Food Advisory

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Food Advisory


Two small paper cutouts of a boy and a girl are placed on a REAL
BENCH in a sitting position. They both have a cartoon-ish and cute
design. They are blushing, both holding each other’s hands. The
girl’s t-shirt is labeled “LITTLE POLLY”
And the boy’s shirt labeled “MANNY”.

They are both silent, avoiding from making any eye contact, sharing
their moment of innocent love like those young couples in rom-com

At a little distance, there is a paper cut-out CARTOON CHICKEN

staring at them with no emotions, or maybe it is curious of human
nature.(cant decipher what’s in a chicken’s mind).

This entire, weird but wholesome scene lasts for a few seconds.

Suddenly, like a jump-scare the girl’s head and mouth gets bigger and
she bites out the boy’s head with her pointy teeth.
She swallows the boy’s head as a whole.

CHICKEN is in a complete shock. It looks more realistic now. The

REALISTIC LOOKING CHICKEN looks flabbergasted.

Girl’s face is back to her cute form.

Her face becomes a little pale. And her stomach growls with pain. She
looks like she’s constipated.


A health channel for kids is ON. A statement is written with a

picture of green vegetables and a commercial music is playing for
the background.
The TV announcer appears and reads:

“Eating clean, washed food reduces the risk of ingesting harmful
bacteria, pesticides, and residues that can cause illnesses. So next
time you don’t want a stomach ache, listen to your mom and eat

CAMERA slowly ZOOMS OUT from the TV screen.


We get a complete view of the dining room. It has a classy look—a

nice fridge and a black concrete slab attached to the side of the
wall. Radio playing a classic melody and an “inverted U"-shaped
window with a small vase with a flower on its sill. Outside, one can
see the beautiful full moon.

A woman is sitting on the dining table. Napkins, casserole, spoons,

and forks were placed. Two plates are placed: one filled and one
empty. The filled one has a meat dish, naan bread, rice, and some
pickles with it.
Resting her palm on her jaw, she is staring at the wall clock,
waiting for someone.

The food will get cold…

The sink hole is jammed and is filled with dark-orange water. It has
a layer of oil and few tiny left pieces of meat flowing in it.

The water is SLOWLY flowing down the hole, making the unusual pattern.

The CAMERA tracks the floor to the dustbin, which is kept in the
corner of the wall.

CAMERA stops, now focusing on the empty thrown packet labeled “POLLY


KIND of like this. Obviously NOT these character designs, you kind of get the idea.

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