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Module-1 Section 1: Admission Day (senior staff /Academic Head)
( Conference Hall )
Technical Test : Entry Level 3
Course Introduction/Structure Introduction

Module-2 Section 2: Second Day :- Introduction day ( by senior staff /Academic Head )
( Conference Hall )
Introduction to Automation 3
Brief explanation about Automation
Scope of automation, automation tools
Basics of wiring
PLC Introduction
Features, Architecture, classification -scan cycle ,languages ,Ladder Logic

Module-2 Basics Theory

Basic Electrical 6 1
Concept of switches, Lights and switching
Basic gates
Stair case wiring
Switching of single output using relay
XOR gate using double pole and then using single pole relay
Basic Electronics 6 1
What is electronics?
Basic electronic rules
Passive components
Active components
Color code
Capacitor coding
Familiarization of components
Digital Electronics 3 1
Introduction digital circuit
Binary operations
Logic gates
Universal gates
Logging gates using universal gates
Adder using gates
Subtractor using gates
555 timer
Basic lab 20 1
Soldering practices
Staircase wiring
Simple electrical component selection, wiring (House Wiring)
Different Logic Gates using ICs
Timer Problems
Tool Usage Multimeter, Megger, loop calibrator, hart calibrator etc.
Basic tools Handling - Drilling Machine, Cutter, pliers, Wire Stripper etc
3 15 1
Module-3 Industrial Electrical systems
SPP,OLR,AMF relays,
Ferrules,Glands,cable trays,Panels

CAD Drawing 3 15 1
Identification of Symbols’ on Electrical system
CAD Basics Introduction, Drawing pratices
Single Line Drawings
Panel Drawing, GA (VFD Panels, Training Panels,PLC Panel..etc with Actual dimensions’)
Wiring Drawing with Ferrule Numbers (Different panels)
BOQ Prepration
Wiring Pratices for (DOL, star delta, Auto man, main/Standby,
Timers, counters, MC Panels, power Panels etc..)
Single Line drawing Concept
Hand Drawing practice of Single line Drawing for
(DOL, star delta, Auto man, main/Standby , MC Panels, power panelsetc..)
VFD 3 12 1
Basic programming parameters and local control
2 wire control
Preset frequency using digital input
Display parameters
3 wire control
Jogging using digital input
Skip frequency, start at power up
Remote speed control using analog input
Relay operation, automatic stopping of the motor when
the frequency exceeds a predefined limit
Answer VFD Q paper
VFD Panel Drawing using Cad Depends on Requirements
VFD panels with manual operations
Module-4 Industrial Process & Instrumentation systems 6 6 1
Technical Terms Used In Instrumentation
Different Types of Sensors/Application/Classification/Selection/calibration
Position(Limit Switches,Proximity,IR)
Strain gauges
Analog/Digital Sensors
Final Control Elements (Solenoid Valve, Control Valve, Motor Actuators, Solenoids, Manual Valves Etc)
What is Meant By Process & Instrumentation
Terms in PI/Process control Strategies
Different Types Of Controllers- ON/OFF, Proportional, Derivative, Integral And PID Control.
Intrinsic Safety/Ingress protection Standards
P&I Drawing, signal Flow Chart

Module-5 Industrial Automation Systems 3 51 1

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)

Architecture Of PLC- Different Modules, Power Supply Unit Etc
Need Of PLC In Designing.
Analog Addressing, Continuos Process Monitoring And Control.
PLC Programming Of PLCs.
NO/ NC Concept.
Data File Handling- Forcing I/O.
Wiring And Fault Correction.
Use of Different Instructions
Programming Practices.
PLC Wiring

DOL starter different methods (NO,NC Elements)

Alarm System problem done in panel wiring
Sinking and sourcing connections
Car Parking using Sensors
Car parking field problem. AQ 4 Q No 17
Different Sensor Interfacing
Turning AC Contactor using 24V Relay (DOL)
AMF Panel Design with CP wiring
VFD control using PLC (2C,3C),Modbus

Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA). 1 30 1

SCADA Packages
Role Of SCADA In Industrial Automation
SCADA System Configuration, RTU, Communication Protocols.
Script Programming.
Real Time And Historical Trend.
Configuring Alarms.
Real Time Project Development With PLC Interfacing.
Communication With Other Software.
Recipe Management.
Accessing Different Security Levels.
Report Generation Of Current Plant.

Human Machine Interface 3 8 1

Different Types Of Operator Interfaces, Textual, Graphical
Wiring Practice Of HMI
Data Handling With HMI
Configuration And Interfacing To PLC And PC
Communication Standards, Ethernet, RS232, RS485,etc.

Industrial Protocls 3 3

Industrial Pneumatics/Hydraulic Systems 2 1

PLC Panel Drawing using Cad Depends on Requirements

Detailed BOM preparation Depends on Customer Requirements
PLC ,SCADA,HMI,VFD-Interfacing Projects, BOM,Drawing Preprations

Module-6 Project Execution planning-theory 9 1

Projects Documentation 6
Basic safety in Sites 6 1
English communication 6
Basic interview skill training. 6
Industrial Live Project

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