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Kevision ueslon
Hed, Bases and Salt
Hns.) 1s achemicakspeaes Hatdonales prolon
Oxhydkogen ions qnd or acceplelecton
opettes op ocidlaxe
O Herd change the coloux op blue litmus papey ored
Acid candkondut elealricitdue tothe presence
p ion s

Hng2) A bose i6.o chemicol speaes L plorade alect

anc ocep prolDn DY xe lease hsyoroxide ion.
opexles op boge re
O Boses chonge ecolour DP ee tmus popexlo
Leyave bitex in toste

Ans3) Ltmus solution can bepepeed bydisbvinq ller

based dyes in nero pH er an DbeeYed te
chance incolouy when chemicol of unknown p
aye ddle d,


ns hen acilanc metalare veadecsaltand

hyeloaen areprocluucecl.
4As)+2HCL Znt2+H.o

vchochlonic accd

ns hen anacie veadwth melalrbonate Tt

pacluce Satcaxban cToxicle anc o e
Na,CO + 2HCI tag) 2 NaClagp +CO%9
Someexam ple_op metal ox+cle ithecid axe
OHyelochlov+c.acid+Saliam Ovide Socdiem Chlov+des

Sphu Acd calktum.oxide calkiuunSulphate t aade

Ntc ac+dt cogpey oxiclecoppey nitle t adex
Anss) Ohenan aciclreacortha base,thena
nuehaTslronreacl+ontake s place and salt
and o e r are foYmec.

Ansay hen ac eaci othmdal hycdogen carbonale

Laxbondioxicle aas, salfanc oatey ave EoXmed

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