquire the knowledge,
experiences, and skills necessary to face real-world challenges. This
article will portray my profile as a campus student and a glimpse into my
educational journey.

As a student, one of the most crucial aspects of my life is academic

pursuits. I have chosen a major that aligns with my interests and talents,
which is [name of the major]. In this field of study, I learn about various
concepts, theories, and practices related to the discipline. I continuously
enhance my understanding through active participation in lectures,
seminars, and classroom discussions.

In addition to academic activities, I strive to engage in extracurricular

activities to broaden my horizons and skills. I am actively involved in
campus organizations, such as [name of organization], where I have the
opportunity to develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills.

I also participate in voluntary activities, such as community service

programs, which help me contribute to the community and raise social
awareness. Throughout my college years, I also challenge myself to seek
internship or research opportunities outside the campus. I believe that
practical experiences in the real world are integral components of my
education. During these internships or research projects, I can apply the

knowledge I have gained in the classroom to real-life situations and
acquire new insights and valuable networks.

Furthermore, as a campus student, I also strive to maintain a balance

between academics and social life. I recognize the importance of
maintaining physical and mental well-being, so I allocate time for
exercise, sufficient rest, and nurturing relationships with peers. I believe
that having a well-rounded life can enhance overall productivity and
happiness. Alongside my educational journey,

I continuously strive to achieve short-term and long-term goals. I have

set ambitious academic targets, such as achieving good grades every
semester and participating in research activities. I also have clear career
goals and take necessary steps, such as attending relevant seminars and
workshops, to prepare myself for a competitive job market.

As a campus student, I am committed to maximizing my potential,

exploring new opportunities, and making a positive impact on the world
around me. I embrace the challenges and learning experiences that come
my way, knowing that they contribute to my growth and development as
an individual and a professional. With dedication, perseverance, and a
thirst for knowledge, I am confident that my journey as a campus student
will shape me into a well-rounded and successful individual.

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